How To Do Inner Work | Adventures In Getting Unstuck

A conversation with the part of me who wants to protect me from my feelings.

I had such a great meeting this morning with my dream and the soul of my business.

I had this jumble of ideas and wishes in my mind and they showed me how to put them into a mindmap that answered all of my questions.

And from the mindmap I created a list.

And know I know exactly what I want to do, and exactly how I want to start doing it.

So. I know exactly what I want to do and exactly how I want to start doing it....

And then this feeling comes over me.

I try to push it aside and keep going. There is more I can add to the list, or I can start doing the things on the list...

And then I find myself scrolling social media!

I bring myself back to the list.

And that feeling comes back. It's uncomfortable and I'd like to just push it aside...

But that's not how it works.

Feel all of the feelings that come up for you on the path to your dream.

This is one of the eight principles we work with in Dream Book. If you are following all of the principles, you can't stay stuck. If you are doing the opposite of the principles, you're likely to be quite stuck.

I had to admit at this point I almost switched back to Facebook. But I am Staying. With. It.

OK - this feeling that comes over me when I look at this list.

So - it's a part of my process and I need to be with it.

So. Hello there, uncomfortable looming feeling.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to LOOM" it's like a tiny version of me, and she's holding some really big thing... it's kind of vague but almost like a huge tube, like 3X her height as the diameter and she's trying to drag it somewhere.

Hey, let's put that down. I take the tube and gently set it down. I pick her up and sit her on the tube so now we're at eye level to each other.

What's up?

"Well, this is just all A LOT. I mean you have a very big list here and I agree this is a list of wonderful things and it would be wonderful to actually DO them all but also I have to say, I mean I'm sorry, I know this gets SO uncomfortable here, but the thing is, I have to say it...

I don't think you're going to DO all of this. I think you're going to start strong and this will become one more abandoned thing. Oh! Ouch! I'm sorry! I said it! I know it pains you."

Two things happened for me here:

I realised that yes there was very much a part of me feeling afraid that I Wouldn't DO all of these things.

And I realised that this was a little silly because I complete LOTS OF THINGS. And then I don't complete projects - it's because I got what I need from them already, or because something else feels more important. It's fine.

And in a WHOOSH I felt fine with not completing every project and could stay in this conversation holding that perspective.

Well actually, that vague looming discomfort probably pains me more, because it derails me completely and has me distracting myself instead of doing what I truly want to do. So I'd rather face the harder stuff head on and work through it.

"That's? Good?" She really seems to not want to upset me.

Yeah, that's good. I think I may be stronger than you think. Like a LOT stronger. Like I CAN handle having feelings.

"Oh? What?" She is completely befuddled.

Yeah, I actually would rather feel my feelings than avoid them, because this way I am FREE. Freedom is really important to me. I need to feel free enough to do what I want to do - like all the things on this list. NOT feeling my feelings keeps me a prisoner to them.

"Holy crap, I never thought of it that way" Now she's grown a little taller and heavier and so her weight is pushing down on the tube she's sitting on, keeping us at eye level. She leans over. "This is fascinating"

So, it seems like you are a part of me who hasn't been paying attention for the last, like, 20 years. Maybe you are my 28 year old inner "child"?


Oh, yeah ok that makes sense. So here's the thing: feeling those uncomfortable feelings that loom over me helps me actually MAKE SPACE to actually DO the things I want to do and actually has helped me not be so stuck in general. Feeling feelings is really good! Like I even go to therapy just to talk about my feelings because I love it. I pay for therapy, I love it that much.

"Oh wow"

Yeah, it is really cool. Listen, I want you to see how much I have overcome, the things you struggled with - I do not struggle with. Yes, I have other things going on and the world is a fucking disaster right now but YOU GREW AND HEALED.

She kind of gasped, to look at me and really see where I am/we are.

So I don't need you to be trying to do anything for me. I'm not sure what it is you were trying to do with this tube?

"It's a pipe. Like a pipeline." Now she is fully the same size as me, just sitting beside me with the pipeline beside her.

What were you trying to do with this?

"Trying to make a pipeline to take these uncomfortable feelings away from you."

Ahhh. Yeah. That's exactly what you do that makes things harder for you.

She gets up and kicks the pipeline and it disappears.

She gets it.

And I feel... ready to go do these things.

A conversation with the part of me who wants to protect me from my feelings. Read More »

I guess I asked for this…

A self portrait of my volatile feelings, from this morning in my journal.

