Election Stress

Creative Dream Q+A time! If you have questions to add to this series, let me know! If you prefer to watch/listen I'll post a video of this on Instagram and Facebook today.


I’m Canadian, I am not in the US but election stress is coming up a lot on my group calls.

And a lot of countries are politically stressful right now. The state of the world is brutal and this stress impacts us and we need recognize that and take care of ourselves accordingly...

AND we have to hold onto our ability to hope for a better future.

If we can’t see a better future, we can’t participate in creating it.

Creative Dreaming is a practice, a skill, a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it. This is the time!!

And I know it’s hard.

But it’s actually our only option.

We have to find whatever little ways we can to hold onto the light, to hold onto a sense that there is a future worth working for.

Adjusting to some new medication, I am in the heaviest depression I have ever experienced. And this morning I had headphones on and I’m listening to A Beautiful Chorus to try to fill my brain with something optimistic and beautiful, and my cat was watching me and he looked like he was ready to play, so I started dancing.

At first it felt ridiculous, like here I am just feeling so heavy and depressed, dancing in this really exaggerated way to entertain my cat, but a few minutes in, I started to actually feel good. My cat is running around the room, just loving this and I’m dancing wildly and at the end of the song I stop, out of breath, and I could feel my blood pumping, I could feel ALIVE.

That’s why I go for bike rides too. I’m not feeling all that alive unless I intentionally create that sensation for myself.

Creative Dreaming is a practice. Being optimistic about the future is a practice.

It’s really hard right now and it’s more important than ever that we keep practicing. 

And when it comes to politics, we need to practice TOGETHER. Democracy needs the participation of the people in order to survive. Voting is not participating, voting is bare minimum.

Using some of your time, energy, money towards creating the future you want to see can help with the stress. Doing what you can to change things always feels better than just sitting there waiting for disaster to strike.

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