Creative Entrepreneur

The indignity of being in the process of growth

I write every day, Monday - Friday, about my own process of navigating the path between where I am and where I want to be.

I share these in the Daily Miracle Mastermind Posts inside the Dream Book community. I believe that showing HOW I walk my talk each day is one of the best ways of teaching.

Today's post, which is really messy and awkward, wanted to be shared out in public - which feels even more messy and awkward for me, but here I am, following my inspiration and seeing where it leads.

My goal this week:

I am exploring the question: What helps me make more art, more often, from a deeper place?

I really want to be making more art, writing more, sharing more.

I want it to all feel easier and more flowy.

There's also something in this that's like - I know I want something more but can't quite put my finger on WHAT it is.

So I am making space to sit with this question this week.

Today I am SO ANNOYED with the question.

I've got a blank page in my daytimer for this.

I filled in all the things I know that help me stay in my flow.

I'm so bored. I know this stuff. I have worked on this for so long. Why I am I here AGAIN?

Do I want to answer that?

I guess so, I don't know what else to do.

Why I am here again:

I'm not being as creative as I'd like to be.

As in, it seems to take more work to get into it.

I have more distractions.

I am more tired.

AND ALSO I feel more desire to be creating more. And that desire conflicts with what is happening and makes everything very uncomfortable.

So, yeah, I am here AGAIN. But... being here AGAIN is not a sign that I have failed, or regressed. It's just a part of the creative path.

Also - what helps changes as I change, as my life changes. Like, right now there are all of these specific things I can do to help with my peri-menopause symptoms that THAT helps very much with THIS.

OK this makes sense, I feel less annoyed that I am here AGAIN but I still feel annoyed in general, so let's bring annoyance into the Un-Sticking Station.

(The Un-Sticking Station is a class inside Dream Book for working through stucks - that link will only work for Dream Book members)

Annoyance shows up as my older teenaged - early 20s self.

OMG you are so lame. Look at all the things I make!! It's EASY to create, and you have all the opportunities I was dreaming of, and you're squandering them.



I'm not going to justify myself to you. I am doing my best and I want to keep doing better and I need to know why you are so annoyed.

Because you're 48 and this should be easy by now.


Yes, I agree. This should be easy by now. And it's so hard for you to look 20-30 years ahead and see that it's not. Though I mean - often, it is. Sometimes it's not.

Sometimes it's not? Seems like more than sometimes.

Yeah! I mean - look at all the things I do!

I guess that's true.

Everything is just so HEAVY right now.

Annoyance is gone. Some kind of helpful guidance spirit enters the chat.

So what would help bring LIGHTNESS?

All the things I wrote on that list. Recognizing how painful the heaviness feels, recognizing how painful it feels to NOT be doing the creative things I want to be doing. Recognizing all of the conflicting feelings of everything.

This helpful guidance spirit points me to my art journal where I have been writing and drawing and painting my feelings as my Space-Making practice.

(Space-Making is a class inside Dream Book for making space to work on your dreams when working on your dreams feels like too much - that link will only work for Dream Book members)

Oh right.

It's like my creativity is in a bottle and all of these conflicting and totally valid feelings are kind of jammed in together, creating a bottle stop. I need to let them out before I can do the things I want to do.

So I took it to my journal:

Messy painting and angry journaling to let feelings out and what I came to was:

The indignity of being in the process of growth.

I need to open myself up to the process of growth and change and the possibility of healing.

Which means letting go of the places where I want to KNOW what to do next.

Being open. Following inspiration. Being willing to make mistakes, fail, and be surprised.

Today this all feels hard. But I'll do my best with it.

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What I want for my birthday

I just shared this photo on social media and I wanted to share it here too.

I turned 48 yesterday (had a really fantastic day which I wrote about here) and the thing I want most for my birthday is to make more art, write more, and share it more, and do it all from a deeper place.

This is kind of what I always want.

And it also always feels new because my creative dreams are always taking me to new places.

The reason why I wanted to send you this photo is my dress.

I do make all of my own clothes, I sewed and embrodered this shirt dress this winter.

This is the first in a new series of clothing I am making that are for the person that I am becoming next.

These clothes are a way of making space for this new version of me.

Space-Making has been on my mind a lot.

I created a new (very small and simple) program called Space-Making for people who want to join Dream Book and work with me but don't have the capacity for FULL ON MAKING IT HAPPEN right now.

Which, to be honest, is most of us these days.

Space-Making is this magical place of self care and restoration and healing - making space for the things you need and want, rather than Dream-Building which is the work of creating the path that leads to where you want to be.

I like to do both - Space-Making and Dream-Building.

But these days I definitely CANNOT Dream-Build if I don't Space-Make.

As stressful as it is to be alive on this planet right now, this is also a time of real potential for change.

We can create a better world.

I feel that more fully these days than I ever have before.

The intersection between creative dreams and activism feels lit up with possibility.

I wanted to leave you with a few journal prompts for the weekend.

How have your dreams changed over the last 2 years?

How have YOU changed?

How do you WANT to change next?

And think about joining me in Dream Book to give your dreams a boost.

I made a new welcome video on this page, explaining where we're at in the group right now.

As the world changes, we we change, as our dreams change, I keep making adjustments to make sure Dream Book remains a supportive growth-inducing space for everyone.

Join here.

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Holding Space for Yourself While Holding Space For Others

Holding Space for Yourself While Holding Space For Others

This is a discussion we've been having on Dream Book Zoom calls.

It starts with: How does a person hold space for themselves and their own process while also being a part of holding space for others IE working on dreams together in a group?

Which spawned the question: How do I, Andrea, do the work that I do where I hold space for myself and my own process as a part of how I hold space for others in my work?

We had Co-Dreaming a call where we got together to work on our next steps with our creative dreams.

This is what some people brought:

  • artwork to work on
  • admin tasks that they had been procrastinating on
  • planning projects
  • setting up new equipment

And one person brought a big painful stuck.

The stuck was about a life situation that was really hard and time consuming and it was bringing up a lot of stuff and that stuff was making progress on the creative dream project impossibly hard.

