Centered Grounded Present is an alchemy meditation for creating an embodied state of being centered, grounded and present.
I first offered this around 2018, as a way of getting through the holiday season with less FRAZZLE. And looking back now - I thought I was frazzled then? LOL!
But I have since lost those recordings and people have been asking about them, so now felt like a good time to do it again.
Centered, grounded and present is the antidote to overwhelm.
These qualities pull you out of your head and into your body. Where your power, intuition and creative magic live.
It’s really hard to do… anything… when you’re not settled in yourself.
So this practice helps you do whatever you want to do: get organized. Make art. Take good care of yourself. Know how you want to respond to the state of the world.
How it works:
This is a 90 minute Zoom call, with replay. And I’ll make a second recording of JUST the meditation so you can use it afterwards.
We’ll do this practice together because it is easier to get a FELT SENSE in your body of feeling centered, grounded and present in a group.
And then we’ll talk about: what are the things that come up that make this hard, what are the hurdles to STAYING centered, grounded and present and come up with a plan that works for you.
Good things to know about working with me:
I am sharing a spiritual practice, but there is no spiritual bypass here.
There will be space for ALL of your feelings that come up as we practice together. This is one of the best parts of practicing in community. One person will feel rage, one will feel peace, one will feel frustration or inspiration and as we all share our experiences and stories, we learn and grow together.
Because my alchemy mediations do feel like magic, but the real work of healing and growth and, well, magic, are not actually magic….
I mean - it takes WORK to get at the magic. It takes courage. And patience. It takes facing the hard things and staying with them long enough to transmute them.
This work is just so much more doable in community.
Most of us find we can go much deeper together than we can on our own.
So, even in watching the replay, by hearing everyone’s stories it helps you process your own experience in a different way.
And if you feel stuck - you can leave a comment under the video and I can still talk you through it there.
Centered Grounded Present is happening on Nov 15 at 1:00 Central on Zoom.
Replay will be available a few hours after we’re done.
This is open to all Dream Book members. Read on to find our more about the Dream Book membership and join us.
Dream Book costs $33US/month and yes you can join just for 1 month to do this if you want!
Though next month we’re doing Goodbye 2023 Releasing Ceremony and in January we’re doing Hello 2024 Dream Blessing Ceremony so you may want to stick around for those too.
Sounds great, right?
You’ve probably done that before, right?
So you know that’s not enough.
Having a dream and knowing how you want to get there and getting all of that down on paper is a fantastic start - it’s just not usually enough to make it happen.
So we’re going to treat the whole thing as an ALCHEMICAL PROCESS.
This means that while we are mapping out the path that gets you from where you are to where you want to be - we are also building a container for growth, creativity, healing and magic to happen.
Are you still with me? Some people are looking for a linear path or a “secret hack” that gets your guaranteed outcomes if you just follow certain steps. That’s NOT what we are doing here.
It’s messy, it’s non-linear and it will change everything.
Creative Dreaming is vulnerable AF and it’s easy to get overwhelmed in the process, so everything is broken down into little steps. I’m guiding you through it in the videos and journaling pages.
You’re going to go DEEP into your own magic - in your own way in your own time.
In the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership you'll get a LIBRARY of tools that help you do this.
These are all tools that are simple to use right here, right now, in your life as it is and they will help you move towards where you want to be.
Because you'll be tapping deeper into the INNER growth and healing - what the path looks like in the outer world will change completely!
Over 90% of the time when you feel stuck with your dreams… you’re only actually stuck with the Outer Work.
Meanwhile, there are a gazillion things you can do with the Dream Work and Inner Work that will get things moving.
This will happen both in a practical sense AND in an alchemical/magical sense. Obstacles you think will be there forever will melt in front of your eyes and new possibilities will open up.
In the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership you get library of tools and classes for Dream Work, Inner Work AND Outer Work AND the Creative Dream Alchemy classes that show you how to bring these three paths together for your dream.
This means you'll always have options for what to do next.
No more waiting for the stars to align so you can take your next steps, no more wondering HOW to make it happen - you’ve ALWAYS got options.
You have more clarity and focus. You have a birds-eye view of your dreams, and your path, no more getting lost in the weeds.
Obstacles don’t stop you.
Every time you hit an obstacle you have a ton of support for working THROUGH it and coming out on the other side stronger, more powerful and more connected to your creative magic.
This does NOT mean that you’ll NEVER be stuck or afraid. Creative Dreaming is intensely vulnerable! You’re going to have feelings about it! But you will be able to work with… actually work THROUGH those feelings. They aren’t going to hijack your process.
The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership is an alchemical container. This means EVERYTHING becomes fuel for transformation.
“I’ve actually accomplished more and received more clarity in the last 4 weeks with you than I have in the past 4 years going it alone!”
Carrie Anspach
Dirty Girl Pottery
The conditions you have in your life RIGHT NOW… are the right conditions for birthing this dream.
We think we need to wait until our life is calmer or we have more support… but that’s not how it works. I mean - the world is falling apart around us. The time to dream of and create a better world is NOW.
Your dream is a way that you respond to the world.
A dream of getting more organized is a way of responding to a cluttered life. Waiting for life to be less cluttered before decluttering… it doesn’t make sense.
We work on our dreams from with the conditions that are often the opposite of what we want. This is what creative dreaming is.
Nothing has to change in your life before you can do this.
And nothing has to change within you before you can do this! You don’t need to “feel ready”. You just make a choice to begin.
“I’ve actually accomplished more and received more clarity in the last 4 weeks with you than I have in the past 4 years going it alone!”
Carrie Anspach
Dirty Girl Pottery
⚡️Breakthroughs guaranteed⚡️
Your dream is your soul calling. It’s your soul showing you who you really are.
This is why I believe in your dreams FULLY. Because they come from your soul. They are the realest thing about you. And you wouldn’t have the dream if you didn’t also have the power, creativity and wisdom to make it happen. (Inside the membership, I'll remind you of that as often as you need me to)
I don’t make any promises about how long things will take. But I promise your dream is your dream for a reason. And that really giving it your all will change everything for you.
The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership works best for people who are creative, soulful or introspective and progressive - dreaming of a better world for themselves AND everyone else.
The membership is full of artists, healers, coaches, therapists, activists and people who are exploring who they want to be.
They are currently dreaming of: writing their next bestseller, starting a coaching business, feeling more rested, having a whole new relationship with their bodies and making time for all of the creative hobbies they wish they were doing. Nothing is too big or too small here.
And because it needs to be said this days: this is a safe space for progressive minded people. We believe that climate change is real. We are anti-racist, anti-fascist and opposed to all forms of systemic oppression. We believe that a better world is possible and we want that for everyone, not just ourselves.
At first, people usually join because they:
🦋 want to make a specific change in their personal or professional life
🦋 are ready to bring a new project to life
🦋 are feeling burnt out and need a new approach
🦋 have a big obstacle that they just can't seem to get around
🦋 have been working on their dreams and feel they need more support to get to the next level
And the membership is great for all of that!
So that’s why people join… but then they STAY in the group for the magic, healing and growth.
This work is an alchemical process that will heal and grow you. If you’re anything like me, once you get really INTO that process - you will never want to leave.
So I priced the membership at $33 USD/month for that reason. The value is much higher than that! I wanted this to be accessible as a long-term support system for LIVING YOUR MAGIC.
Many of our members have been here for years, and have no intention of leaving... Because your soul is not going to make this one dream come true and then retire. Your soul is here to grow, create and expand and there are no limits to what it can do.
The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership is ongoing and you can join any time.
I have been running this group since 2012! We have been through a few iterations since then, and our current set-up is, of course, THE BEST.
The program content is available 24-7 with worksheets and videos to guide you through everything.
People say it’s like having me right there with them, showing them the secrets of creative dreaming. I'll show you how to set up your own Dream Book, which is a way of journaling that helps you navigate inner and outer work of making your dream happen.
And we do live coaching and healing circles on Zoom!
Every month there is an intention setting call right before the new moon, where we do a process together to figure out with you want to focus on for the next month. Then we do coaching and Q+A - my goal is that at the end of the call everyone knows what they want to focus on AND has some practices that are going to help them be able to do what you want to do over the next month.
And we have regular Marketing as a Creative + Spiritual Practice call. We do talk about tactics and strategy sometimes, but mostly these calls are a place to focus on the inner and creative work of SHARING YOUR GIFTS.
And we have regular calls for Co-Working and Co-Dreaming, and I add other calls or change the schedule around depending on the needs of the group.
Most of our calls happen at 1:00 pm Central, North America - you'll have access to our Google Calendar so you can see everything that is coming up and translate it into your own time zone.
The replays are magic too!
This work is SO MUCH EASIER when you do it in community, and I have received consistent feedback that people feel this from the replays as well as the live calls.
If you can attend live of course that's amazing that we get to hang out and you can ask questions in real time. But I want to make sure you are getting what you need from the group if you can come to the live calls or not - so there is also a forum where you can post thoughts, ideas and questions while watching replays.
Some people prefer the replays, because you can pause the meditations to explore some prompts more deeply and give yourself more time wherever you need it.
The membership is set up with creatives in mind!
You have a lot of freedom in how you move through the membership AND there is structure to help you get the most out of it.
And NOTHING in mandatory! Just do the parts that appeal to you.
Some people just do the live coaching calls and healing circles, some people focus on the pre-recorded program content. It’s really up to you. You can receive 2-3 emails per week guiding you through the program content OR you can turn off the emails and go through it on your own time using the checklist on the website.
There is even an oracle you can visit that will give you a different resource to check out every time.
On the main page is a section for sending me an email - if you ever feel lost, you can let me know what you’re working on with your dream and I will suggest which tools and courses to work with.
"This, THIS, is why this is such genius program: Simultaneously connecting me with the essence of my biggest dream and solving the most mundane next step towards it. Thank you."
Meliors, The Holistic Tooth Fairy,
How much easier would it be to make your dream HAPPEN with consistent and effective support?
No one has ever made a big dream real on their own. But most of us don’t have a lot of supportive people around us. Or we have people around us who support us, but they don’t actually know how to help us make this thing happen.
Joining the Creative Dream Coaching Membership gives you instant support and that felt sense that YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS, which is magic.
Plus you get access to ALL of the dream-growing tools I’ve created while running the Creative Dream Incubator for the last 14+ years! Just send me an email any time, let me know what you’re facing with your dream - and I will make recommendations for what to work with. (There’s a contact form on the main page of our website, so it’s always easy to reach out to me. I want to hear from you!)
The Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership costs $33 USD/month.
Yes, it's a subscription! And there is a "cancel" button in your account so you can cancel any time, there's no waiting period or need to send an awkward email about it. You are in control of your subscription.
You can also make a bigger commitment to your dream and sign up for a year for $363 which gives you one month free over the monthly subscription.
Here is what's included:
Group Coaching Circles! Attend live or work with the replays.
A steady stream of dream-growing inspiration and support. Even if you can't be there live, the replays will have you seeing your dreams, your self, and your life in a whole new light! There is space to share your thoughts and ask questions in the comments so we can discuss things even if you're not there live.
A monthly New Moon Intention Setting Call for setting short-term goals and generating momentum for The Big Dreams.
A monthly Marketing As A Creative + Spiritual Practice Call for mapping out your unique way of sharing your gifts with the world.
Regular Co-Working and Co-Dreaming calls for checking in with your dream, co-working, Q+A or just hanging out in the magic of the Creative Dream Incubator.
And more calls as needed! Whenever there is a topic that feels important I schedule an extra call.
The Genius Dream Book Journaling System
A unique way of journaling for documenting your process of healing + growing your way into your dream WHILE ALSO creating a map that shows you how to get to where you want to be. New content is released every month in the first year.
Library of Creative Dream Alchemy Tools to help you work through any rough spots you hit - literally.
There are tools that you can use, right in the moment, overcoming all sorts of obstacles like procrastination, self doubt, fear as well as external obstacles. Creative Dream ALCHEMY speaks to the work of transforming obstacles into fuel for the journey.
You'll become an EXPERT at getting yourself un-stuck.
Special bonus! You'll also get access to my entire library of e-courses - the NETFLIX of creative dream e-courses.
I've been teaching since 2008 and creating online classes since 2011! You'll get 24-7 access to all of my best classes, including favourites like:
Project Miracle: a 30 day program for calling in the breakthrough you need right now.
Focus Pocus: a 21 day program for getting focused and making remarkable progress.
Creative With Money: a deep-dive healing program for creating a whole new inner relationship with money.
Creative Business Incubator: an in-depth program I made with everything I learned when I made the shift into doing this work full time.
... Plus so many other programs and tools I can't list them all here.
“I’m one of those people who used to think that I didn’t have enough time or money to participate in something like this.
I realize now that thinking I didn’t have enough time or money was just an excuse. It was kind of tied into not believing in my own self worth, like I shouldn’t spend the money or take time away from my kids to do this because it was silly and it wasn’t going to cause a change in my life so what’s the point.
That was just my inner critic talking, I realize now, and boy was my inner critic wrong! This HAS changed my life!”
Melody Flurry
"This is precisely the time when artists go to work.... We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.
I know the world is bruised and bleeding, and though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence. Like failure, chaos contains information that can lead to knowledge — even wisdom. Like art."
- Toni Morrison
For 2025 we are PRACTICING HOPE in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership.
The only thing that feels sure about what’s in store for us in 2025 and beyond is that if we don’t work to keep hope alive - we’ll be completely fucked.
Hope is not ✨everything✨ we need, but it needs to be the foundation. If we aren’t hopeful about things getting better, then we can’t make things better.
This is why I am doing the Year of Hope program in 2025 in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership. So we can help each other be more hopeful for our future.
The Year of Hope doesn't replace anything in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership - you still get ALL the support for making your dream REAL. I'm adding this as another thing for 2025 - you can do this with me, or not, or dip in and out in whatever way works for you.
You can ✨PRACTICE✨ your way into a more hopeful state of being.
Every week I’ll post one journal prompt about practicing hope.
Just one prompt a week will get your brain thinking in more hopeful ways and it will make space for hope to bloom in new ways. A simple journaling practice, done once a week-ish for the year, really can change EVERYTHING.
And you get an alchemy meditation that you can use connecting with hope, practicing hope and becoming more hopeful…
AND an alchemy meditation for working with hopelessness.
"Dreambook is helping me to show up for my dream, to keep connecting with my dream and to take actions that are in line with my dream.
Another thing I personally really need to be able to live my dream, and that Dreambook provides, is structure. For me Dreambook is about creating my own structure to do the necessary inner work, outer work and dream work to be able to walk my path.
By sending me reminders Andrea helps me to do this work, even (or especially) when I am stuck and procrastinating.
By working with Dreambook my dream is actually coming true, step by step."”
Eefje Jansen,
Atelier Eefje Jansen,
“I listened to you when you said that this would change things, would shift energy and would change me. But I don’t think I believed you.
I believe you now. Your classes have changed things, shifted energy and changed me: profoundly.”
Sheila Petruccelli
Sure As The World .com