
A whole year of Art Journal lessons from some of the most inspiring teachers on the planet.

Registration for Life Book 2015 starts today.

I’m doing two classes for Life Book (both of these will not be available anywhere else in 2015):

Intuitive Healing Session in your Art Journal: You?ll create a heartfelt art journal page as you learn how to use your creativity to navigate through the intuitive healing process.

The Magic of Presence: Discover how the magic of presence can help you to develop your unique creative voice.

PLUS you’ll get classes from my personal creative hero: Chris Zydel from Creative Juices Arts.? Chris has over thirty years experience as a creativity mentor and is definitely the real deal.? Chris goes way beyond art techniques to teach intuitive process – magical insights guaranteed.

I am so thrilled to be teaching with Chris and so many other gifted teachers in LifeBook!? And for those of you who do want art technique instruction – there are? a ton of wildly inspiring art teachers in LifeBook too!

It’s a really beautiful balance of inner work and art technique instruction with a focus on healing and self-acceptance.


Click here to read more and sign up today!

A whole year of Art Journal lessons from some of the most inspiring teachers on the planet. Read More »

How Drawing Mandalas Helps You Bring Your Dreams To Life

It?s Mandala Week on my blog!? Every day this week I?m posting about the magic of Mandalas, in celebration of The Mandala Class, which starts on Monday, September 15.

How drawing mandalas helps you bring your dreams to life.

This week I’ve been talking about how drawing Mandalas can help with intuitive development and emotional healing and transformation.

Ultimately all of this is all about making your dreams real.

Your dream is your soul calling you towards your purpose and your actual self.

Your dream is really not about the external thing, it’s about who you become in the process of making it happen.

Having your dream is about stepping up, shining your light and living your life as your actual self.? No excuses, no holding back, no fitting yourself into strange shapes to meet other people’s expectations.? Radiant authenticity and deep down soul integrity.

Most dreams are about:

  • learning more about what your heart really wants
  • finding the courage to let go of what doesn’t fit and go after what you want
  • learning how to trust yourself
  • getting creative about how you’re living your life
  • being more aligned with your soul truth
  • showing up more powerfully in the world

Heart. Courage. Trust. Creativity. Alignment. Power.

These are inner qualities.? But as you work with them things change in your outer world.

It’s like your world is a puzzle.? You are the puzzle piece right in the middle of the puzzle.? Other puzzle pieces can only click in to your puzzle piece if the shapes match.

So as you change your puzzle piece, through integrating the qualities of your dream like heart, courage, trust, creativity, alignment and power, the pieces around you change.

They have to!?

The old pieces that were around you have to fall away because they don’t fit anymore.

Then new puzzle pieces can come… these puzzle pieces can be different jobs, a different partner (or a new relationship with the old one), new creative projects or hobbies, entrepreneurial ventures or just a healthier outlook on like.

The new pieces might be really similar to the old ones, just lighter, happier and more at peace or they might be totally different.

Things change on the outside to reflect changes you make on the inside. This is how heart dreams come to life.

And where to Mandalas fit in this?

Mandalas are a way of working with qualities.? Looking back to the posts I wrote about how drawing Mandalas can help with intuitive development and emotional healing and transformation you see a definite theme: Mandalas are a way of focusing your inner work.

If you are a visual person, if you like to play with colour and pattern then Mandalas are a really perfect way of doing this because the more you enjoy the work the more engaged you’ll be with it.? The more engaged you are with it, the more fully you integrate the qualities of your dream and the more completely it will alter your whole world.

In The Mandala Class I’ll be sharing a process for working specifically with the energy of the qualities of your dream.? This will help make it easier to work with and integrate the qualities of your dream, so you can change your puzzle piece.

The Mandala Class happens inside the Creative Dream Circle, so when you sign up for The Mandala Class you also get all of my other classes, including the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course which is my master class in the art of bringing any dream to life.? In that class I go into loads of detail on every aspect of bringing your dream to life.

The Creative Dream Incubator e-Course will show you how it all works together.? Once you’ve got that part down, drawing Mandalas will help you stay the path.? They’re like Creative Dream Tune-Ups to keep your dream ship sailing smoothly towards the land of dreams.

We start Monday.? I hope you’ll join me for this.

How Drawing Mandalas Helps You Bring Your Dreams To Life Read More »

How Drawing Mandalas Helps You Be More Intuitive

It’s Mandala Week on my blog!? Every day this week I’m posting about the magic of Mandalas, in celebration of The Mandala Class, which starts next Monday, September 15.

how drawing mandalas helps you be more intuitive

Drawing mandalas helps you be more intuitive in two ways: they make it easier to access intuitive wisdom in the moment and they help with developing and deepening your intuitive gifts over time.

Intuition is simply being able to access inner wisdom. It’s something everyone can do.

Wisdom is a soul quality. Each of us has equal and infinite access to soul qualities.

Though just because everyone has access, does not mean everyone is connected to their inner wisdom.? The beliefs you live from, your habits and practices and your level of consciousness is going to determine how blocked or open the channel is.

The more you get in touch with your self and your soul, the more intuitive you’re going to be because you’ll be living closer to your inner wisdom.

Your intuition is not a crystal ball.

For example, you usually can’t use it to divine winning lottery numbers.

Remember that listening to your intuition is about connecting to the soul quality of wisdom.? Infinite wisdom is wise!? Wiser than we usually are.

Infinite wisdom sees the bigger picture, we tend to see the smaller picture.

We see how we really do NEED to win the lottery in order to make our dream real because how the hell else are you going to make this happen?

Infinite wisdom sees how the journey to the dream is where you develop the qualities you need to live the dream.? Infinite wisdom sees that the lottery is a shortcut, and shortchanges you on growing in the ways your dream is calling on you to grow.

Infinite wisdom sees that winning the lottery isn’t going to make you as happy as you think it will.

