FAQ: I’d LOVE to do Creative Journaling, but I don’t know how to get started?!

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals? post.? Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing.

I’d LOVE to do Creative Journaling, but I don’t know how to get started?!

creative journaling course

I get asked this all the time!

And really, all you need to do is grab your journal and a pen and do it.

But it’s not that simple, is it?

Getting started is really a lot less about getting started and a lot more about navigating your internal resistance to change.

A Fabulous “Getting Started” Resource:

Why It’s So Hard To Get Started And What To Do About It

from my Creative Dream TV Video Series

The easiest way to get going is to recognize that it’s hard to get going.

That seems counter-intuitive, but until you acknowledge that it’s hard to get started, all you’re doing is living in your excuses about why you’re not getting started.? I’m too busy, I’m too tired, I don’t know how, I don’t have the right journal, I tried once but it didn’t work…

(This is true for creative journaling and it’s true for your dreams.)

Once you acknowledge that you’re not getting started because it’s scary, because you might fail, because you might learn things about yourself that are uncomfortable… then it comes down to deciding to do it anyway.

If you’re still reading this, you’re ready to do it anyway.? So let’s do this:

  1. Get a journal.? If you don’t already have one, go get one.? It can be a simple notebook from the dollar store or an art store sketchbook or a fancy moleskine – does not matter.? Just get it TODAY.
  2. Get a pen.? Or glitter markers or other art supplies if that’s how you want to play.
  3. Pick any video you want from the 30 Days of Creative Journals Videos on this page.? Play along with whatever I’m doing.? If you don’t know which one to pick – pick Day 30: Hello Dream.

If you catch yourself falling back into your excuses…? I’m too busy, I’m too tired, I don’t know how, I don’t have the right journal, I tried once but it didn’t work… STOP.? Give yourself a hug.? Starting something new is hard!? Watch this.? Be gentle.? And keep trying.

You’ll be Creative Dream Journaling in no time.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