So we worked through it together.

One thing I REALLY want to do is normalize the stucks.

We feel alone in the stucks. We feel like we are "off track" or "not doing it right" so in these calls I really want to normalize understanding that these parts are all a part of the path.

When I say "bring what you've got to work on" I really do mean it. The thing that's stuck or the thing that's unknown are just as much a part of it as making the art and planning new projects.

At the end of the call, this is when the question was asked about how we are holding space.

One person who had been working on their own art while also listening to us work on the stuck and offer some ideas and space-holding was wondering - is this helpful for her? Did she focus too much on supporting the other person and not enough on her own project?

HOW do you hold space for others while also holding space for yourself?

There is a LOT inside this question.

The first thing is - how are you defining "holding space"?

Because holding space for other people, and for ourselves, is a place where A LOT of our unconscious behaviours and patterns can come into play, sometimes we think we're holding space but really we're doing something entirely different.

For the purpose of this article, holding space means:

  • allowing space for the person to have the feelings and experience that they are have
  • validating and honouring their feelings
  • validating and honouring their experience
  • supporting them in the ways that work for them, not bringing your own needs into it

But often, especially when people are being vulnerable, this can be tricky because of how we react to other people having feelings.

What happens there is we can become more focused on the feeling that's been triggered in us and how to get rid of it. Which means we are no longer holding space for the other person.

One common response in this scenario is to want to FIX or CHANGE what is happening. To offer ideas and advice and insights as a way of helping that person move through their experience more quickly because.... we feel uncomfortable with what they are sharing.

Another common response is the spiritual bypass. To feel uncomfortable with other people having feelings, so you kind of freeze out your own feelings, pretend you're not having any. Then you offer advice to help the other person stop having feelings too.

So, it's good to look at how YOU define holding space and where you may be struggling with it.

For Dream Book members - there is a 1 hour Q+A video on sovereignty that may help. The short version of that video, applied to this scenario, is:

Your feelings, experiences, and process are YOURS.

And other people's feelings, experiences and process are THEIRS.

Respecting the boundaries between those things is honouring sovereignty.

So if someone else shares something that upsets me, my work is to be with my own feelings, not try to rush that person out of their process so that I don't have to have my feelings about it. (Which is a fairly co-dependent response, and unfortunately really common in our culture).

It's not just dis-honouring of my own feelings that got triggered (because actually being with my feelings can help me heal) it's also dis-honouring of the other person's process because I am trying to get them out of their process ASAP instead of helping them move through its in the way that is right for them.

This is NOT holding space. But a lot of people really do "hold space" in this way in our culture. The new age tendency to spiritual bypass can really come into play here too.

Dream Book members: remember the Principles of Creative Dream Alchemy here, like: It takes the time it takes, Honour your process exactly as it is and don't wait or wish for it to be different, Feel the feelings that come up for you on the path to your dream.

Another aspect is the relationship between the people in the group, and the agreement about what we are doing together and how we are doing it.

In this group, I am offering group coaching. And our goal is to be able to move forward with our dreams.

The way I coach is all about drawing your creative genius out. I listen deep to what's being said and ask questions that help bring out more clarity. I generally don't bring in a lot of new ideas, but I will highlight things that are hiding beneath the things that are being said. You are a creative genius You have plenty of your own ideas.

I make this clear in the guidelines + policies for the group - we are working from the assumption that YOUR answers are in YOU.

Which means everyone else's answers are in them. So we're not about throwing advice at each other, but we sure can learn from each other.

The big thing about groups is that they have the potential to grow you deeper.

There is the saying: if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go in community. And that's what I believe happens in these groups.

So yes, we can go further and have a richer experience when we work in community. NOT BEING ALONE WITH YOUR DREAMS is big magic.

But also yes we can often go faster with our projects when we work on our own.

And it's NOT like you have to choose one or the other - you can do both.

Working on your own, you will find it much easier to avoid your own blind spots and not even know that you are doing this!

Working in a group, your blind spots can be shown to you through the mirror of the group.

(This is not the ONLY way to see beyond your blind spots. I actually set Dream Book up very deliberately so that the way you're journaling helps you see beyond your blind spots, working on your own, because seeing beyond your blind spots is integral to making any dream happen.)  

The group can bring things up for you that don't notice on your own, but it's not really about the group. It's about your own relationship to group dynamics which are likely of course the family dynamics from your childhood and how you have internalized parts of them.

AND it's about your own relationship with yourself and your dreams.

So a lot of layers of internal stuff can be triggered for you while participating in any group.

This comes back to one of the principles I rely on: you notice/heal things when you are ready to notice/heal them.

You WILL walk around totally blind to the things about yourself that you would really benefit from looking at and dealing with.

We all do.

And you WILL start to notice it when you're ready to deal with it.

Which isn't necessarily when you FEEL ready to deal with it.

So you may notice it as a shock.

And it may be extremely uncomfortable.

And when we feel sudden uncomfortable feelings a natural tendency is to want to throw them back at whenever they came from.

But again - it's not about the group. You're seeing the mirror more clearly because you are ready to see it more clearly.

It's an invitation.

The great thing about a group where everyone is deliberately and specifically there to GROW INTO THEIR DREAMS is that when we plug into that shared intention it get stronger.

You're not holding your intention alone, everyone is holding it with you.

And so - things can shift. Just like you can be triggered by group dynamics or the things that other people share - you can also be inspired, healed and filled up by your interactions with the group.

I think it's magic.

AND it will push us to really look at our selves and our boundaries and our "stuff" in a new light.

So much growth.

Back to the question: How do you hold space for your own process while also holding space for others in a group?

The shortest answer is: practice.

And then also: presence. Notice in your body and mind where you engage and where you check out.

How does it feel to be fully engaged with the group, present with whoever is speaking, trusting them to navigate their own process, and holding space for them?

How does it feel to be fully engaged with your own feelings that come up, holding space for yourself?

Imagine those two points as a spectrum. Now where on that spectrum feels the most comfortable to you?

That answer may be different from day to day.

When it comes to Dream Book: you joined the group to work on your dreams. So that's the priority.

But that doesn't mean there isn't space to hold space for others in what they're working with - and sometimes that work actually helps nurture your dreams in ways you don't always see at first.

So. Show up to the calls and participate in the ways that feel right for you and I do believe you will find your way.

And onto the second question: How do I, personally do this, as the leader of the group while also participating in it?

One thing I do quite differently than most teachers in the personal growth space is that I do share my own process more deeply, openly, and consistently than anyone else I've seen.

I use myself as an example of what it means to have a daily practice of using what you have to create what you want. I write about this and share it EVERY DAY (Monday-Friday) in our private mastermind group.

I'm able to do this because I've been doing this work for so long that the container of my practice is extremely sturdy.

I KNOW I will work through stuff. Maybe not in 1 day or even a week, but I have enough experience to know that I'll get there. Having that trust means I'm not sharing from a place of trying to get attention or approval or hope that someone will come in and rescue me. It means people don't worry about me.

Say when things are rough they'll offer support but I'm not putting them into a position where they are concerned for me and need to put their own dreams aside to hold space for me.

That's the big thing. That boundary.

I am holding space for the group. This is my job. This comes first.

My own practice helps me be able to do this.

I'm DOING my practice for myself and SHARING it for others.

As I wrote about the spectrum of holding space only for yourself and holding space only for others, I have to remain aware of where I am on that spectrum.

A part of the work of me BEING ABLE to hold space for others in a consistent way (I have been running a membership holding space for others since the summer of 2012) is having a study practice for myself and clear boundaries.

There are some things about my practice that I don't share because my purpose in how I share is ALWAYS space-holding for the group.

So anything I can't share within that purpose - anything that I really need support on -  I work on by myself, or with my support systems outside of my work.

I believe space-holders NEED a support system.

Because the new age/personal growth industry is unregulated, it felt important to me to have support from a licensed therapist. I told her one of my therapy goals is making sure I am ok to hold space for others.

If I don't have all of the support I need outside of my work, I AM likely to shift the boundaries and unconsciously start leading the group in a way that focuses on getting MY needs met.

I have a lot of training as a space-holder though that doesn't mean I think you need a ton of training. I know some people with no training have excellent skills and some people with a ton of training still can't effectively hold space for others.

Part of my training included having teachers who were not walking their own talk. By experiencing the stress this causes for their students, I learned that walking my talk - and showing people HOW I walk my talk - was really important to me as a teacher.

Those teachers were also not getting the support they needed. Because of that, they were using their students to try to get their needs met - ie: approval, admiration - in mostly unconscious ways that created more problems than solutions.

If you have an unconscious goal to receive something from your students you absolutely cannot hold space for them in an effective way. Your energy is split.

Again - my purpose in how I share is ALWAYS space-holding for the group - not that I never need approval or admiration or other things, but I work on having the support I need to get those needs met outside of my work so I am not unconsciously seeking them from my students.

Another aspect is - this is just my unique way of doing things.

Everyone has gifts to share. And making it a practice to share your gifts helps you figure out how to share your gifts.

You learn as you practice, you grow as you practice, and you apply that learning and growth to how you continue to practice.

As I have done this over the years, this is how the work has evolved for me.

When we do our monthly new moon intention setting calls, I am right there with everyone setting my intentions.

The first part of the call is a meditation + journaling session that I participate in.

The second part of the call is coaching for processing things that are coming up for people.

If I have a bunch of stuff coming up that I am struggling with - I know I have to work on that later. That the call time is time for everyone else.

It's that boundary that I know my job is to hold space for the group, so that's always my first priority.

And again, my experience means I KNOW that I will work through it, I have the tools, space and support I need to trust that completely, so it's fine to put it down and focus on the group for the rest of the call. I can work on my own stuff later.

I actually enjoy sharing the stories of when I fail because I REALLY want people to know they are not alone in those parts of the journey.

Even though I still fail all the time, even though I have self doubts and anxiety and inner critics... I also HAVE my biggest dream come true, which is to use my creative gifts to help others and to be financially sustained by that work.

I have a lot of the freedom, spaciousness, and ease that I dreamed of for so long while I was trying to figure out how to offer my gifts in a way that people would receive them. (I was a starving artist, and then a person working in a cubicle while dreaming of a different life, before I started doing this full time)

So I really want people to see that they can fail and stumble a lot along the way and that they can still get there.

There are lots of people who hold space by not sharing their own process at all.

A dear friend, and someone I admire the hell out of, Chris Zydel, teaches intuitive painting and almost never shares her paintings and holds space masterfully.

As I said, it's a spectrum.

We all get to find the right place for us to be on that spectrum.

There is no one ideal way.

And this is only one blog post, this is NOT everything you need to know about holding space for others and yourself.

We did go back to that question on our next live call.

I told that person that I had written this post with a bunch of my thoughts, BUT ALSO I didn't know how useful this post would be to them, personally.

So we talked about the feeling that came up when she felt that fear "did I just put my own work aside to be there for someone else - during the time when I had the intention of working on my own work - and is this good for me?"

Because in some situations - yes this is VERY good for you!

And in some situations - yes you DID just sabotage your own dreams.

So we talked it though, to the point where she said "Oh it's that damn onion of life again" and yes that's what it is. So many interconnecting layers of our stuff and how we react to things.

It all comes together with our dreams.

All of the things you need to look at and heal. All the things you want to avoid. All of your most important gifts. All of the things that matter most to you.

They're all together there in a tangle and that tangle IS the path.

So navigating that path is never supposed to look like smooth sailing.

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The Re-Structuring of Dream Book

I'm sending an email to all Dream Book members with just the important details, and writing this here for anyone who wants to read the whole story.

Let's start by saying: These are intense times.

When the pandemic first hit North America, I was delighted that the tools I was teaching for how to do Inner Work to navigate fear/unconscious sabotaging patterns/self doubt/those times when everything is foggy and you don't know why.... those tools were working for the new "pandemic overwhelm".

