
Creative Journal Day 13: More Creative Visioning

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.


Creative Visioning is one of the things I do the most in my journals.? It’s simple, fun and effective – I know I do better work when I do this process BEFORE doing the “real work”.


If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic, join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 13: More Creative Visioning Read More »

Creative Journal Day 12: Creative Genius Planning Sessions

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

creative planning


Creative Genius Planning!

AKA Planning from the sweet spot where all things are possible: where the outer work of dream-building is informed, inspired + activated by the magic of your inner world.

This is the stuff that dreams are built on.


Creative Genius Planning Session Audios, Exercises + Playsheets are in the Creative Dream Circle.



Creative Journal Day 12: Creative Genius Planning Sessions Read More »

Creative Journal Day 11: Giving Sadness Space in your Journal

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

journaling when sad

We did explore sadness in an earlier video in this series, but here it is, back again: journaling when sad.

Today I’m talking about how giving uncomfortable feelings SPACE to EXPRESS in your journal honours your feelings, your self and your dreams.



Feeling like it would take a miracle? You’re in luck!

Project Miracle is for people who believe in the magic of their dreams and are ready for something to change.

It’s a 30 day?Choose-Your-Own-Adventure creative support groups for making change happen.

Find out more + grab your spot today.


Creative Journal Day 11: Giving Sadness Space in your Journal Read More »

Creative Journal Day 10: Money Journaling

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

money journaling

Today is my monthly meeting with money, in my journal.

As you’ll see, I don’t sit down with a pile of cash or with cash flow projections – money journaling is a soul to soul meeting, to nurture my inner relationship with money.


Doing this every month is crazy helpful.? Even when it feels like nothing is happening, you ARE developing your inner relationship with money by spending time with it like this, and this WILL open up new possibilities for what you and money can create together.

The Creative with Money Kit that I mentioned is only available inside the Creative Dream Circle.

My money journaling:

creative journaling

If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic (plus room for your very own Online Dream Journal), join me in the Creative Dream Circle!



Creative Journal Day 10: Money Journaling Read More »

Creative Journal Day 9: How To Cure Crankies (Or Anything Else!) Using Your Journal

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

art journaling for healing

The downside of doing a 30 day video challenge is that it means that I will have to do a video on My Crankiest Day Of The Month.? But, of course, this is an opportunity to share how to cure crankies using your journal, AKA art journaling for healing, so here it is:


Art journaling for healing is one of my favourite things.

Once you get into the flow with it, it’s beautiful and soothing and gentle and effective.? But gentle with yourself as you experiment with it, it can take some to get used to giving space to how you’re actually feeling, and explore more about what you actually need.

If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic, join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 9: How To Cure Crankies (Or Anything Else!) Using Your Journal Read More »

Creative Journal Day 8: How To Use Your Journal As a Dream-Growing MACHINE

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

manifesting dreams into reality

Manifesting Dreams into Reality: This is what it’s all about, right?

Today I sat down with my journal and promptly stumbled into a really common pitfall when it comes to using an art journal as a tool for manifesting dreams into reality… so I immediately stopped to record this video.


One thing I forgot to add to this is that I didn’t mean to say to NEVER write about what’s happening right now in your journal… stream of consciousness journaling practices like Julia Cameron’s morning pages can be super helpful!

What I did mean is that it is helpful to have a separate journal as your creative dream journal, where you can keep your attention focused on holding the vision.

Holding the vision for long enough to bring the dream to life is not easy.

Having a journal where this is ALL you do can really help build up that energy.

If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic join me in the Creative Dream Circle!


Creative Journal Day 8: How To Use Your Journal As a Dream-Growing MACHINE Read More »

Creative Journal Day 7: Intuitive Journaling

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

intuitive journaling

Living your dreams is about living your truth.

So learning how to HEAR your inner voice and learning to navigate by your internal compass is a huge part of bringing a dream to life.? That’s what I’m talking about today!

Intuitive journaling is about listening.

It may feel frustrating or like nothing is happening, but usually you have to get into the practice of listening before you start to hear anything.

Your intuitive voice is there – I promise.? It’s just that if you haven’t spent a lot of time listening to it, it takes some time to start to be able to hear it.


My video about How (and Why!) To Make Creative Genius Cards.

Also – we’ve got whole class on making THE BEST Inspiration Cards in the Creative Dream Circle.

If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic (plus room for your very own Online Dream Journal), join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 7: Intuitive Journaling Read More »

Creative Journal Day 6: What To Do With ALL of Those Creative Ideas

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

too many ideas

Too many ideas?

Creative people get a LOT of ideas!

And it’s too easy to jump on the inspiration train and invest (your heart, your time, your energy, your attention, your money) in an idea BEFORE you even know for sure if it’s going to bring you closer to where you want to be.

Processing your ideas, getting to know them, being clear on where they came from, what qualities and experiences they can bring into your life and if they’re going to help you get to where you want to be is a valuable process.

Finding clarity about all of this is PURE MAGIC.

It saves time and energy and potential heartbreak.? It helps you shift through too many ideas to find those absolute gems – the best ideas for you to pursue right now.

That’s what I was doing in my art journal today.



If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic (plus room for your very own Online Dream Journal), join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 6: What To Do With ALL of Those Creative Ideas Read More »

Creative Journal Day 5: The Magic of Grounding + Integration

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.


Today I’m talking about the importance of pausing, resting + integrating and how that is NOT the same as “taking a break”.

This is part of what makes journaling CREATIVE (ala CREATING your WORLD).

Your art journal practice is going to bring you insights and ideas and when it does you need to give yourself time and space to process, ground and integrate or else nothing is going to change.


Here is the link to the how to draw mandalas post.


If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic (plus room for your very own Online Dream Journal), join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 5: The Magic of Grounding + Integration Read More »

Creative Journal Day 4: Clearing Overwhelm + Finding Clarity

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

dealing with overwhelm

Dealing with overwhelm is not fun.

As a HSP it’s something that I am very familiar with, so of course I have come up with a way to handle it in my art journal.

There’s lot in today’s video:

  • How your journal can help handle overwhelm.
  • What to do when you don’t know what you want or what your dream is.
  • Uncovering + activating more gifts of disappointment.
  • Changing gears.



If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic (plus room for your very own Online Dream Journal), join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 4: Clearing Overwhelm + Finding Clarity Read More »

Creative Journal Day 3: What to do when you feel too sad & hopeless to journal

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

what to do when you feel too sad

I knew at some point in this I would want to talk about how it’s important that your journal be a space that welcomes all feelings – that there’s nothing wrong with you if you feel sad or hopeless or whatever. We all feel this way sometimes.

I was hoping it would be later on in the 30 days, but here it is today, sad journaling:


My favourite journaling tools on days like this: crystals + essential oils.

Feeling like it would take a miracle? You’re in luck!

Project Miracle is for people who believe in the magic of their dreams and are ready for something to change.

It’s a 30 day?Choose-Your-Own-Adventure creative support groups for making change happen.

Find out more + grab your spot today.

Creative Journal Day 3: What to do when you feel too sad & hopeless to journal Read More »

Creative Journal Day 2: The Dangers of Relentless Positivity + The Magic of Disappointment

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

deal with disappointment


I wanted to keep the videos under 5 minutes, but today’s lesson is SO important I had to share the whole thing (10 minutes).

It’s about the dangers of relentless positivity the magic + helpfulness of disappointment.

It can be really hard to know how to deal with disappointment.

Especially in your art journal where you kind of want things to be bright, happy and positive.

But putting on a happy face while trying to sweep something like disappointment under the rug actually sweeps your dreams + desires under the rug.

You know that you actually need to deal with disappointment.

Finding ways to be with your disappointment (be with is different from wallow in!) transforms it and shows you the gifts in it.? This is how an art journal can help you deal with disappointment, by giving you a space to express and be with how you’re feeling without making it, or you, wrong.

I know when you feel disappointment, the last thing you want to do is FEEL your disappointment, but I promise that that is the path to freedom.

This morning I woke up nervous and unsure about this project – will it be interesting and inspiring? Will I run out of things to say? Will I just discover that this was a dumb idea?? But right now I am SO HAPPY I am doing this.

Feeling like it would take a miracle? You’re in luck!

Project Miracle is for people who believe in the magic of their dreams and are ready for something to change.

It’s a 30 day?Choose-Your-Own-Adventure creative support groups for making change happen.

Find out more + grab your spot today.

Creative Journal Day 2: The Dangers of Relentless Positivity + The Magic of Disappointment Read More »

30 Day Creative Journal Challenge

30 day journal challenge

Here it is, my challenge to myself:

To Creative Journal every day for the next 30 days (that part is not a challenge!) and to share the stories of what’s happening in my journals here, every day (ahhh… challenge).

I am recording a video every day, and posting it here the next morning, sharing the stories, insights + magic that came from my art journal that day.

You do NOT need to do your own 30 day journal challenge!

Do what you can – it’s not always helpful to push yourself with this kind of work.

From my mapping journal today:

creative journaling

30 Day Creative Journal Challenge Read More »

VIDEO: Treasure-Mapping in my new GIANT Moleskine

Testing out my new video camera with an update on what I’ve been up to, what’s inspiring me + making me happy right now.? Plus how miserably stressed out + creatively blocked I’ve been and how I’m shifting out of it.

If you’d like to join in on the magic of the HOLYday – if you join the Circle now, you’ll get the recordings + playbooks? from yesterday and you can attend the next one live.

VIDEO: Treasure-Mapping in my new GIANT Moleskine Read More »

The end of the Treasure Map.

I am treasure-mapping my way to growing my business, and sharing the honest actual story, AS IT HAPPENS, as I fumble along this path with creativity, heart and soul.

If you want to follow my adventure:
1. What no one tells you about marketing + creative business

2. Be open to the adventure of being where you are

3. The Path to creative business success.

4.? A plan emerges from the treasure map

5. Why I?ve been stuck, plus exploring EASE and JOY

6. How Ease is the ticket and what that means

This is part seven.? The last part.

What is the treasure?? Feeling good (and creative and inspired and elegant) about how I promote my work.

The funny thing about a journey like this:

Being where I am now, it’s hard to remember where I was when I started.

The things I discovered along the way are so OBVIOUS now it’s hard to remember not knowing them, which is a sign of transformation.

I know I wanted to bring more of my creativity and authenticity into how I promote my work, and step up my game a bit.? For so long my focus in my work has been on creating transformative products and I wanted to shift my focus to promoting my work.

But not, like, you know – promoting promoting..

Promotion in a really authentic, creative, inspired and elegant way.

Promotion as a thing of light in itself.? So people can get something useful and inspiring out of it without ever even becoming a client of mine.

What I’ve come up with is Dreamtastic Creative Journals.

It’s a 2 prong (free!) e-course, with material that gets you started using your creative journal as a tool for creating amazing things in your life, and an ongoing creative journaling project to support you in cultivating and sustaining your unique creative dream journal practice.

On a personal level, this helps me make a deeper commitment to my own practice, and to sharing my practice, which is good for me.

On a professional level, this can get more people engaged with my work which may lead to more brave Creative Dreamers joining me in the Circle or purchasing my premium dream-growing journaling kits.

Biggest gift in all of this:

I’ve developed a real appreciation for where I am.? When I started this journey I was looking ahead, like I usually am.? Focused on everything I still want to do instead of at everything I’ve already done.

As a creative person I am ALWAYS going to be looking at what I want to create next, that’s normal.

But it’s ALWAYS better to do that from a space of being over-the-moon happy with where you are right now and what you have already created.

My life is amazing.? I have so much freedom and spaciousness.? I get to dream and create and inspire as my job.? I get to work with amazing inspiring people from all around the world.

And I am leading a Creative Genius Playtime Retreat in San Francisco in 2 months with one of my creative heroes!

I have a lot to be grateful for and I feel kind of ridiculous that I wasn’t being actively grateful before.

These days I am grateful to be actively grateful for where I am.? And grateful to my Treasure Mapping Journey for showing me the way.

Area of Ongoing Confusion:

Creating a free course that kind of overlaps with two of my paid courses is a little confusing at times.

I don’t want the free course to feel like a free course.? I want it to be full and whole and inspiring and totally beautiful on its own.

I also don’t want to re-create the materials that are in my paid courses, and give them away for free.

A few weeks ago, I sent out an email asking for people’s questions about creative journaling, so that I can make sure to tailor this new course to what people want.? Over 50% of the replies were asking for things that are what I already sell.

I’m not sure what to do with that right now – but I am sure there is an elegant, creative solution.

There is a way to do Dreamtastic so that it’s a valuable and gorgeous resource – for my clients and for non-clients and potential clients.? So I imagine that it kind of sort of plugs into my other work for people who want to go deeper with it, but also works on its own.

My creative process is more of a journey than a straight line.

That is something that consistently got me into trouble in design school, as we had hand in sketches and idea boards that showed the natural progression of our idea and my progression bounced and boogied all over the place before arriving at a surprising destination.

Twenty years later, I’m still bouncing and boogieing around, working on something that I can’t quite see just yet, but I can feel it.

Last week in my post about how your dreams make you cranky when you don’t give them what they need, I shared that I was committing to spending 2 hours/day writing about creative journaling in support of this course.

Of course, not all of this writing is making it into the course – I want the course to be simple simple simple.? I’m focusing on creating the EASIEST possible way to help you get started.

But spending 2 hours/day writing (sometimes on my laptop, sometimes in a journal) is helping me remember everything I know about creative journaling.

I have been teaching creative dream journaling for 6 years!

I’m thinking back to my first class and smiling on the inside.? Even though in 6 years I have done a lot to refine my approach – the magic was still all there in that first class.

Creative journaling is magic because it connects you to your inner magic.? It makes your soul smile.

Creative DREAM journaling is even more magic because it directs your inner magic to help you bring your dreams to life.

I can’t wait.

As I said earlier,? the things I discovered along the way are so OBVIOUS now it’s ridiculous.

OF COURSE I should be putting more free Creative Dream Journaling resources out there!? OF COURSE this is the perfect way to promote myself and get my message out to more people.

So I am feeling really, really good.

And I’m feeling complete with this Treasure Map.

creative journaling, treasure map
The finished treasure map!

I am declaring this journey a SMASHING SUCCESS.

Thanks to this journey, I feel more aligned, more sure, more energized, more inspired and more clear.

I am BEAMING with joy about Dreamtastic Creative Journals.

Which means I am BEAMING with JOY about how I am going to promote myself from now until the end of the year – how amazing is that?(!)

Treasure Mapping is the BEST way (for me!) to run my business.

The end of the Treasure Map. Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: