The Magic + Power of Believing in Your Dreams

She belived she could, so she did.
(That’s me, from a year ago, taking a walk in beautiful Portland, OR)

Today I’m hanging out with Me-Who-Lives-The-Bigger-Dream and letting her teach me things via osmosis.

(Getting to know the you-who-lives-the-dream is one of the Creative Dreaming Tricks from the Creative Dream Incubator Kit.? This part of you can guide you right into your shining dream come true like MAGIC.? All those hurdles and obstacles in your way? She knows exactly how to get around them.)

I love this.


The Magic + Power of Believing in Your Dreams Read More »

Creative Dream TV: The Surprising Secret of ENOUGHNESS

Sweetie, you are enough, exactly as you are right here right now.

And your dreams are enough, exactly as they are right here right now.

And, the surprising secret: Settling into a place of already being enough actually helps you to bring bigger dreams to life (like magic!).

That's what this week's Creative Dream TV is all about.

Watch it now:

As I shared in the video, when we had our magical series of ENOUGHNESS tele-classes last weekend in the Creative Dream Circle, we had a lot of resistance to this idea (at first).

It can seem like settling into enoughness means you'll be settling in your life...and yet when you really explore enoughness and let it in actually the opposite happens.


Creative Dream TV: The Surprising Secret of ENOUGHNESS Read More »

I am So Excited to tell you this!

For the past few months I’ve been digging in, refining, re-defining and re-designing everything about everything I do for one reason: to better support you in bringing your dreams to life.

Your dream matters to me.? A lot.

I can help you grow it faster + easier than you think is possible.

So this is what I’m doing about it:? From now on, when you buy the Creative Dream Incubator you’re going to get, like get for free, ALL of my other kits.

That’s $282 worth of Creative Magic Kits for free!

I do feel a bit like a cheesy game show host here but really, my mission is important to me.

Dreams are The Most Important Thing to me.? I want to make sure your dreams become real.

And to do that, I have to give you everything you need to succeed.? So here it is.

As always, the Creative Dream Incubator comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

I promise: it works. You’re ready. Your dream is ready.

Your dream is just the right size.

Everyone secretly worries that their dream is too wacky, too bold, too ambitious, too expensive, too [insert fear-triggered, self-created obstacle here].

Everyone believes that they’re the only one who’s stuck, scared and confused. That somehow their dream is just not possible.

Unless your dream involves a pet unicorn, the ability to breathe underwater, or a new planet of your very own (and a moon to go with it), it IS possible.

And the best time to start making it REAL is right now.

You don?t need gazillions of dollars, a wall of fancy degrees, or superhuman powers (other than the ones you already have!) to make your dream come true.

You don’t even need to know how it’s all going to work. (Really!)

You just need a space to nurture and accelerate your dream, from inception to expression to fruition. You need guidance and the right tools.

You need a Creative Dream Incubator.

(Good thing it exists!)

The Creative Dream Incubator is a wish-fulfillment master class to help you GROW YOUR DREAM, by guiding you through every stage of the Creative Dream Process.

  • Module 1 – Inception: planting the seed of your dream in the soul of the universe
  • Module 2 – Essence: connecting with the heart of your dream
  • Module 3 – Expression: tapping into the magic + sparkle of making dreams real
  • Module 4 – Unfurl: growing beyond your comfort zone
  • Module 5 – Amplify: creating positive energy to nourish and grow creative dreams
  • Module 6 – Fruition: living as the dream

This is it. Everything you need to get from wherever you are right now to happily motoring along the path to your dream come true.

Picture it now: Supreme, creative, joyful ease.

Each module is packed with videos, resources, guided meditations (like this one, right here), journaling prompts, homeplay (not work!) assignments, worksheets and absolutely oozes inspiration, as you can see:

Put your Dream in the Incubator and it will grow.

All those reasons you have for not growing your dream start to grow smaller as possibility starts to grow bigger.

I Can’t turns into I Can. Comfort Zones stretch. Inner Critics transform into allies.

And it comes with a magic rainbow toy that activates affirmations!

The Magic Affirmation Activator and Workbook will show you how to activate the power of affirmations to bring your dreams to life. Because there?s more to AFFIRMING your commitment to your dream than just reading some words, out loud.

Including delightfully colourful hand-drawn Positive Energy Affirmations sent via e-mail!

These affirmations will help you internalize the concepts we’re studying and WAKE UP your Creative Spirit, so you can build brilliant bridges & pathways to your dream, faster than ever before.



The Creative Dream Incubator includes all of this:

6 Creative Dream Incubator Workbooks: totaling over 105 whimsical pages of Creative Dream Magic

21 (!) Creative Dream Incubator Videos: leading you step-by-step through the sometimes-confusing terrain of bringing a dream to life, from the inside out. Each video is between 2 and 22 minutes long – it’s like having me right there in your livingroom, sharing all of the secrets of Creative Dreaming.

6 Creative Dream Meditations: My Creative Meditation mp3s are NOT designed for sleepy relaxation. They?re supercharged servings of ENCOURAGEMENT to amplify your Creative Spirit — and they?re part of the ?secret sauce? of bringing dreams to life. Each meditation is 15 minutes long.

Magic Affirmation Activator and Workbook: everything you need to make affirmations do their magic.

33 Positive Energy Emails: sent out randomly over the next four months, to help keep you groove along your Creative Dream Path.

All the materials are yours to keep, forever and ever, so you can use the Incubator again and again to bring all of your dreams to life.

Here?s what you?ll need:

  • A Dream that means a LOT to you (or the desire to FIND your next Big Dream)
  • A computer with Internet access, so you can download the course materials (and you’ll need to know how to download stuff, or have someone who can help you with that part)
  • A printer (to print out the digital workbooks ? or, save a tree & keep them on your ?puter)
  • A journal or notebook (and something to write with – I can’t promise but I’m pretty sure you’ll get better results if you use glitter pens)
  • A willingness to play, scribble, draw, be brave, stomp your feet, and approach Creativity and Dreams in a whole new way

Helping you get what you WANT is my life?s work…and play.

About me: The Creator of the Creative Dream Incubator

I?ve studied the spiritual art of DREAM-FULFILLMENT for over fifteen years, and have counseled & coached people into jobs they adore…homes they treasure…relationships that light them aglow…and creative adventures (large & small) that color their lives with joy.

Everyone suspects that their dream is impossible, too far-fetched, too big. Happily, everyone is wrong.

I have the tools to help you get what you want.

And I?m literally wiggle-dancing with excitement to share them with you.

My mission is to overflow our whole world with wishes (fulfilled!) and dreams (come true!)

I want you to succeed.

So, when you buy the Creative Dream Incubator, I’m going to give you, like for free, ALL of my other Creative Magic Kits (!)

I’ve been teaching this stuff for years. I’ve got a lot of kits.

So, when you buy the Creative Dream Incubator, you’re also going to get:


The Creative Journal Magic Kit

Journaling ? it?s not just for lovesick teenagers anymore! Creative Journaling is a powerful tool to articulate your dreams, map out strategies, and visualize your desires, in vivid techni-color. This Kit will teach you how to wield your journal like a magic wand?to plan, activate + GET anything you want. (This one used to sell on its own for $55)


The Inner Critic Creative Journaling Kit

Your Inner Critic is like a washed-up paper-pusher, who seriously needs a new job. Learn how to talk to your Inner Critic (a notoriously poor communicator ? no wonder he never got promoted!) and give him the boot?so an encouraging & supportive new colleague can take his place! (This one used to sell on its own for $75)



The Map-making Adventure Kit

Creative Dreams may sound like fluff and unicorns and rainbows?but they?re far from it. You know that your Big Dream requires strength, courage & commitment. It also requires a plan. This Kit will help you map out a plan even a unicorn would approve of ? with creative visualization & mind-mapping techniques that build bridges & paths out of pure, blank paper. (This one used to sell on its own for $50)


The Magic Potions Meditation Kit

Right now ? you need a shot of MAGIC. An answer. An insight. A burst of energy, to cross the finish line. My Creative Meditation mp3s are NOT designed for sleepy relaxation. They?re supercharged servings of ENCOURAGEMENT to amplify your Creative Spirit. Immediately. Like magic, no? (This one used to sell on its own for $50)



The Rainbow~licious Creative Healing Circle

An amazing creative colourful healing circle ? without leaving your livingroom! (This one used to sell on its own for $40)



The Dream SPARK Kit

A creative journey through your inner world to discover your heart’s true dreams.

(This one used to sell on its own for $12)



So yes, you’re getting $282 worth of kits for free!

I feel a bit like a cheesy game show host here but really, my mission is important to me.

I want to overflow our world with dreams come true.

And to do that, I have to give you everything you need to succeed. So here it is.

Want personal attention and support (and big group hugs)?

The Creative Dream Circle is the (totally out-of-this-world fabulous) live group component to the Creative Dream Incubator.

The Circle is perfect for people who LOVE group experiences (and the heightened accountability that comes with ?em), get INSPIRED by hearing (and sharing!) stories of success, growth & CELEBRATION, and dig the idea of tapping into structured support, in a private online community ? with a whole library of extra videos, monthly tele-class/playdates, treats and fresh tools, along the way.

When you join the circle, I will be actively involved in the growing of your dreams.

You can click here to read about it all or just know that: With me on your side? You cannot fail. You want to join the Circle.

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]

  • Creative Dream Incubator Kit
  • Creative Journal Magic Kit
  • Transform your Inner Critics, Fears + Doubts Kit
  • Map-Making Kit
  • Magic Potions Meditation Kit
  • Rainbow~liscious Creative Healing Circle Kit
  • DreamSpark Kit





Cost: $147

[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]

  • Creative Dream Incubator Kit
  • Creative Journal Magic Kit
  • Transform your Inner Critics, Fears + Doubts Kit
  • Map-Making Kit
  • Magic Potions Meditation Kit
  • Rainbow~liscious Creative Healing Circle Kit
  • DreamSpark Kit
  • The Creative Dream Circle which means I’ll be actively supporting you in making your dream real, plus a magical online community, plus tele-class/playdates, a whole Resource Library of audios + videos to help you grow your dream and live your magic, and more.
  • The Creative Business Incubator Plug-In which shows you how to apply the Creative Dream Incubator principles to growing your Creative Business.

(The Creative Business Incubator Plug-In is not available for sale, it’s only for Creative Dream Circle members)

Cost: $147
plus $37/month – payments start 30 days from now.



The Creative Dream Incubator comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

The best time to grow your dream is NOW. You’re ready NOW. All you need, to make it happen, is an Incubator.

If you do the whole Incubator and your dream does not shift and grow in some way (dreams do not always grow in the ways we expect!) I will give you a full refund.

This has never happened, but if you are the first person it happens to, this is what we’ll do:

First we’ll meet (on Skype or on the phone) for a (FREE!) Creative Dream Coaching Session. You’ll tell me what happened, I’ll help bring more magic in and to get that dream growing. If it still refuses to budge, I’ll send you your money back, in full.

I promise: if you do the work, it’s going to work. Let’s do this! Let’s grow your dream!

Creative Dream Incubator FAQ

If you have questions about the Creative Dream Incubator, I’d love to answer them! You can send me an email using the contact form on this page.


I don?t know what my dream is. Do you have anything that helps with that?

You know what?s funny? NOBODY knows what their dream is 100% of the time! I?m a professional dreamer and some mornings I wake up with no clue about what I want.

Waiting until you know what your dream is is a way to kill your dream before you?ve even given it a chance.

And one of the coolest things about dreams is that they are aspects of your purpose, and your spirit ? so they?re all connected through purpose and spirit. What this means is that if you start to work on one dream, or just dreaming in general ? you?re actually tapping into purpose and spirit and magic (!).

So what happens is that you start to re-arrange your life to be a truer expression of who you really are. You start to create a life that is true to you.

And then by the time you know what your dream is ? it?s already real.

Or, if you absolutely Must Know Now, use the DreamSPARK kit that comes with the Incubator – it will show you exactly what your dream is.


I?d love to do this, but I can?t afford it. Do you have any cheaper options?

I know it feels wrong or selfish or silly to invest in your dreams, but the simple truth is that people who invest time and money in their dreams are the people who live their dreams.

Until your dream is as important to you as the other things you?re spending your money on ? it?s never going to come true.

You hold all the power here! We tend to think that dreams coming true is something that happens outside of us. But it always happens inside of you, and it starts with committing and investing in your dream.

And investing in your dream is completely magic! It shows your dream that you love it and you?re taking it seriously.

It creates an atmosphere in your life that welcomes dreams and synchronicity and magic in. Investing in your dream is the best investment you?ll ever make ? it changes everything.

Plus there is a 100% money back guarantee on the Creative Dream Incubator. Not only is this the best investment you?ll ever make, it?s also the safest.

How much is your dream worth to you?


I don?t have time. Are you going to offer this on an ongoing basis? I?d like to get it when I have more time.

I know it can feel like you?re trying to cram one more thing into your already-overfull life, but the Creative Dream Incubator actually gives you all the tools to be growing your dream without working your ass off.

It?s kind of like working smarter, not harder. It?s growing your dreams via magic.

And it won?t just make growing your dreams easier ? it will make your whole life easier. When you believe in yourself more and doubt yourself less and have effective tools to pick you up when you fall ? everything gets easier.