And then a little deeper in I saw - more and more people are not able to keep up with the pace of this program.

So I created a new option to turn off the lesson emails (and still get emails about live calls, etc) and just work through the material at your own pace. And an option to re-start the email series time you want.

And I was very encouraging about not following the timeline of the emails. I'm not teaching math here, this is 100% non-linear.

And not the neat and tidy "it's a spiral journey!" kind of non-linear but the actual total chaos of healing and growing your way into a dream. Being in your process matters so much more than following any kind of timeline with your dream.

And then 2022 happened.

It's harder than ever for most people to engage with the deep work that your dream needs from you.

AND our dreams are calling louder than ever.

I've been reaching out and asking Dream Book members to speak to me, to share what parts they struggle with.

And, since I know the whole program so well, I could offer them different approaches to take that would work for where they are.

And I could look at what was happening for people in a broader sense, to see what needed to change with the structure of Dream Book.

At first, I created three different "paces" for the program:

The current pace was re-named to this:

I am ready to blast off! I have the time and energy to do this!

There ARE people in the group that the current set-up is working for, and I didn't want to change anything for them.

And then I created a slower pace:

I am ready to begin but let's take it slow.

Which felt like it was honouring where most of our capacity actually is and created a balance between "not being able to do your dream exactly how you want" and "not giving up completely".

And then for the people who were too overwhelmed for that, I also created this one:

I want to do this but I'm overwhelmed. Let's start with space-making and healing.

This is completely different content. It's VERY content-light and self-care-heavy, to meet you in those places where you feel flattened and help you fill yourself back up.

Once I got into the creative process I refined this some more.

As I was deciding HOW slow the slow pace should be I realized - it's irrelevant.

SHOWING UP is all that matters. Getting you into your process is all that matters because once you're there you'll find your right way, and pace.

Now - Dream Book is a MONSTER of a program. It's EVERYTHING you need for the inner AND outer healing AND growth that your dream needs from you. AND it's a way of journaling that helps you turn your journal into a map that helps you get to where you want to be.

I always had checklists on the website to help you get started, but in these overwhelming times, just looking at a monster of a program can feel like too much, and make it hard to focus on the checklists.

Once you're INTO IT, of course you WANT the whole monster because one day the problem is self doubt and the next day you want to work on developing more momentum and the next day you're procrastinating and yes you need different tools for each thing.

So I simplified the checklist.

Going back a minute - at the time when people first wanted to do this self-paced without the emails, what I did was copy all of the emails (124!) onto the website and create a checklist out of them so you could always see where you were.

Going back further - I first created the Dream Book content AND THEN I created the year-long series of emails guiding you through the content.

But it's more complex than that because Dream Book draws from another program of mine - Creative Dream Alchemy. The way I describe it is: Creative Dream Alchemy is the magic that powers Dream Book.

Creative Dream Alchemy is a library of tools for Dream Work, Inner Work and Outer Work.

Remember when I said Dream Book is a way of journaling that helps you turn your journal into a map that helps you get to where you want to be. In order to walk that path - you are going to need these other tools.

So sometimes in Dream Book instead of a specific lesson about Dream Book I ask you to use a specific tool in the library of Creative Dream Alchemy.

One of the things I am doing there is encouraging you to create a practice of using the tools. If you're stuck - use the Un-Sticking Station, don't just stay stuck. If you're doubting your dreams, use the process for doubting your dreams, etc. I encourage you to remember that the tools are always there to use AS YOU NEED THEM, not just as they come to you in the Dream Book lessons.

Years 2 + 3 of Dream Book are more around using the tools to support you in going deeper into your own process.

Back to my point about simplifying the checklists:

Some of these email lessons pointed to Dream Book lessons. Some of these email lessons pointed to other tools on the website and asked you to work with them in specific ways.

So.... some of the lesson emails are not actually needed, for those I put those Dream Book lessons into the checklist instead of the email-turned-into-a-web-page.

Some of the lesson emails ARE needed, so I left those as they were.

It reduces the number of pages you are reading, and checkmarks you have to tick off.

As I said - it simplifies the checklist, which is a small thing but actually makes it feel different.

Then once I had that realized - the pace is IRRELEVANT so why create a slow pace?

Creating the fast pace and slow pace is still defining "fast and slow" and they're NOT relevant in ANY way.

Depth is what is relevant and each person measures that in their own way.

So then I decided to NOT create a specific pace for that middle option - the "let's take it slow" because everyone will just take it how they take it.

The original email option - the "I have time and energy and am ready to really do this" option - will still exist. It will be presented as "IF you have time and energy and IF having 2-3 emails per week lead you through feels helpful to you, then sign up here"

But NO pace - NO emails leading you through - can make it really easy to not follow through.

That's why I first designed Dream Book the way I did - with artwork and encouragement in the emails as consistent reminders about your dream and all the magic that it has for you.

Luckily in Dream Book there is another option.

I write on our private blog (The Daily Miracle Mastermind) every day, Monday - Friday, to share what I am doing in my process.

This blog used to be where we'd work together, in the comments, and members would share what was happening for them. But in the last few years it's gotten more quiet as more people have switched to emailing me when they have a question.

So I am going to encourage people back to the blog, and back to leaving questions/thoughts in the comments where they can connect with other members outside of the live calls.

It makes sense that so many people turned inward in the last few years. And it makes sense to re-connect now.

So I will encourage everyone who is NOT doing the Dream Book lesson emails to sign up for the private blog by email, and in those emails will be artwork and encouragement and links to join us in the comments AND a link to the Dream Book checklist which you can work through at your own pace.

And the Space-Making program:

There are times when we are just too overwhelmed to engage with our dreams, no matter how much we want to.

The work of taking care of ourselves and refilling the well IS THE WORK YOUR DREAMS NEED FROM YOU.

The way I see it, it's all the same. And you can use Dream Book for navigating the process of re-plenishing yourself.


When you're overwhelmed it's hard to find your way.

So I did create the Space-Making program, which is light on content and heavy on self care.

We focus on creating a space-making practice which can start as small as staring at the wall for 1 minute. If you can stare at the wall for 1 minute, you can begin the process of MAKING SPACE for yourself and your dreams.

It's got 8 lessons the help you find you way in to a gentle dream work practice.

And, same deal as Dream Book - you can guide yourself through it on the checklist or you can sign up for it via email - you get an email every 3-4 days.

This feels really good to me.

Dream Book ALWAYS wants to shift and re-configure to be able to meet people where they are.

YOU are the bridge between your dream and the world, your dream work practices need to be do-able where you are today AND transformative/generative so they help you create the future you want.

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The magic of being stuck, and how letting your dreams change can help save the world.

I recorded myself reading this blog to you! I LOVE it. Though - it's SUPER rainy and I thought the rain falling might add a romantic touch, it just sounds staticky. So - next time I'll wait for the rain to clear, but I am loving this idea of reading my blogs to you in this way:

I help people get un-stuck and yet I still get stuck.

I do have an inner critic who is all "Seriously?! How can you keep saying you can help people when YOU are so stuck right now?"

These inner critic voices are SO black + white that they miss what is actually happening. They don't care about truth, they care about saying something that hits in such a way that it STOPS you.

It's true, I've been feeling super stuck with a lot of projects lately.

And the people are work with in Dream Book are more stuck than ever!

Not all of them, but more people than ever are writing to me to say "OMG ARRGHGHSO I DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM DOING!!!!"

So I've been writing a lot about being stuck, and about navigating transformational times.

I've been creating a new program called Space-Making which is a super gentle and do-able way to start to make space for yourself, and your dream, in your life. A way to ease into Dream Book for those times when you are too overwhelmed to really get into the work of dream-making.

I'm creating this because I still believe in our dreams and want everyone to find their way in to the magic of really deeply working with your dreams.

And I love the ways that people's dreams have changed over the last few years.

But back to the stucks.

Yes, I'm stuck with a few things right now because being stuck is an important part of the process.

Being stuck is where you look at things from different angles.

Being stuck is where you make space to FEEL your feelings... process them, learn more about yourself, and find our more about what you're really made of.

Being stuck is where you get real with yourself about the ways that YOU get in your way.

Being stuck is where you get real with yourself about where people in your life are in your way, and if you're brave you will start to set new boundaries.

Being stuck is a pivotal point.

This idea that you can take one step after another and go all the way from where you are to where you want to be without ever getting stuck - this is a fantasy that is holding you back.

THIS IS ONE OF THE MOTHER STUCKS because it keeps you from starting until you can see that clear path. That clear path doesn't exist so you will never actually start, but you won't feel upset by that because you are believing the lie that you are "waiting for the right time".

If only our stucks came with neon signs that said "Transformational experience here! Stop and look more closely at this!"

Which is, actually, my job. I hold up that sign and offer the tools that help you transform the stuck.

And even still, sometimes we will look at the tools and say "Oh, no, no this isn't an "opportunity for transformation" this is an outer obstacle and I need to just sit here and wait for someone else to clear it for me. Surely life will be less crazy in a few months."

The only way out is through.

We can sit with a stuck for years.

I had one for about 15 years - it was this idea that "I'm just not into business" and "There isn't a way to do the things I want to do and make enough money to live well".

I had these ideas that people with amazing work GET DISCOVERED.

I had hope that one day some kind of manager would find me, and take care of the business parts for me.

So I kept doing my work, on the side while working in an office after the starving artist thing became too stressful.

Until the time came when I decided to look at that stuck more closely.

It's funny for me now to look back at when I was SO SURE I could never do what I do now as my way of earning a living. I've been doing it for 11.5 years, and it feels like the only way I want to be in the world.

We are wrong about SO. MUCH.

So I look back to that, remember how sure I felt and how wrong I was, and ask "What am I wrong about now?"

There actually are an infinite number of paths that lead from where you are now to where you want to be.

You can only see the options that your current perspective will allow you to see.

And your CAPACITY plays a big role in how large your perspective is.

And I think we're all struggling with capacity issues right now.


When we can find ways to NOT let this shrink our dreams, this is actually a time of HUGE NEW possibilities.

To dream BEYOND what we've dreamed before.

It's really stressful to have inflation rising out of control and increased civil unrest everywhere and attacks on our democracies and a war that threatens to pull most of the world into it and a pandemic that rages on while watching climate happen right in front of our eyes.

When I say I'm excited about dreaming BEYOND what we've dreamed before...

I am not talking about DREAM BIGGER! Seven figures is the new six figures!

I am talking about DREAM TRUER! We can create a whole new way of doing this life.

I am seeing so many people doing this, like:

  • Creating collaborative ways of working instead of trying to build the biggest business in the least time.
  • Holistic practitioners taking an honest look at the cultural appropriation in their training, and working with Indigenous people to clean it up and create new ways of doing things.
  • Art as a vehicle for activism.
  • Coaching as a vehicle for activism!

Shifts are happening.

It feels like a whole new movement of healing and creativity is springing up. One that is focused on activism, anti-racism, disability rights, honouring everyone's unique gifts. One that is deeply rooted in anti-oppressive ideologies and consciously looking for how to be as intersectional as possible.

It feels, to me, that the new age movement (including holistic wellness, yoga, life coaching) was attempting to do all of this without doing ANY of the deeper work of understanding what white supremacy, colonization and privilege actually are, and so without ANY understanding of how we draw on these oppressive ideologies and systems in how we do EVERYTHING. And so all it was was the colonization of Indigenous spirituality in various forms.

But now, we are starting to wake up.

We are starting to see new possibilities, which were always there, but hidden in our considerable blind spots.

This is the time for dreaming the new world into being.

So, then I come back to where I started: holy shit I feel so stuck with so many projects right now.

But now - all I feel is possibility.

A stuck is an opportunity for healing and transformation. Doing this work frees up new energy for the dream.

As always, you are welcome to do this work with me in Dream Book. This is my comprehensive program for how to create the path that leads from where you are to where you want to be, by engaging more deeply and directly with the Inner Work and Inner Growth (I call the inner GROWTH the Dream Work) that your dream needs from you, and then using the energy freed up in that work as fuel for the outer work.

It's comprehensive. It's complex. It will help you heal and grow beyond what you believe is possible right now.

Find out more here.

The magic of being stuck, and how letting your dreams change can help save the world. Read More »

Please don’t give up.

After a week in bed sick with Covid, I woke up this morning ✨feeling good✨

I still have some symptoms and will need to keep resting but I feel ⚡️alive⚡️again!

I even had an honest to goodness EPIPHANY in my Dream Book this morning. I had a thing I was working on, which was feeling very complicated and I didn’t know how to handle it and suddenly I saw how to turn the PROBLEM into an ALLY and know I feel EXCTED to work with this former-problem-now-ally.

It's not that I feel like I NEED to get back to work. (In fact I will very much be easing SLOWLY back into work and doing a lot of resting for a while)

It's that working/playing/exploring with my dreams makes me feel more ME. More inspired. More alive.

Please DO NOT give up on your dreams.

I know, Covid or not, everyone is overwhelmed and right now can feel like the worst time to pursue something new.

But listening to what's calling you, following what feels MOST INSPIRING AND ALIVE right now always leads to more aliveness and joy and healing and growth - all the things we need most right now.

For a lot of people I work with, dreams are rapidly changing right now because WE are rapidly changing right now.

So I am seeing less " I want to scale my business to 6 figures as quickly as possible" and more "I want to REST and PLAY more while also making the money I want to make"

We're all dreaming of more self care and gentleness and feeling good.

The problem is that we judge the SHIT out of our dreams.

We ESPECIALLY judge the dreams that are not all about outer-world accomplishments and things that can be measured.

So - can you NOT do that?

Can you listen to what's calling you and do your best to answer?


PS: I hope you'll join me tomorrow on Instagram Live for a discussion with my friend Chris Zydel about navigating this transformational time. Go to from your mobile device to see the time in your time zone, and set up a reminder notification.

Please don’t give up. Read More »

You can’t look outside of you for hope.

You can't look outside of you for hope.

I mean - there's so little hope to be found out there right now that it's depressing to try.

But mostly because - we're here to BRING IT.

Hope and light and creativity and new possibilities.

This is your work.

This is the theme for today's Creative Genius Planing Session - on Instagram Live.

How do we be force for positive change while the world is a dystopian nightmare?

If you are on this planet right now you have a role to play in creating a good future for everyone.

And if you have a business - your business can play a role as well.

Join me, let's explore this together.

Monday Morning Meditation (AKA Creative Genius Planning) is happening at 10 am Central, on Instagram live.

If you go to my Instagram account from your mobile device you'll be able to set a reminder, and also see this in your own time zone.

And you can catch the replay on my page after we're done.

(These live public meditations are only on Instagram, but I will be doing a more in-depth free class on Zoom soon - stay tuned for details)

You can’t look outside of you for hope. Read More »

How do we be force for positive change while the world is a dystopian nightmare?

I've been having this conversation with a lot of the creative helper people, light-shiners and way-showers.

How do we keep showing up for our work, while the world is falling apart?

And for people who are not self employed it's still a difficult question.

How do we be force for positive change while the world is a dystopian nightmare?

If you are on this planet right now you have a role to play in creating a good future for everyone. And if you have a business - your business can play a role as well.

This will be the theme of the Monday Morning meditation next week!

Join me, let's explore this together.

Monday Morning Meditation (AKA Creative Genius Planning) is happening at 10 am Central, on Instagram live.

If you go to my Instagram account from your mobile device you'll be able to set a reminder, and also see this in your own time zone.

You can also check out the replay from this week's Monday Morning meditation here. The theme was filling up on good energy and fuel for your dreams, which included a great conversation about taking good care of ourselves.

And if you're feeling so flattened by everything that you can't even think about this, I have 2 free courses that help:​

You don't need to sign up for them, you can just check them out commitment-free, right here:
Self Care in the Pandemic is a VERY gentle 5 day exploration of how to best take care of yourself.
Soothe * Restore * Grow is a deeper dive into healing and restoration and making space to grow.


How do we be force for positive change while the world is a dystopian nightmare? Read More »

Podcast interview: Holding a positive vision while the world is falling apart

Angel Sullivan and I had ✨the most✨ amazing talk about holding a positive vision for the future while the world is falling apart.

This is especially for artists, teachers, therapists, coaches, healers, etc - the people who are offering inspiration and support, which really is tricky when the world keep becoming more and more chaotic AND ALSO this work is needed now, more than ever.

So many in the new age/wellness are turning towards total spiritual bypass - just look at the positive, turn off the "mainstream news", and "know" that everything that is happening is happening for the positive transformation of the world.

There are two things I want to highlight:

1. If all you do is focus on your own corner, lifting up yourself and those like you - you are unconsciously leaning into your privilege and any solutions you generate are only going to be for you, and people who are as privileged as you are.

WE CANNOT CHANGE THE WORLD WITHOUT INTERSECTIONALITY. All we can do is keep re-creating the systems of oppression that we already live in. It's time to do better.

2. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO HELP CHANGE THE WORLD. We all do. It's going to take everyone. It's really easy to feel like you are too small to change anything. But stay present with everything - because you ARE too small to change anything BY YOURSELF but together, we can do this.

It's almost an hour long, so make a fresh cuppa and watch it here.

Podcast interview: Holding a positive vision while the world is falling apart Read More »

Let’s make rainbows

FIRST: Join me tomorrow for Monday morning meditation as a way of making space for:

✨ the good things that want to find you

✨ sorting out your next steps for the good things you want to create

This is happening at 10am (Central) on Instagram live -go to my account to to set a reminder to join us (the notification feature only works from a mobile device) or catch the replay after and meditate in your own time.

I know that some people think it's nuts to keep offering courses at this time.

AND I know that my work has never been more needed.

We can't just get lost in despair or distract ourselves away from the things that matter or pretend that are are fine where we are while our hearts ache more something else.

We are here, on earth, at this time, with everything that is happening, for a reason.

It's natural to have self doubt and uncertainty and all of that... but it's VITAL that you work through it, step into your power, and create what you are here to create.

And I am here to help you do that.

I know your dreams are possible and I am here to help you GET them.

So: Creative With Money is happening March 15 - this Tuesday, at 1:00 pm Central.

This is one of my most beloved classes, and is definitely needed right now.

There will be ah-hahs and shifts and the glowing sense of feeling more free inside your life.

This is for creative entrepreneurs AND people with no interest in having their own business. It's about your relationship to money, which is also about your relationship to: abundance in general, trusting yourself, what what kind of life you deserve to have.


The class is: alchemy meditation for marinating in the magic of trusting your creative genius, journaling for capturing the ah-hah moments coaching and healing for working through the sticky places and finding more FREEDOM and SPACE to create more of what you want in your life.

This is included in your Dream Book membership for March.

Find out more + join us here.

Let’s make rainbows Read More »

I guess I asked for this…

A self portrait of my volatile feelings, from this morning in my journal.

A self portrait of my volatile feelings, from this morning in my journal.

I started by saying, OUT LOUD AND EVERYTHING because I am really ready to do this:

"Once and for all I want to work through why I am scared to do this thing." Like really. Why do I keep SAYING I am doing the thing, but not doing the thing? Why do I keep making plans, and then not following through on them?

I mean I know - pandemic and world events have all been a lot and things take the time they take and PATIENCE is an essential ingredient for any dream...

BUT ALSO I know I am not doing my best to show up.

And this fact keeps colliding with my excitement to do this thing and that collision sets off a lot of uncomfortable stuff.

And, here I am now, ready to really, REALLY, deal with this stuff in me that keeps me from showing up the way I want to.

So. Hello Fear. Let's talk.

Fear immediately shows up as a monster. At least 30 feet tall. Lots of brown fur and sharp teeth.

We're in a clearing in the woods, near the entrance to a rock cave. I put a picnic blanket down and invite the monster to join me.

There is tension in my shoulders which turned into actual sharp pain in my left shoulder.

The monster just makes a face. I sit down on the blanket and stretch out my legs. Monster aside, it is a gorgeous day.

I say "I really want to understand what it is you are so afraid of here."

Then I realise - ok it's TWO things, not the ONE thing I was first thinking of. There are two projects I am working on that have the monster riled up.

THEN I realize that these two projects may have been stuck partially BECAUSE I am trying to get both started at once when I DO NOT have the energy for two big scary things right now.

But back to the monster.

"I really want to understand what it is you are so afraid of here."

Me? Afraid? No. I am here to scare YOU! Why would a monster be afraid?

That feels like deflection. But ok. Why do you want to scare me?

Monster appears confused.

"You don't want to scare me just to scare me, do you?"

I want... I mean. I want...

"You don't seem scary right now"


"Oh, I am. Scared. Frustrated. Angry. Anxious. Terrified. My feelings are very volatile right now. And I am asking you - WHY do you want me to be scared?"

Because you stop working on those things when you're afraid.

"Right. So why don't you want me to do those things?"

Because they're scary. Scarier than me. Real-World Scary.

I lay back on the picnic blanket and look up at the clouds and wonder...

Is it true that it's just scarier right now to pursue our dreams and goals, to put new projects out into the world? That feels likely.

Should I pick one project or the other to fully focus on? That feels very stressful. Lots of fear of picking the wrong thing and sabotaging everything.

"Ok monster, I am thinking of just focusing on one of these projects for now. What do you think of that?"

Monster goes silent.

Oh right. Monster doesn't need to scare me about that, because I already feel so scared of choosing the wrong one and sabotaging everything. Which doesn't mean this is the wrong move to make.

What if I did give everything to one project? What would that look like?


I am doing both, or rather trying to do both, in the hopes that it doubles my chance of success.

But what it does is split my energy.

I mean I used to be able to do two projects like this at once but the world was different then and I was different then and...


That's obvious.

"Ok Monster. Did you hear that? I am going to work on trusting myself to succeed."

Monster bursts into tears and sits down beside me on the blanket.

I put my arm around the monster as it shrinks down to my size.

"What's going on, buddy?"

It's so terrible. To realize that you didn't trust yourself. I didn't mean to make you not trust yourself! I just wanted to try to keep your dreams smaller so you'd be safe. I mean, even I know how misguided that idea is, but it's all I've got. Your dreams are so scary to me.

But you can see, that I need to be able to trust myself, right? That THIS is how we create safety.

Yes, of course. Trusting yourself is crucial.

So, what now?

The monster is now a comic character of a nerd - and he's got charts and computers and books and all sorts of things.

I'm going to help you DO THIS. We ARE going to pick that one project to focus on.

And we are going to NOT get all "but I've tried so many ways and it hasn't worked" because guess what?! That's another monster hiding in there. That's not true or relevant to anything.

We are going to be more methodological. We are going through ALL of the plans and notes you have written about the ways you've tried this and pick up ALL of the threads you abandoned because I made it hard for you to continue.

We are going to do all of the things that help you be optimistic and connected.

And yes you can work on that other project as a side thing. ONLY when this project doesn't need your creativity and focus.

I stretch out and check in with my body.

Still a little tense, but I don't feel all of those volatile feelings anymore.

I feel less like everything is impossible and more ready to pick myself up and keep going.

Then I have a nice calming meditation, releasing stress in my body, giving my feelings some space and it comes to me:

I can give the first 2 hours of each day to this project. Those 2 hours are my BEST 2 hours, give them to this project. Then do my other stuff after.

Now I feel possibility and trust in my body.

PS: The last two years have made things really hard for dreamers.

It's really easy right now to zoom over into spiritual bypass, or to fall into despair.

Neither of these approaches are going to help you create what you want in your life.

Because this is all such a challenge right now, I am offering extra classes in Dream Book.

On March 11 we're doing HABITS UPGRADE:

Without judging any of the habits you've got going on right now how can we shift towards more helpful habits? Or even - TRANSFORMATIVE habits? Healing habits? Up-leveling habits?

We'll create habits that make your heart sing. Habits that are a DELIGHT to actually do. Habits that make everything better right now AND move you along the path to a better future.

Then Creative With Money is happening March 15:

We’ll do a deep dive into your relationship with money and re-wire it to make more space for whatever it is you need right now.

There will be ah-hahs and shifts and the glowing sense of feeling more free inside your life.


These are both a part of your Dream Book membership for March.

Find out more + join us here.

I guess I asked for this… Read More »

Your creative genius is more powerful than capitalism.

Your creative genius is more powerful than capitalism.

Late-stage capitalism is especially hard for artists, healers, and helper-people.

Of course your creative genius IS more powerful that capitalism.

Your purpose IS bigger than capitalism.

But that doesn’t mean the places where you struggle aren’t real. You’re not imagining it. This is hard.


You have the power. You have the magic. You can do this.

There is a sweet spot in staying present with your challenges while also staying present with your magic.

The last two years have made staying in that sweet spot harder than ever. It's really easy right now to zoom over into spiritual bypass, or to fall into despair.

Neither of these approaches are going to help you create what you want in your life.

Because this is all such a challenge right now, I am offering extra live classes in Dream Book.

On March 11 we're doing HABITS UPGRADE:

Without judging any of the habits you've got going on right now how can we shift towards more helpful habits? Or even - TRANSFORMATIVE habits? Healing habits? Up-leveling habits?

We'll create habits that make your heart sing. Habits that are a DELIGHT to actually do. Habits that make everything better right now AND move you along the path to a better future.

Then Creative With Money is happening March 15:

We’ll do a deep dive into your relationship with money and re-wire it to make more space for whatever it is you need right now.

There will be ah-hahs and shifts and the glowing sense of feeling more free inside your life.


These are both a part of your Dream Book membership for March.

Find out more + join us here.

Your creative genius is more powerful than capitalism. Read More »

Creative Planning: Releasing What’s In The Way To Make More Space For What You Want

(I do my weekly planning with the printable version of the Year of Dreams 2022, all the details of how I printed + bound it are here. The journaling printables I cut + paste onto it are from Dream Book)

Get the free full Creative Genius Planning Sessions video (15 minute meditation + journaling class for planning your week from your most wise, brave + creative self, here)

The soul of the Creative Dream Incubator sent me this message:

You got to stay in the vibe where big new possibilities happen.

Look at where you can smooth out the little irritants and make things simpler. Look at what you can let go of. Look at where you can use the big irritants as a source of healing and transformation.

This felt like a message for all of us, but it also came with A LOT of specific examples of where I need to do this.

(This has been happening a lot lately, like the Creative Dream Incubator sends me huge data dumps and I to sort through and get my instructions from them. It's been AMAZING.)

One of those examples is these weekly Creative Genius Planning Sessions. I've been uploading them to You Tube, turning that video into a blog post, sending an email with a link to the blog post, and also putting it on Instagram.

I did it this way because I didn't know where to put them, so I put them everywhere. That was the simplest way for me to get going - otherwise I could have spent a lot of energy trying to figure out where to put the videos.

And being in the process of doing this every week has shown me a better way to do this.

This is how it works with most dreams - you do what you can from where you are, learn as you go, apply what you learn, and keep growing from there.

So, the soul of my Creative Dream Incubator showed me if I did less of this backend stuff and just upload the video to Instagram because that is by far THE simplest way - that frees up energy that makes it easier for me to stay in a state of possibility, which opens up new possibilities.

So that's what I will be doing.

This is the last week I'll share the Creative Genius Planning Session video on my blog.

You'll be able to find them on Instagram.

PS: Know that I don't make ANY decision in my business lightly, and I DO know that not everyone is on Instagram. Please don't email me to let me know that you are not on Instagram.

Creative Planning: Releasing What’s In The Way To Make More Space For What You Want Read More »

Habits Upgrade Alchemy Circle: March 11

It's natural to pick up "bad habits" in times of stress

I put "bad habits" in "quotes" because.... are they bad?

Probably not. They probably were the best form of self care and soothing that you could reach for in the moment.

But... are they really helping you be the person you want to be?

Are they helping you create your most expansive future?

Do they support you in being your most wise, brave, and creative self?

Probably not.

So, without judging any of the habits you've got going on right now how can we shift towards more helpful habits?

Or even - TRANSFORMATIVE habits?

Healing habits?

Up-leveling habits?

Habits that make your heart sing.

Habits that are a DELIGHT to actually do.

Habits that make everything better right now AND move you along the path to a better future.

This is what we'll do in the Habits Upgrade Alchemy Coaching Circle.

This is happening on Zoom on March 11 at 1:00 pm Central (North America). It will be recorded, so if you can't be there live you can work with the recording, and get support from me in the comments.

We'll start with an alchemy circle for exploring what a HABITS UPGRADE means to you, including:

  • which habits that aren't serving you are ready to be upgraded
  • which habit that aren't really serving you are actually NOT ready to be upgraded
  • which new habits will best support your growing dreams
  • what habits do you WISH you had?
  • how to make helpful habits more fun, engaging, and do-able for you

Then we'll do coaching around what comes up for you as we make our HABIT UPGRADE plans.

It will be 60-90 minutes, depending on how much we talk.

The thing with habits is that you have to DO THEM enough for them to BECOME habits - AKA daily practice.

So our work will continue in the daily mastermind posts - which IS already an ongoing container for the daily practice of believing in a better future and showing up for the process of making it happen.

The comments section in the daily mastermind posts are a space to play with how you're following through, experiment with new habits, get support when things go wrong, and be cheered on when they go right.

Habits Upgrade is included in your Dream Book membership for March. Join us here.

Habits Upgrade Alchemy Circle: March 11 Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: