My dream is a snake queen
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I met with my dream this morning (in the Dream Lab) and it was so unusal.
My dream showed up as a golden treasure chest, with a golden snake coming out of it - like standing upright on it’s tail. A very tall snake, wearing a golden crown.
It felt esoteric and powerful and it made me feel like a queen.
And I had no clue what to do with it. So I just meditated, holding this image in my mind.
Sometimes working with our dream we are acclimating to it in ways we don’t consciously understand. Receiving images and ideas from our own consciousness is a part of this work, even when we have no clue what is happening.
Unless you feel really inspired to look up a meaning, I don’t think it’s necessary. You are digesting it somewhere inside you.
Remember there are three paths to making a dream real and you need to go down all three.
Dream Work. Inner Work. Outer Work. (from Creative Dream Alchemy)
Outer Work is pretty logical/linear - I mean NOT completely at all. But there is a solidity to it. You can see things happening.
Dream Work is the opposite. And it can feel like nothing is happening when everything is happening.
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