Creative Entrepreneur

Stop Identifying as Sensitive

I had a joint meeting with my dream and the soul of my business because I had a few questions I wanted to ask them together.

I was not ready for the answers.

The first question was about the three projects I am working on now. I don't feel I have three projects worth of focus, so how do I decide what to do?

One of the projects turned into caramel on a warm day and just melted away.

Then my business showed me that really putting my heart and creativity into the other two projects would actually accomplish the goals of that project, without me having to actually DO that project.

Since the project that melted away was a marketing project, I was more than happy to take that advice.

Then my dream and my business got together and said:

Stop identifying as sensitive

And I was like "what?" WHOA!" "what?"

I could see this idea held an entirely new possibility for everything about my life.

But it also felt absolutely impossible because I AM SENSITIVE.

I read the book The Highly Sensitive Person 22 years ago and that was the first time I ever felt SEEN. I felt so relieved to have a name to call the ways that I was different from everyone else, and some coping mechanisms for handling it.

Being an HSP has been a big part of my identity for 22 years.

My dream and my business are like "yeah whatever" "so you're sensitive. So what?"

And then I see it.

I can BE sensitive without IDENTIFYING as sensitive.

Sensitive doesn't have to be the part of me I lead with.

Sensitive doesn't have to be the main part of how I define myself.

And the soul of my business whispered "Hey what if POWERFUL is the main way you define yourself?'

I mean what if?

POWERFUL is every bit as much as who I am as SENSITIVE.

Also CREATIVE and CRABBY and TIRED and all sorts of other things.

But WHAT IF powerful was the main way I defined myself?

I got this sense of powerful being almost a shield. Powerful all around me, like a living energy that energizes me, gives me more options for how I show up in my life and - get this - creates safe space for my sensitivity to live deeper in, closer to me, further from my identity out in the world.




Then the soul of my business whispers: "This is how you build your capacity so you can do the things you want to do next"

This is what I love about Dream Book.

It's not about "you have to be your best and most powerful self all the time" which is what a LOT of the Live Your Best Life Industry is pushing.

It's about creating space for the RIGHT insight to find you at the RIGHT time.

So it lands, not just as a seed for a new possibility for you life... it lands as medicine.

Today in Dream Book I'm teaching a class on Growth, Chaos + Change: Following your own flow in your business.⁠

It's an alchemy process for connecting with your own creative flow and the creative flow of your business and how to lean on that flow to help you move through change.

We're all experiencing a lot of change right now. Some of it caused by external change, some of it sparked by our own wishes and dreams for what we want next.

This kind of change can cause us to revert back to old coping mechanisms.

In this class I'll share an alchemy process that helps you create a NEW way, one that is more in alignment with your evolving truth.

It will be recorded, so you can listen whenever works for you.

Join us here.

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What kind of support do you need, to do the things you want to do?

What kind of support do you need

Boundaries support your wellbeing and healing and self care and DREAMS.

In your business, boundaries support you in doing your best work, shining your light and receiving the things you need.

So the big question is:

What kind of support do you need, to do the things you want to do?

There are SO MANY WAYS to get creative about creating this support for yourself.

Systems and guidelines and routines and limits and agreements. These are all boundaries.

Of course - today is the Business + Boundaries: Creating Space for your Creative Dreams to flourish class!

This class is an experiential deep-dive into exploring where you need more/different SUPPORT, to be able to do the things you want to do in your business.

When I was preparing the class, I was getting my period and was a little crampy. It wasn't that bad, and I don't like to take drugs, so normally I would just try to ignore the cramps and carry on.

BUT I'm finding it hard to focus these days for a lot of reasons. So I decided to just take an Advil, to numb the cramps so I had one less thing distracting me.

That's a boundary. Not today, cramps!

Of course, the decision to usually NOT take drugs is ALSO a boundary.

Good boundaries are fluid because we are living things and our needs change all the time.

But it's so much more complicated when it comes to business, because it's not just YOUR needs that matter. Your customer's needs matter and your business' needs matter and your employees, suppliers.... it's big web.

Also, most boundary decisions happen in our unconscious, driven by people-pleasing and fear of failure and other such nonsense.

Like -  "Oh, we did 6 coaching sessions together last year and you were thrilled with my work at the time, but now you've decided to go to Disneyland and want a refund to help pay for it? Well, I REALLY want you to like me, so sure!"

I mean, that's an extreme example but we violate our own needs to get external approval in a lot of ways.

And it's uncomfortable to hold our boundaries for a lot of reasons.

So the Business + Boundaries class is, of course, a healing circle.

A chance to look deeper at what's happening for you in your business, to figure out where to plug leaky boundaries to make things smoother for you and to explore how to give yourself the support you need to do what you want to do next.

AND a healing space for being with the things that come up from that, for processing the feelings and holding the insights and figuring out what to do next with all of this.

I LOVE this work.

I LOVE the way our businesses push us deeper into our growth.

I can't wait!

And YES the class will be recorded so you want do it in your own time. This is one I think we'll come back to over and over, because each time you do it you would get something different from it.

This class is a part of Dream Book, my ongoing creative dream course + mastermind. Join us here.

What kind of support do you need, to do the things you want to do? Read More »

New Class! Business + Boundaries: Creating Space for your Creative Dreams to flourish

The Business + Boundaries: Creating Space for your Creative Dreams to Flourish class is happening live on Zoom on April 28.⁠


Creating and managing boundaries is how you create space for a dream to come into your life.⁠ Done well, boundaries exist to HOLD SPACE.⁠

With a business, boundaries become even more important - and even more complicated!

Boundaries in your business can help you be more creative and effective in your work. They can help you achieve bigger goals that you have before. They can help you and your business grow.⁠

And they help you be FUELLED and NURTURED by your business - instead of stressed and overwhelmed.⁠

The pandemic has made this harder for a lot of us.

So we're going to work on our boundaries together!

This will be an EXTREMELY experiential class where we'll dig in together to look at where your boundaries need to be shored up.

Again - it's happening April 28 on Zoom.

It's a part of Dream Book, my ongoing creative dream mastermind. Join us here.⁠

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Brave moves don’t happen in a vacuum.

brave moves don't happen in a vaccum

I've been getting A LOT of messages about my current situation of living apart from my husband from people who are admiring my courage for making this brave move.

It didn't feel brave.

It felt necessary and also kind of scary.

That's what a lot of "brave moves" feel like from the inside.

We get to a point where doing nothing starts to cost more than taking the risk.

But we have to remember that courage is a PRACTICE.

I didn't roll out of bed one morning and just make this brave choice.

This is why I write EVERY DAY in my creative mastermind group, to share what I am working with in my practice.

The people in my group know I've been sitting with this stuck place around my living situation and working with it for the last year and a half. I was dreaming of a studio space just for me, but also not feeling right about renting a space nearby and actually not feeling right about ANY of the ideas that were coming to me about how to do this.

I wrestled with it a long time, until I worked through it and then I knew what to do.

Everyone is brave. There is no such thing as one person being braver than another.

It's just - how much have you worked through your internal resistance and self doubt? And how much have you learned about how to set your life up to bolster your courage? How much are you really showing up for yourself and your dreams? How much are you PRACTICING?

And yes of course - how much support do you have for the external obstacles you face? How well resourced are you? There ARE external factors that make brave moves easier for some people. (But that is not a measure of how much courage a person has, that's a measure of how much privilege a person has and what they choose to do with it.)

But we can all work on our courage. To show up as bravely as we can to face the things that we have to face.

And of course we have to recognize that "showing up bravely" is a thing we define for ourselves.

Like - for a person with chronic illness taking a nap is a lot braver than pretending to be ok and "powering through" because the people around you don't understand what your actual needs are.

We don't want to buy into the hustle culture or the patriarchy or capitalism and how they define courage and "brave moves'.

True courage is about honouring ourselves in how we show up for our lives.

When you feel that tug in your heart to be braver about something, that's an invitation to show up more deeply in your practice.

I don't mean to practice COURAGE itself necessarily.

What I did that precipitated this brave move of mine was to practice showing up for my DREAMS.

I believes it's our dreams where everything intersects - our potential and healing and wounds and fears and stuck places and creativity and magic and power and all the things we need to work through in order to be where we want to be. It's all right there.

So working with dreams is a way of working with all of this - your own growth and healing.

As I said - I've had a dream for the last year and a half to find a new living situation. But, when I just listened to my logical mind try to work it out - nothing made sense. Financially and practically and feelings-wise - this dream was just STUCK.

It was embarrassing to keep showing up in my mastermind, sharing how stuck I felt for so long.

But I know that this is the way through.

And my work is to live what I teach.

And one of our principles is that "it takes the time it takes"

In hindsight I can see that this particular solution really wasn't accessible any earlier. But I needed to keep showing up, keep making space for that desire, in order to be so aligned with my dream that I could see it when the opportunity came.

It didn't feel brave.

I don't think it looked brave, to the people in the mastermind who saw me continue to show up no matter how stuck I was. But I did get a lot of feedback that it felt HELPFUL to witness me wrestle with this dream because it helped them feel less alone with the dreams that they are wrestling with.

My point is: Courage is a thing we can grow.

We all have tremendous courage.

And we have all practiced our ways into NOT acting/being as brave as we ARE. This is just a side effect of growing up in this culture.

And we all face different obstacles to making our brave moves and comparing our outer expressions of courage to other people's is not helpful.

But. We can become braver. It's a natural side effect of practicing your way into a deeper connecting with your self. It's a natural side effect of working with your dreams. It's a natural side effect of healing and growing.

And each brave move you take opens up new possibilities for what your next brave move can be.

PS: Join me in Dream Book, my creative mastermind and EPIC support system for practicing your way into your next brave move.

*** If you join THIS WEEK you'll get an invitation to the Partnering With Your Soul of your Business live class, happening next Tuesday (April 13)

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Partnering with the Soul of your Business

The Partnering with the Soul of your Business class is happening on April 13.

Learning to PARTNER with the soul of your dream is the thing I teach that allows everything else to happen: growing braver than your fears and stronger than your obstacles and making the impossible dreams come true.⁠

I learned this during my 4 years training + interning to become a spiritual teacher. At the time it felt like this esoteric spiritual thing with no real practical application. ⁠

But as I worked with it I realised that this is the MOST practical thing we could ever do. This is the foundation that makes everything else possible.⁠

It works the same way with your business.⁠

This kind of stuff is hard to put into words.

Learning to partner with the soul of my business has helped me to feel more confident as a creative entrepreneur, and less alone. Which is kind of everything. It has given me:

✨ Hands down the BEST advice for how to get to where I want to be⁠ (usually NOT how I think it should happen - the soul of the Creative Dream Incubator usually has the opposite perspective from mine, which has been immensely helpful)
✨ Energetic support for working through the hard parts⁠ (Again, that piece where it's got the opposite perspective to mine is SO helpful for moving through the hard parts with as little emotional drama as possible)
✨ Magical interventions where the right things happen at the right time ⁠

The Partnering with the Soul of your Business class is happening on April 13, as a part of Dream Book, my creative mastermind.

Join us here.

You can attend live or catch the replay. Either way, this is a thing to work with over and over and develop into a PRACTICE, which we will do together in the ongoing online creative mastermind inside Dream Book.

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Actually BEING the change you want to see in the world

In 2019, my friend Tamara Laports (from Willowing Arts) was feeling overwhelmed about climate change. She always looks for ways to BE the change she wanted to see in the world... so she decided to try to DO something about.

Since she teaches art online, she put togeher an online art course sale, with 25% of profits benefiting TreeSisters, an organization that plants trees to fight climate change.

That sale resulted in 81,000 trees being planted! 🌳🌳🌳🌳

I was really inspired by that act of stepping up to be the change.

It's easy to feel like we need to change our whole lives or be braver than we are or just.... like really BEING the change we want to see is out of our reach. We're too small and the world's problems are too big.

Tamara's story shows how we can use the resources we already have in new ways to help make a difference.

So I asked Tamara to talk to me more about her story, and we recorded this video!

The Art for Earth e-course bundle sale is happening again for 2021 and it's ending in just 3 days!

This is a bundle of art e-courses valued at over £2900+ GBP, but - for one week only - is sold for only £75 GBP! (In USD that's a value of roughly $4,000 for $104)
Two of my courses - the Creative Dream Incubator ($147 USD value) and the Creative Business Incubator ($199 USD value) are a part of the Art For Earth 2021 bundle sale.

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Sometimes things just keep getting harder. There is magic in this too.

My husband moved out and I am in the process of "re-claiming" the Dream Loft as my art + dream studio.

Also, I'm re-discovering the me-I-am-when-I-live-alone-and-have-space-for-all-the-things-I-need and all the things she dreams of.

And also - my husband and I are starting this deep process of exploring... how do we have more of what we do want and less of what we don't want in this relationship?  How do we honour each other's conflicting dreams and needs? How do we put up some guard rails so we don't fall into the rut we fell into during the pandemic?

Which, of course, triggers a lot of deeper feelings and patterns and wounds that are asking for healing.

And also also - kind of thawing out/unwinding after a really hard winter in the pandemic.

It's been a lot.

And then everything got thrown for a loop last week with a new, sudden and scary health diagnosis that I'm not going to talk about online.

The thing that set this all in motion was a ceremony my husband and I did.

Bear and Snake came to my husband in dreams and he told me we had to do a ceremony for them. So we went to my friend's farm to do it, and on the drive back into the city he said to me "This is going to be crazy, hey?"

And I said "What do you mean?"

And he said "Well, Bear and Snake. There are going to be big teachings coming our way"

But I don't think either of us had any idea.

We have to trust the process.

I mean - not that we ARE trusting the process, all the time, of course.

I'm focusing on staying present with my feelings, which are wildly different from day to day.

And then doing my best to show up for myself and show up for what's happening in my life. Sometimes that includes a lot of NOT trusting the process and getting all tangled up in my feelings.

I feel very behind in everything but I also feel alive in new ways like there is this way that I can be more deeply present with everything when everything is a bit of a mess.

The Art for Earth e-course bundle is on sale starting today until April 4.

This is a bundle of art e-courses (roughly $4000 US worth of courses!) - for only £75!! (That's roughly $103 USD)⁠.

It includes my Creative DREAM Incubator e-course ($147 US value) and my Creative BUSINESS Incubator e-course ($199 US value)

⁠⁠>>> Get it here.

Or find out more about the Creative Business Incubator here.

Awkward segwey...

One thing I've been deeply grateful for in all of this change and uncertainty is the Creative Dream Incubator.

Sharing my gifts to help others HELPS ME.

It's a deeply healing balm - this is the part of growing my business that always surprises me. How I keep finding the things I need for my own healing, growth, and self care right there in the daily work of showing up for my business.⁠

It's helped me be more ME.⁠

It's helped me feel more grounded in who I really am which has helped me be more BRAVE in the decisions I make for my life. ⁠

And it's also a way of creating financial independence. Which also helps me be more ME and brave and grounded and capable of making good decisions for myself.

There is a HUGE sale starting today, for 1 week only, that includes my Creative BUSINESS Incubator e-course.

This is the course I made at the end of my first year doing the Creative Dream Incubator as my full time job (in 2011). It's got everything I learned about how to build a stable business by sharing your unique creative gifts.

And to celebrate 10 years in business, I am adding 3 new live classes to it in April and May! They are:

  • Partnering with the Soul of your Business (basically the secret of how to get the RIGHT answer to ALL of your business questions)
  • Business + Boundaries: Creating space for your creative dreams to flourish
  • Growth, Chaos + Change: Following your own flow in your business

Grab it right here as a part of the Art for Earth e-course bundle sale - it's only available until April 4.

I actually don't feel like I have the capacity to promote anything right now.

But this has been planned for a long time so - so this is where I just stay present and show up for my life.

The Art for Earth e-course bundle is on sale starting today until April 4.

This is a bundle of art e-courses (roughly $4000 US worth of courses!) - for only £75!! (That's roughly $103 USD)⁠.

It includes my Creative DREAM Incubator e-course ($147 US value) and my Creative BUSINESS Incubator e-course ($199 US value)

⁠⁠>>> Get it here.

Or find out more about the Creative Business Incubator here.

Sometimes things just keep getting harder. There is magic in this too. Read More »

New Classes + Calls for the Creative Business Incubator

New Classes + Calls for the Creative Business Incubator

⚡️New coaching calls coming for the Creative BUSINESS Incubator are happening in April and May⚡️

Help me plan them! What topics do you want to discuss? Leave a comment below.

I definitely want to do one on partnering with the soul of your business because that's the foundation for everything else.

But for the other calls I'm open to anything and would like to plan the calls around what you would most like to explore, so let me know!

These calls will be open to everyone who is in Dream Book, my creative dream mastermind, and to everyone who purchases the Creative Dream Incubator e-course, which will be available at a special price as a part of a special sale from March 29 to April 4.

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New Moon Goal Setting + Journal Prompts

new moon goal setting

I do New Moon Goal Setting every month.

Of course - you can set any goal you want, any time you want. But the new moon is a great time for this work and having a regular ongoing routine/practice of goal setting gives you the best chance of creating real MOMENTUM for moving towards your dreams.

How are dreams and goals different? Dreams tend to be bigger and more expansive and not always easy to describe in a single sentence. Goals are tangible and measurable. Goals help you move towards dreams.

As I prepare to set new goals for the March new moon, I'm looking back at the goal I set at the February new moon and noticing that I didn't even come close to meeting it.

Not meeting your goals does NOT mean you failed.

Part of the process of goal setting is looking back and noticing what happened after you set the goal and then learning from that. Then you take what you learned, and apply it to the next goal you set.

This process of trial and error and learn-as-you-go is how most big dreams happen.

It's not fancy, but it works.

