The holiday season can easily trigger Creative Dream Resentment: That feeling you get when there is something you want to be doing, but you can't do it.
I want to rest, but I am going to a different holiday party every night!
I want to work on my art, but I had to clean up my studio and use it as a guest room for visiting family.
And so on...
The thing is, most people do LIKE the holidays. We enjoy the parties and want the visiting family to be here.
We also want to do the things we want to do.
Our Creative Dreams aren't just "wants" they are deep and important soul-level needs.
Our Creative Dreams touch such deep places in us that they can trigger really big feelings.
And those big feelings can feel startling and uncomfortable and unwelcome - especially during the holidays when we're all supposed to be jolly.
If you are feeling some of this:
Hand on heart. Take 5 deep breaths.While you do that, think about how ALL of your feelings are perfectly and completely valid. Even the ones that conflict with each other. Even the ones that you are judging. They're all valid.
Notice the shape and texture of your resentment and where it lands in your body. Notice how nuanced and layered it is.
Normally I feel we shouldn't rush this work or try to move it to any particular outcome, but because it's the holidays and no one has time for long and honest emotional processes: look specifically for the LOVE and ENTHUSIASM that you have for your Creative Dreams.
Resentment has a lot of different feelings in it, but LOVE and ENTHUSIASM are usually in there too. The LOVE and ENTHUSIASM that you have for your Creative Dream that is being hampered by other things is usually at the root of Creative Dream Resentment.
Focus on the LOVE and ENTHUSIASM that you have for your Creative Dreams.
APPRECIATE the LOVE and ENTHUSIASM that you feel for your Creative Dreams!
And promise yourself you'll make space for these important soul-level NEEDS of yours, soon. Just not today.
Or - cancel Christmas and go do your dreams!
Or - something else. Usually resentment is a call for boundaries, but you may not have time to delve into that work today.
How can you bring your LOVE and ENTHUSIASM for your Creative Dreams into your holiday celebrations? What is the easiest way to do this RIGHT NOW?