Newsflash: Soaking Up Deliciousness Trumps Working My Ass Off!
Those first yellow leaves are so sad.? And as much as I don’t want to say this, it looks like my Summer of Dreams project is coming to an end.
I set out to soak up all of the deliciousness of summer and to find out what could happen if I used it to nourish me and my dreams.
(As opposed to how I approached last summer: working like a crazy lady teaching 2 online courses while creating the Creative Magic Academy website, including a personalized page for each of my students that contains all of their kits/course materials, fixing up my old house and selling it, packing to move, and then running to the beach every chance I got to try to avoid burnout)
I loved this summer. So much!
Soaking up deliciousness trumps working my ass off!
Not only was I so super happy this summer, I also got as much (or more!) actual work done.
And I got TONS more play done.
And I connected so much more deeply to my Purpose and Power and to The Places Where Creative Dreams Come From.
Things my Summer of Dreams project taught me:
- Being in the flow is even more magic than I realised.
- A daily Creative Journal Magic practice is an uber-powerful thing. This scares me, and I keep running away from it.? And that’s ok, as long as I keep coming back.
- Trees and lakes are the best teachers.
- It’s ok to change your mind.? As often as you want to.
- My business is my partner in bringing my dreams to life.? It’s not a static thing.? It’s more dynamic and flexible and ready to change than I could have imagined.
Surprise Gifts my Summer of Dreams project gave me:
- Absolute clarity about what my best work is
- A re-structured business (complete with new website design) based on that clarity
- And the BEST THING EVER which I am not ready to share on my blog yet but OMG YAY it changes everything about how I approach everything, going forward.
So, the Summer of Dreams changed my life.
I used a simple recipe:
Commitment: Giving it a name (Summer of Dreams) and a clear container (just the summer) helped me create and maintain a commitment to staying in the process of consciously soaking up the deliciousness of summer.
Structure: I used both the Creative Dream Incubator and Creative Journal Magic to create a structure that supports the growth of dreams (just using one of them would create a strong enough structure, but I like them both) so the deliciousness had somewhere to go to, once it was soaked up.
A Spirit of Openness/Discovery/Exploration: I didn’t set out to FORCE the magic of summer to grow my dreams, I set out to soak up all of the deliciousness of summer and to find out what could happen if I used it to nourish me and my dreams.? What could happen.
So using this same format, as I ease out of the Summer of Dreams I’d like to ease into the Fall of Dreams.
Trading iced coffees for hot steamy lattes. And wearing handknit socks!
Less about the deliciousness of summer and more about the deliciousness of life.
Newsflash: Soaking Up Deliciousness Trumps Working My Ass Off! Read More »