
Creative Emergence Day 18: Tell The Truth


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

REMEMBER: If you missed our live call on the 16th you can get the recording right here. It will only be available for 48 hours.

Honesty creates clear, shining pathways.? Lies create tangles and fog.

But being honest with yourself, being emotionally honest with yourself, can be a complicated thing.

There are a million reasons why it’s hard to be honest about how you feel.

Like: if you admit how angry you are about this situation then you worry that you would be forced to do something about it.? Like have a really uncomfortable conversation that you’re terrified to have or quit a job which you absolutely can’t afford to do.

If you don’t feel ready to do something about it then it can feel like it’s easier to pretend that you’re not that angry.

But what happens is that your anger gets stuck inside you and builds a home for itself there, eating away at your joy, eating away at your possibilities.

Most of us were never taught how to be ALL THE WAY honest about how we feel.

Like: I am angry about this work situation and too terrified to do anything to change it, so then I feel hopeless because it feels like I’m stuck with this as it is.? So I really want to ignore my anger because it just leads to feeling hopeless.

Being emotionally honest is messy.

Being emotionally honest is also the path to liberation.

Because as long as you avoid your anger about that work thing then no – nothing is ever going to change.? Also: by avoiding the anger within you you’re avoid huge parts of your inner world.

It’s like you are squeezing yourself into a tiny closet and not taking up your whole home.

You’re making yourself live as less than you really are.

On the other side of your anger and fear and hopelessness is creativity and genius and POWER – which you can use to change anything that you need to change in your life.

Step one is being emotionally honest with yourself.

Today I want you to journal about how you feel.? Really explore this, pay attention to every little thing you feel in this moment.

(From my deck of Journaling Cards for Magic + Insight)

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics + thoughts on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. Circle members can share in our private Creative Emergence forum.

I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)

REMEMBER: If you missed our live call on the 16th you can get the recording right here. It will only be available for 48 hours.


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work – if you don’t remember your password just click “forgot password” and it will be sent to you, just make sure to use the email address you used when you joined the Circle.


See you back here tomorrow for day 19 of Creative Emergence.

REMEMBER: If you missed our live call yesterday you can get the recording right here. It will only be available for 48 hours.



Creative Emergence Day 18: Tell The Truth Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 17: Interview with Connie Solera


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

REMEMBER: If you missed our live call yesterday you can get the recording right here. It will only be available for 48 hours.

I wanted to include a few interviews with journalers I admire as a part of Creative Emergence to give you some different perspective and ideas about journaling.

Today’s interview is with Connie Solera from Dirty Footprints Studio.

ConnieMy name is Connie Solera and I am devoted to supporting women on their artist journey of deepening their creative practice, awakening their innate wisdom, and nurturing their dreams ? all while sharing an honest peek into my own life as a heart guided artist, teacher, and creative entrepreneur through my blog, workshops, and retreats.

For more information please visit Dirty Footprints Studio.

Why do you journal?

Honestly, because I was born this way.? My mom just gave me my baby book she kept from my birth until kindergarten — and all throughout the pages are my scribbles! Proof that I’ve always been comfortable opening up a book and covering it with my mark!

How did you get started?

I “officially” started keeping an art journal way back in high school, except I don’t think anyone called it an art journal back then. Instead it was just a spiral bound notebook that I painted the cover silver and wrote my name on it with puffy paint. Yes, puffy paint.

I took that baby with me EVERYWHERE and plastered it with sketches, doodles, poetry, concert tickets, Kerouac quotes, postcards of Pre Raphaelite paintings, and photos I’d cut out of magazines of hot guys, art work, fashion, and architecture.? I’ve always had a peculiar interest in architecture (and hot guys).? I would even let my friends add their creative touch to it too.

Unfortunately I have no idea whatever happened to that book and thinking about it feels like remembering an old friend.

What?s your favourite thing to do in your journal?

Paint. Dream. Plan. Scheme. Love. Breathe. Paint. Fall apart. Build myself back up. Believe. Heal. Paint.


Do you have a specific brand/type of journal that you use (if yes – please include a link so we can check it out)?

Oh yes! I got a few actually.? Here they are!

Strathmore Visual Journal —? I think the covers of these journals are ugly as all hell, but the paper in them can take a lot of painterly mixed media love!? Plus anyways, covers are meant to be covered with paint after all!

Fabriano Venezia Journal — LOVE these journals! LOVE them! I carry a little Fabriano everywhere I go! I even sewed a sweet little cover for it.? I use it specifically for sketching with ink and watercolor — but I have a larger one that I’ve gone wild crazy with paint? in it for a body of work I call “Painting The Feminine” and it supports all the creativity I can throw at it!? What I love about it too is that it lies flat — no spiral bound wire separating the pages.

Hand Book Artist Journals — These are my new loves!? I have two of the landscape size ones and believe it or not — you can give it a lot of painterly mixed media love and it will take it.? I love these journals tons — something about them is simply inspiring!


Do you get creative with art supplies in your journal?? If so, which ones?

I’m a purist in a sense.? I love the basics — paint, charcoal, pen, ink, glue, gesso.? I also have a huge bin of magazines, old books, and calendars in my studio that I dive into for collage action when I feel like it.? But as for those fancy art supplies that come out every other week — I found that I’m allergic to them.



To find out more about Connie and her amazing art classes, check her out at Dirty Footprints Studio.

And today I want you to meet with your intention in your journal.

You can use the technique I teach in my free class or anything you have learned in my classes inside the Creative Dream Circle and see what happens when you meet with your intention today.

Inspired by Connie, you may want to try painting or drawing the heart and soul of your intention.

Ask your intention: What does it need today?

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics + thoughts on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. Circle members can share in our private Creative Emergence forum.

I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.

Or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)

REMEMBER: If you missed our live call yesterday you can get the recording right here. It will only be available for 48 hours.


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


  • For more new ideas and perspectives, we’ve got the following amazing interviews and audio classes with inspiring people in the Advanced Creative Badassery Resource Library:

Being an Artist with a Chronic Illness With Samie Harding, Change with Shannon Wilkinson, Coming Out as your Authentic Self with Liv Lane, Creative Projects and Creative Practice with Jamie Ridler, Divine Guidance with Laurel Bleadon-Maffei, Poetry is a Lifeline with Liz Lamoreux, Sharing Your Story with Susannah Conway, Trailblazing with Chris Zydel, WordPress/Putting Yourself Out There Online with Angel Sullivan

You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 18 of Creative Emergence.

REMEMBER: If you missed our live call yesterday you can get the recording right here. It will only be available for 48 hours.



Creative Emergence Day 17: Interview with Connie Solera Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 16: Letting Go


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

REMEMBER: Our live call is TODAY! I hope you can be there.? If you need some support with any of this – this is where to get it!? I’ll answer questions, do coaching and talk about whatever you want to talk about.

Letting go is an integral part of growing, evolving and making your dreams real.

You have all this awesome new stuff you want to invite into your life.

Where is it going to go?? Do you have space for it?? Or is your life so full of stuff you don’t want that the things you want can’t even come in?

Today I want you to journal your response to this question: What are you ready to let go of?

Journaling Cards

(This is another prompt from my Journaling Cards for Magic + Insight)

Sit with this question longer than you think you need to.

Most of us have a LOT of internal resistance to letting go of the familiar, even when letting go would totally serve our best interests.? Sitting quietly with this question can help you start to work through some of your resistance.

You can go deeper into this question by meeting with the heart and soul of your intention, and asking it – what does it want you to let go of?

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics + thoughts on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. Circle members can share in our private Creative Emergence forum.

I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)

REMEMBER: Our next live call is TODAY! I hope you can be there.? If you need some support with any of this – this is where to get it!? I’ll answer questions, do coaching and talk about whatever you want to talk about.


