Following Through

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In last week’s Dream Status Report (the ones I post here every Friday) the message I got from my dream was… to bring a MAJESTIC quality to my work with my dream.

This felt amazing in the meditation.

And I don’t know how to translate this into anything outside of the meditation.

This happens sometimes with these alchemy meditations! It doesn’t mean something is wrong, it’s just a thing to explore.

When I think majesty I think royalty and this is not something I have positive associations with.

But I know my dream is not about that - ruling over people and amassing wealth for yourself.

It means majesty as in…. well it’s a feeling, I can’t describe it. And that’s a part of the problem…

I just looked up the definition. Removing all definitions associated with royalty we have:

impressive stateliness, dignity, or beauty. "experience the majesty of the Rockies"


That strikes a chord about VALUING myself and my work.

I talk a lot about the vulnerability of pursing a dream.

What about the DIGNITY of it?

This is good stuff to bring into my practice.

Come dream with us


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Following Through


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