Creating New Routines

I do switch up my routines somewhat when the seasons change. But right now, the weather is getting cooler AND I'm in this huge season of personal change with the separation from my husband and my step-son in the hospital.

I've been quieting my mind and letting my body guide me through this more than I usually do. As a result, I can't drink coffee in the morning, or on an empty stomach. I also don't eat until much later in the morning. My stomach just needs more time in the morning to adjust to the day before it starts working.

Making that cup of coffee and going into my studio. That was always the start of the routine.

Making a cup of herbal tea doesn't land in the same way. And decaf coffee is still too heavy for my stomach.

Sometimes when things change, we want to try to find the next most similar thing to replace it with.

Sometimes when things change, we need to figure out what else wants to change.

For me, this time, it's a whole new way of starting the day.

Today I did:

sleeping in - this was kind of disorienting but also needed, it was Thanksgiving this weekend and my first holiday without my husband was really hard.

aromatherapy - a supportive but also zingy fragrance

PAINTING in my journal not a lot of words

Following my brush around the page, just giving myself space to be and express. Having this really soft way to stat the day. This felt like THE THING I need now, instead of coffee + writing which used to be THE THING.

PS: October 18: Structure Habits Routines Zoom Call. This goes with the Structure Habits Routines journaling prompts we did a few months back, which are here.



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Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.


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