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


  • Module 3 of the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course has more resources for exploring how to create space for your dream in your life.
  • The Law of Sacrifice video may be helpful – it’s easier to let go when you’re really aware of what it is you can receive in exchange.
  • And we’ve got a private forum inside the Circle for sharing your Creative Emergence photos and stories if you’d rather not do that publicly.

You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 17 of Creative Emergence.

REMEMBER: Our next live call is TODAY! I hope you can be there.

Creative Emergence Day 16: Letting Go Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 15: Embracing Change


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

REMEMBER: Our next live call is TOMORROW! I hope you can be there.? If you need some support with any of this – this is where to get it!? I’ll answer questions, do coaching and talk about whatever you want to talk about.

You’re halfway there.

You’ve now been meeting your intention every day for two weeks.

Focusing, every day, on your intention for what you want to create in your life WILL change things.

Sometimes change happens so slow and in such small increments that you don’t notice it, and you get frustrated and give up.

Sometimes changes happen but it might not be the change you were hoping for.? Sometimes (often?) the path that leads to what we want does NOT look the way we expected it would.

So when things are changing in unexpected and (seemingly) uninvited ways it’s easy to not notice that these changes are happening in response to you holding your intention.

I promise – whatever has changed in your life over the past 14 days has changed in service to your intention.

Sometimes an intention to be super-happy in your relationship results in a messy breakup.? This is happening to create space for that super-happy relationship to come in.

Sometimes an intention to clean up your finances results in an avalanche of unexpected expenses.? This is happening to show you where you need to be more conscious, aware and empowered about money.

It’s not necessarily going to look the way you think it “should”.

You really do have to let go of how you think it should look if you genuinely want to have your dream come true.

Today I want you to meet with your intention in your journal (using the technique I teach in my free class or anything you have learned in my classes inside the Creative Dream Circle) and take a look at how things are changing in your life in response to you holding your intention steady over the last 14 days.

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics + thoughts on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. Circle members can share in our private Creative Emergence forum.

I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)

REMEMBER: Our next live call is TOMORROW! I hope you can be there.? If you need some support with any of this – this is where to get it


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 16 of Creative Emergence.

REMEMBER: Our next live call is TOMORROW! I hope you can be there.



Creative Emergence Day 15: Embracing Change Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 14: Meeting Your Dream Self


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course. NOTE: Our next live call is coming up on September 16 – this is where I’ll answer questions, do coaching and talk about whatever you want to talk about.

Let’s pick a card.

Today I’m borrowing a lesson from my Free Art Journal Class on how to meet your Dream Self in your journal:

So today I want you to meet with your Dream Self in your journal – imagine you can meet with the version of you that you will be once you have your intention for what you want to create in Creative Emergence.

Explore the ways how this part of you is different from who you are today.? What does this tell you about how you need to change to move towards what you want?

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

What did your Dream Self have to tell you?

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. (I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.)

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 15 of Creative Emergence.

REMEMBER: Our next live call is coming up on September 16 – this is where I’ll answer questions, do coaching and talk about whatever you want to talk about.


Creative Emergence Day 14: Meeting Your Dream Self Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 13: It’s Exciting!


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course. NOTE: Our next live call is coming up soon on September 16.

Let’s pick a card.

Today I wanted to share a prompt from my Journaling Cards for Magic + Insight with you:

journaling cards

Exploring what’s EXCITING about your intention for Creative Emergence helps nurture that good ENTHUSIASM energy you were building two days ago.

It’s kind of like looking at it from a different angle, which is one of the ways that journaling is so helpful for making dreams real.? In looking at different aspects of your intention from all sorts of different angles you learn more about it and what to do with it.

Exploration sparks discovery of new ways to bring your dream to life.

So – what’s exciting about your intention for Creative Emergence right now?? Sit with this question and explore it in your journal.

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. (I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.)

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 14 of Creative Emergence.


Creative Emergence Day 13: It’s Exciting! Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 12: Interview with Susannah Conway


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.


susannahI wanted to include a few interviews with journalers I admire as a part of Creative Emergence to give you some different perspective and ideas about journaling.

Susannah Conway is the author of This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart and forthcoming LONDONTOWN: A Photographic Tour of the City?s Delights (Chronicle Books, 2016).

A photographer, writer and teacher, Susannah helps others remember their true selves, using creativity as the key to open the door. Visit her at and say hi on Instagram.

I’ve known Susannah online for years and have even had the privilege of meeting her in real life.? She is sweet and funny and wildly inspiring.
Why do you journal?

My journal is my sanity-keeper, my closest confidant and the holder of all my creative inspiration. Journaling allows me to decant the contents of my head onto the page so I can understand how I?m feeling. It?s how I brainstorm and dream up new ideas. It supports me through the darker days and celebrates with me on the good ones.

How did you get started?

I started writing a diary when I was 11-years-old. I can?t remember what compelled me to start but I?d always been writing in notebooks so it wasn?t much of a leap to begin dating my scribblings. I still have the notebooks and it?s amazing to be able to get a glimpse into what was so important to little me that I had to commit it to the page. My journal writing continued into my teens and beyond; there?s never been a time when I wasn?t journaling.


What?s your favourite thing to do in your journal?

Stream of consciousness writing is how I usually journal but I also like to combine words with images. Sticking the occasional photo or found image on the page is my way of adding more colour and meaning to the words I record and in the last few years I?ve started using a separate journal for more intensive dreaming and life planning (it?s no coincidence that this coincided with a period of compulsive Filofax bidding on eBay 🙂

Keeping the different areas I want to work on in separate sections in the binder feels like my dreams are truly on-going projects, and while it?s not something I use everyday or even every week, when I do it?s a joy to be able to dip into the sections and add more layers to my visions and plans.

Do you have a specific brand/type of journal that you use?

I use large lined Moleskine notebooks for my written journals and an A5 Filofax for my visioning.

Do you get creative with art supplies in your journal?? If so, which ones?

Not in the traditional sense, no. Collage, washi tape and the occasional Polaroid is about the extent of my art journaling!


If you want to see more from Susannah, I encourage you to visit her at

Again today I want you to meet with your intention in your journal.

Using the technique I teach in my free class or anything you have learned in my classes inside the Creative Dream Circle, see what happens when you meet with the heart and soul of your intention today.

Ask your intention: What does it need today?

Or, inspired by Susannah, you may want to try stream of consciousness writing – just write whatever goes through your mind no matter how trivial it may seem.? Interesting things can come up this way!

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics + thoughts on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook.

I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


  • For more new ideas and perspectives, we’ve got the following amazing interviews and audio classes with inspiring people in the Advanced Creative Badassery Resource Library:

Being an Artist with a Chronic Illness With Samie Harding, Change with Shannon Wilkinson, Coming Out as your Authentic Self with Liv Lane, Creative Projects and Creative Practice with Jamie Ridler, Divine Guidance with Laurel Bleadon-Maffei, Poetry is a Lifeline with Liz Lamoreux, Sharing Your Story with Susannah Conway, Trailblazing with Chris Zydel, WordPress/Putting Yourself Out There Online with Angel Sullivan

You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 13 of Creative Emergence.

Creative Emergence Day 12: Interview with Susannah Conway Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 11: The Magic of Enthusiasm


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.? NOTE: Our next live call is coming up on September 16.

Being enthusiastic changes things.

Imagine having a dream and feeling unsure and nervous by it.? How are you going to muster the energy to make it happen?

Imagine having a dream and feeling enthusiastic about it.? Your enthusiasm actually generates the energy you need to make it happen.

Now, you feel the way you feel.? You can’t fake enthusiasm if you’re not feeling it.

But, somewhere inside you, you have to have some enthusiasm for your dream or else why would it be your dream?

Think about your intention for what you want to do with Creative Emergence.

Think about why you chose this particular thing.

Think about how much you want it.

Think about how you’ll feel when you have it.

Can you feel your enthusiasm for it growing?

Can you imagine giving your enthusiasm more space inside you?

Can you imagine feeding and nourishing your enthusiasm, encouraging it to grow bigger and wilder?

