Creative Dreaming in hard times

The last year + has been really difficult for me and lots of times I thought... I should stop posting here. Like - get my shit together ALONE SOMEWHERE... THEN come out and share.

But my whole thing with the Creative Dream Incubator is to share ways to work with our dreams... TO GUIDE US. Because our dreams are a way that our souls show us our path.

So why would we stop receiving that guidance in the times when we need it the most?

It's our fucked up culture that says that creative dreaming is for when you feel strong, bold, sure and creative.

Creative dreaming is for everyone. All the time.

You don't have to be strong or feel capable or have your life going exactly right so that you have all the time, space and support you need.

AND my whole thing with the Creative Dream Incubator is to share the whole thing AND to say... we are stronger together. We can do this together.

So, hiding away when I feel stuck and then coming out to share my victories has never felt right to me.

AND sometimes it just feels awkward AF to keep sharing as I go in circles.

I just wanted to acknowledge that.

If you're creative dreaming in hard times - here is the "Things are bad!" section of the map with some thoughts, tools and approaches to try.

I do feel strong and capable right now. I also want to acknowledge that.

It's so complicated to be in a body sometimes! But I feel like I'm adjusted to the hormone replacement therapy, I have new supplements and I'm getting shiatsu massages which feel like they massage my SOUL along with my body and with all of this going on I FEEL GOOD.

I am working on two things:

Goodbye 2024 Hello 2025: Guided journal, Goodbye 2024 Releasing Ceremony (Dec 13) + Hello 2025 Blessing Ceremony (Jan 17). All three are happening in the membership, but you can also get the journal on its own. (More details next week) (Call times are at 1:00 Central, North America)

Creating a right-fit transformative/healing year-long creative/spiritual project: Maybe that's the title, maybe I will find an easier title as I work with it 🤣 but I am doing a year-long project with HOPE for 2025 and as I sort through HOW I want to do this, I am creating a workbook to share the process.

It will be VERY customizable - if a year isn't the right-fit time for you, you just change that. 30 days, 100 days, a season - whatever time frame works for you is perfect. The goal is to set it up in such a way that it supports you in getting what you want from your project.

My project for 2025 will be the YEAR OF HOPE. And I'll be sharing that regularly on my blog - I feel like practicing hope can teach us all a lot right now.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.