Infinite wisdom always has your best interests at heart.

Infinite wisdom loves you.

So of course, if winning the lottery is actually the right path for you of course your intuition will nudge you to buy a ticket and supply you with the right numbers.

Soul qualities are connected.

So your infinite wisdom is coming out of a well of infinite love, infinite joy, infinite creativity, infinite possibility, infinite peace.

Intuitive development is about connecting with the part of you who is connected.

When you learn how to do this it changes everything. It means you can make decisions from a larger part of you, which means you get to live from a larger part of you. You have access to more power, creativity, love, joy and inspiration,

This is not a small thing.

I took classes in intuitive development for years before I was able to reliably use my intuition to navigate through life.? Though I don’t think it necessarily has to take years.

Ultimately, creative people are going to be able to connect to their intuitive voice most effectively through their creativity.

This is something I wished I had known sooner – it’s a bit of a shortcut.

Creating Mandalas as a way of experimenting with how to listen to your intuitive voice makes it easier to get the hang of it.

Learning to access your intuitive wisdom is a bit like learning a new language – a language based more on feelings and sensations than on words.? Art is a language that is also based more on feelings and sensations than words.

Art comes from inspiration which is a soul quality.? All soul qualities are connected.? You’re already dipping into the well for inspiration, so it’s easier to pick up some wisdom while you’re there.

And that is how drawing Mandalas helps you be more intuitive.? It’s all in the way you approach your Mandala practice.

You actually draw your way into connecting with your inner wisdom.

This is what we’ll be doing in The Mandala Class, which starts next Monday, September 15.

And tomorrow and Friday I’ll be blogging about working with Mandalas for healing and bringing your dreams to life.? Of course, this is all connected to using Mandalas for intuitive development.? Really it’s all about using your creativity and imagination to connect more fully with your soul qualities.

How Drawing Mandalas Helps You Be More Intuitive Read More »

Mandala Week!

Mandalas have been a part of my creativespiritual practice for the last fifteen years.? When I first started doing creativity workshops almost 10 years ago I often used mandalas as tools for healing and transformation.

Back then, I did less drawing, more painting and collaging.

Last summer I challenged myself to draw every day, which quickly evolved into drawing mandalas every day which has become a favourite way to slip into my creative flow, open up my intuitive connection while simultaneously calming me down and filling me up.

And I want to share the magic of it with you.

So I’m going to be posting here every day this week, sharing the magic of mandalas and how they can help you develop your intuitive voice and bring your dreams to life.

Tomorrow I’ve got something super special: a Mandala blog hop!

I wanted to make sure to include other Mandala artists and teachers in Mandala Week, to share different perspectives and stories about the magic of Mandalas.

So tomorrow we’ll hop around the web to read their stories and drool over their mandalas.


Wednesday I’m blogging about Mandalas and intuition.
Thursday I’m blogging about Mandalas and healing.
Friday I’m blogging about a Mandalas and bringing your dreams to life.

This is all, of course, in celebration of The Mandala Class which starts next Monday, September 15, where you’ll learn to create mandalas you’ll fall in LOVE with.

If you’re wondering what Mandalas even ARE, check out my easy-peasy Mandala tutorial.

Mandala Week! Read More »

[from my journal] On Being Over Capacity

[excerpt from my journal]

I just figured out why I’ve been so cranky.

I thought it was because I have this big project that is full of tasks which are not my strength but which really must be done and it would be best for ME to do them because (long explanation there is no need to get into here).

Doing things that are not my strength is not my strength.? When I’m not in my strength then I’m not as strong.? Then everything kind of goes to shit.

But there is something more happening here, I just realised.


I have a tank, it’s a big round circle, that’s clear inside.? All the things I am working on and thinking about and dreaming of go into the circle.? It’s best if each thing has some space around it.? Right now each thing is crammed in super crazy tight.? So tight it’s kind of hard to breath.

So no wonder I have been cranky.

And no wonder it’s impossible to respond to all of these requests I am getting even though they are not unreasonable requests – it’s just that if I add just one more thing to this circle of capacity I’ll snap for sure.

OK, so how about I have permission to not respond to any emails until Monday.

That’s better, now at least it doesn’t feel like there is a lineup of things wanting to get into the already over-crammed circle of capacity.

So now let’s take everything out of the circle and get a better look at it.

Project GIANT PROJECT: This is taking up the most space and has the sharpest edges.

Regular business stuff: This feels all squished by project GIANT PROJECT even though project GIANT PROJECT exists only to support regular business stuff and make everything all-around better.? It’s just that things won’t get all-around better until project GIANT PROJECT is all the way finished.

Personal stuff: Aww, this is kind of in a puddle at the bottom of the circle.? It’s there but it’s almost apologizing for being there. Like I should just be ignoring my personal needs because other things are yelling more loudly for my attention.

Dreams and future projects: These have made themselves small, to give project GIANT PROJECT more space.? These are small and sparkly and happy and hold so much happiness for me for the future.? They get that project GIANT PROJECT is going to support them, they’re happy to wait for now.

Holy crap it feels like a relief so have everything out of the circle and cataloged.

Now I can work with this:

Dreams and future projects: I’m going to put you into this other container.? You’re going to be on hold until the completion of project GIANT PROJECT.? Also we’ll remember that project GIANT PROJECT exists to serve and grow you.

Regular business stuff: All non-essential stuff is going into the container with the dreams and future projects.? Essential stuff is going to get a little space every day.? During next week’s Creative Genius Planning Session I’ll explore how to set this up.

Personal stuff: You don’t need to be in a puddle in the bottom!

Project GIANT PROJECT: You need to take up a bit less room and be less sharp around the edges.

Personal stuff and project GIANT PROJECT are just looking at me, they don’t know how to get back into the container of capacity in a way that is going to make everyone happy.

Let’s try something super radical here.

Personal stuff gets to have whatever space it needs.

Personal stuff goes right into the middle of the container of capacity, smiles, and stretches out.

Project GIANT PROJECT forms a ring, with soft smooth edges, around personal stuff.

I feel like I can breathe again.

I will take care of me.

I will be organised about my work.

I will work as efficiently and quickly as I can to get project GIANT PROJECT done but I won’t put myself into a state of overwhelm about it (anymore).

[from my journal] On Being Over Capacity Read More »

How is drawing mandalas different from drawing anything else?

How is drawing mandalas different from drawing anything else?

This is the number one question I’ve been getting lately.? It’s something that is hard to explain in words, because it’s not something you can understand with just your head – it’s something you need to experience in order to understand.

Drawing mandalas is not like other kinds of drawing, because drawing mandalas isn’t actually about drawing, drawing mandalas is about wholeness and connection.

Drawing mandalas is less an artistic style and more a framework for connecting with the wholeness within: with your inner wisdom and intuitive voice.

In other words: drawing mandalas is magic because YOU are magic.

When you learn how to draw mandalas through focusing on what’s happening inside of you instead of focusing on what’s happening on the page, you learn how to tap into your inner wisdom.? (Yes – this is what I’m teaching in The Mandala Class)

A lot of spiritual teachings are paradoxes – like you’ll find the answer when you stop looking for it.

Mandalas are like that.? You’re drawing, but it’s totally not about the drawing.? You’re only using the drawing as a tool for focusing your energy and attention.

The paradox is that as long as you are successfully using the drawing to focus your energy and attention you’re likely to end up drawing Mandalas that you love.? But if you focus on drawing a “nice” Mandala not only is there a good chance you won’t really adore your artwork, you also won’t get any intuitive messages from it.

And if you focus on “doing it right” you’re likely to miss the whole point.

But if you focus on what’s happening inside of you, drawing mandalas is like having creative magic and intuitive wisdom on tap, so you can turn it on any time you need some.

The framework you work with while drawing mandalas supports this beautifully.

The circle represents wholeness.

Drawing rounds around rounds, and having the circle grow on your page, represents expansion.

Repeating lines and shapes as you draw creates patterns – patterns which shift and change and come together in new ways.? Which shows you new perspectives on YOUR patterns and helps you shift the less-helpful patterns into more-helpful patterns.

As you go round and round, creating, shifting and re-creating patterns, and all the while focusing on the inner process – you journey to somewhere new in your inner world.

There is so much magic inside you and THAT is what makes drawing mandalas so amazing.

Mandala Resources:

I’ve got a pretty fantastic (and easy even for beginners)How To Draw Mandalas Tutorial.

And I’m teaching The Mandala Class online starting on September 15.

How is drawing mandalas different from drawing anything else? Read More »

Resistance, a fairy tale.


Prologue. This morning in my journal:

There is this thing I want to start doing.

And when I think about doing it I get all excited and then I remember that I have wanted to start doing this before.? Many times.? And then I feel frustrated because I was in this place before, so many times, of wanting to start doing it and yet here I am again – not doing it.

Clearly I want to do it because it keeps coming back.

Clearly I don’t want to do it because I keep not doing it.

So let’s explore.

I want to do it: feels like alignment and a bright light and all these pieces magically coming together to create something new and amazing.

I don’t want to do it: feels like fog and falling asleep and pushing away the things I am responsible for and pretending that I am less than I am.

But knowing this is not enough to make me leap into action.? Because the part of me that wants to pretend that I am less than I am is… a part of me.

Bulldozing through it and forcing myself to do the thing: feels violent, like it’s going to uproot so many beautiful things that are growing in my inner world.

And yet…

Going on not doing the thing: feels like heavy thick disappointment oozing all over everything in my life.? It is not contained to this one thing, I am letting myself down and that makes everything stink.

Ha! I have been noticing this stink coming off of other people lately (energetically speaking) and it’s been irritating me.? Hello, mirror.

And so we begin…

Hello, resistance, we need to talk.

Resistance is a kokeshi doll who is sleeping on the beach, using the ocean as her blanket.? She smiles, rolls over, and goes back to sleep and then says (maybe telepathically because she is sleeping now) “I am happy here”.

Oh that’s good, I want you to be happy.? But, um, I also want me to be happy.

Kokeshi doll wakes up, whips her head around and raises one eyebrow.

Yeah, I guess I’m saying you’re being a bit selfish.? But I don’t want to argue with that.? I want both of us to get what we need, I want both of us to be happy.

Kokeshi doll sits up, cross-legged, with her elbows resting on her knees (suddenly she has knees and elbows!) and her chin resting on her hands, and looks at me intently.

So you’re willing to work with me, that’s good.? I have this crazy idea that if both of us are happy then each of us would be even happier then we are then only one of us is happy.

Kokeshi doll thinks this is obvious.? She’s been smelling the stink, sometimes it wakes her up at night and she does not want to be woken up at night.

OK, so I’m not sure what to do.

Kokeshi doll points to a structure over at the edge of the beach.? Looking at it makes her sad.

My heart drops.? The structure is the most amazing inspiration station.? It’s positively beaming with delight.? It’s the perfect space for me to do the thing, and the roof… the roof is a hammock.

Kokeshi doll is supposed to sleep in the hammock, so she can vibe out on the inspiration station which gives her the sweetest dreams.? Kokeshi doll knows that those dreams fuel me.

Kokeshi doll is sad because I have been trying to make her “get to work” with me when that was never her job.? That’s why she ran away to the ocean’s edge.? She sleeps and sleeps in the wettest place she could find but the dreams have all dried up.

I pick her up and carry her over to the inspiration station and place her in the hammock.? A huge smile spreads over her face, her rainbow blanket appears and she snuggles into it hard, ready to dream sweeter than she has ever dreamed.? She’s got a lot of time to make up for.

I sit down at the inspiration station and notice things are kind of dusty and out of place.

Everything I need is here, that’s for sure.? But the dust of neglect needs to be cleared away.? A peacock feather duster turns towards me and smiles.? Let’s get to work.

Resistance, a fairy tale. Read More »

Creative Planning AKA Why I LOVE Monday Mornings.

creative planning

creative planningcreative planning

creative planningcreative planning

This particular Monday morning I woke up with a sense of trepidation.

I have a lot of questions without answers and tangles to smooth.? More unknowns than knows tends to make me anxious.? Even though dreaming, my chosen profession, is all about bravely facing the unknown instead of staying stuck in the known (aka status quo).

This is why I invented Creative Genius Planning Sessions: less for creative planning, more for magic, miracles & healing.

Creativity.? Play. Heart. Truth. Deep Intuitive Connection.? In volumes high enough to propel you onto the path that leads to where you really want to be.

I took my trepidation, my worry about too many things to do and my fear that I can’t pull this off and I sat down with my Creative Genius Planning Sessions Kit

The beauty of having this all ready for you as a kit is that you do NOT have to ALREADY feel smart/together/awake/confident/creative in order START.

Hint: waiting until you feel ready is FORFEITING ON YOUR DREAMS.

Having creative planning kits like this makes it easier to start before you feel ready.

I know some days I DO feel ready and some days I DON’T.? I also know that my dreams need me to show up EVERY day.

So I actually created the Creative Genius Planning Sessions Kit for me, because I need it.?

Because I know my dreams can’t afford for me to get a slow start on the day because I’m feeling anxious about something.? My dreams can’t afford for me to not believe in myself enough to take the risk that needs to be taken.? My dreams can’t afford for me to not stay in the game.

So, this morning I took my trepidation and slowly growing anxiety and I got out my Creative Genius Planning Session Kit.? And it took me a little longer than usual to get through it, but that’s ok.

Creativity.? Play. Heart. Truth. Deep Intuitive Connection.? In volumes high enough to propel you onto the path that leads to where you really want to be.

Creative Planning doesn’t just help you get your shit together.

It’s not about making to-do lists and then forcing yourself to do the work.? Or figuring out the right steps that guarantee success.

It’s about staying in the flow.? Remembering your power.? Accessing your genius.

This morning my trepidation and anxiety melted by the time I finished the Creative Genius Planning Sessions Kit.? Now I feel sure and excited and inspired about what I want to create in my world this week.

Plus I have a clear plan that makes my heart dance around a little in my chest.

THIS is the fuel that brings dreams to life.
creative planning

Want to play?

You get my Creative Genius Planning Sessions kit inside the Creative Dream Circle – along with TONS of other kits, courses and resources for finding the magic even on the days when you’re NOT feeling it.

Creative Planning AKA Why I LOVE Monday Mornings. Read More »

That time when I was offered a multi-million dollar publishing contract.

million dollar publishing contract

This story happened a year and a half ago and I’ve wanted to share it because it was a part of my creative journey so it feels weird to leave this big piece out. And also to share the good news that there are some really cool opportunities out there.

I’ve realised that the reason why I haven’t felt comfortable sharing it yet is because whenever I talk to people about it, I feel like we’re not seeing the story through the same glasses. Which is true of everything – our perception colours what we see all the time.

In this case, because we’re talking BIG money, it feels like the difference in perception becomes magnified by people’s beliefs around money and success.

Plus, it seems like there is a bias in our culture towards fame, and the sense that fame is something that everyone naturally wishes for and that success and fame go hand and hand. People want to believe that as long as you do your best, you are guaranteed to have fantastic opportunities come your way.? And that fame will always come to gifted people.

In my perspective, that is SO not true. It’s possible to work hard, be ridiculously gifted and never become famous. In fact, as a highly sensitive introvert my personal preference is for me to never be “bestowed” with fame.

So when people tell me “Oh I just know you’ll be famous one day!” it’s a bit hard for me to hear since even though they mean it is as compliment, that is not something I actually want.? Also it feels like it somehow diminishes what I have now, as though earning the money I need to live the life I want while doing the things I love isn’t enough.? I am a little prickly about that.

Combine all of that with how uncomfortable I get sometimes with attention and you can see why I hesitated to share this. But it feels like time now, so here goes:

I was offered the publishing contract out of the blue.

About a year and a half ago, I was approached by someone to create a program for them, similar to the courses I create, something on helping people live happier and more fulfilling lives, but geared towards a very different audience: infomercial watchers.

So, to be clear, this was not a publishing contract to have my books end up in bookstores.? This was for my program to be sold on TV and online, like Proactive, Foreman grills, and the Thighmaster.? That’s why there was so much more money involved.

This person has worked with some of the biggest names in the personal growth industry, and has made billions (yes with a B) doing it.

They were planning a new campaign and wanted someone to create a homestudy program for them to sell as a part of it, so they googled it! They found me, looked over my videos and blog posts, saw the results my students are getting and thought I would be a good candidate.

We had a phone meeting where they told me about their project and found out more about my training and what I would be able to contribute to their project.? They talked about their past projects and about why working in the personal growth industry was so important to them.? They sent me their official cv so I could do some research on them.

They asked me to submit an outline of the program I would create for them, which I did – immediately.? They liked my ideas and offered me the spot. This happened very quickly, over a week or so.

I was thrilled and overwhelmed and apprehensive all at once.

This is the classic artists’ dream come true: someone coming in and offering to do ALL of the business stuff and leave you to handle the creative end. So it was pretty amazing to have this offered to me and I certainly did feel like I was walking on air.? I mean: I was offered a multi-million dollar publishing contract!

And while they were talking big big money, it didn’t feel all “pie in the sky”.

This was someone with the experience, contacts and resources to do these kinds of projects. While they could not guarantee how successful this particular campaign would be, they had done something similar that had brought in 55 million and was planning for this one to do better and to keep making money over time.

Also, it was clear that I was getting a small percentage of the profits, but I wasn’t being asked to contribute financially to the project in any way. I was contributing by creating the program which, frankly, is an easy thing for me to do.

It was also clear that this was not going to be MY project. My name would be on my work as the creator of the program and they wanted this to be a boost for my career, and I had creative control over how I created the program but I had no say in the direction of the larger project (like the infomercials and marketing campaign and who else would be involved in it).

So I wasn’t fooling myself about what this was, I was going to play a small role in a large project. And if it went well I was going to make a lot of money.

It was not a big risk and it was an exciting opportunity, so I went ahead and agreed to create the program.

They were super supportive & encouraging.

I got to work, created the program and started testing it with some of my clients.

Meanwhile, they were working on the campaign and I got to see the inner workings of a multi million dollar marketing campaign. Definitely a far cry from how I promote my classes!

More people were being brought in. As different elements of the campaign started to come together, they let me know what kind of image I would have to portray to fit with their campaign. I was (somewhat?) flexible.

I know that we all have different aspects to our personalities, so highlighting some while minimizing others isn’t lying or anything. I’ve had jobs in the past where I had to wear suits and look professional, this didn’t seem all that different.

I got a headshot taken while wearing a plain dark suit with a white shirt.? Even though, after blissfully getting rid of all of my “office clothes” when I left my last job, this was a little painful.

But – would you put on a suit for a 20 minute photo shoot for the chance to make millions from your creative work that you really believe in?

It’s not like they ever asked me to tone down my ideas, the program I was creating was deeply helpful and 100% me. It’s that the image of the work was more polished and professional and being presented to the mass market.

But I started to feel protective about the Creative Dream Incubator.

This business is my heart, my creativity and my purpose. I love what I’m doing and I love who I’m doing it with and I don’t want this to change.

The most amazingly brave & gifted people have been consistently drawn to my work, I don’t want that to change.? I don’t want to flood the Circle with people who were all hyped-up from this ridiculously inspiring info-mercial.

And this person said “Well yes, that’s just it. In your business, you wait for them to come to you. You’re leaving it in their hands, which will never guarantee big success. I’m going into their livingrooms, finding them where they are and showing them why and how to change their lives. It’s about US going to THEM.? It’s about making a much bigger impact.”

Yes, but I only want to work with people who are brave enough to step forward on their own.? It’s a seriously different vibe.

We were just never going to agree on that, and I didn’t feel like we needed to agree.

I was (and am) very happy to create something helpful and amazing and transformative that is geared towards the mass market. In fact I love the program I created for this, and how it can really help people.

I just didn’t want to start spending all of my time working with those people. I’m too happy doing that I’m doing.

Meanwhile, my new business partner was a very generous person and wanted to help my business grow into what they considered a success. They saw their project feeding my business, and were making sure that my business could handle the influx without it being crushed.? But I didn’t want that.? I wanted to do both (keep my business was it was AND do this new project) but keep them separate. I am really happy about how quickly I learned that.

The project moved forward quickly.

This person was really happy with what I was creating, and the project was very close to their heart. After a long and successful career in the personal growth field, they felt that this one subject that we were working with is key to helping people live happier and more fulfilling lives, so they wanted to get this out there.

It always felt like that purpose of helping people who struggle was their main priority, even though they were also committed to having this project generate massive profits.

Sometimes people (me?) look at the infomercial industry and it looks like it’s all about making as much money as possible.? That was not the case, there was deeper purpose and a desire to help.

I guess I want to stress that this person is a great person, I appreciate that they offered me this opportunity and I enjoyed working with them.

They kept expanding the scope of the project and bringing more people in. I got to meet so many people and learn so much about how a really big product launch is done.

We had a conversation about me touring North America doing big seminars.

Then the project fell through.

And I’m surprised by how easy it was for me to let it go.

I haven’t made any effort to stay in touch.

I was definitely feeling conflicted. Giving up that much money seems so ridiculous. Anyone who thinks it’s easy to stay true to yourself when people are offering you millions to be who they want you to be is deluding themselves.

But it just didn’t fit with what I’ve already built, and the further we went the less I was sure I could keep my Creative Dream Incubator totally separate.

(I want to stress again, that this person’s project is not BAD or anything! It’s about helping people live happier and more fulfilling lives, which is in alignment with my work. It’s just a different approach and I feel strongly that I am here on this planet to do the work of helping people live happier and more fulfilling lives in EXACTLY the way I’m doing it right now)

And the story ends there.

Earlier this year I was thinking about this and feeling grateful for the opportunity and grateful to see inside the process of how those things work and grateful to be 100% my own boss. Grateful for my tiny kingdom and grateful to do things MY way.

So, instead of millions of dollars, what this left me with was more gratitude and appreciation for being exactly where I am. And more love for what I’ve created here.

I’m really proud of how I did explore this and stay open to the possibility of it while remaining fully grounded in my inner sense of integrity.

While following your inner compass means you can’t just jump onto every opportunity that comes your way, I don’t think being all “Oh I’ll never sell out, I’ll never consider this kind of thing” is a good idea either. You never know when a collaboration will work really well.

It’s so super cool to know that this kind of thing happens!? And it was exciting to be a part of this! Creating the program was fun and it felt amazing to be offered that kind of opportunity.

Pus, for months I was creating this thing, and experiencing how it feels to be offered a multi-million dollar publishing contract.? That feels amazing and I’m so glad this happened.

That time when I was offered a multi-million dollar publishing contract. Read More »

Today in my journal: Being in the hard part of the creative process.

The Love your Life Creative Journal Class is in 2 weeks.? As I?ve shared here, my preparation is all about creating containers for the participants to receive what they need to receive.? As I’ve been doing this, I’ve been ridiculously happy.

Well – today I crashed.? I?m feeling lost. The doom and gloom feel bigger than me.

I?m sitting in a coffee shop wishing I hadn?t forgotten my headphones because it feels like I am extra sensitive today and I?m picking up everything from everyone and it sucks.

I feel heavy and like I can?t do the things I need to do.

This tiny, wise part of me is jumping up and down and saying: use the class!? Use the stuff in the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class!? It will make you feel better.

But I don’t want to. I want to mope and act like I don’t have the power to change this.? I want to eat nachos and watch a movie and try again tomorrow.

Wise me is not giving up.

She says:?you can go ahead and do those things if that makes you happy.? but it doesn’t, i can feel it.? being productive makes you happy.? shining your light makes you happy.? dimming your light is depressing.

Well, wise me is wise and I know it’s best to listen to her.? So I open up the Love your Life playbook…

(10 minutes later…)

OK, I did the first part in the playbook where I connect with joy and let joy do an energy healing for me and dissolve the gloom and doom in my energy field.? This shifted my energy enough that I decided to put earplugs in to block the sound around me and create a stronger boundary around my energy field so whatever is going on around me in the coffee shop doesn’t impact me.

Now I feel contained in a bubble of joy.? Ah, much better.? Now I see a list of things I want to do today, and I feel inspired and happy about doing them. I notice the sun is shining and the leaves outside are so gorgeously green.? I feel grateful for today.

Shift your energy, change your life!

Something I really want to say about the creative process:

I see images like these floating around online a LOT:


I hate posting any image without linking to the source, but these images seems to be posted everywhere with no one linking to the source so I couldn’t find it.

I think they get shared SO MUCH because they speak to how creative people feel and they reassure you that on those days when you feel the way I was feeling when I started writing this post.? They tell you that it’s ok, you’re not alone in feeling this way and this is totally normal.

That’s good, anything that reassures people is good.? And feeling resistance is totally normal.

But these memes reinforce the bullshit idea that you are powerless against resistance.

Notice what I did above, when I felt like eating nachos, turning on Netflix and giving up on today: I went to the tools I teach in Circle and did the thing I knew would get me back into flow IMMEDIATELY.? I took my power back, I didn’t let resistance steamroll my creative process.? I got back to work.

That is the secret to success.

You can’t wait until there is no resistance.? Or only work when you feel happy and inspired.? You’ve got to learn how to get yourself in the flow in the times when you fall out of it.

You’ve got to learn how to effectively and quickly deal with your resistance, fears and self-doubt.

This is the real work of being a creative person – creating fertile ground in your life for your work to happen.

So next time you see one of these memes, please remember that.? You’ve got superpowers.? Resistance is not bigger than you.

Today in my journal: Being in the hard part of the creative process. Read More »

Creative Journal Prompts For Staying On Track With Your Dreams

Creative Journal Prompts For Staying On Track With Your Dreams

I know taking the time to do these creative dream updates EVERY WEEK is deeply, deeply helpful.

And now that we’re doing these updates inside the Circle so everyone has a chance to participate, I’ve been thinking about the format of the updates and how to set it up so it’s easy enough to stay in the habit of doing it and also so that we’re doing it in the most helpful way.

The purposes of the updates:

  • so you don’t drop the many (many!) ideas and insights you find along the path
  • so you’re clear on WHICH ideas to act on RIGHT NOW
  • marking the path so you notice sooner if you’re just going in circles (more common than you’d think, on the Creative Dream Path)
  • acknowledging the many (many!) steps you’ve taken, which makes it much easier to contemplate how many steps are still in front of you
  • holding yourself accountable to your dream
  • reflecting on what’s happened as a way of learning from it and as a way of noticing things you didn’t notice while it was happening
  • documenting the process of bringing one dream to life show you all sorts of clues about how to work with other dreams
  • sweet sweet sweet delicious clarity about where you are and where you want to be and how you want to get there (this changes a lot more often than you’d think, holding onto clarity is difficult but important)

I’ve come up with these Creative Journal Prompts For Staying On Track With Your Dreams

It’s in two parts.

Part 1 is for when you’re setting out, so it’s your first update.?

But it’s also good to revisit it every week to see if it’s changing, because if it doesn’t fill you with delight to say what you want and why you want it – something has changed and you need to adjust.

Checking in with these three statements every week and making any necessary adjustments so that you remain filled with delight about this will keep your dream process calibrated in the right direction.

My dream is:

I want it because:

When I have it I will feel:

Part 2 is 4 questions to ask yourself every week, plus a mission statement.

What happened in the last week?

How do I feel about this?

What do I need now?

What does my dream need now?

Taking all of this into account, my next mission is:

Remember that moving forward is not always the answer.

In fact, there is no “forward” on the Creative Dream Path.? The path does not exist until you build it.? You build in the direction that feels right in the moment.

Most Creative Dream Paths go in spirals and if you’re not grounded and present in your process, you’ll think you’re going backwards.

So for my update this week I’m starting at the beginning.

My dream is: I can no longer say that my dream is to have 800 members in the Circle this year, because that doesn’t fill me with delight right now.? But it was the perfect starting point for this adventure in learning how to grow my capacity as a teacher.

What fills me with delight now: growing the Circle in a grounded and sustainable and DELIGHTFUL way.

To be more specific about what feels grounded and sustainable and delight to me right now: at least 30 new members each month, but not more than 50.? One or two per day is perfect.

I want it because: I’m so in love with everything I have learned about making dreams real and it really really makes me happy to share it.? I love the way people’s lives start to change once they join the Circle.? I love how it spreads HAPPINESS.? I am so happy I could burst at the thought that I am bringing this amazing thing to the world.

It feels like perfect alignment with purpose and heart and creativity and spirit.? It’s what I’m here to do.

Of course, the same could be said about my coaching practice.? But coaching takes a LOT of energy and running the Circle does not take as much.? So another thing I love about the Circle is that I can run the Circle without working full time.? This feels important not because I want to work part time (I love my work too much for that) but because I want the option to be able to do that if something happens and I need some time off.? I live alone and don’t have anyone to help with the bills (and am not interested in changing that), so building this kind of stability into my business feels important for the long term.

When I have it I will feel: This one is interesting, because right now I do have it.? 1-2 people join the Circle most days.? And right now I am super happy.? What I want is to sustain this over time and become more grounded in it.? Then I will feel more grounded and stable as the Guardian of Dreams.

And on to this week’s update:

What happened in the last week?

As I said in part 1, there are 1-2 new people joining the Circle most days and I really like this!? Before it was more larger clusters right before a new class started and I do much prefer have this small, steady stream.? It gives me a chance to get to know them a bit (if they choose to be chatty on the Circle website, lots of people prefer to stay quiet and that’s fine too!).

We started the Inspiration Cards class and it’s going even better than I’d hoped.? Members are having these delightfully healing experiences encountering the World of Inspiration and I am having so much fun hearing what they’re all up to.

I don’t think I can explain enough how much I love this group of people and their dreams.

The big thing that happened in the past week is my new customer service software.? I wrote here about boundaries and changes.? The past few months I’ve been increasingly overwhelmed with the amount of stuff coming at me.? Now I feel like I have room to breathe (and play! and create!) again.? It’s all sunshine and rainbows and setting things up in ways that support me in doing the work I am here to do.

How do I feel about this?

Everything feels on track and happy.? A part of me wants to hold onto the original dream I had for 800 members this year.? That part of me is small and young and thinks that it’s not ok to change her mind.

Wise me knew all along that I can set my intention and do my part but I do not control the timing.? Wise me knows that the work I did earlier this year of stretching into my goal was important inner work and will serve me well and that I am not giving up on anything, I’m moving in the direction my heart is sending me in.

Slow, steady growth is my style. I feel really comfortable and supported and happy.

What do I need now?

I’m feeling comfortable and supported and happy.? A lot of this is the new class I’m working on, the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class.? To create the container for the class, I start working with the energies of it ahead of time. Working directly with loving your life and being happy now is pretty amazing.

So all I need for next week is to keep doing what I’ve been doing.

What does my dream need now?

My dream is a sparkling stream running through a forest.? It’s happy and bubbling.? But it’s got this one boulder it would like to be removed.

Hmmm. What is the boulder?? (that part I’m just going to share in my update inside the Circle)

Removing the boulder won’t make the stream stream faster or anything it will just help it stream steadier.

Taking all of this into account, my next mission is:

Keep exploring the boulder and find out more about what it means and what I need to do to remove it.? Keep working/playing with the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class.

Wow, that feels light and do-able.


Creative Journal Prompts For Staying On Track With Your Dreams Read More »

I’m Turning 40 Today: May the Fourth Be With Me

Turning 40

It feels kind of strange to say that this has sneaked up on me.

I mean, how could I not know that I was turning 40?? But still, it feels like a surprise.? Like, Oh, 40, I can’t believe you’re here already.? I knew you were coming but I didn’t think it would happen so soon.

You’re here, I’m here, today I’m 40.

So far, every year just gets better overall even though each year also brings its own unique challenges.? Every year I get to know myself and my dreams better.? Every year I am better equipped to care for myself and my dreams and that makes life better.

So I’ve always looked forward to turning a year older and having another year of experience being me.

But something about entering a whole new decade feels, well it feels like turning 40 is supposed to mean something, but I don’t know what it means.

It feels like I’m growing up a bit more and that’s good.? But it doesn’t feel super important and I don’t really want to do anything to celebrate, other than eat pizza and cake with my family, and let them give me a BIKE (!).

But there is this part of me that was getting all stressed out about how this BIG MILESTONE is happening and I’m supposed to do something with/about it.? To celebrate in a big way or become a grown-up or something.

The truth is: I’m happy.? I don’t have anything to freak out about.? Nothing needs to change just because I’m turning 40.

I’m living with my dreams as my teachers which is exactly where I want to be right now.? I’ll hit the next transition when I hit the next transition – not when I turn some arbitrary age.

It’s ok for turning 40 (or any other number) to not mean anything.

I keep writing and re-writing this post.

I wanted to have something inspiring and meaningful and helpful to say about entering a new decade, especially to people who are feeling uncomfortable about getting older.

But the truth is if you’re feeling uncomfortable, it would be good for you to sit with that feeling, rather than try to inspire yourself out of it.? Your feelings hold your genius.

I’m also noticing more and more how fucked up our society is about aging and our perspectives on “old people”.? The way the elderly are often portrayed is dehumanizing, which is really strange giving that the more years you’ve been alive the MORE human you are – you’ve got more experience and wisdom and gifts and stories to share.? But society is fucked up about a lot of things.

Mostly I’m thinking back to my thirties as I lovingly say goodbye.? My thirties were amazing!? So much growth and delight as I learned how to stop fumbling around with my dreams and start living in them.

SO MUCH happens in a decade and I am looking forward to opening up a new one.

One thing is changing for me: Grey hair.

I started getting grey hairs in my late teens.? But had I started colouring my hair for fun and self-expression before that.? So I never intentionally set out to colour/cover my greys.

About a month ago, I stopped enjoying colouring my hair, so I decided to stop colouring.? At this point, I am about 50% grey and I’d like to have my real hair.

Also – at 50% grey I can use hair chalk to play with colour, which is harder to do on dark hair.? I mean – come on, of course I want this:

So I am going to start streaking my hair super-light, to play more with colour as I grow out my greys.? I’m not sure when I’ll start – right now I’m just letting my roots grow until it starts to feel awkward.

turning 40 and growing out my greys

I used to do Birthday Journaling on my birthday but I’m not sure if I’m even feeling that this year – we’ll see.? Mostly I just want to appreciate being where I am.

I’m Turning 40 Today: May the Fourth Be With Me Read More »

Without my creative dreams, I shrivel up.


Growing a business is hard and sometimes in that hardness I lose sight of why I’m even doing this.

I teach open-hearted, creative people how to live a RIDICULOUSLY inspired life, filled to the brim with dreams come true.

I teach what I teach because this stuff makes me happy.

This stuff makes me deliciously and consistently and reliably happy.? Which is kind of a miracle.

And the times in my life when I did NOT have this stuff have been pretty bleak.

I didn’t set out to become accredited as a spiritual teacher because I wanted to teach.? I was taking those classes it because I needed them for me.

I needed healing.

Even though I wouldn’t have used these words at that time: I desperately needed to find a way to live in tune with my own creative soul.

First, art and design helped (I have a degree in fashion design, half of a degree in interior design and a decade working as a textile artist) but were not enough on its own.

Then, spirituality helped (I am an accredited spiritual teacher/counselor and energy healer and spent years leading healing & meditation groups and classes) but was not enough on its own.

It’s only when I bring it all together and stay engaged in my creative AND spiritual practice that I am truly, like right down to the core, happy.

Without my creative dreams, I shrivel up.

I need this stuff.? This stuff changed my life.? I teach it so I can share it so it can change more lives.

I built this whole world full of tools that help you activate the magic because I know what it’s like to live without the magic.? I know I never want to go back to that place and I don’t want you to live there either.

Once I learned how to create a life that is in tune with my creative soul it was like… whoa.? No wonder I wasn’t ever really happy before.

I need my creative dreams, in order to live my real life.

If you’re reading this, I suspect the same is true for you.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where the odds are stacked against dreams and there aren’t a lot of places you can go to get help with this.

That’s why I built the Creative Dream Circle – to help stack the odds in your favour.

And because my biggest dream is to live in a world where everyone has the option to live with their dreams.

I know we’re a long ways off from this.

I know this is a huge huge tremendously huge job and I am only one person but I’m doing what I can with what I’ve got to move towards this.

Just imagine what happens when everyone lives in tune with their hearts, when everyone believes in their creative purpose, when everyone on this planet feels safe enough to dream.

That’s why I do this.

Do you know that I do energy healing for the Creative Dream Circle and all of its members?

I do this often. Dreaming is about healing, and transformation and moving towards your inherent wholeness.? It’s a big job and it’s never really done.

I have so much love for the people I play with in the Circle.

I check in every day.? I send love and energetic healing attunements.? I offer support and encouragement and ideas.

Love for the dreamers and their dreams fuels my work.

That photo above is a chakra energy healing I was doing for the entire Circle, earlier this week.? The day after I did that members started reporting tiny miracles happening in their lives.

This stuff works.

I can’t make any promises about timing, like how fast you can have your wildest dream come true, but I can promise to make it easier and more fun to stay in the process of getting there.? I can show you how to make the ride smoother.? I can help you rev up your power source.

Without my creative dreams, I shrivel up. Read More »

If you’re not showing up every day, how can you expect your dream to?

show up every day

So here I am, showing up with my art journal for my creative dream practice this morning, even though I didn’t want to.? Even though doubt built a stronghold in my stomach overnight.? Even though I’m tired.? Even though I’m not sure what my next move is.

My dream is a radiant ball of light.

My doubt is a rough block of concrete.

I’m giving them both space in my art journal.

Exploring possibilities.

Doing my best to ground myself in my truth.

Last week, my Daily Practice was a bliss-generator.

This week it’s a container that is keeping me from falling.

Because I stayed in it last week, this week it can hold me.

Daily Practice matters so much for dream-growing.

It’s like your life-line to your dream.? If you’re not showing up, how can you expect your dream to?

If you’re not showing up every day, how can you expect your dream to? Read More »

On Being Afraid And Doing It Anyway


Yesterday I hosted by first blog hop.? It was totally rad.

It was also totally outside of my comfort zone.

I am seriously introverted.? And seriously HSP.? Just the volume of emails needed to pull off something like that was/is outside of my comfort zone.? Nevermind all the other things that scared me about it.

I felt overwhelmed at the thought of it.? I also felt inspired and sure.

There is this thing in the Creative Dream Circle called the Crazy Smart Wisdom Council.

When the right thing for you is outside of your comfort zone (which is where most, if not all, dreams live) – you will tend to try to talk yourself out of it because who wants to be uncomfortable?? The beauty of having a Crazy Smart Wisdom Council is that it roots you back into your truth.

Not the small truths: I’m scared. I’m unsure. I don’t have time.? The Big Truth: When I both LISTEN and ACT ON my intuitive wisdom, anything is possible.

Yes, it’s scary.? Yes, I will probably do it wrong.? Yes, I will feel overwhelmed.? Yes, it would be much more comfortable to just not do this.? Yes, I know this is my right next move.

It’s NOT about steamrolling over your fear.

That is a bad idea, always.? “Leap and the net will appear” is bullshit.

Steamrolling over your feelings is really different from sitting in the discomfort and being willing to be vulnerable in service to your dreams.

When I was willing to be vulnerable in service to my dreams:

  1. I asked for help even though just the thought of asking for help makes me uncomfortable. I reached out to other bloggers and asked them to offer their time, talent & energy in support of my project.
  2. I moved forward even though I was sure I was going to do it wrong.? I have met SO MANY amazing talented bloggers – hundreds of them.? I couldn’t ask everyone I wanted to ask.? I was afraid of asking the wrong people, of other people feeling left out or pissed off, of everyone saying no.
  3. I facilitated something really beautiful.? There was a lot of magic in this blog hop, in sharing people’s honest heartfelt stories of how they nurture their dreams.? It inspired people all over the world.? It introduced people to interesting & amazing new bloggers.? And it got attention for my new free course.

I’m so glad I did this.

On Being Afraid And Doing It Anyway Read More »


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