
The real reason why you avoid your journal.

the real reason why you avoid your journal

Every week I write an update and invite everyone in the Creative Dream Circle to share their updates.

It’s an update on walking the path to a dream, and on being in the process of transformation.

Being in the process is hard, sometimes.? Sharing updates is a way of grounding yourself in your process – plus it helps you notice things you wouldn’t otherwise notice.

Last week, in writing my update, I noticed that skipping my first-thing-in-the-morning journaling session is really, really bad for me.

I need this practice as the doorway into my day.

Like, this doorway leads to the day I want to be having.? Other doorways – like skipping my practice and getting right to work – don’t lead to the day I want to be having.

So, I discovered this while writing last week’s update.

Then Monday came, and my inbox was overflowing.

And I thought, well, I’d like to just get to those emails first.? So my mind is clear and I don’t have any energy going towards “all these emails I need to respond to”.

And it won’t take that long, really…

Which is bullshit.

I know that it’s important for my self-care that I start my day with my creative journaling practice.? Any reason I have for not doing that is just a bullshit excuse.

I know this because later on in the morning, once I’d already had my bike ride and coffee and the day was bright, I opened up my journal and hit a huge wall of resistance.

I snapped my journal shut and put it away.

And I knew that I hadn’t skipped my first-thing-in-the-morning practice because I wanted to get to those emails.

I skipped my first-thing-in-the-morning practice because I was afraid of what I’d find when I dove in.

Meeting resistance.? This is a part of the practice.

Some days it’s terrifying to open up a journal because of what you’ll find when you start writing.? You can feel it, sitting underneath the surface, and you’d like to leave it there, hidden, where you can’t really see it.

Except, of course, you’re carrying it. In your mind and your body and your energy field.

You look at the world through the lens of the things you carry, so when you leave it there, hidden beneath the surface, you’re letting it alter your possibilities.

You resist looking at the thing because you’re afraid of how it’s going to feel to face and you worry that you can’t change it anyway so why bother.

But in avoiding the sharp pain of dealing with your stuff you are choosing to live with the dull ache of letting your stuff dull your possibilities.

We all do this, on some level.

Committing to your practice is a commitment to live from your brightest possibilities, and a commitment to doing the work to get there.

It’s messy and hard and some days you just fall down and don’t get up but that’s ok.? Get up when you can.? Keep going one baby step at a time.? Come back to it.

Your practice is a container that holds this process of you being more and less committed, always inviting you deeper into it.


The real reason why you avoid your journal. Read More »

A peek inside my Grow Your Depth journal

The “other video” I talk about is here, the first peek into my Grow Your Depth Journal.? I also did a video tour of my Nurture Your Brilliance journal, here.

The beauty and magic of this work comes from your commitment to do the work consistently over time.

So the whole point of Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance (the class I’m teaching this year which you can still join today!) is to create a container than helps you hold your commitment to your creative personal growth practice.

For me, the main benefit of this work is in how I feel right now.? It makes me happier and more connected to myself.

Of course, when I’m happier and more connected to myself I’m more powerful and creative.

And when I’m more powerful and creative in my life good things happen.? Like:

  • I’m making more money and I’m having more fun doing it.
  • Really cool opportunities keep coming my way (like – I was offered an artists’ residency at the beach this summer!).
  • I’m now able to work on a project that I have dreamed about for 20 years.
  • After a long time of being single and thinking that maybe there’s just no one out there who is a really good match for me, I’ve started dating someone I’m pretty excited about.

Inner work does spark outer change.

If there is any change you want to see happen in your life, I promise you the path is INSIDE you.

A peek inside my Grow Your Depth journal Read More »

Hello 41


I kind of don’t want to post this because it seems too cheesy and pollyanna-y but this is where I’m at.

It’s Sunday night.? I’ve got a belly full of my favourite pizza which I just ate in the park with my family for my birthday dinner.? I turn 41 on Monday.? (I’m thinking that having birthday pizza the day before my birthday may be a good tradition to start – so that I’ll have birthday pizza for breakfast.)

I’ve got my laptop in bed and the windows are open.? (Normally on my birthday it’s a bit too chilly for picnics and open windows at night and I am super grateful for this.)

My life feels fuller than I am used to which is sometimes overwhelming but mostly my heart is happy.? Life just feels like a great big celebration and I am so grateful to be here.

When I think about turning 41 all I can think of is wanting to go back in time and hug past-mes and let them know that it’s all going to be OK.?? That my creative work will one day be happily received by the world and I’ll be able to make a living doing things that make my soul sing.? That I’ll figure out how to live at peace with myself.? That I’ll learn how to really trust myself and take care of myself.? That all the love I need is right here.

And I want to hug all the past mes for doing the work that got me to this place.

And then I want to marvel about what could come next.

Life is so short, but so deep and I am grateful for another year.

I’m also grateful for YOU, reading this.? Thank you for being here.

Hello 41 Read More »


Imagine opening up your journal to find it filled with colours and patterns that make your heart sing and whisper helpful messages from the universe.

In my Mandala Class you’ll learn how to create inspiring and enlightening Mandalas you’ll Fall In LOVE with.

You’ll get a series of 21 videos where I share EVERYTHING I know about creating a wildly fulfilling mandala practice.

You’ll skip through all the hard parts of learning how to draw mandalas and discover the secrets of how to receive (and understand!) the message behind your mandala and how it can help bring you whatever it is you need right now: healing, comfort, insights or brilliant flashes of inspiration.

You know how amazing it is when you get just the right message at just the right time and the feeling is so electric the little hairs on your arms stand up?

I get that feeling ALL THE TIME from drawing mandalas and that’s exactly what I want to share with you in this class.

?Get it right here (with a FREE uber-helpful tutorial).

How To Draw AMAZING + ENLIGHTENING Mandalas. Read More »

Why Journal?

why journal?


I was out with a friend, eating delicious cake and chatting and laughing when she asked me “So, why journal anyway? What’s so special about it?”

I was so surprised, I nearly spit out my cake! Why journal? How could anyone not see the magic of journaling?

But as I tried to answer I realised I didn’t really have an answer. I mean, it’s not easy to explain with words – it’s a feeling. It’s about diving into the magic in your heart.

I told her I’d think about it and come up with a better answer so here I am.

Why journal?

Well, there is a different reason for every person asking the question.

Barack Obama, President of the United States of America:

In my life, writing has been an important exercise to clarify what I believe, what I see, what I care about, what my deepest values are. The process of converting a jumble of thoughts into coherent sentences makes you ask tougher questions.

In my friend’s case, she had a lot of questions about how she really wants to be living her life. But, in the whirlwind of daily life she feels like she has no time to step out of her day-to-day routine and take a look at what’s going on and what needs to change.

This is where a journal can totally help! By spending just 5-10 minutes a day with that question:

What do I want it to be like?

She can start to discover the answer. If she keeps coming back to it, for just 5-10 minutes every day, looking over what she has written and adding new ideas, she goes deeper into the question each day.

The depth of clarity you can find using this process is startling.

(And you can do this with ANY question you face in life.)

Why journal? Because your journal can help you go from having no clue about how to do something to mapping out a clear path to it, in only 5-10 minutes a day.

This is a way of accessing your creative genius.

Why journal?? Because daily journaling, over time, can help you:

  • Get to know yourself better
  • Process, heal and transform difficult situations in your life
  • Uncover your creative gifts
  • Feel more confident about yourself
  • Get clear on what you really want
  • Find your intuitive voice (and the courage to listen to it)
  • Make positive life changes

Just through the simple act of taking your thoughts, ideas and feelings out of your head and putting them down on paper.

My students continually report being STUNNED by how much magic they find in their journals.

Why journal? Because it makes you get clear.

Keeping your thoughts, ideas and feelings swirling around in your head keeps them vague. The act of writing in a journal turns confusion and uncertainty into clarity and vision.? It brings you back to your center, your power and your inner magic.

Of course, it won’t all be glitter and rainbows.? The act of getting clear includes getting clear on what needs to change.? It means facing your fears.? It means working through some really hard stuff, which is why I recommend taking quality journaling classes that can lead you through the hard parts (like mine!).

?Why Journal?? Because it brings you back to yourself.

Writing in your journal is quality time with yourself, you real self.? Not the roles you play or the patterns you? live in, but the real you.? It’s a spiritual and creative practice that will transform your whole life.

Want some help getting started?

Check out my free class on how to grow your dream – which comes with a printable guided journal to get you started – Your Dream Is Waiting For You To Come True?.

Or my free ART journal class about how to get more creative in your journal – Dreamtastic Creative Journals.


Why Journal? Read More »

What To Do About Negative Inner Voices That Shoot Dreams Down

This post is a part of the Dreamtastic Creative Journals ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing. The courses is full of videos, stories, photos, prompts and creative journaling processes that will help you discover the magic within.

Click here to check out what’s happened in the course so far.

What To Do About Negative Inner Voices That Shoot Dreams Down

Today I’m going to answer a question I get often:

I’m curious about how to tap the deepest level without the negative inner voice shooting the dreams down. That’s my biggest issue.

No one is going to like this answer: there is no way to get to the deepest level without encountering the negative inner voices.

Being more present in your inner world means being more present in all of your inner world.

Learning to activate your inner superpowers and make your dreams real is actually all about learning how to transform the negative, fearful voices that get in the way.

Because your inner superpowers already exist.? You already have everything you need, to do anything you want to do.? It’s just a matter of believing in yourself, untangling the tangles and healing your limiting patterns and beliefs.

Then your superpowers can shine through, so bright they change your whole life.

Which means if you want your journaling practice to be a space for healing and transformation then you have to welcome these voices in when they show up, you can’t be trying to avoid them.

This is the biggest part of my practice: welcoming what shows up and working with it.? Trusting that the negative voices that show up are the path – that healing and transforming these parts of me is exactly what I need to be focused on right now.

Often I think I should be focused somewhere else – and exploring something more comfortable and happy.? But I’m always wrong.

The thing that shows up is always the right thing to be exploring.

How, exactly, to do this deep and effective transformative work is beyond the scope of what I can offer in this free series, but you’ll get all the help you could possibly need to do this inside the Creative Dream Circle.

But the first step is definitely to welcome them.

What To Do About Negative Inner Voices That Shoot Dreams Down Read More »

Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are

This year I am trusting Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance to hold and direct the process for what happens in both my personal and professional lives.

The wisest parts of me know that I can trust that as long as I am holding my intention to grow my depth and nurture my brilliance, and showing up for both the inner and outer work, that the exact right thing will always show up.

Other parts of me really don’t like some of the stuff that has shown up already and would like for this whole thing to be easier.

Like last weekend, when Debbie Doubter showed up.

“You know what?” She said on Saturday morning, “You really have no business calling yourself a teacher.”

And before I knew it, Debbie and I were trying to figure out what else I could do, because this teaching thing is surely going to fail.

Never mind that I have training and accreditation as a spiritual teacher.? Never mind that I’ve traveled all over the place to learn from the best teachers I could find, how to become the best teacher that I could be.? Never mind that I have happy, grateful students.? Never mind that I’ve been making 100% of my living as a teacher for the past four years, and that I did it part time for many years before that.

Debbie doesn’t care about any of that.? “Who do you think you are?? Who are you to believe that you have anything to offer your students?”

So, I used my Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance practice to work on my doubt and I started exploring.

What makes a teacher a teacher?


Oh, well I have that.? I was trained, I interned and I was accredited as a spiritual teacher and mentor.?? It took four years!? That’s not enough?

Well, you don’t have a University degree in teaching.

No, I don’t.? I do have a degree though.? And remember how awful some of my teachers at the university were?? Bullies!? I love my students and care about them getting what they want from my classes.? Doesn’t that make me a better teacher than those teachers?

But they were official.

OK, and they were teaching official stuff and I got an official degree from them.? What I’m teaching is not official in that way.? Do you think I’d be better teacher if someone else hired me to teach?? Like, because I built my own school that means I’m less than?

Well, yeah.? It’s not real.? Anyone can do what you did.

Anyone can do anything!

But it’s better when other people validate your work.

Ahh, there it is.? I made a conscious and deliberate choice to not have other people validate my work, to be independent.

(The irony here is that I made that choice so that I could have the freedom to be the best teacher I can be.)

I needed the freedom to build something that is in complete integrity with what I want it to be.? I do things differently than other people because of how much I care about teaching.

But you’re not a teacher!

Where is this coming from?

The truth!? It’s coming from the truth.? It’s a fact that isn’t going to change.

Who do you think you are? Who are you to think you have anything to teach anyone else?

OK, I can answer this for pages and pages, listing everything I have learned and all the ways I have developed my skills to the point where actually I have a lot to teach.

Not to mention the fact that teaching is how I learn, it’s how I stay on my own edge.? That I actually NEED to do this because it’s a part of who I am.

But that’s not going to change this conversation.? You’re not interested in logic.? What is it that you want?

For you to admit failure.

And then what?


Come on, what happens if I admit I’m not a teacher?

Well, I’d be more comfortable.

OK, so if I admit that I’m not a teacher, then I get to live inside my own self doubt.

Yes!? It’s cozy here!

And the bubble bursts.? No, I don’t want to cozy up and live inside my own self-doubt.

Who do you think you are?? Who are you to believe that you are _____?

That voice is so insidious.? It shows up time and time again in my own work, and in private sessions with clients.

That idea that maybe we’ll be safe if we don’t stand too tall and don’t shine too bright and just kind of cozy into a really small story about who we are and what is possible for us.

It’s not true.? Not for me, not for you, not for anyone.

These parts of us become activated when we’re ready to trust ourselves and our dreams more, and believe in ourselves and our dreams more.

These voices show up when we take new steps towards our dreams.

It’s an energy pattern, and each time you are ready to shine a little brighter, you have to come into this energy pattern and alter it to make more space for your brilliance to shine through.

Otherwise, it’s just going to get sneakier about holding you back and dimming your light.

This is Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance in a nutshell.

Explore deeper into your inner world.? Transform what you find there. Make more space for your brilliance to shine out and light up your outer world.

Debbie and I have more work to do here.

She keeps showing up, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

I know that she shows up when I’m ready to play bigger and brighter.? I know this is a part of the process.

But still, being in it sucks.


Who do you think you are? Read More »

New Video: Nurture Your Brilliance

Last week I shared a video tour of my Grow Your Depth journal.

This week I thought I’d share a tour of my Nurture Your Brilliance journal – this is where I work with bringing the inner changes out into the outer world – to create more of what I want in my life.

In this video I’m sharing how I do this in my business, but the same principles apply for anything else.

I recorded this video as content for Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance so the tools I mention in the video are available inside the classroom.

New Video: Nurture Your Brilliance Read More »

VIDEO: Look inside my Grow Your Depth Creative Journal

(I recorded this video to share inside Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance program, so all of the classes and tools I mention in this video are things that you get when you join.)

Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance starts TODAY.

This is the class that I need this year, I can’t wait to begin.

We have a group of 250 amazing people already gathered and I hope YOU are going to join us too.

VIDEO: Look inside my Grow Your Depth Creative Journal Read More »

[CREATIVE JOURNAL PROMPTS] Working with a crap day and transforming it into wishes come true.

Creative Journal Prompts

I had made this really fantastic video that I wanted to share with you today.

And I started uploading it yesterday at lunch time.? It’s pretty long… I left it to upload overnight and this morning I woke up to see the upload had failed.

So then I set it to upload in a different way, then went out for coffee and journaling.? And came home to find the upload failed again.

Now it’s uploading, slowly, but my wish to share it with you today is just not going to come true.

I found myself getting all stressed out because I’m not going to be able to stick to my plan.? And all the tiny little fears and doubts and inner critics used that stress as a doorway to step into my experience.

Until I remembered: this is part of it. Working with what is and transforming it into wishes come true.

This is what?Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance is about and this is what the video is about that I want to share with you – an in-depth tour of my journal and all the magic I’ve been finding in it.

I brought everything I was feeling into my journal, where I had been exploring the first set of prompts that I am giving people inside Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance and then it dawned on me: a better way to do this.

I can share the video on Monday – that gives me all weekend to get it uploaded.

And today I can share the first set of prompts that I am giving people in this program and also share what I’m doing with them.

This kind of lit something up inside me: this is a way better plan!? It means you get some prompts to play with over the weekend!

Even if you’re not joining Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance, you can explore these ideas for yourself in your journal.

Creative Journal Prompts for Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance:

Healing and transformation are difficult things to track because when done right, you feel so at home in your new way of being that you forget how things used to be.

Tracking your progress is important because when you can look back and clearly see how you?ve grown, that gives you confidence to keep going. Plus the process of tracking is very clarifying, and healing and transformation are often confusing so practices that generate clarity are always helpful.

So that’s why we’re starting with these particular creative journal prompts.

Spend some time with each prompt and follow your thoughts wherever they lead you, even if it means you don?t quite answer the question. The point of this is to get a snapshot of where you?re at right now as you begin.

Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance is a support system for deepening your journaling practice.

(If you’re not sure what that means follow this link for more info)

What does this mean to you?

What do you want your practice to be like?

What do you wish will happen for you in this process?

What are you worried might happen?

Look over your answers – what feels really important to you?

In what ways would you like to grow your depths?

In what ways would you like to nurture your brilliance?

As you grow your depth you naturally nurture your brilliance, you start to shine more brightly and your possibilities start to shine more brightly as well. Specifically, what new possibilities do you want to create for your life in this program?

My answers:

This is my page for exploring the creative journal prompts, in process:

my creative journal promopts

(In the video that I’ll share on Monday I talk a lot about how I approach the creative part of journaling)

Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance is a support system for deepening your journaling practice.

What does this mean to you?

  • to be more committed to my practice, both in being more present with it when I do it, and to spend more time with it
  • getting more magic out of my practice

(Ugh.? At this point I realised my answers were really kind of “Stuck in my head” type answers.? Like I was already resisting the magic.)

What do you want your practice to be like?

(This is where I let my heart take over answering and it started to feel much better)

  • soft space to land no matter what’s happening in my life
  • a miracle-generator
  • safe private space to express anything
  • sturdy container for healing and transformation

What do you wish will happen for you in this process?

  • a more stable experience of healing + transformation, being more grounded in it
  • for the things I want that currently feel impossible to become possible

What are you worried might happen?

  • that my resistance goes nuts and stops me from going into the depths and I stay on the surface
  • that I discover things about me that are hard to face

Look over your answers – what feels really important to you?

  • when I used the words: sturdy and grounded they felt really important.? I’ve been doing healing + transformation work for 20 years, it doesn’t feel like I want to change what I’ve been doing as much as do it in a more grounded way, and feel more study during the process of it.

In what ways would you like to grow your depths?

  • to have less resistance to feeling how I feel
  • to be bolder in wanting what I really want
  • to feel more connected to more parts of me more of the time

In what ways would you like to nurture your brilliance?

  • to let my inner truth out faster? (hmm, is this true?? must explore further – maybe waiting until I feel safe is a good idea!)
  • to let my inner truth out brighter, I can feel places where I hold back and I want to explore these places, learn more about why and how I hold back (so much of it is unconscious!) and look at ways of shining brighter that feel right for where I am right now.

As you grow your depth you naturally nurture your brilliance, you start to shine more brightly and your possibilities start to shine more brightly as well. Specifically, what new possibilities do you want to create for your life in this program?

  • I want to be having more fun.? I feel like, with being more conscientious and present doing depth work in my journal every day that leaves me needing less alone introvert-recharging time which means I can have more playing-out-in-the-world time.
  • I want my secret wish (which I don’t want to share) for the thing that I currently worry is impossible for me to have.

Then I added that image on the left, which spoke to me of having space for all parts of me to get what they need, which feels like what I really, really want from this.

This is exactly the class that I need this year and I am sooooo ready to start.

If you’re already signed up, you can start playing with these prompts now, and on Monday we’ll start sharing our answers (only if you want to, of course, it’s totally OK to keep all of your work to yourself) in our private classroom.

If you’re not signed up – I hope you will join us! When I connect with the heart and soul of Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance, I can feel how each person who participates contributes in such a meaningful way – that we really are stronger together and each of us can dive in deeper to our own process because we’re doing this work in community.

And I’ll share that video of my journal with you on Monday.

[CREATIVE JOURNAL PROMPTS] Working with a crap day and transforming it into wishes come true. Read More »

Notes from my journal: Transforming Overwhelm


I’m getting everything ready for the Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance Free Tele-Class Series.

Since I need to have a lot of spaciousness in my schedule, I need most of the stuff ready to go before we start on Jan 5 – all the emails with call details scheduled, the pages you go to get the replays, blog posts, etc.

It’s not really that much work, but when I sit down to do it, I get completely overwhelmed by all the details and unknowns.

Yesterday afternoon I ended up watching Love Actually instead.

Today I need to get to work, so I am starting with exploring the overwhelm.

Physically: My heart feels constricted and small and tight. My head goes all fuzzy.? My shoulders get tense.

Emotionally: I just can’t.

So, I set the table and invite the overwhelm to sit down and have tea with me.

Overwhelm shows up as this horrible grey monster with long, sharp, pointy fingers which it wraps around the tiny tea cup to take a delicate sip of rose tea.? Then it digs into the cookies with a big smile.

“Oh thank you, this is so fabulous and delicious.? I could sit here all day.”

Oh, so my overwhelm doesn’t want to get back to work.

“Oh goodness gracious, no!? Work is scary.? Tea is fun.? I vote for fun”

The horrible grey monster is now a cartoon boy with blonde hair, quickly gobbling up the cookies and tea like he can’t get enough.

OK, so it looks like the part of me that is overwhelmed will just do anything to get me to stop working on the work.? I pick up the cartoon boy and put him in a box of calm and he kind of melts into it like he’s got a giant cookie hangover.

I put the box on the table and look at it.? What do I need? What does my overwhelm need?? What does my work need?? It feels like there are too many pieces to juggle, which is, of course, what overwhelm is.

I am sensitive.? I get overwhelmed easily, especially by details.

Do I still want to do this?? I check in with myself and yes I absolutely want to do this.

I invite the heart and soul of the free tele-class series to join me for tea.? It arrives as a queen, who happily sits down across from me, sending some love and compassion to the cartoon boy in the box of calm.

“I know this is a lot of work.? I know it’s out of your comfort zone.? But honey it’s going to be fabulous.”

Her words feel true.? This will be fabulous.? Does that mean that there are fabulous ways for me to take care of myself in the process of doing this fabulous thing?

The queen pops open a bottle of champagne.

Oh, right, she’s celebrating that I saw that if this thing is big and fabulous then my practices and approach need to be big and fabulous as well.

So, how do I fabulously tackle my to-do list?

The queen puts the bottle down and sighs.

OK, right.? Wrong question.

How do I feel fabulous and excited while getting ready to throw this great party?

The champagne is flowing again.

Of course, it’s all in my mindset.? Knowing that it’s easy for me to get overwhelmed by details, it’s important for me to bolster my energy with a positive attitude.? It’s fine that the mundane tasks I have to do are mundane, they don’t need to be fabulous.? I just need to feel fabulous.

I bring that feeling of champagne flowing into my heart and let it circulate through my body.

Yes, this is the energy I want to create from, this is the energy I want to do these tasks from, this is how I want to play with my to-do list for this event.

I’m ready to get to work.

Notes from my journal: Transforming Overwhelm Read More »

Hello 2018! Creative Journal Prompts for the New Year

journal prompts for the new year

These journal prompts are for playing and creating with.

Use them as little diving boards to dive off into other things to explore ? the most important part of journaling is following your creative impulse, not answering all of the prompts perfectly!

If you feel inspired to – play around with different coloured pens, markers and pencil crayons.?Or use collage or make your own art to illustrate your answers.

When you engage your creativity in your journaling that makes it easier to access your creative genius, the part of you that knows how to bring your dreams to life ? plus it?s more fun that way!

But there are lots of ways to engage your creativity and of course you can also just use pen and paper if that’s what floats your boat.

If getting creative in your journal is new to you and you’d like to try it ? check out?my free art journaling e-course for loads of videos & ideas to help you get started.

The journaling prompts are divided into 2 sections: looking back and looking forward.

Goodbye 2017. Looking back:

What was amazing in 2017?

What did you do in 2017 that you?re proud of?

What did you learn/discover that you want to bring into 2018?

What do you want to leave behind in 2017?

What are you most grateful for about 2017?

How did your dreams grow in 2017?

What did you do to help your dreams grow in 2017?? What worked?? What didn?t work?

How did YOU grow in 2017? What gifts and strengths do you have now that you didn?t have in 2016?

Is there anything you need to do to complete your year? Any unfinished business that you?d like to finish, and leave behind as you move into 2018?

Hello 2018! Looking forward:

Try to list 5-10?things (impossibly big or microscopically small or anything in between) you?d like to have happen in 2018, in each of these different parts of your life:


I know that seems like a lot, but the act of listing TONS of things can really open up your sense of possibility. So spend some time with this – I find it’s best to leave this list out somewhere for a week or so, so I keep adding new things as I think of them.

When you’re done go back through your list and imagine how each of these things will make you happier in 2018. If there is anything on your list that won?t truly make you feel happier ? consider crossing it out.

What is your Big Dream for 2018?

Why do you want this?

How will you feel when you have it?

Do you already know how to make this dream real, or is this something you need to learn more about first?

What?s your plan for giving this dream what it needs to thrive in 2018?? Brainstorm 10 things you can try.

What do you want to STOP doing in 2018?? And what are some things you can you do to make that as easy as possible? How will not having these things in your life make you happier?

Then imagine yourself at the end of 2018 (You might want to draw/collage/doodle an image of you from one year from now). ? How are you different?? How did you grow?? What new strengths and skills do you have?? Does you-from-one-year-from-today have any messages or advice for you?

Here?s to a sparkletastic New Year, for all of us.

I’m starting 2018 off right, with the Year of Dreams Dream Planner, Guided Journal and Coloring Book?including a live, online Vision Party (where you’ll map out your vision for 2018) happening on January 9!

Find out more here.

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Why Art Journaling Is Not Enough


Art journaling is becoming popular out in the world and this is very good! People are waking up to the inherent healing benefits of being creative and only good can come from that.

It?s true that just making art is healthy and good for you.

And it?s also true that if you want to actually dig in and transform your self and your life, more is needed.? And that part keeps getting lost in the shuffle.

Starting a creative practice is only the first step.

And the skills, techniques and practices that you need to get started are different than the skills, techniques and practices that take you to the next level.

It takes a special set of skills to successfully navigate the process of internal transformation.

Engaging in the creative process is beautiful and magical but it’s only a doorway to deep down healing and transformation.

Obviously the doorway is super important, but the doorway is not the journey, it?s only there to get you started.

Too many people are taking those tiny bites of healing and then mistaking those tiny bites for all there is – which means they’re settling for much less than the full-blown bliss of inner healing and transformation.

To get to the next level, your creative practice has to stop being about the art and start being about the inner journey.

You can tell where you are in this by how you feel about what you?re creating.

  • Do you want it to look a certain way? If so, you?re staying on the surface.
  • Are you so immersed in your own brilliant depths that you don?t care what your art looks like anymore? If so, then you?re on the real journey.

Creating a gorgeous art journal as a record of your life is wonderful. But it?s nothing compared to learning how to skillfully navigate your own brilliant depths.

That?s what I wish for you and that?s where we?re going in 2015, in the Creative Dream Circle.

Right now I’m thrilled to be working on something new for the Circle:

Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance: 12 months of deep-down creative + intuitive healing + transformation.

I’ll be sharing more details over the next month.? The magic will start in January, but if you join the circle today you can use December to work through the amazing classes that are already there which creates the foundation for where we’re going next.



Why Art Journaling Is Not Enough Read More »

Friday Afternoon Playdate With My Dream

A few weeks ago I wrote my last weekly update post where I talked about how I wanted to start doing something different… less an update, more a practice.

I wasn’t 100% sure what this would be, but today I dove in to try my new idea: Friday after lunch I meet up with the heart and soul of my dream, open up my art journal and PLAY.

No agenda. No direction. Just dive in and be open to what shows up, letting the magic of creativity and imagination lead me to what I need to be led to.

(For Creative Dream Circle members: I shared more about this in the October 31 Creative Dream Sharing Circle thread.)

I can’t wait to see what happens with my dreams, with this as a regular weekly practice.

Friday Afternoon Playdate With My Dream Read More »

[from my journal] The Temple of Effortless Growth

Speculation: there are two kinds of growth.

  1. the kind that you plan for (and work hard for!)
  2. the kind that is effortless – it just happens

I know the kind of growth that you plan for and work for.? I have had crystal clear intentions, I have planned and worked and experienced growth.

But what about the other kind?? What if growth just happened, effortlessly??

At first glance, that question is too scary!? If I’m not in control of how growth is happening then it could happen in ways that destroy everything I have so carefully built.

But the idea that I have control over anything is ridiculous.

So that would mean that trying to control growth would be ridiculous.? Which would mean that I have been behaving quite ridiculously.? Which is likely!

Last week I went to the mineral spa.

I dedicated my spa day to effortless growth: as an offering to effortless growth and as an opportunity for me to discover the secrets of effortless growth.

I had a massage booked, and like I always do, I arrived VERY early so I could steam in the aromatherapy steam shower and soak in the mineral hot tub and warm pool before my massage.

I got to the spa, was given my fluffy robe and slippers.? I changed into my bathing suit and went to the mineral steaming/soaking area.

Hmmm.? Both the steam shower and the hot tub were being repaired.? And by “being repaired” what they meant was they’d put an “out of order” sign on them and nothing was happening.

And I was pissed off!? I chose that spa specifically for these amenities.? How could they not tell me that this stuff wasn’t working?

Oh right.? This trip is an offering to effortless growth.? There are no accidents.? Everything is happening for me, to not me.

Looking at it through that lens, here I was, sitting in the mineral pool in my own Inner Temple of Effortless Growth.

And things are in a sad state of disrepair.

Repairs have a sense of optimism.? These sad “out of order” signs with no workers in sight felt more like stagnation.

How have I been caring for my Inner Temple of Effortless Growth?? Not very well.? So why would I expect to experience the gifts of effortless growth in my outer world?

I meditated and explored and it turns out: effortless growth is the more real kind of growth.

I mean – look at nature. Look at how one apple contains so many seeds which can grow so many more apples which contain so many more seeds.? Effortless growth.? Unplanned and wild.

What if I allowed growth to happen in my life like that: unplanned and wild? Oh my.

How would I support that kind of growth in happening? Ohmygosh I wouldn’t even have to support it.? I’d just have to stop fighting it.

?My inner Temple of Effortless Growth was only in a state of disrepair because I’ve been feeding the believe that growth is hard.

And it’s not even true that growth is hard!? I had to giggle about that.? It’s not even true!

I went home and started working on fixing up my Temple of Effortless Growth by doing energy work and art journaling.? (For Creative Dream Circle members: I was using the process in the Crazy Smart Wisdom Council to meet with my Temple of Effortless Growth)

(I’m specifically exploring my business here but this is applicable to all dreams.)

What if I didn’t have to plan out every bit of growth that happens in my business?

What if I trusted growth itself enough to grow without me micromanaging?

What if I PARTNERED with effortless growth?

Now I am REALLY giggling.? Obviously, it’s downright STUPID to not partner with effortless growth.

Because partnering with effortless growth = being in tune with the universe.

And I have a lot of evidence that shows that only good things come from that.

My mind is spinning a bit now, in a good way.

[from my journal] The Temple of Effortless Growth Read More »


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