And it's something ANYONE can do at ANY TIME.

And it turns goal-setting into this magical thing that shows you exactly where you need to learn, grow, and heal, in order to have more of the things you want.

I still remember, about 13 years ago before I was even considering leaving my day job, I made my first online creativity workshop kit and wanted to sell it.

I set a goal to sell 10 kits in one week.

And then.... nothing happened. Didn't sell a single kit.

At the end of the week, upon reflecting on this goal, I had to face all the feelings that came up as I accepted that I had no clue how to sell the kits.

Which lead me to see more clearly that I was waiting for this to happen to me, instead of going out there and creating it.

Which also shone a light on all sorts of other places with my dreams where I wait for it to happen instead of create it for myself.

Which got uncomfortable but also led to a decision: to read a business book.

I hated that business book and I didn't feel that I could do any of those things it talked about, so I went back to my "if I just make stuff that's good enough, people will want it" approach (which does NOT work).

I had to go around and around like this, each time making a decision to take the next step to learn how to create this thing I wanted, instead of waiting for it to happen for me.

Eventually, I started finding business books I could love and taking business classes and working with coaches and figured out MY WAY to sell my work.

I even made my own business class, to share what I'd learned about how I had brought creativity + playfulness + integrity + introspection into the process of sales and marketing and building an online business around sharing your creative gifts. It's called The Creative Business Incubator.

(Right now it's only available to Dream Book members - but at the end of the month there is a special sale happening where you can get just the Creative Business Incubator, plus I'm going to be doing some extra business coaching circles in April.)

You can start out not even knowing how much you don't know about how to get to your goal... and still get to your goal. As long as you don't give up.

Which is why I do a monthly New Moon Alchemy + Coaching circle, as a part of Dream Book, my creative mastermind. NOT to make sure everyone meets their goals every month, but to support everyone in staying in this process where you explore what you need to learn, grow, and heal, in order to have more of the things you want.

As I think back to that first sales goal I set 13 years ago - if I had just magically manifested it back then, would I be where I am today?

Because I LOVE that I trust myself to support myself financially. I LOVE that I KNOW HOW to do this in ways that feel good to me. I wouldn't want to trade what I have now for the experience of the sales just coming to me without me going out there and learning how to create it for myself.

So I always think of that on months when I didn't even get close to meeting my goals, like this month.

Last month, I felt *SO SURE* that I could finish my new project and be getting ready to put it out there.

But, here I am, still calling it "my new project" instead of feeling ready to show you exactly what it is.

At this time of the month, right before the New Moon, I look back to what I wrote on the last New Moon and reflect on what happened.

Did I do my best to show up for this goal?

Did I have the right kinds of support?

What was in the way? Is it what I thought would be in the way or was there an unexpected obstacle?

Is there a lesson for me here?

Is there something for me to let go of?

What does all this tell me about what to do next?

What do I WANT to do next? What feels inspiring now?

Again, this is NEVER about forcing myself to reach the goal on time.

It's ALWAYS about engaging with the process, which teaches me about the inner and outer healing and growth and change that need to happen for me to do this thing.

This month, it feels PERFECT that I didn't meet my goal.

I did do my best with it for the first 2 weeks, and then something unexpected happened.

On the February Full Moon, I lead the BREAKTHROUGH Alchemy Coaching Circle, which of course sparked a breakthrough. I was expecting some kind of breakthrough, I was not expecting the way it happened.

And then on the next day, my husband and I did a ceremony to feed a snake and a bear who had come to him in his dreams. If you know anything about Native American teachings you know that's some serious stuff, and that ceremony sparked some big lessons for us both.

And then this big unexpected thing happened and now we are making some equally big and unexpected changes.

So goal which was SO IMPORTANT to me at the February New Moon needs to take a backseat to the new things that are happening. And even though I didn't reach my goal, I am moving towards my dream.

This kind of reflection is VITAL for your dream.

Without it, this month of not meeting my goal becomes this shameful embarrassing thing.

I mean - I'm a life coach but I can't even meet my own goals? What's wrong with me? is the story that gets fed and then shoved underground where it will make it harder to make progress on my goals because it's nurturing the seeds of I'm a failure and I won't follow through so why bother.

And all of that stuff just festers.

WITH this reflection, I feel good about how this month went. I accept where I am. I feel proud of myself. I feel inspired and ready to set another goal and move forward again, understanding that I may not get to where I WANT to get next month, but I know I'll get to the right place as long as I keep showing up for myself.

Do this Magical New Moon Goal Setting with me.

The March New Moon Alchemy + Coaching Circle is happening on March 12 - tomorrow. The replay is available a few hours after the live call is done so you have a few days to do this call in the New Moon energy.

This is where we dig into ALL of this magic together.

This call is for everyone who is Dream Book - join us here.

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Fumbling with our goals is sometimes the best way to reach them

Fumbling with our goals is sometimes the best way to reach them

Yesterday was our monthly New Moon Alchemy Coaching Circle in Dream Book. While I was getting ready for it, I looked at my notes from January's call and was stunned to see the goals I had set then.

This last month I've done lots of things, but none of them were the things that I said I'd do, at last month's new moon circle.

I shared this at the start of our call, and said that I planned to put this month's goals into my daytimer as a way to hold them better.

Is that a failure as a coach or is it freedom to just follow my creative flow or is it something else?

I think of failing your monthly goals as a really good thing, as one of the ways that you learn what your dreams REALLY need and grow into the person who can do those things.

But I didn't fail at my goals. I dropped them, that's different.

Not to make excuses or anything, but I think it's the pandemic.

Should we use the pandemic as an excuse, or reasonable reason, to not bother with our goals?

I think some goals should absolutely be shelved right now. Like I wish giant corporations would put their profit goals aside and just focus on helping their employees and customers get through the pandemic safely.

Let me explain the difference between GOALS and DREAMS here.

Every month in the New Moon Alchemy Circle we set GOALS to that help us move towards our DREAMS over the following month.

DREAMS are nourishing and help us be our true selves. Dreams heal and grow us. We should NEVER not bother with our dreams because working with your dream is generative.

Especially now, we need the medicine of our dreams. And there are an infinite number of ways to work/play/grow with a dream - it's NOT all about the "setting and meeting goals" part. The inner aspects of Dream Work are especially valuable right now.

Dream Work is the high quality self care that we all need right now.

And the point of the new moon goal setting is to step OUT of our usual ways of being in our lives, step IN to an alchemy circle where anything is possible, and then check in with our dreams and our selves, and make a plan for where to focus next.

It's NOT all about the "making it happen" part. Some months are more about healing and restorative self care and incubating ideas.

But my story more complicated than this.

Because when I looked in my daytimer to add my goals this morning - well holy shit my goals WERE there all along, written in both the monthly goals section and in each week's to do list.

It just didn't FEEL anything like how I remember it FEELING during the new moon circle where I set the goal.

These moments of surprising ourselves are often a sign that we are growing, our perspective has shifted we don't recognize our own goals.

This is good. SO good.

It's just super confusing to navigate.

So here's what I am doing: I had a whole page about this in my Dream Book so I went back to update it, and took all of the ideas I had there and made a list. This month the goal is to spend time with each idea.

SPEND TIME can mean: journaling about it, meditating on it, taking action on it - just go with what I'm feeling in the moment, not trying to force myself into taking action.

It's very easy to FORCE a dream.

We can use willpower and hard work and an attitude of "I won't allow any negative thinking or self-sabotaging beliefs to get in my way" and just steamroll our way into a dream.

That's a great way to create the OUTER form of the dream.

You may not be happy with how it FEELS to be there though. It might be hard to hold onto it, it might be stressful to take care of it, it might not fit into the rest of your life and create other conflicts.

There are so many ways that dreams can go bad when we force them because we didn't take the time to HEAL and GROW into it.

On the other hand, it's also very easy to suffocate a dream from not taking enough action.

You can't just meditate and journal your way into a dream. This work should become the FUEL for the outer work.

Finding the right balance IS complicated.

It's NORMAL to get lost sometimes.

I think it's even necessary to get lost, to go too far to one side, because that can teach you things that you can use when you come back into a more balanced approach.

So I'm forgiving myself for not working with my goals the way I wish I had over the last month.

And committing to try again this month.

Fumbling with our goals is sometimes the best way to reach them Read More »

The New Age Has A Lot Of Shadow Work To Do. Let’s Do It Together.

The New Age Has A Lot Of Shadow Work To Do. Let's Do It Together.

We are all connected. We need each other. Our dreams are all connected. Our dreams need each other. Living in a world full of systemic oppression impacts all of us, and all of our dreams.

I am in the process of writing a LOT of posts about this right now and I decided to start by sharing this one on critical thinking. It's not that I believe that critical thinking is EVERYTHING, I mostly use my intuition to make decisions in my life.

But a lack of critical thinking is destructive.

It's one of the reasons why huge swaths of the New Age community have embraced fascism via conspiracy theories.

I just googled "critical thinking" and landed on the wikipedia definition:

Critical thinking is the analysis of facts to form a judgment.[1] The subject is complex, and several different definitions exist, which generally include the rational, skeptical, unbiased analysis, or evaluation of factual evidence. Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking.[2] It presupposes assent to rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use. It entails effective communication and problem-solving abilities as well as a commitment to overcome native egocentrism[3][4] and sociocentrism.

Ever since the capital riot, I've been waiting for the big names in the Live Your Best Life Industry who had been promoting Q-Anon conspiracy theories to post apologies.

None came.

Which got me wondering WHY there is such an incredible disregard for critical thinking skills in the new age community. Which is why I googled critical thinking.

And, in that definition what stood out to me was the last word: sociocentrism.

The New Age is the colonization of Indigenous Wisdom.

It's privileged people feeling entitled to take whatever they want, from whomever they want to take it from, without any regard for the culture in which those things came from... and often feeling Better Than for having done so, like we are more evolved for being so open minded.

It's taking all of those things and creating a smorgasbord of spiritual and personal beliefs with - again - NO regard for the culture from which they came. Absolutely no context for practices which actually have thousands of years of context attached to them.

And then it's capitalizing on all of this to create a billion dollar industry.

And, for many of us, it's doing all of this as colonizers, occupying Indigenous land with no regard to the treaties. Or living in countries that are actively colonizing other countries.

I say this as a white settler in Canada who has been into pretty much EVERY New Age Thing at some point. And who has been making her living in this industry for the last 10 years.

The New Age couldn't exist as it is with proper critical thinking.

Because, again, sociocentrism. We are colonized people who are colonizing others.

It's the air we breathe.

And if we truly saw what we were doing, if we removed our own colonizing culture as a frame of reference, we would tear this whole thing down.

I know most of the lightworkers and healers and coaches do not mean harm.

We appreciate Indigenous wisdom.

We honour Indigenous culture.

But, sociocentrism. We do not look at the situation from outside of the lens of being settlers on occupied lands.

So we don't see that we are standing on the necks of Indigenous people, while appreciating the culture. We don't consider how long these practices were actually illegal for the people they belong to. We don't think about how Indigenous people came to live on reservations, we don't know anything about Indian Agents or the Indian Act. We don't think about generation after generation of children being torn from their families and taken to abusive residential schools.

This is "bad vibes" and we "don't want to get political" so we don't go there. We don't think about how white/settler silence is what keeps this whole genocidal machine in place.

I write this in Canada, which is really more accurately described as an illegal occupation than a country, due to the fact that we've never honoured the treaties and every one of our federal governments have pursued genocidal policies against Indigenous people.

If my words sound brutal, it's because colonization is brutal.

Colonization IS genocide.

And colonization is the culture in which the New Age was born.

The New Age couldn't have started in an un-colonized culture. This idea that we can borrow from a smorgasbord of spiritual beliefs and practices and remove them from the cultures from which they come could only come out a culture that is disconnected from it's own ancestral wisdom.

We saw the healing and magic of other people's ancestral spiritual practices - and we craved it so we took it. We didn't understand that we were missing the important part: the culture.

We didn't understand the actual colonized ground we were standing on while we were taking.

And we didn't understand that impact trumps intention. We genuinely believed that our good intentions were enough.

We're all about love and light while continuing to profit (either through personal growth or financial gain) from ongoing colonization.

This is the shadow work that we are being called to shine a light on.

One reason why real, grounded, effective shadow work has been so hard to find in the New Age community is because of how the tools, practices and beliefs were taken without regard for the culture they come from.

Our buffets of beliefs are missing big, important pieces that are creating huge community-wide blind spots.

But we can fix this.

We can make space for critical thinking, anti-racism and decolonization in our practices and communities.

We can learn, grow, and shift the culture.

We can right the wrongs and create a new culture.

I think critical thinking is a good place to start, especially the part about making a commitment to overcome native egocentrism and sociocentrism.

So here's what I suggest: decolonize your bookshelf.

For the last 5 years I've been making an effort to read more BIPOC authors than white authors.

The New Age publishing industry is VERY white. And if you haven't noticed, Hay House has been in a lot of trouble lately for their clumsy approach to trying to look more diverse without doing any real anti-racism work.

So, if you're like me, you have read A LOT of books written by white people - further entrenching your white settler colonial worldview.

It's time to widen your perspective.

I'm talking about BOTH non-fiction and fiction. While a lot of the non-fiction I've read has helped me learn what decolonization and anti-racism really are, it's the fiction that really helps shift my worldview.

I hesitate to post some book suggestions because I feel like any list I make is wildly incomplete. I am not an expert. And yet - thinking you have to be an expert before saying anything when everyone's voice is needed is not helpful.

So here are some books that have really stayed with me and helped me to expand my worldview:

Such A Fun Age by Kiley Reid

Birdie by Tracey Lindberg

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Nitinikiau Innusi: I Keep the Land Alive by Tshaukuesh Elizabeth Penashue

Split Tooth by Tanya Tagaq

Behold the Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue

When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullors

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones

Dancing on Our Turtle's Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-Creation, Resurgence, and a New Emergence by Leanne Simpson (I just finished this one and want to write more about it)

The Reconciliation Manifesto: Recovering the Land, Rebuilding the Economy by Arthur Manuel

Unsettling Canada: A National Wake-Up Call by Arthur Manuel

Beloved by Toni Morrison

Plus, of course, google anti-racism if you haven't been learning about it yet. There are TONS of good books out there, though I would suggest, when it comes to anti-racism, sticking to books written by Black and Indigenous people.

The New Age Has A Lot Of Shadow Work To Do. Let’s Do It Together. Read More »

I want to do better

I want to do better

Last month I celebrated 10 years in business with the Creative Dream Incubator by offering a bunch of free classes and coaching - all the replays are available on this page - I recommend checking out the class on working with impossible dreams.

And as I thought about all the people I have worked with over the years, and how much each of them has we all feel so much self doubt and fear and we held back in so many different internal and external ways....

And then I thought about how a lot of our inner stuff we have about our dreams, we have because we live in a word that is so hostile towards dreams....

And suddenly it was so clear.

No one is BORN timid with their dreams. We LEARN it, living in this culture.

And at the same time - after 10 years of creating courses and developing systems for doing this work - I've created the ultimate system (Dream Book) for helping people navigate the path from where they are to where they want to be.

Dream Book is creative and flexible and works for all kinds of dreams, for navigating both the inner and outer work. I use it every day to help me with my dreams and I love tending to the group in the Dream Book program...

But, for me, CREATING new programs take a lot more energy than FACILITATING programs does. Which means all of that creative energy I've been using to create new programs for the last 10 years can be used somewhere else now. And so...

I want the Creative Dream Incubator to be exploring: how do we change the culture so that we don’t have as many obstacles to work through?

I mean this in two ways:

How do we help to level the playing field NOW, in terms of racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, classism, and all of the ways our political, social and financial structures oppress and fail us all, in varying degrees?

How do we create freedom, joy, and a good life for future generations?

There is so much I want to talk about

And I have a lot of thoughts about the intersection of white supremacy, capitalism and the life coaching/spiritual + personal growth industries and where the Live Your Best Life Industry actively contributes to systemic oppression.

It's time for the new age to grow up and be a force for good for ALL people and life on this planet.

All of the activism work I've been doing and learning about over the last 5 years I've done largely in my personal life. I didn't know how the Creative Dream Incubator could be a part of that. But this keeps coming up when I am talking with my friends in the industry and now I see a way to begin - by putting these conversations out here in public.

And I know from working with dreams that you don't have to know HOW. You just have to show up. So this is my commitment to start showing up.

I have been doing a lot of writing, and getting posts ready to share on my blog and social media accounts. I will start posting them this week.

I want to do better Read More »

Dreams In Hard Times Mini-Class

Pursuing Your Dream While The World (Or Your Life) Is In Chaos

Grab your journal and watch the Dreams In Hard Times mini-class now:

This class is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.

Get the whole schedule of courses, coaching videos and creative dream challenges right here.

Dreams In Hard Times Mini-Class Read More »

How To Bring More EASE + FLOW into your Process.

How To Bring More EASE + FLOW into your Process.

How to bring more EASE and FLOW into your process.

Grab your journal and watch now:


This class is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.

Get the whole schedule of courses, coaching videos and creative dream challenges right here.

How To Bring More EASE + FLOW into your Process. Read More »

Dreams + Money Mini Class

When Your Dream Is Your Business And You Want To Make More Money

Dreams + Money class!

This was SO FUN.

I shared a LONG journaling process to help you get REALLY clear on how, specifically, to make your money in your business - YOUR way. Not doing what anyone else tells you to do or following a bunch of annoying rules, but really listening for you truest way to share your gifts in a bigger way.

Grab your journal and watch the Dreams + Money class now:

This class is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.

Get the whole schedule of courses, coaching videos and creative dream challenges right here.

Dreams + Money Mini Class Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: