Creative Journaling


Treasure*Mapping lights me up.

It’s such a beautiful creative tool for bringing dreams to life – it helps you meet yourself where you are in a way that actually propels you into where you want to be, with grace and healing and delight.

Every time I do a Treasure*Mapping playdate with my Creative Dream Circle, and we have the best time ever, as you can see:

Harriet?s Treasure Map and the Magical Monkey who is helping her find her treasure:

Harriet's Treasure Map and the Magical Monkey who is helping her find her treasure.

Sylvie?s first map: Showing how it all works/plays together:

Sylvie's first map:

Sylvie?s second map: leading to a surprising discovery about what her dreams really need right now:

Sylvie's second map: leading to a surprising discovery about what her dreams really need right now.

Cora?s treasure map, showing how it all leads to her dream:

Cora's gorgeous treasure map, showing how it all leads to her dream.

We’re Treasure-Mapping again on November 12 and you’re invited!

If you join the Creative Dream Circle before Nov 11 – you’ll get this Treasure*Mapping adventure for FREE!

Or you can sign up for just the Treasure*Mapping for $49.

Sign-up + details are here.?

I’m looking forward to playing with YOU!

If you want to know more about how Treasure*Mapping works, I did a Treasure-Mapping Adventure Series on my blog recently, treasure-mapping my way to growing my business, and sharing the honest actual story, AS IT HAPPENED, as I fumble along this path with creativity, heart and soul.

1. What no one tells you about marketing + creative business

2. Be open to the adventure of being where you are

3. The Path to creative business success.

4.? A plan emerges from the treasure map

5. Why I?ve been stuck, plus exploring EASE and JOY

6. How Ease is the ticket and what that means

7. The end of the Treasure Map


Treasure-Mapping! Read More »

FAQ: I’d LOVE to do Creative Journaling, but I don’t know how to get started?!

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals? post.? Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing.

I’d LOVE to do Creative Journaling, but I don’t know how to get started?!

creative journaling course

I get asked this all the time!

And really, all you need to do is grab your journal and a pen and do it.

But it’s not that simple, is it?

Getting started is really a lot less about getting started and a lot more about navigating your internal resistance to change.

A Fabulous “Getting Started” Resource:

Why It’s So Hard To Get Started And What To Do About It

from my Creative Dream TV Video Series

The easiest way to get going is to recognize that it’s hard to get going.

That seems counter-intuitive, but until you acknowledge that it’s hard to get started, all you’re doing is living in your excuses about why you’re not getting started.? I’m too busy, I’m too tired, I don’t know how, I don’t have the right journal, I tried once but it didn’t work…

(This is true for creative journaling and it’s true for your dreams.)

Once you acknowledge that you’re not getting started because it’s scary, because you might fail, because you might learn things about yourself that are uncomfortable… then it comes down to deciding to do it anyway.

If you’re still reading this, you’re ready to do it anyway.? So let’s do this:

  1. Get a journal.? If you don’t already have one, go get one.? It can be a simple notebook from the dollar store or an art store sketchbook or a fancy moleskine – does not matter.? Just get it TODAY.
  2. Get a pen.? Or glitter markers or other art supplies if that’s how you want to play.
  3. Pick any video you want from the 30 Days of Creative Journals Videos on this page.? Play along with whatever I’m doing.? If you don’t know which one to pick – pick Day 30: Hello Dream.

If you catch yourself falling back into your excuses…? I’m too busy, I’m too tired, I don’t know how, I don’t have the right journal, I tried once but it didn’t work… STOP.? Give yourself a hug.? Starting something new is hard!? Watch this.? Be gentle.? And keep trying.

You’ll be Creative Dream Journaling in no time.

FAQ: I’d LOVE to do Creative Journaling, but I don’t know how to get started?! Read More »

Creative Art Journal Supplies + How To use Them

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals? post.? Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your art journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing.

Art Journal Supplies List

art journal supplies
Just use what you want to use.

Thinking that you need the right journal, the right markers, the right paints? these are all excuses that keep you from getting started. (More here about how to get started with your Creative Dream Journal)

  1. Start with what you have.? Even if it’s just a pen and a sheet of paper.
  2. Grow your creative supply stash however and whenever you’re inspired to grow it.

You can paint, draw, collage, scrapbook… it’s about being in the energy of WILD CREATIVE ABANDON and PLAYING with this stuff, it is NOT about learning how to use it “properly”.

Play play play play play play play play play play.

Everything is a toy.? Use the toys that you’re inspired to use.

If you have NO art journal supplies at all and do not know how to start – go to the grocery store or the dollar store.

Get whatever looks fun in the kids school supplies section.? That stuff is cheap and fun so you can experiment to find what kinds of things you like playing with.

The only rule is to be somewhat aware of what kinds of paper work with the media that you want to use.? If you want to use paints or thick markers, a cheap journal with thin paper isn’t going to hold up very well.? Strathmore makes a line of affordable mixed-media and watercolour sketchbooks which are great for when you want to get messier with art journal supplies.

How does your creative spirit want to express itself?

Some ideas for things to play with:

  • glitter pens/markers
  • crayons
  • oil pastels
  • chalk pastels
  • acrylic paints
  • pencil crayons
  • collage (old magazines, books, ephemera)
  • scrapbooking supplies
  • stamps
  • stencils

Should I limit the amount of materials/colours I’m using at once?

No!? Listen to your creative spirit and do what it says.

This isn’t about making great art (though really, all art is great!), this is about being present with your inner process.?

As you do this, you’re learning how to listen to your creative impulse and act on it.

This is the art of bringing dreams to life: listening to your creative impulse and acting on it. ?The art of letting go of what other people think and what you’re supposed to do and following the rules.? The art of making up your own rules.? The art of honouring your intuition.

That’s where the magic is – it’s NOT in having the “right” art journal supplies.

Creative Art Journal Supplies + How To use Them Read More »

[Dreamtastic Creative Journals] When something is in the way between you and your Dream

Creative Journaling Course

Inspiring videos, helpful tools + a heartfelt invitation to share your journey with us.

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals post.? I’m sharing what I’ve got going on my in Creative Dream Journal and I want to encourage you to share your photos and stories, too.

So if you?re playing along in your journal, share your photos and/or blog posts on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using the #creativedreamincubator hash tag so we can easily find YOU!


I’ve been cranky and frustrated with the construction/repair work in the Dream Loft – the noise and the mess and the workmen coming and going and how hard it’s been for me to focus on my work.

I heard myself tell myself that I’ll get back in touch with my creative spirit after this work is all done.

This is something we do, all the time!

We put off our dreams.

We think that we have to wait for things to change BEFORE we can do what we want to do.

But when you treat your dreams like they’re not important, it’s not hard to figure out why they don’t come true.? Would you want to go live with someone who thinks you don’t matter?

So that’s what this week’s Dreamtastic Creative Journals video is all about.? Figuring how to create tiny openings for your dreams and your creativity and your joy and your magic, even in the times when that feels impossible.


[Dreamtastic Creative Journals] When something is in the way between you and your Dream Read More »

Let’s party. Today a HUGE dream becomes REAL.

Today my Dream Loft becomes MINE.

I know.? If you’ve been following my blog for the last 2 years you know that this is TWO YEARS in the making.? I stopped sharing the story of it because it got too stupidly complicated.? For the past year I have not known if this was going to work, or if I was even going to be able to get back the money I’d put into it.

A few photos of the Dream Loft… more to come as the construction crew finishes up…

Even though I’m not feeling ready to start, since this is a Big Day for me and my dreams, today seems like like the perfect day to start my new thing: DREAMTASTIC Creative Journals: Inspiring videos (every week!), helpful tools + a heartfelt invitation to share your journey with us.

I’m reminding myself that you can’t wait until you feel ready, sometimes you’ve just got to start. So I’m starting.

In today’s video I’m talking about the FRUITION stage of Creative Dream Incubation, the internal process of inviting a dream into your life which is a LOT more complicated than simply receiving your dream come true and then living happily ever after. (If you want to explore this more deeply, there is a whole module about FRUITION in the Creative Dream Incubator kit.)



creative inspiration cardPS: You’re all signed up for the FREE Creative Dream Coaching Circle next Monday, right?

This is a chance to get answers to your questions, get help dissolving obstacles and to simply fill up on love, magic and creative dream superfuel.

Sign up today!

Let’s party. Today a HUGE dream becomes REAL. Read More »

Creative Journal Day 30: Hello Dream

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

hello dream creative journal

This is my favouritest creative journaling technique: hello dream.? It’s fun and magic and helpful and amazing.


As I said in the video… YAY!? I did it!? I did 30 creative journaling videos in 30 days!? I’ve really loved doing this and am so glad you joined me for the adventure.

If you’re looking for more journaling + dream-growing classes, join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 30: Hello Dream Read More »

Creative Journal Day 29: Basic Art Journaling

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

how to do art journaling

Today I just needed some space to myself.? Physically, this was not possible, so I made space for myself by playing in my art journal.



If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic, join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 29: Basic Art Journaling Read More »

Day 28: Gratitude Journal. Heart-Sparkling Gratitude vs Lame Ass Gratitude

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

gratitude journal

Keeping a gratitude journal is magic.

Today I’m over-the-moon grateful. I’m grateful to be doing this work and for the amazing people who are showing up to do it with me. So I’m expressing gratitude with collage, drawing and painting.

This is SO super different from keeping a daily gratitude list that you have to add to every day if you’re feeling grateful or not, or forcing yourself to be grateful, when you’re not feeling it.

That is stupid! As powerful and magic as authentic gratitude can be, trying to distort your feelings into what you wish you were feeling is not helpful at all.

There is a right way and a wrong way to keep a gratitude journal.

In today’s video I talk about how being grateful supercharges all good things but also how forced gratitude is dangerous.



If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic, join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Day 28: Gratitude Journal. Heart-Sparkling Gratitude vs Lame Ass Gratitude Read More »

Creative Journal Day 27: Meeting Doubt (again!)

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

doubt again

Today I’m playing with doubt again, which is just a natural part of stretching your comfort zone and bringing dreams to life.



If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic, join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 27: Meeting Doubt (again!) Read More »

Creative Journal Day 26: Conditions for Thriving, Part 2

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

creating conditions for thriving part 2

Part One of Cultivating Conditions for Thriving is here.

Today I’m taking what I learned in the first part, and exploring what my next steps are, and how I want to implement them.? This is an important step in using your creative journal as a dream-growing tool!



If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic, join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 26: Conditions for Thriving, Part 2 Read More »

Creative Journal Day 25: Mapping out the Inner Journey

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

mapping out the inner journey

Today I’m mapping out the inner journey of a project I’m working on, and talking about why the inner game is the only game to focus on.



Good things happen when you focus on the INNER journey!

If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic, join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 25: Mapping out the Inner Journey Read More »

Creative Journal Day 24: Hello Day Creative Journaling Kit!

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

hello day creative journaling kit

Today I’m coming back to an old favourite: my Hello Day Creative Journal Practice.

This is a fun and creative way to plug into your magic and create more of what you want to create in your world, by filing each day up with the qualities that you want most.


Some ideas for how to create your Hello Day practice:

Today I need:

Today I am activating the Creative Superpower of:

List the qualities that are important for the day.

Write out a Creative Dream Mantra for the day.

Plus I made a whole book of these!

Order from amazon:

USA:|?Canada:|?Great Britain:|?Europe:

Creative Journal Day 24: Hello Day Creative Journaling Kit! Read More »

Creative Journal Day 23: Creating Conditions for Thriving

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

creating conditions for thriving

Today’s I’m exploring what it means for me personally, to create conditions for thriving.? Everyone is unique, so we all have unique conditions for thriving.? And since our perfect conditions for thriving change as we change, this is something that is good to look at regularly.

If you create the right conditions for dreams to grow in your life – then it becomes wayyyyyy easier to grow them.


If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic, join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 23: Creating Conditions for Thriving Read More »

Creative Journal Day 22: Journaling Through Doubt

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

journaling through doubt

Everybody doubts.

How you handle doubt is one of the biggest indicators of how successful you’re going to be with your creative dreams.? So even though journaling with doubt hardly sounds fun, it is really helpful!


The kit I mention is Transform Your Inner Critics, Fears + Doubts which has since been replaced by the Un-Sticking Station in the Creative Dream Circle.

Creative Journal Day 22: Journaling Through Doubt Read More »

Creative Journal Day 21: Creative Journaling while sick

This post, and the whole 30 day journal challenge, is a part of my free art journal class.

creative journaling while sick

So I wasn’t just cranky yesterday, I was coming down with something and today I am really not feeling well.

It was nice to spend some time colouring + playing in my journal, and it’s important to stay in the creative process of meeting myself where I am, even when I don’t like where I am.



If you’d like a supportive + encouraging space to play along, filled with all the best tools for accessing + activating your magic, join me in the Creative Dream Circle!

Creative Journal Day 21: Creative Journaling while sick Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: