Enthusiasm Activates your Superpowers

The Declaration of You will be published by North Light Craft Books this summer, with readers getting all the permission they’ve craved to step passionately into their lives, discover how they and their gifts are unique and uncover what they are meant to do! This post is part of The Declaration of You’s BlogLovin’ Tour, which I’m thrilled to participate in alongside over 100 other creative bloggers. Learn more — and join us! –?by clicking here.

There are many qualities that activate your Creative Superpowers (AKA your Infinite Creative Potential and Ability to Make Your Dreams Real) like Love, Desire, Stillness, Passion and Trust.

But Enthusiasm is my personal favourite, because it’s the most fun.? And I like fun.

Enthusiasm is magic because it harnesses the power of both Love and Passion, and then turns them into something slightly more adorable.

Don’t judge what you feel enthusiastic about!

Please, revel in the nerdiness of enthusing about what you are truly enthusiastic about.? Coolness only cools down enthusiasm, dulls your superpowers and points you in the direction of “fitting in” instead “being a totally freaking amazing Creative Genius”.

It does not matter what you are enthusiastic about, it only matters that you are enthusiastic about something.?

It wakes you up inside.? And it points you towards your dreams.

Yes – being enthusiastic about having another cup of coffee will point you towards you dreams, which will point you towards your Soul Purpose.? Change your life without giving up anything you love!

Feel into your enthusiasm.? Give it some space.

Notice where it shows up in your body.? For me it feels like glitter bubbles bubbling in my heart.

Notice how it feels to let it get as big as it wants.? For me, as I focus on them, the bubbles get bigger and then explode into tiny rainbows that fill my whole body and expand out into my energy field.

Imagine what it would be like to let enthusiasm lead you through your day.? To leap joyfully from that second cup of coffee to a walk in the park and oh! yes! let’s stop and smell the ALL OF THE roses…

To full on enjoy and celebrate every single thing about being alive.? I mean, really – life is a miracle.? You are a miracle, living in another miracle.??If the fact that you are alive is not something to get excited about, what is?

And then… there it is.


A Brilliant Idea That Changes Everything.

Because Enthusiasm activates your Creative Superpowers, it’s always going to lead you towards something amazing.

So tell me in the comments: what are you enthusiastic about today?

I’m enthusiastic about: sunshine hitting the crystals in the Dream Loft, sending rainbows flying everywhere, the new project I’ve been working on and (eeeeeiiiiiiii!) how close I am to finishing it, drawing, sewing, cloud-watching.

Let’s get out there and enjoy the heck out of all the amazing stuff there is in this world!


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