A self portrait of my volatile feelings, from this morning in my journal.

I started by saying, OUT LOUD AND EVERYTHING because I am really ready to do this:

"Once and for all I want to work through why I am scared to do this thing." Like really. Why do I keep SAYING I am doing the thing, but not doing the thing? Why do I keep making plans, and then not following through on them?

I mean I know - pandemic and world events have all been a lot and things take the time they take and PATIENCE is an essential ingredient for any dream...

BUT ALSO I know I am not doing my best to show up.

And this fact keeps colliding with my excitement to do this thing and that collision sets off a lot of uncomfortable stuff.

And, here I am now, ready to really, REALLY, deal with this stuff in me that keeps me from showing up the way I want to.

So. Hello Fear. Let's talk.

Fear immediately shows up as a monster. At least 30 feet tall. Lots of brown fur and sharp teeth.

We're in a clearing in the woods, near the entrance to a rock cave. I put a picnic blanket down and invite the monster to join me.

There is tension in my shoulders which turned into actual sharp pain in my left shoulder.

The monster just makes a face. I sit down on the blanket and stretch out my legs. Monster aside, it is a gorgeous day.

I say "I really want to understand what it is you are so afraid of here."

Then I realise - ok it's TWO things, not the ONE thing I was first thinking of. There are two projects I am working on that have the monster riled up.

THEN I realize that these two projects may have been stuck partially BECAUSE I am trying to get both started at once when I DO NOT have the energy for two big scary things right now.

But back to the monster.

"I really want to understand what it is you are so afraid of here."

Me? Afraid? No. I am here to scare YOU! Why would a monster be afraid?

That feels like deflection. But ok. Why do you want to scare me?

Monster appears confused.

"You don't want to scare me just to scare me, do you?"

I want... I mean. I want...

"You don't seem scary right now"


"Oh, I am. Scared. Frustrated. Angry. Anxious. Terrified. My feelings are very volatile right now. And I am asking you - WHY do you want me to be scared?"

Because you stop working on those things when you're afraid.

"Right. So why don't you want me to do those things?"

Because they're scary. Scarier than me. Real-World Scary.

I lay back on the picnic blanket and look up at the clouds and wonder...

Is it true that it's just scarier right now to pursue our dreams and goals, to put new projects out into the world? That feels likely.

Should I pick one project or the other to fully focus on? That feels very stressful. Lots of fear of picking the wrong thing and sabotaging everything.

"Ok monster, I am thinking of just focusing on one of these projects for now. What do you think of that?"

Monster goes silent.

Oh right. Monster doesn't need to scare me about that, because I already feel so scared of choosing the wrong one and sabotaging everything. Which doesn't mean this is the wrong move to make.

What if I did give everything to one project? What would that look like?


I am doing both, or rather trying to do both, in the hopes that it doubles my chance of success.

But what it does is split my energy.

I mean I used to be able to do two projects like this at once but the world was different then and I was different then and...


That's obvious.

"Ok Monster. Did you hear that? I am going to work on trusting myself to succeed."

Monster bursts into tears and sits down beside me on the blanket.

I put my arm around the monster as it shrinks down to my size.

"What's going on, buddy?"

It's so terrible. To realize that you didn't trust yourself. I didn't mean to make you not trust yourself! I just wanted to try to keep your dreams smaller so you'd be safe. I mean, even I know how misguided that idea is, but it's all I've got. Your dreams are so scary to me.

But you can see, that I need to be able to trust myself, right? That THIS is how we create safety.

Yes, of course. Trusting yourself is crucial.

So, what now?

The monster is now a comic character of a nerd - and he's got charts and computers and books and all sorts of things.

I'm going to help you DO THIS. We ARE going to pick that one project to focus on.

And we are going to NOT get all "but I've tried so many ways and it hasn't worked" because guess what?! That's another monster hiding in there. That's not true or relevant to anything.

We are going to be more methodological. We are going through ALL of the plans and notes you have written about the ways you've tried this and pick up ALL of the threads you abandoned because I made it hard for you to continue.

We are going to do all of the things that help you be optimistic and connected.

And yes you can work on that other project as a side thing. ONLY when this project doesn't need your creativity and focus.

I stretch out and check in with my body.

Still a little tense, but I don't feel all of those volatile feelings anymore.

I feel less like everything is impossible and more ready to pick myself up and keep going.

Then I have a nice calming meditation, releasing stress in my body, giving my feelings some space and it comes to me:

I can give the first 2 hours of each day to this project. Those 2 hours are my BEST 2 hours, give them to this project. Then do my other stuff after.

Now I feel possibility and trust in my body.

PS: The last two years have made things really hard for dreamers.

It's really easy right now to zoom over into spiritual bypass, or to fall into despair.

Neither of these approaches are going to help you create what you want in your life.

Because this is all such a challenge right now, I am offering extra classes in Dream Book.

On March 11 we're doing HABITS UPGRADE:

Without judging any of the habits you've got going on right now how can we shift towards more helpful habits? Or even - TRANSFORMATIVE habits? Healing habits? Up-leveling habits?

We'll create habits that make your heart sing. Habits that are a DELIGHT to actually do. Habits that make everything better right now AND move you along the path to a better future.

Then Creative With Money is happening March 15:

We’ll do a deep dive into your relationship with money and re-wire it to make more space for whatever it is you need right now.

There will be ah-hahs and shifts and the glowing sense of feeling more free inside your life.


These are both a part of your Dream Book membership for March.

Find out more + join us here.

I guess I asked for this… Read More »

Creative Planning: Releasing What’s In The Way To Make More Space For What You Want

(I do my weekly planning with the printable version of the Year of Dreams 2022, all the details of how I printed + bound it are here. The journaling printables I cut + paste onto it are from Dream Book)

Get the free full Creative Genius Planning Sessions video (15 minute meditation + journaling class for planning your week from your most wise, brave + creative self, here)

The soul of the Creative Dream Incubator sent me this message:

You got to stay in the vibe where big new possibilities happen.

Look at where you can smooth out the little irritants and make things simpler. Look at what you can let go of. Look at where you can use the big irritants as a source of healing and transformation.

This felt like a message for all of us, but it also came with A LOT of specific examples of where I need to do this.

(This has been happening a lot lately, like the Creative Dream Incubator sends me huge data dumps and I to sort through and get my instructions from them. It's been AMAZING.)

One of those examples is these weekly Creative Genius Planning Sessions. I've been uploading them to You Tube, turning that video into a blog post, sending an email with a link to the blog post, and also putting it on Instagram.

I did it this way because I didn't know where to put them, so I put them everywhere. That was the simplest way for me to get going - otherwise I could have spent a lot of energy trying to figure out where to put the videos.

And being in the process of doing this every week has shown me a better way to do this.

This is how it works with most dreams - you do what you can from where you are, learn as you go, apply what you learn, and keep growing from there.

So, the soul of my Creative Dream Incubator showed me if I did less of this backend stuff and just upload the video to Instagram because that is by far THE simplest way - that frees up energy that makes it easier for me to stay in a state of possibility, which opens up new possibilities.

So that's what I will be doing.

This is the last week I'll share the Creative Genius Planning Session video on my blog.

You'll be able to find them on Instagram.

PS: Know that I don't make ANY decision in my business lightly, and I DO know that not everyone is on Instagram. Please don't email me to let me know that you are not on Instagram.

Creative Planning: Releasing What’s In The Way To Make More Space For What You Want Read More »

Weekly Creative Planning: Show Up For Your Dream, Even If You’re Not Feeling It

(I do my weekly planning with the printable version of the Year of Dreams 2022, all the details of how I printed + bound it are here. The journaling printables I cut + paste onto it are from Dream Book)

Get the free full Creative Genius Planning Sessions video (15 minute meditation + journaling class for planning your week from your most wise, brave + creative self, here)

Weekly Creative Planning: Show Up For Your Dream, Even If You’re Not Feeling It Read More »

Weekly Creative Planning: Drop the heaviness + call in what you need.

(I do my weekly planning with the printable version of the Year of Dreams 2022, all the details of how I printed + bound it are here. The journaling printables I cut + paste onto it are from Dream Book)

Get the free full Creative Genius Planning Sessions video (15 minute meditation + journaling class for planning your week from your most wise, brave + creative self, here)

PS: I hope you're coming to my Instagram live today to celebrate Micheal Redhead Champagne's new book!! Such a great chance to soak up the energy and magic of a big dream coming true and SUCH a great time to talk about WRITING BOOKS THAT HELP CHANGE THE WORLD!

PPS: The Obstacle Is The Way Through is happening This Thursday!!

(February 10, on Zoom at 1:pm Central - and it will be recorded and the recording WILL be effective and we can chat in the comments section if you have questions).⁠

We're going to work with the thing that is MOST in your way RIGHT NOW. It can be an internal or external thing.

The call will be about 60-90 minutes, depending on what kinds of conversations come up in the process.⁠

We'll go deep.⁠...

And you'll leave knowing EXACTLY what to do next✨✨⁠

This call is included in your Dream Book membership for February.

Join us here.

Your future self will thank you.

Weekly Creative Planning: Drop the heaviness + call in what you need. Read More »

Give me 2:28 minutes and you will feel better about EVERYTHING

(I do my weekly planning with the printable version of the Year of Dreams 2022, all the details of how I printed + bound it are here. The journaling printables I cut + paste onto it are from Dream Book)

Get the free full Creative Genius Planning Sessions video (15 minute meditation + journaling class for planning your week from your most wise, brave + creative self, here)


Give me 2:28 minutes and you will feel better about EVERYTHING Read More »

Creative Planning: Making space to make space for what you want + need this week.

This week my theme is: Making space to make space for the things I want + need

The world is always coming at us, so hard, so fast, and it can be a real challenge to do this work.

This is why, for me, building HABITS + ROUTINES out of these practices is the only way.

A big part of the work of working with any dream is THIS work of making space to make space for it.

Get the free full Creative Genius Planning Sessions video (15 minute meditation + journaling class for planning your week from your most wise, brave + creative self, here)

So - what do YOU want for your wild + precious new week?

It feels kind of surreal, given the state of the world right now, and how overwhelming I have found this pandemic, and the ways it's intersected with peri-menopause, difficult parenting issues, and of living in colonialism and late-stage capitalism.

I feel deeply connected to my dreams for 2022, which helps me feel more connected to myself...

Which has helped me remember how important all of our dreams are.

Which helps me feel more optimistic for our collective future.

These are the times when artists need to get to work.

And when I say artist - I mean everyone with a vision. Everyone with a gift to share.

(That includes you)

Our work - and it doesn't matter if that is work your exchange for money or not - is needed.

ESPECIALLY now as a lot of systems are falling apart, as we face catastrophic climate change, as we come to terms with the consequences of how we have been living.

ESPECIALLY NOW we need to flood the world with our dreams + creative gifts.

Every dream is a seed.

I am adding a monthly "Let's get our shit together, together" call to Dream Book for the rest of the year.

Doing these calls in January has been invaluable.

There is something about connecting to like-minded people, even if just virtually, that makes it easier to stay in your seat, and get the work done.

I am also doing a new round of The Obstacle Is The Way Through.

Because our dreams are NEEDED and we have a lot of obstacles right now!

This is a deep alchemy process/healing circle thing we do together, to transform the obstacle into the path.

This will happen on February 10 at 1PM Central - but the replay will be VERY helpful, if you can't be there live.

And I'm adding some new Creative With Money calls!

These are not scheduled yet, but I want to do a few of them over this next year as money remains a huge obstacle for a lot of dreams.

Creative With Money is a BEAUTIFUL program I did years ago, all about bringing your creativity + power to your relationship with money. You do get that program as a bonus as soon as you join Dream Book - but the new calls will bring new energy to it, and you'll get a chance to have your own questions answered, and do the alchemy work on the exact money situation you are facing right now.

All of this will be included in your Dream Book membership.

Creative Planning: Making space to make space for what you want + need this week. Read More »

You won’t always know what to do

If you're a living, growing, healing, human being - you will NOT always know what to do next.

You can only always know what to do if you are always doing things you've already done before.

For those of us who want to grow, heal, and create - we have to spend a lot of time in the not knowing.

That's what my weekly planning is about this week:

Dream Book members: I just added a new in depth Creative Genius Planning Sessions Video For When You Have No Clue What To Do. (that link only works for members - if you're not a member yet, you can join us here)

Do you need to rest or do you need to get organized?

The 2 new coaching circles are ongoing.

One about DEEP REST where we get together on Zoom and REST TOGETHER (!) and also journal + talk+ figure out how to get more of the rest we on an ongoing basis.

One about GETTING ORGANIZED AF where we get together on Zoom and get our shit together, together! We'll literally DO THE THINGS together, and if you get stuck getting organized, I'll coach you through it.

Both will be included in your Dream Book membership - details are on the Dream Book page.

You won’t always know what to do Read More »

Weekly Planning As Self Care and a Manifestation Practice

I started the weekly Creative Genius Planning because this practice each of making space for what you want, making space to listen to your wisest, most creative and most brave self, is so invaluable.

This is one of the places where our inner healing and growth become manifest as changes in our lives.

Take 15 minutes a week to play with this and you will see it.

Do you need to rest or do you need to get organized?

The 2 new coaching circles start TODAY!

One about DEEP REST where we get together on Zoom and REST TOGETHER (!) and also journal + talk+ figure out how to get more of the rest we on an ongoing basis.

One about GETTING ORGANIZED AF where we get together on Zoom and get our shit together, together! We'll literally DO THE THINGS together, and if you get stuck getting organized, I'll coach you through it.

They start today! And both will be included in your Dream Book membership - details are on the Dream Book page.

Weekly Planning As Self Care and a Manifestation Practice Read More »

New video: Journaling through my pandemic overwhelm

My pandemic overwhelm set in again, like mental fog and a heaviness pushing down on me.... so I recorded myself working through it.

NOW is the best time to join Dream Book!

We're doing two new coaching circles this month:

Well Rested: We REST together, on Zoom! Then we journal, talk and explore how to get more of the rest you need.

Organized AF: We get our shit together, together! We do a short focusing meditation, declare our intentions for our time together - then you go DO THE THING. If you get stuck, I'll be there to coach you through it.

Join us here.

New video: Journaling through my pandemic overwhelm Read More »

Let’s start this week in the gentlest way possible

I made a new Creative Genius Planning video, this one is for gently easing into a new week:

Creative Genius Planning Sessions are about doing your weekly planning from your most wise, brave and creative self.

You get to your next level with your dreams by being your next-level self, doing next-level things.

(There is a 15 minute Basic Creative Genius Planning Session right here (meditation + journaling class) for planning your amazing week.)

Do you need to rest or do you need to get organized?

I am working on 2 new circles for January!

One about DEEP REST where we get together on Zoom and REST TOGETHER (!) and also journal + talk+ figure out how to get more of the rest we on an ongoing basis.

One about GETTING ORGANIZED AF where we get together on Zoom and get our shit together, together! We'll literally DO THE THINGS together, and if you get stuck getting organized, I'll coach you through it.

They will start next week, both will be included in your Dream Book membership.

More details to come soon.

Let’s start this week in the gentlest way possible Read More »

On wanting to do a thing, but not doing the thing

On wanting to do thing, but not doing the thing

I want to do 11 simple tasks.

So why am I not doing them?

I just don't want to

Ummm no, I know you DO want to.

I do want it done. I don't want to do it.

Don't you want it done MORE THAN you want to not do it?

No, obviously. Or else we wouldn't be here.


I don't want to do it. End of discussion.

No, actually, that's the beginning of the discussion.

Heavy, dramatic sigh.

This is the work. We know this. We've got to keep showing up, and our next steps for showing up are doing these 11 things.


Yeah, you can feel that way about it, that's valid. But I am REALLY curious WHY you feel that way about these particular tasks.

[draws a blank]

It's interesting, isn't it? Because these tasks are actually enjoyable. So I don't think it's true that you LITERALLY don't want to do them. I think you want to do the task AND ALSO there is something about COMPLETING these tasks that you are resisting.


Yeah, that's how it feels, to shine a light on resistance.

My back and shoulders are all stiff now. Can we just have lunch?

We can have lunch right way, but before lunch we have to work this out. We can't keep avoiding these tasks all day.

I think we can.

And then what?

Then the whole project gets delayed.

Oh, so you don't want to do the project.

I mean I want it to happen, I just don't want to be the one doing it.

That is a FASCINATING attitude to have about your own creative work. Who else would do it?

I just want to be done, I don't want to be doing.

Is that even true? Feels like a "resistance trying to make things more complicated than they are and saying ridiculous things to do so" kind of vibe.

No, of course it's not true. Of course I like to do this task, and I want to do it, and I'm just terrified that this will flop.

There it is. Can we deal with the terror? I really don't want to circle around it all day in avoidance, I want to just get this done.

OK. I am terrified of doing my best, and it being a flop and that meaning that I AM a flop and then then not having any options for what to do next. This is a sharp, painful sensation in my chest.

Let's offer it some light, healing, love, patience, validity and acceptance.

[we do this... the sharp sensation turns to candy floss]

And now?

I still feel like there are a ton of excuses to not do this, I can just juggle them all day.


I can start doing these 11 tasks.

And then a lightbulb went off in my mind.

I was starting with the most logical one to start with, which is the one I am stuck with. How about starting with the easiest one to do?

Oh, sure, I can do that.


These are notes from the Un-Sticking Station in my Dream Book from a few days ago.

Since then, I finished those 11 tasks which meant I could start the Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 Journaling EXTRAVAGANZA on time, yesterday.

This is the inner work that makes the outer work possible. Dream Book offers the support to keep showing up, and keep doing this work consistently enough to get the momentum you need with your dreams.

Join us here.

On wanting to do a thing, but not doing the thing Read More »

When Life Is In The Way And You Can’t Even

Plan your week from your ✨MOST✨ wise, brave, and creative self.... even when Life Is In The Way And You Can't Even

Creative Genius Planning Sessions are about doing your weekly planning from your most wise, brave and creative self. You get to your next level with your dreams by being your next-level self, doing next-level things.

Do them with me every Monday and you'll AMAZE yourself.

There is a 15 minute Basic Creative Genius Planning Session right here (meditation + journaling class) for planning your amazing week.

AND I am creating a full "expansion pack" of extra videos that address specific situations that you’ll come up against with your planning. I’m sharing a new one, with a new theme, each week.

This week we're looking at how to approach your planning when life is in the way and you can't even:

If you're in Dream Book - watch this on our private blog, with a link to the Making Your Trust In Your Dream Bigger Than Your Fear Alchemy Practice - plus a private comment section for sharing your goals for the week, asking questions and getting extra support.

If you're not in Dream Book - if you like the Creative Genius Planning Sessions you will LOVE Dream Book.

Check it out here.

When Life Is In The Way And You Can’t Even Read More »

I want To Meditate ✨and✨ I Don’t Want To Meditate

Andrea Rainbow Eyeshadow

A conversation between:

I want To Meditate


I Don't Want To Meditate (in italics)

So, I want to meditate. Like, I really want to meditate. I want to enjoy that feeling of meditation and then also have that spaciousness in my day that comes from meditation.

I want to just check my phone.

Check it for what? You already checked it.

Check it for what's new.

Nothing is new. It's 5 am. You already checked it. This is meditation time.

I just can't. I'd rather check an already-checked phone.

Can you tell me why?

Just so I can avoid everything?

Really? How so? How does not meditating avoid everything?

It's not just meditating I want to avoid. I want to avoid everything.


Like - fuck! There's too much happening.

Well, so much of it is good stuff though. Stuff that is happening because I put it into motion because I want to do it and now you feel overwhelmed by it?


Yeah. And if I could meditate for longer, then I'd have more of that mental clarity and just, that energy I need to do these things I want to do. This "avoiding meditation" makes everything else harder so then you just end up with more things you want to avoid.

You mean avoiding is not helping?

No, definitely not.

I thought it was helping. I thought avoiding was like taking a break.

No, taking a break is taking a break. And I don't think taking a break from meditation is really what you want. What do you want to take a break from?


Well, meditation is really a perfect break from overwhelm.


So.... can we try again?


Update: yup. We did it. Meditated for 30 minutes.

I want To Meditate ✨and✨ I Don’t Want To Meditate Read More »

Creative Genius Planning Session For Those Weeks When You Have Obstacles In Your Way

Creative Genius Planning Sessions are about doing your weekly planning from your most wise, brave and creative self. You get to your next level with your dreams by being your next-level self, doing next-level things.

Do them with me every Monday and you'll AMAZE yourself.

There is a 15 minute Basic Creative Genius Planning Session right here (meditation + journaling class) for planning your amazing week.

AND I am creating a full "expansion pack" of extra videos that address specific situations that you’ll come up against with your planning. I’m sharing a new one, with a new theme, each week.

This week we're looking at how to approach your planning when you've got OBSTACLES.

Having an obstacle is just a part of having a dream. You can't just get stuck every time you have an obstacle, you NEED a way of facing the obstacles head on, and working through them.

So that's what we'll work with in this week's Creative Planning Sessions Video:


If you're in Dream Book - watch this on our private blog, with a link to The Obstacle Is The Way Through Alchemy Practice - plus a private comment section for sharing your goals for the week, asking questions and getting extra support.

If you're not in Dream Book - if you like the Creative Genius Planning Sessions you will LOVE Dream Book.

Check it out here.

Creative Genius Planning Session For Those Weeks When You Have Obstacles In Your Way Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: