
You Can Do This

It's normal to be all tangled up about whether or not you can actually do this thing.

EVERYONE feels this way at the start of a new project. And EVERYONE feels alone in it. Like their stucks are totally unique and unsurmountable.

I mean of course you also feel inspired and excited and ready to get to work... but you're not actually GETTING to work.

This is just how it is at the beginning stage, there are a lot of conflicting feelings.

And it takes time to work through them all, to get to that place of feeling grounded, clear and ready to DO the thing. For real.

When you first get the idea to do the thing, parts of it are supposed to feel impossible.

This is because your project will GROW you.

So yes, it's impossible - to the version of you that you are today.

But jumping in and ENGAGING with your idea will help you grow into the version of you who IS ready to do this.

That's why I made this journal.

Here's how it works:

The prompts lead you through the process of detangling the tangles.

Having a lot of conflicting feelings about your project makes it especially difficult to get stuck in them. Feelings need to MOVE and it's so hard for them to move when they're all tangled up together.

This journal will help you make space for ALL of your thoughts and feelings about this project, which will help you de-tangle it all.

Then you'll start to see the project, and your ability to DO this thing, in a new light.

You'll learn about your "Impossible Project" and how to work with it

"Impossible Projects" is another way of saying "Creative Dreams" which is something I have learned a lot about.

It's a thing you really, really want to do but you also aren't sure you CAN do it.

Impossible Projects tap into your most heartfelt wishes, truest inspiration and deepest self doubt and fears - all at once!

This journal will help you find ways to work on it, without making ANY of your feelings wrong.

You'll look at your project idea, and how you could do it, from a ton of different perspectives.

The thing about how your Impossible Projects grow you - it means if you just look at it from your currently-self everyday perspective, you're going to stay stuck.

You've got to stretch your mind a little and look at it in different ways so that the path can come into focus. You remember the "magic eye" art from the 90s where you'd stare at a pattern and then a 3D image would eventually appear? It's like that.

And the journal will encourage you along the way.

I know EXACTLY how hard it is to engage with a project idea that you really want to do, but also feel conflicted about.

I know EXACTLY how BRAVE it is to dive in and do this work.

So the journal offers all sorts of of encouragement along the way.

This journal will coach you through the process of getting ready to actually DO your "Impossible Project".

Once you've filled it in you'll have PROJECT CLARITY.

You'll either be ready to start taking steps with your project (which the next journal in this series can help you do) OR you'll know, for sure, that this isn't the right thing for you to do right now.

👉🏻 Either way, you'll stop all the ambivalence and what-ifs and you'll KNOW what to do next.

You Can Do This Guided Journal for your Impossible Projects

This is a guided journal for untangling doubts, freakouts, ambivalence, and getting ready to actually do your project! For real!

It comes as a full colour printed journal from Amazon, or a black & white PDF file you can print yourself.

>>> Get your copy here.

You Can Do This Read More »

My new dream: The Creative Dream Incubator Press

I can trace the roots of this dream back realllllly far.

In 2015, I started creating + sending out a weekly journaling kit, and have sent out a weekly journaling kit every week since then!

And then in 2017 I self-published 2 guided journal/colouring books which are no longer available. And, of course, my Journal Cards for Dreamers.

I loved those books and cards, and I had ideas for dozens more, but it didn't quite feel like the right time, and other projects took precedent.

Then in the last year, this dream came back with a vengeance, and with much more clarity and heft.

In hindsight, I can see that I needed to develop my ideas which became Creative Dream Alchemy and the Dream Book approach to journaling while also developing my visual voice (by creating the weekly journaling kits) for how I want to create the guided journals.

Everything fell into place... except the logistics around publishing, printing, sales and distribution. Just that little piece 😉

I've had a lot of ideas for how to do this.

I've done a lot of research.

And I got very tangled up in everything I learned.

This is a TOTALLY NORMAL stage of creative dreams. When you dig in and start looking at all of the details OF COURSE you will get lost in them.

In 2017 I published those books through Amazon because their self publishing system is really simple. They make it easy to sell your book almost anywhere in the world.

BUT seeing how much profit Amazon made during the pandemic while not paying taxes or treating their employees well, I stopped using Amazon as a customer and didn't want to use them with my business.

So I went ahead with a non-Amazon option.... but by the time I had my first journal ready to publish, the retail cost was $200 - plus shipping! It was a GORGEOUS journal with luscious paper but I really don't want these journals to be precious.

Then as I sat with this tangly mess of ideas and obstacles and dreams and wishes I realised that I have only THREE priorities right now:

  1. Dream Book: both as a participant and leader
  2. Making new guided journals
  3. Epic Self Care/feeling good and enjoying myself

That's all.

I don't want to gather and manage a team and build a publishing empire... right now.

And I don't want to keep figuring out the details of the physical journals.

The idea of just making my journals and putting them out there in a simple way by myself feels REALLY REALLY GOOD.

There are no real rules when it comes to your dreams, but for me, the simplest way is often the best way.

You can refine and embellish and expand as you go. But start with whatever way feels do-able to who you are today.

So, for now, I am going back to Amazon.

Later on I can do it differently! In fact, my research showed me an AMAZING way to build the Creative Dream Incubator Press... but it will make more sense to work on that part AFTER I have a bunch of journals completed.

Amazon makes it easy for me to put out there, and easy for people to buy from anywhere in the world.

I've spent A LOT of time and energy working through details and plans and also processed A LOT feelings about this and I am not interested in feedback from anyone at this time. Amazon is not how I wanted to do this AND it's the right way for me to do this right now. I think it's a really beautiful metaphor for how our dreams help us build a better world, but to get there we need to be present in this world, as it is today.

I am now getting ready to publish THREE new guided journals! It's a series called Let's Do This: Guided Journals for your Impossible Project.

It's three journals for the three stages of working on your project:

  1. Going from "OMG I want to do this and OMG I don't know if I can and OMG am I stuck? and OMG this is too hard, is it??!?!" to feeling ready to begin.
  2. A journaling process for creating MOMENTUM out of little steps, and learning as you go. (Build The Path By Walking)
  3. A whole journal of journaling processes for navigating the INNER work of growing into the version of you who definitely CAN do this thing.

Watch this space!

My new dream: The Creative Dream Incubator Press Read More »

How are YOU going to do this?

Get Beyond The Overwhelm

The last year and a half has been A LOT.

But even before that, a lot of things were A LOT

And personally, I am also finding peri-menopause to be A LOT.

It's so easy to get stuck in this kind of overwhelm.

Kind of frozen and unable to move forward and too tired to really even think about it.

This is partly because when we're overwhelmed, we stop doing soothing forms of self care and start doing numbing/distracting/avoiding forms of self care.

Of course, it's totally natural to turn to the things that help us avoid our feelings, or distract us from what's happening.

Totally natural.


At some point, if you want to go BEYOND the overwhelm, you need to shift away from numbing and towards soothing.

Last week I did Goodbye Pandemic Overwhelm, Hello Dreams class: Sooth Pandemic Overwhelm, Restore Joy + Magic, Grow into your brightest dreams for 2021 class.

(You can get the whole thing right here)

SOOTHE was the first part of the class, because that part has to happen before you can shift into restoring your magic and growing your dreams.

It's how you fill your tank back up.

How are YOU going to do this?

The meditation + journaling class gives you space to do some alchemy work with the quality of soothing, to experience being soothed, and use that experience to spark some ideas of what you need to be doing - the practical changes you need to make in your life, in order to be more SOOTHED so you can begin to move BEYOND the overwhelm.

Later in the class you also connect with your dreams, because dreams help GROW and HEAL us, which can help pull us out of overwhelm too. But it begins with the soothing part.

What came to you during the class about what YOU can do differently, to give yourself more nourishing and soothing?

How are you going to make space to DO these things this week?

It's Monday!

Join me live for Creative Genius Planning: live meditation + journaling for working on your genius plan for this week!

It’s happening on Instagram live this morning at 10 am (Central, North America). , or catch the replay at that same link after we’re done.

We’ll do an alchemy meditation to connect with your intuition and get more clear on what YOU need this week to help move you towards where you want to be.

Then I’ll pick journal prompt cards, for some questions to help figure out HOW to move closer to your dreams this week.

These sessions are MAGIC. Every week I get more emails from people telling me how helpful they are.

How are YOU going to do this? Read More »

This is going to be epic

I went to the park this morning, to get all the final details ready for today's free class.

The sunlight. The trees. The warm breeze. The iced coffee. It was a perfect morning.

It feels like the perfect day to do this work of:

SOOTHING pandemic fatigue (or whatever needs soothing for you right now)

RESTORING joy + magic (or whatever needs restoring for you right now)

GROWING into your brightest dreams for 2021 (whatever that means for you right now)

I can't wait!

I just sent out the Zoom call details via email.

I'll post the replay here on my blog later today.

This is going to be epic Read More »

Journal Prompts for when you’re ready for your NEXT LEVEL dreams

Journal prompts for when you're ready for your next level dreams

Journal Prompts for when you're ready for your NEXT LEVEL dreams:

What does this mean for you right now?
What does your next level look like?
And more importantly - what does it feel like?
Write it out, make it VERY VERY CLEAR.

Next-level dreams need you to take some time ACCLIMATE to them before you will start to see how to build the path to get there.

Keep journaling about them regularly!​​

Your dream is here to GROW you.

Your dream comes from the intersection of your purpose, your creativity, your uniqueness and your potential.

Pursuing this next - level dream of yours is REALLY about becoming more of who you are here to be. A braver, and even more creative and more powerful version of yourself than the creative genius you are today.

By giving as much attention to the inner processes of healing and growth as you do to the outer work of makign your dream happen - you get to play, heal and grow your way into your dream.

Take the (free!) 10 day Creative Dream Journal Challenge - it will help you GET MOVING with your next-level dream!

Sign up here <--- you also get my FREE guided journal for creative dreaming as a part of the 10 day challenge.


Journal Prompts for when you’re ready for your NEXT LEVEL dreams Read More »

Creative dreaming while feeling broken hearted about the world

Image description: My hand holding a journaling printable from Dream Book with a handwritten journal prompt: Dear Dream, Together We Can: In the background is my open journal and journal supplies (watercolour paints, scissors, pen) on a white sheet, which I covered my dining table with to turn it into a giant art table.

I bring all of my feelings to my dream in our daily meetings.

This morning it was: heartbreak, confusion, frustration and anger.

Our ICU beds are full and new Covid cases keep increasing and the anti-maskers anti-vaxers are out in full force, planning rallies and riling people up to fight back against the health restrictions. They don't seem to understand that the only reason the streets outside our hospitals aren't lined in refrigerator trucks full of dead bodies is that most of our elderly are vaccinated. Or that the ICUs being full literally means there is no room for emergency patients.

We're in crisis. This third wave with the new variants is brutal in my city. And it hurts my heart to see so many privileged crying about civil liberties while not giving a shit about community care (or civil rights!). It hurts my heart the way the people who get the short end of every stick are getting the short end of this one.

This is the world I live in?

This is the world I dream in?

Fuck this.

My dream agrees. Fuck this garbage culture that allows atrocities to happen every day in the name of capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy.

But my dream doesn't feel heartbroken about it like I do.

My dream feels determined and says "Hey. This is why you dream. I'm here to help."

I've long dreamed of a world that supported EVERYONE in pursuing their creative dreams and unleashing their true potential.

A world where we all have a safe place to live and enough to eat. Where we grew up with love and nurturing and stability and encouragement.

A world where resources are used to support all life and the hoarding of resources is unheard of.

A world where you don't even need therapy and coaching and magic to heal and grow your way into your true self. It's just the way of life and the whole community supports it.

A world where you feel inspired and excited to do a thing - so you do it! You just DO your dream. You don't waste years tangled up in self doubt and inner critic voices and working at a draining job because without that money you would die on the streets.

Of course, doing the thing may take time and support, you may need to do lots of research and learning first - I'm not saying it would be easy. Dreams are not meant to be easy.

But the world around you wouldn't be actively making it harder. The world would cheer you on.

This morning my dream says:

Look at how you're creating pockets of this magic, right here in this shitty capitalist culture.

Looking at all of the other people doing the same.

Look at everyone trying to heal and grow.

Look at everyone waking up and learning and creating new models for how to create a better world.

Remember that we have to get angry and dissatisfied with the status quo in order to change it. We need more privileged people to stop focusing so much on pursuing their own dreams and protecting their own civil liberties and look at how to make the world better for everyone.

Because that's the way to ALL of our dreams.

And it's closer than we realise.

Creative dreaming while feeling broken hearted about the world Read More »

A snippet from my journal: Why is this so hard?

I'm trying to work on a thing that I really want to work on.

But I am just noticing the minutes tick by and I'm just.... not doing it.

I'm distracted and stuck and.... I don't even know.

So. Why is this so hard?


I think I'm listening to the wrong music.

OK that's an easy one to solve. I'm now listening to Creativity Boost - Binaural Beats Meditation. Perfect.

