Meeting the soul of my project to find out how to proceed
There is still A LOT happening for me. The family member in the hospital is up and down and it’s a scary, stressful situation on top of the upheaval of my marriage ending…
Some days I wake up feeling good. Trusting life. Excited about my future.
Isn’t life amazing?
Today I’m focused on the guided journal project.
The artwork is done-ish (probably edits to come once I see it all together) and I have to get the details nailed down. Title, subtitle, description, etc.
I’ve given this project SO MANY NAMES. I’ve described it SO MANY WAYS.
I always try to write descriptions that are as accurate as possible.
I remember this one negative review I had about a guided journal I put out years ago. It was the “hello day” journal. And the description said that it was “one of my favourite practices” and this one person was SO ANGRY that it was all one practice! In the review they said “this was described as “your favourite practices” but it’s only one practice!” like they literally cut off part of my sentence to change the meaning and then got mad that my work didn’t match their description of it??
People can be pretty determined to see what they want to see.
And I think about all of this when it comes time to name and describe things.
And that can make it harder to just… do the thing in the way that feels right.
So how do I want to do this today?
If I don't meditate on it, if I don't get as aligned as possible with the soul of the thing and my purpose for doing it, then I am working from my feelings about all of this, unconscious fears and doubts, ways I try to "fit it" with the market - all that garbage really does infiltrate our minds and severely impact HOW we do the thing.
So I’m using the Marketing as a Creative + Spiritual Practice meditation, but focused on this journal instead of my work in general. Seeing that light landing in front of the person the journal is for.
I pause the meditations A LOT when I use them. I can get SO frustrated hearing me talk, lol! I use the guided mediation to get into the meditation and then I really want to be free to explore on my own and not keep following the prompts. But then other times the things I say in the mediation are so helpful I want to listen. So I pause to give myself space to explore on my own, then come back to the recording.
[post meditation]
That was so good. I am seeing this in a whole new way and feeling really inspired.
The title I was thinking of does not feel resonant for the people the book is for. I have new ideas and I am excited to play with them today.
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Meeting the soul of my project to find out how to proceed Read More »