Making space for the new dream
There is a program within the Dream Book program called SPACE-MAKING. It’s for when dream work is too overwhelming, it's a way to make space to even begin to dream.
And sometimes we shift back and forth between dreaming and space making. I think of that as a part of the practice of creative dreaming.
There’s also the physical space making, which we also need to do regularly.
So often, when I am coaching someone through a gnarly part of the creative process, the next step is to re-organize the art studio to MAKE SPACE to do the new work.
The part of the loft that is my workspace now, used to be our bedroom when I was married, and I had painted a mural in there for my husband, with tropical plants, which he loved. I wouldn’t have chosen tropical plants for myself and every time I look at it I remember that I made it for this man who I am no longer married to.
It’s this symbol of “I really tied to make that work” and for a while that made me so angry, because he didn’t try the way I thought he should. And then I came to understand that he did try really, in his way, which is different from mine. And then I came to appreciate the ways I try, how I do give things MY ALL, and how I appreciate that about me EVEN THOUGH it doesn’t mean I will always definitely get the outcome I want.
There is a “if you work hard enough you will succeed” story running through me, coming from past generations, and I am working on dismantling it while also appreciating the gifts of it. Hard work HAS brought me a lot of good, it just doesn’t come with any guarantees and sometimes that can break your heart.
Anyway, painting over the mural while I was still in process with all of my layers of feelings about it felt so overwhelming. Now that I mostly feel acceptance, it’s a fun project that’s not about erasing the past or fixing a mistake or sticking it to my ex, it’s about creating space for my new dreams.
The plants in the mural were outlined in black paint, so I am starting with a few coats of primer over the outlines and some parts of the plants, I’m not trying to block ALL of it from being seen, I think it will make a cool base layer for a new mural, as long as those black lines are lightened enough to not be distracting.
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