What else?

My heart feels tight and breaky, not broken but like it could break very easily.

Well yeah - look at the world! How could your heart NOT be breaking? What do you want to do with this?

I don't want to try to fix it. Just make space for it. I don't want to insulate myself from the realities of the world with positive thinking and spiritual healing. I want to be here.

So, how can you do the things you want to do, WITH a tight and breaky heart?

Wow. This is a surprise but the first thing that comes to me is: less coffee, more tea.

What else?

Look for the simplest ways to do things.

Have LOTS of self care things going outside of work time (I already have this).

Take a break? That feels weird, but, it also feels true.

What if you do take a break from this? What would you do?

I would do that other thing.

Would you do that to AVOID something hard in this or because that's where your flow is calling?

Mostly to avoid.


Yeah, I actually do want to understand WHY this is so hard. What it is that I want to avoid?

I might do it wrong.

Yes, that's always there with every project. But is that all?

I really want to do it right. I want it to RESONATE. I'm scared it won't.

(Oh! This is the first answer that feels really true and open.)

If you want it to resonate, how come you're not doing the things that help it to resonate?

Well, shit.

There it is.

I know where to start now: by doing the things that help build resonance.

Do this with me!

In Dream Book, my ongoing creative dream mastermind, you get 24/7 access to 15 different meditation/journaling processes to help you work through different kinds of stucks: like procrastination, overwhelm, fear, inner critics, self doubt, etc.

We ALL have inner fears and doubts and the culture we live in sets us to fail every day - but your creative genius is bigger than the obstacles. There is always a way through.

Find out more about Dream Book here.

A snippet from my journal: Why is this so hard? Read More »

When you push yourself out of your comfort zone to follow your dream but get so overwhelmed you just want to hide under the duvet and cry

When you push yourself out of your comfort zone to follow your dream but get so overwhelmed you just want to hide under the duvet and cry

I was SOOOO excited/inspired to do this Festival of Dreams in January. (I'm doing a whole month of free classes, coaching videos + creative dream challenges! Join me here!)

It felt SO GOOD push myself in what felt like a really GOOD way.

(There is good pushing and bad pushing!)

But now here I am with too much on my plate and I just want to cry.

This IS what happens every time.

And this IS why I hesitate to push myself out of my comfort zone at all.

I hate this feeling.

But NOT doing the things I feel inspired to do in order to avoid this feeling.... means I am letting this feeling control me.

Why would I let a thing I hate control my life?

So here I am.

Hello feeling of total overwhelm I just want to cry, can we talk?

The about-to-cry sensation goes away.

Oh cool, you just needed some attention?

Well - you don't have any attention to spare right now, do you? There's just too much coming at you.

Maybe. Kind of. I think I just have a big pile of things, and need to make an organized list. I feel less overwhelmed and more likely to ENJOY my work when it's organized.

But you can't organize all this other stuff that's happening right now.

Yes - a bunch of little things are not quite going well today. That's true. Also I feel super-very-easily-frustrated/overwhelmed by any little thing. Like the fact that the pizza pans from NYE are still dirty! WTF?

Yeah! See! Too much is happening! You should scale back.

Well. Cleaning the kitchen would take like 10 minutes, max. I do have 10 minutes. Or Joseph can do it later. Do you really think it's a reason to not go after my dreams???

What about that other tech stuff that wasn't working this morning?

It's working now. Those things are annoying, but they don't happen that often. Again - is this a reason to NOT go after my dreams? And why didn't you answer the last question?

Oh shit. I'm being evasive, aren't I?


That's a bad sign, right? Like it means I'm not really on solid ground.

Well, YOU are on solid ground, WE are on solid ground, but your reasoning around why I should scale back is not on solid ground.


Well. Bingo! There's the issue. That you for sharing your real problem so clearly. It's always easier to work with things that are clear.

(Just in a puddle on the floor, so scared of what will happen)

Oh sweetie. Please. Here (sit down next to her, offer a hug and a mug of decaf eggnog latte)

It's just. Everything is so good now! Why do all of this?

"All of this?" you mean why do the stuff I feel inspired to do and excited to do? Why generate more creative momentum?

Yeah. I mean really. Why?

Because this is what I want.

Well what I want is to lay in bed with the duvet over my head.

I get that. But I also feel like... is that really what you want? For always?

Ugh. Yeah probably not. I do want to do fun things and I do love that feeling you get when you're trying new things and stretching and everything is clicking but you have to go through all these uncomfortable spaces to get there.

Again. That's letting the discomfort control your life. Are you really happy to lay in bed with the duvet over your head and allow a fear of getting uncomfortable to control you?

No. But that does't mean I want all of this either!

Yeah I hear you. So how do we compromise?



Actually a detailed list feels really good. Spacious. And permission to just cross things off without doing them if it gets to be too much.

Yes, I had already decided that.

Really? I guess I wasn't paying attention then.

I'm glad you see it now - I do want to try to not be overwhelmed as much as possible WHILE ALSO being open to whatever discomfort I need to work through in order to follow the dream.

Yeah, I know. I just hit discomfort and freak out.

It's ok.  So: making an email more detailed list than I have, and holding permission to cross things off if I get too overwhelmed... what else?

(I go over to my list and see where I need to add more details to it)

OK yeah I see the problem now!


And my daytimer for 2021 is not here yet.. so I checked my email to see what's happening with that...

(Got sidetracked and cleared out my emails which had been piling up and THAT FEELS VERY GOOD and overwhelm is shrinking)

... my daytimer has spent the whole last week moving between facilities in California. Not any closer to me in Canada.

Lightbulb! I just realized I've been putting paper-list-making on hold until it got here and that is not going to work.

OK back to my digital list. It's got all the big stuff and what I need is to break down the smaller tasks - I always do that part on paper. So I'll just do it in a random page in last year's daytimer which I hardly used, lol!


I felt the overwhelm literally just leave my body. Like in a WHOOSH.

And now I feel energized.

And like "yeah it's going to get messy sometimes but I want to PLAY with all of these ideas and really ENJOY the festival of dreams!"

And I'm off to make that PAPER LIST of the smaller tasks I need to focus on right now.


On the way to making that paper list, I made a cup of coffee and put all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and started it and asked Joseph to clean the pizza pans and now the kitchen is not an overwhelming mess.

Just to say - my overwhelm often believes things are WAY MORE OVERWHELMING than they are. That's how it FEELS, and even though my feelings are valid - they are not telling the truth about what is happening.


When you push yourself out of your comfort zone to follow your dream but get so overwhelmed you just want to hide under the duvet and cry Read More »

Solstice Meditation + Journaling

Since it's the Solstice today, I did a special Solstice meditation and journaling process instead of our usual Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning (I do those live every Monday on Instagram).

I thought I would share this one on my blog too:

If the video is not working for you here - watch it on Instagram.

Here are the journal prompts from the meditation:

Who do you want to become?

How do you want to feel, how do you want to be experiencing your life?

What do you want to be creating?

What kind of impact do you want to have?

How do you want to show up?

How do you want to show up for yourself?

How do you want to show up for your dreams?

How do you want to show up for the changes you want to see in the world?

And Dream Book is ongoing through the holidays ! I'll be there every day in the daily posts! This is a really great time to join us, to get some extra support for what you want to do in 2021.

Details + registration are here

Solstice Meditation + Journaling Read More »

Journal Prompts for when nothing is working

Journal Prompts for When Nothing Is Working

Take 10 deep breaths, with your hand on your heart. Imagine sending yourself love.

I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way... AND... It's totally ok that nothing is working right now.

Everyone experiences this, this is a natural part of being alive. It's ESPECIALLY a natural part of being a growing creative being pursuing your dreams.

Some parts of the path just suck. It's not a reason to give up or beat yourself up.

The only way out is through.

We all naturally try to avoid discomfort but you're going to have to go right THROUGH it. This is the brave work that your dreams demand of you.

Journal Prompts for when nothing is working part 1: This feels awful!

We start by processing your feelings a bit, because you can't uncover any useful intel while you're emotionally tangled up.

Nobody likes this part. But be brave. What's going on? Start by just writing it out.

How does this make you feel?

Try to be more detailed and descriptive about how it makes it you feel.

How do these feelings feel in your body?

Are these feelings familiar? Have you felt them before about other things?

What are the tools that are available to you, for processing and healing your feelings? List them all and choose what you want to work with right now. (If you can't think of anything, start with sending LOVE to all of your hurting inner selves) (If you're in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership - check out the Library of Inner Work practices)

What do you really NEED right now?

Journal Prompts for when nothing is working part 2: Exploring the situation from different perspectives + looking for new possibilities

What if everything is working just fine and it's YOU who needs to change? (In some situations, like when dealing with systemic injustices like racism and ableism, this is NOT a helpful prompt. In other situations, like when YOU really are the thing that's in your way, it can be very helpful.)

WHY do you think things are not working?

Is your answer to that last prompt true, or are you making up a bullshit story to hold yourself back?

What are the possible gifts in things not working right now?

What haven't you tried?

Why haven't you tried it?

Come up with 5 ideas for things you could try next. Break those down into super small teeny tiny little steps.

Remember the only way out is through. Go do one tiny thing.

You Are The Magic! 10 day Creative Dream Journal Challenge

I'd love to help you take those steps and DO THE THING!

Take the (free!) 10 day Creative Dream Journal Challenge - I'll show you new ways of working with your dreams, no matter how stuck you get.

Sign up here.

Journal Prompts for when nothing is working Read More »

Hello 2021! New Year Journal Prompts

New Year Journal Prompts

These New Year Journal Prompts are for reflecting on the year that passed, and using what you learn there to look ahead to the new year.

It's actually REALLY HARD to keep making new goals for the New Year if you're not taking the time to reflect on and learn from what happened with your plans for the year that is ending.

By taking some time to reflect on the year that has passed, you're gathering up the gifts and lessons so you can carry them with you into the new year.

These new year journal prompts also help you create some space for processing and healing the hard parts of the year that is ending, and getting clarity on what you want to let go of, to make space for what you want to receive in the new year.

Since 2020 was kind of a big year, I'm also doing all of this in a much deeper way in Releasing 2020 Blessing 2021 - right here.

New Year Journal Prompts Part 1. Looking back on the year that is ending:

What did you try with your dreams in 2020?  What worked?  What didn’t work?

What was amazing in 2020?

What are you most grateful for about 2020?

What did you do in 2020 that you’re proud of?

What did you learn/discover that you want to bring into 2021?

What was hard in 2020?

What do you want to leave behind in 2020?

How did your dreams grow in 2020?

How did YOU grow in 2020? What gifts and strengths do you have now that you didn’t have in 2019?

Is there anything you need to do to complete your year? Any unfinished business that you’d like to finish, and leave behind as you move into 2021?

New Year Journal Prompts Part 2. Looking forward to the new year:

Try to list 5-10 things (impossibly big or microscopically small or anything in between) you’d like to have happen in 2021, in each of these different parts of your life:

health * relationships * creativity * purpose/career * money * self-love/self-care * spirituality * happiness * adventure/play

I know that seems like a lot, but the act of listing TONS of things can really open up your sense of possibility. So spend some time with this - I find it's best to leave this list out somewhere for a few weeks over the holidays, so I keep adding new things as I think of them.

When you're done go back through your list and imagine how each of these things will make you happier in 2021. If there is anything on your list that won’t truly make you feel happier – cross it out.

Is 2021 a year to focus on One Big Dream or is there a bunch of stuff you want to do?  Either way, write out your Big Dream, or Bunch Of Dreams, for 2021.

Why do you want this?

How will you feel when you have it?

Do you already know how to make this dream real, or is this something you need to learn more about first?

What’s your plan for giving this dream what it needs to thrive in 2021?  Brainstorm 10 things you can try.

What do you want to STOP doing in 2021?  And what are some things you can you do to make that as easy as possible? How will not having these things in your life make you happier?

Then imagine yourself at the end of 2021.

(You might want to draw/collage/doodle an image of you from one year from now).

How are you different?  How did you grow?  What new strengths and skills do you have?  Does you-from-one-year-from-today have any messages or advice for you?

Want to go deeper? Binge on my FREE and ridiculously helpful journaling + meditation classes over the holidays ✨

Your Next Steps is a journaling + meditation class for sorting through your next steps - PERFECT for getting your New Year sorted.

The Hard Parts Are Where The Magic Happens is a healing circle and inner work workshop (you'll actually get access to this one automatically when you sign up for Your Next Steps, just in case you get stuck)

Hello 2021! New Year Journal Prompts Read More »

A better world is possible.

My province went into lockdown today. It sucks, but I do get to ride this out in a very comfortable, warm, safe home, full of food and loads of ways to entertain myself.

What about the people who don’t have this?

What does it mean for me to stay in and focus on my own creative projects, to live in my beautiful privileged bubble while people in my city suffer?

How am I using my privilege to make my own life better?

How am I using my privilege to make any kind of positive difference in the world?

People are always quick to tell me how important my work is. How it DOES make a positive difference to so many. But how is it helping the homeless in my city when all of the safe COVID isolation rooms are already booked while our numbers keep spiking?

And yes I do give money away to groups who help the homeless, I’ve done that for many years and so far that has not solved the problem. I don’t think we should be so quick to feel good about ourselves for our financial donations while the problems persist.

How is my work helping Indigenous children in my city in CFS who just had more of their funding taken from them by our government? Most of these kids already end up in jail or on the street and their futures just got even harder. This is colonization in action in my city.

We're all connected. Pretending we're not is destroying us.

Once you are aware of your privilege you do have a choice to make:

  • just feel guilty about it and do nothing to change it
  • lean into it so it can keep making your own life better
  • use it to dismantle systemic privilege and create a new culture where we take care of each other.

I know that feels like a big thing. It feels daunting and hopeless like… what can I possibly do?

I wrote the above, and then I sat down with my Dream Book and this was my mantra: I am a portal of possibility.

I had glued it into my journal earlier his week, but I couldn’t journal with it because it felt too far away. I WANTED to be a portal of possibility, but I couldn’t feel it and didn’t want to journal and about how far away this felt.

And that’s when I saw it. The answer to the question: what can I possibly do?

Sit with it.

Process your feelings. Get out of emotional reactivity and into constructive creative thinking.

Make space for the answers.

Because this IS a big thing. It will take all of us.

It's too small for any one of us, but ALL of us getting out there and doing the things we can see to do - can burn this fucking thing down.

When you sit with the questions and make space for the answers... ideas will come.

I just had a great one I'm going to explore this weekend.


A better world is possible. Read More »

[LIVE] Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Session

On Oct 26, we're going to explore DISTRACTIONS and how to keep your creative projects and emotional wellbeing practices going in hard times.

This is certainly on my mind right now.

It will be magic. See you there.

If you can't make it live, the replay will be here when we're done (you don't need an Instagram account to watch the replay)

I LOVED our Creative Genius Intuitive Planning LIVE on Instagram last Monday.

If you missed it, you can watch it here.

I'm going to keep doing them on Mondays at 10 am (Central, North America)

I'll be doing this live on Instagram - right here.

(If you need help attending an Instagram live - check out the Instagram Help Guide right here.)

It's about making some space to meet yourself where you are...

We're all processing A LOT right now, so we NEED SPACE to be able to really be with what's going on with us.

We all need more space for processing our feelings and reactions to everything that is happening in the world, which is an important part of Creative Genius Planning because it clears the channels so you can hear your inner wisdom more clearly.

It's a practice to help get out of auto-pilot and get into a deeper connection with your inner wisdom.

And then move towards where you want to be.

Once you are more connected to your inner truth, moving towards more joy and hope and opportunity and creativity tends to be the result.

We're not FORCING ourselves to "make it happen" or get to work - we're creating space our natural genius to flourish. We're playing with possibility.

I don't have one set way of doing this. It will be a little different every week.

As I said, for Oct 26, we're going to explore DISTRACTIONS and how to keep your creative projects and emotional wellbeing practices going in hard times.

It will be magic. See you there.

If you can't make it live, the replay will be here when we're done (you don't need an Instagram account to watch the replay)

[LIVE] Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Session Read More »

[LIVE] Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Session

Live Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Sessions

Creative Genius Intuitive Planning LIVE on Instagram.

This happens Mondays at 10 am (Central, North America)

I'll be doing this live on Instagram - right here.

(If you need help attending an Instagram live - check out the Instagram Help Guide right here.)

Use this time zone translator to make sure you've got the right time where you are - it's already got my time entered in, so you just have to select your time zone to see what time this is for you.

The first on happened on Oct 19, watch it here.

Creative Genius Planning:

This means planning from your creative genius instead of from your head, which is where we tend to plan from.

Planning from your head looks like:

  • making logical to-do lists
  • pushing yourself to do the things you think you "should do" or "need to do" to reach your goals
  • not noticing where your unconscious limiting beliefs are getting into the driver's seat to sabotage your success

Planning from your creative genius looks like:

  • letting your intuition lead, especially when it gets weird
  • creating space for growth, healing, and magic-ing your way to where you want to be
  • planning from a deep alignment with your inner wisdom, power and creativity

I love my Monday morning Creative Genius Planning Sessions and can't wait to share it with you.

See you there.

[LIVE] Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Session Read More »


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