Creative Emergence Day 24: The “Hello Day” Practice

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Today I’m borrowing a lesson from my Free Art Journal Class on my “hello day” journaling practice.

(I mention the Creative Genius Planning Sessions in this video – I’ll be sharing more on that in a few days)

This is another way of using your journaling practice to ground yourself in your intentions for how you want to live.

What I really love about looking back on these old videos is how I was setting things up then to be as easy/do-able as possible for my most afraid self… and how that has helped me be less afraid.

So these days I don’t think about that so much in how I set up my practice.

Having a few more years of a daily intentional creative journaling practice under my belt, my foundation is stronger now and keeps getting stronger still.

So these days I build my practices to support me in shining as bright as possible – which is the intention behind Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance, the advanced journaling program we’re doing this year in the Creative Dream Circle.

Some ideas for how to create your Hello Day practice:

This can be as simple as asking one question every day or as complicated as you want it to be.? Some ideas for prompts:

Today I need:

Today I am activating the Creative Superpower of:

List the qualities that are important for the day.

Write out a Creative Dream Mantra for the day.

Use the Journaling Cards for Magic + Insight.

Today your homework is Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style.

Experiment with “Hello Day” to see how you might like this journaling practice.? Or meet with the heart and soul of your intention in your journal, using the same technique you’ve been using in this course all along, and find out what it needs today.

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics + thoughts on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. Circle members can share in our private Creative Emergence forum.

I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)

REMEMBER: Our last live call is coming soon – September 30! I hope you can be there. If you need some support with any of this – this is where to get it! I’ll answer questions, do coaching and talk about whatever you want to talk about.


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work – if you don’t remember your password just click “forgot password” and it will be sent to you, just make sure to use the email address you used when you joined the Circle.


See you back here tomorrow for day 25 of Creative Emergence.



Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