Today I want you to journal about your ENTHUSIASM for your intention for Creative Emergence.

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram?using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook.? (I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on? my Instagram.)

Or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment.? Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper.? If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 12 of Creative Emergence.

Creative Emergence Day 11: The Magic of Enthusiasm Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 10: CRANKY INOWANNA Journaling.


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

Everybody gets cranky sometimes.? That doesn’t mean you stop journaling.

Looking through my blog, I found I’ve made two different videos about cranky journaling, so I’m going to share them both with you.? The first one is from the Free Art Journal Class, the second one is from my Creative Dream TV video series.

So, cranky or not, today I want you to meet with your intention in your journal as you’ve been doing every day (using the technique I teach in my free class or anything you have learned in my classes inside the Creative Dream Circle).

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Did your dream have anything new to show you today?

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. (I’m sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.)

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 11 of Creative Emergence.

Creative Emergence Day 10: CRANKY INOWANNA Journaling. Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 9: The Magic is in the Qualities


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

The Magic is in the Qualities.

I talk about this both in my free introductory class and in pretty much all of the classes inside the Creative Dream Circle -? it’s really important to work with the qualities of your dream/intention, to not just focus on the external.

The qualities are a way of working with the essence of your dream/intention – the essence is a real, living spiritual being, I think of it as the heart and soul of your dream.

The essence of your dream already contains everything you need to bring it to life, so working with the essence makes everything easier – like magic.

This is how you shift out of “working your ass off to make it happen” and into “ease-fully growing into your full potential” which is the most effective way of make your dream real.

If you don’t understand what I mean here – go to my free introductory class where I explain the basics of understanding the qualities of your dream.? For Creative Dream Circle members the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course teaches you in detail how to work with the essence to bring your dream to life.

So today I want you to play with the qualities of your intention for Creative Emergence.

If you’re not sure what they are, spend some time journaling about it first.? What are the qualities of your intention?

Then – play with them!? My favourite way to do this is collage: flip through magazines while thinking about your qualities and tear out words and photos that express the feeling of the essence for you, then stick them down in your journal.

But here is absolutely no wrong way to do this – just spend some time playing with the qualities.

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook. (I’m sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.)

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment. Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


  • The Energy Clearing audio shows you the simplest way of working with qualities.
  • All of the classes show you different ways of working with qualities and essence but the Creative Dream Incubator shows you the whole process of working with qualities and essence to bring your dream to life – Module 2 is all about working with qualities in inspiring and creative ways.
  • We’ve also got a private forum inside the Circle for sharing your Creative Emergence photos and stories if you’d rather not do that publicly – we’d love to see photos of your collage of qualities!

You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work – if you don’t remember your password just click “forgot password” and it will be sent to you, just make sure to use the email address you used when you joined the Circle.


See you back here tomorrow for day 10 of Creative Emergence.

Creative Emergence Day 9: The Magic is in the Qualities Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 8: What To Do With Those Brilliant Insights


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

When you’re journaling every day you can expect to have amazing insights, so let’s talk about what to do about them.


As usual, today I want you to meet with your intention in your journal? as you’ve been doing every day (using the technique I teach in my free class or anything you have learned in my classes inside the Creative Dream Circle).

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Did your dream have anything new to show you today?

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram?using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook.? (I’m sharing my pics and thoughts on my Instagram.)

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment.? Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!



See you back here tomorrow for day 9 of Creative Emergence.

Creative Emergence Day 8: What To Do With Those Brilliant Insights Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 7: The magic is in the last place you want to look


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

One week ago I asked you to journal about your intention for what you want to get out of this course.

Since then, you’ve been spending time with your intention/dream in your journal every day.

Today we’re going to mix it up a bit.

I want you to meet with your intention as you’ve been doing.

And then I picked a Journaling Card for you and your intention to explore together:

journaling cards

What have you been avoiding?

So far we’ve been focusing on settling into this practice and simply making time to pay attention to your intention every day, which is important and magical on it’s own.

But now it’s time to dig a little deeper and take a look at the places where you usually don’t look.

The places that you avoid wind up having power over you, because avoidance forces you to look in the other direction.

So when you stop avoiding something you’ve been avoiding you end up with more freedom, you end up being able to access new ideas, inspiration and power to create change in your life.? It’s kind of magic.

It’s also pretty uncomfortable because you’re avoiding the thing you’re avoiding for a reason, right?

So go gently with this one, but do push yourself a bit.

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

What secrets have been hiding in the places that you avoid?

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram?using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook.? (I’m sharing my pics and thoughts on? my Instagram.)

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment.? Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper.? If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 8 of Creative Emergence.

Creative Emergence Day 7: The magic is in the last place you want to look Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 6: What If You Feel Too Sad To Journal?



Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

It’s ok if you’re not always feeling inspired + happy to open your journal.

Today I’m borrowing a lesson from my –Free Art Journal Class on what to do on those days when you feel too sad + helpless to journal.

Hopefully you’re not feeling sad and helpless today and you can file this away for when you need it.

Today I want you to meet with your intention in your journal.

Again, using the technique I teach in my free class or anything you have learned in my classes inside the Creative Dream Circle, meet with the heart and soul of your intention/dream and see what happens today.

Each time you do this, you are clearing the channels of communication between you and your dream… so that it can help you bring it to life.

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Did your dream have anything new to show you today?

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram?using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook.? (I’m sharing my pics and thoughts on? my Instagram.)

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment.? Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


?Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper.? If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.


See you back here tomorrow for day 7 of Creative Emergence.


Creative Emergence Day 6: What If You Feel Too Sad To Journal? Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 5: Interview with Effy Wild


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

I wanted to include a few interviews with journalers I admire as a part of Creative Emergence to give you some different perspective and ideas about journaling.

effyEffy Wild is an avid journal artist, art journal teacher, and writer who lives and loves in Southwestern Ontario.

She teaches art journaling and self-inquiry in on line classes and is also the hostess of the collaborative series of e-courses, Radiant: Faces and Radiant: Art Journals. She blogs at

I’ve known Effy online for years.? She is a deep explorer and wild creative being – a true creative kindred spirit. I am thrilled to be a part of her Radiant Art Journals e-course – which is starting October 1.

Radiant Art Journals is an immersion into the whys and hows of mixed media art journaling through thirteen full lessons, two bonus lessons and SIXTEEN ADDITIONAL LESSONS by Effy!


Click here to read all about Radiant Art Journals and to come join us!

Why do you journal?

I journal to meet myself on the page, work out my stuff, document my life, and play.


How did you get started?

I have been an avid written journaler since a grade 5 teacher had us keep journals for class. Journaling led to writing creative non-fiction and poetry. I suffered a really bad case of writer’s block in 2008 & 09 due to a family crisis and in an effort to ‘unlock’ myself, I went looking for something else to do while the muse was off on holiday. I found art journaling, and the rest is history. I still keep a written journal in conjunction with my art journal, but art journaling tends to take priority these days.


What?s your favourite thing to do in your journal?

I love to layer until the spread reveals itself to me. I rarely begin with an idea of what I want to do in mind. This feels like a process of ‘reverse excavation’. The more layers I *add*, the more deeply I dig into what my soul wants to express that day. I am also really obsessed with faces. The ability to create a face that captures what I’m feeling or experiencing has been really life changing for me. It is as though I can, through the creation of a representation of what I’m feeling, detach in a loving way from the feeling so I can examine it, understand it, and then reintegrate it from a place of knowing. Adding text is almost *always* necessary to my process, but text does tend to take a back seat to the symbols I use to express my feelings.

Do you have a specific brand/type of journal that you use (if yes – please include a link so we can check it out)?

I bind my own art journals out of canvas and watercolor paper. For written journaling, I prefer the Moleskine Cahier Large size. I usually glue six of them together, back cover to front and then bind it all in fun duck tape.? I buy them from because they are less expensive there and they offer free shipping. I also have a journal I toss in my bag that includes an insert I can art journal on (cardstock) and a Moleskine Cahier. This is a ‘fauxdori’ journal that has elastics set in the binding to hold various inserts and books.


Do you get creative with art supplies in your journal?? If so, which ones?

In my art journal, I use primarily acrylic paint, Pigma Microns, Unibal white gel pens, and, occasionally, stencils, sprays, stamps, and scrapbooking paper. I keep my written journals in black pen – sometimes in fountain pen, sometimes in whatever I have in my purse. I don’t tend to doodle or draw in them. I just write and write ‘morning pages’ style until I’m spent.



If you want to see more from Effy go check her out at or join Effy and I are 14 other brilliant teachers for the Radiant Art Journals course.

Again today? I want you to meet with dream intention in your journal.

Just like yesterday (using the technique I teach in my free class or anything you have learned in my classes inside the Creative Dream Circle) and see what happens today.

Remember that each time you do this, you are clearing the channels of communication between you and your dream.

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Did your dream have anything new to show you today?

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram?using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook.? (I’ll be sharing my pics and thoughts on? my Instagram.)

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment.? Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper. If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


  • For more new ideas and perspectives, we’ve got the following amazing interviews and audio classes with inspiring people in the Advanced Creative Badassery Resource Library:

Being an Artist with a Chronic Illness With Samie Harding, Change with Shannon Wilkinson, Coming Out as your Authentic Self with Liv Lane, Creative Projects and Creative Practice with Jamie Ridler, Divine Guidance with Laurel Bleadon-Maffei, Poetry is a Lifeline with Liz Lamoreux, Sharing Your Story with Susannah Conway, Trailblazing with Chris Zydel, WordPress/Putting Yourself Out There Online with Angel Sullivan

You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work.



See you back here tomorrow for day 6 of Creative Emergence.


Creative Emergence Day 5: Interview with Effy Wild Read More »

Creative Emergence Day 4: How your journal helps you change your life


Click here for everything you need to get started with the Creative Emergence free 30 day e-course.

How is journaling every day going to help me change things in my life?

The idea that you can make a difference in your life simply by meeting with your dream every day can feel like wishful thinking.? But the truth is: attention sparks growth.

Meeting your dream every day opens up a channel of communication between you two.? It opens up energetic space for your dream to come into your life, which is the first step in creating real, physical space for change to occur.

Having a dream and not paying attention to it is an energy pattern.? It’s a pattern that nurtures your life as it is, and avoids change.? It’s a pattern that keeps you disengaged from your ability to create change.

Having a dream and paying attention to it is also an energy pattern.? It’s a pattern that nurtures your dreams, your creativity and your potential.? It’s a pattern that empowers your ability to create change.

You don’t have to know HOW to make your dream real.? You don’t even have to believe that it’s possible.

You just have to be willing to pay attention to it, every day.? To make it a part of your life right now.? And to be open to having that change things.

So again today? I want you to meet with your intention in your journal.

Again, using the technique I teach in my free class or anything you have learned in my classes inside the Creative Dream Circle, meet with the heart and soul of your intention/dream and see what happens today.

Each time you do this, you are clearing the channels of communication between you and your dream… so that it can help you bring it to life.

Once you’re done – let us know how it went.

Did your dream have anything new to show you today?

Share your daily journaling pics on Instagram?using the #creativeemergence hashtag, or post them here on Facebook.? (I’m sharing my pics and thoughts on? my Instagram.)

And/or leave a comment below. (Yes, you will need a Facebook account in order to comment.? Apologies to those of you who don’t have Facebook.)


Because I loooove my Circle members, I’ll be posting links to resources inside the Circle in most of these posts so they can dive into the lessons a little deeper.? If you’re not a Circle member you can just ignore this part – or join us!


You’ll need to be logged into your Creative Dream Circle account for these links to work – if you don’t remember your password just click “forgot password” and it will be sent to you, just make sure to use the email address you used when you joined the Circle.


See you back here tomorrow for day 5 of Creative Emergence.


Creative Emergence Day 4: How your journal helps you change your life Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: