Dream Work GROUNDS Inner Work

Triangle Dream Compass
The compass of Creative Dream Alchemy which helps you figure out your next steps. Creative Dream Alchemy is the art + magic of using what you have to create what you want.

Actually, Outer Work grounds Inner Work too...

But: Dream Work will help you ground all of this Inner Work was the message I got last week.

Each of the works - Dream Work, Inner Work, Outer Work, support each other. (Check out the Creative Dream Alchemy class for more on this)

And when you’re doing a lot of one of them, it’s good to think about how the others may help you, too.

Since I have so much Inner Work coming at me, spending more time with Dream Work is helping me GROUND the changes I am making with Inner Work.

For me, right now, trying to do more Outer Work to ground the Inner Work would only make me more overwhelmed. But sometimes doing more Outer Work is the thing you need to ground those inner changes.

What do you need?

Think about what's been happening for you with your creative dreams lately...

Do you have lots of inspiration and clarity? Are you feeling really in alignment with yourself, and the version of you you are growing into? (Dream Work)

Do you feel stuck? Are a lot of fears and doubts coming up? Or a sense of heaviness or fogginess? (Inner Work)

Are you getting stuff done? Making measurable progress? (Outer Work)

Whichever one you are most focused on right now - look at the other two.

Could doing more of those help you with the one you're more focused on?

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Dream Work | Inner Work | Outer Work

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Dream Work GROUNDS Inner Work


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