And let?s face it ? you don?t really need more time. You just need things to be a little easier. That?s what the Creative Dream Incubator does.

Also: One of the unconscious ways we actually hold ourselves back is by waiting for ?the right time? to work on our dreams.

If you?re putting off your dreams you?re putting off happiness and fulfillment and purpose and magic. And the truth is: the sooner you start, the sooner the magic can start.

You can find half an hour this week to get started. Your real life is waiting.

What do Creative Dream Incubator graduates have to say?

“Dear Andrea,

I just wanted to write and say thank you thank you thank you for the Creative Dream Incubator.

It changed my life.

I was stuck in fear and resistance and getting buried under an ever expanding pile of self-loathing because of it. And when we got to Module 4…everything shifted. I realized that my fear didn’t mean that my dream was “the wrong one” or that I wasn’t “good enough” or “brave enough” to go for it. I realized that my fear was just…fear.

And if I moved through it everything would get better. So I did. And it did!

And taking that first step shifted EVERYTHING else.

I feel so different now than I did at the start of the CDI.

I see more magic everywhere. I’m handling setbacks with more calm and determination. I have more faith in my dream. Even my parents have noticed a difference!

Thank you for bringing this beautiful dream of yours into the world. Thank you for your gentle, kind, and supportive presence. You are amazing, and you are doing such important work.

Much love,”


Hey, Andrea,

I just wanted to write and let you know how amazing this program is being for me.

Crazy-awesome changes keep happening, and obstacles that I thought were surely blocks are just melting away like butter.


“Andrea’s courses are amazing, she is a beacon of light (super creative light) in this world.

I have no hesitation recommending her to anyone to wants to be more creative or make their dreams real.”

Lisa vanEgmond, Artist and Creative Arts Therapist,

Read Stories from Creative Dream Incubator Graduates:

Read about how Helen’s inner dream landscape softened to allow new dreams to take root and grow. The result: an amazing new knitting venture..

Read about how Angel’s dream grew from a vague blob of ideas, thoughts and hopes into a real, solid dream-come-true.

Read about how Meg went from hiding under the blankets to an impressive list of Creative Dream Successes.

Read about how LeeAnn changed… well… her whole life. From working in a cubicle while struggling to pay off debt in NYC to free-as-a-bird and having amazing adventures in the country of her dreams (and heart), Scotland.


Are you ready for a simple, systematic process to make your DREAM REAL?

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]

  • Creative Dream Incubator Kit
  • Creative Journal Magic Kit
  • Transform your Inner Critics, Fears + Doubts Kit
  • Map-Making Kit
  • Magic Potions Meditation Kit
  • Rainbow~liscious Creative Healing Circle Kit
  • DreamSpark Kit





Cost: $147

[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]

  • Creative Dream Incubator Kit
  • Creative Journal Magic Kit
  • Transform your Inner Critics, Fears + Doubts Kit
  • Map-Making Kit
  • Magic Potions Meditation Kit
  • Rainbow~liscious Creative Healing Circle Kit
  • DreamSpark Kit
  • The Creative Dream Circle which means I’ll be actively supporting you in making your dream real, plus a magical online community, plus tele-class/playdates, a whole Resource Library of audios + videos to help you grow your dream and live your magic, and more.
  • The Creative Business Incubator Plug-In which shows you how to apply the Creative Dream Incubator principles to growing your Creative Business.

(The Creative Business Incubator Plug-In is not available for sale, it’s only for Creative Dream Circle members)

Cost: $147
plus $37/month – payments start 30 days from now.


I promise: it works. You’re ready. Your dream is ready.? Let’s do this.

I am So Excited to tell you this! Read More »

Your Mission

This week I don’t have a new episode of Creative Dream TV for you.

<insert sad face here>

I’m getting ready to share some amazing new stuff with you next week…

(Including a new free thing that is going to blow you away, so you may want to get on my email list so you hear about it)

So there’s a lot happening behind the scenes here at Creative Magic Headquarters.

All of the excitement (and busyness!) collided with my practice of EXTREME self-care and it became clear that putting putting the video on hold for this week was the wisest way to go.

So: this is a good time to catch up on past episodes – click here to see them all.

Instead of a Video, I’m giving you a MISSION

Your mission: get crystal clear on how you will feel when your wildest dreams are real.

(a hint in case you get stuck: Knowing What My Dream Is is a perfectly legitimate dream)

I’d love to hear your answer!? Leave it in the comments below.

Your Mission Read More »

So much heart-opening magic-sparking fun.

The playdate is tomorrow!

I can’t wait!

A day of playing with amazing creative kindred spirits… Starting with super-magic creative-trance meditation to go inside to open up new pockets of possibility, flow and magic.

And then a day to play in those new pockets!

Creativity, writing new stories, explorations, costumes, adventure, journaling, discoveries.

The best way to describe it is to say that the Playdate will SPARKLE.

And then three whole weeks of playing together to take all this magic and use it to to change how money functions in our inner worlds.

Which is, of course, the most effective way to change how it functions in your outer world.

We’re going to have so much heart-opening magic-sparking fun.

I hope you can join us.

>>> Click here to register.

So much heart-opening magic-sparking fun. Read More »

Creative Dream TV: When You Have Obstacles In Your Way

"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure." - Joseph Campbell

Obstacles and stumbles are super annoying!

They are also the means through which our dreams actually come true, so it's important to pay attention to them.? And that's what this week's Creative Dream TV is all about.

Watch it now:

Once you start really working with this and getting creative about how you handle the obstacles - miracles will start to happen.

Inside the Creative Dream Circle, I show you everything you need to know about transforming obstacles into fuel for you dreams.


Creative Dream TV: When You Have Obstacles In Your Way Read More »

Swear-y Rant About Money

[AKA Calling Bullshit On Our Relationship With Money, Part 2] (Part 1 is here)

“Feeling good about myself/my work/my art/my actions is more important than money.”

If I hear this from one more well-meaning creative dreamer I! Am! Going! To! Scream!

That kind of thinking creates a split in your relationship with money.? It creates an unnatural hierarchy in your inner world – this is more important than that.

It puts money at the bottom.

It makes money somehow dirty, bad, or wrong – which is not exactly a welcoming environment.

It sets you up to think you’re some kind of asshole for having the audacity to want to make money doing the things you love to do.

And meanwhile – what, exactly, are you going to live on if money isn’t important?

It’s extremely self-sabotaging.

This makes me mad because it reminds me of me!

It reminds me of when I was adamant that art was more important than money.

And it reminds me of how hard everything was for me back then.

And of how wrong I was!

Because actually I make MUCH better art when I’ve got money.? Money SUPPORTS Art.

When I’ve got the art supplies and gorgeously lit studio I need. With crystals hanging in the gigantoid windows, throwing rainbows all over everything.

When my energy isn’t tied up in worrying about paying the bills.

I don’t do my best work in a pressure cooker.

Me doing my best work in a happy studio with fun costumes, heavy on spaciousness, sparkle + ease.

A pressure cooker is exactly what you’re creating in your life when you say that money isn’t important.

Money is important.

It’s not that it’s more or less important than your art or your soul.

It’s all important.

When you tear down that hierarchy then you make it possible for everything to work together.?

Because you inner world was never meant to have a hierarchy!? It’s not about structure and rank.? It’s about all the parts working together for the benefit of the whole.? No one thing being more or less important, everything being cherished and loved for what it is.

That’s when everything in your world can work in harmony to create your life as a gorgeous work of art.

When money isn’t “more important” or “less important” than other things, then it can do what it does best: SUPPORT YOU.

It can help you do more of your meaningful creative work.

It can help you live a life that is true to who you are.

It can help you give your family what they need to thrive.

We have so much work to do in this area!

We being the creative dreamers of the world.

Can you imagine how the whole world would change if more of us were more financially empowered in our lives?? The impact we could have if we were all living our biggest dreams?

It really has to start with a shift in your thinking about money – which then sparks a shift in your relationship with money.

And this is why I’m doing the Creative With Money Online Playdate on Friday.

Because shifting your relationship with money is a difficult complicated thing to do.

I’m not talking about making more money or spending less money or investing better: though those things can be outcomes of an improved relationship with money.

I’m talking about feeling good about money and how it functions in your world.

Imagine right now that you did feel good about money and how it functions in your world.

Can you feel that sense of opening and possibility and magic?? And how money doesn’t have to be stressful?

That’s what I’m talking about.

And that’s what we’re going to do on Friday.? Click here to join us.

PS: I’m getting a lot of questions from people who want to know when/if I am doing this again and if I’ll do it on a different day because Friday doesn’t work for them.

The last time I did this people who were not there on the calls reported that they felt like they were every bit as much a part of the group as those who did attend live.?

It’s usually about 1/2 the group who is there live and 1/2 using the recordings – it’s not like you’ll be the only one who isn’t there live. So I can assure you that you don’t miss out by not being there live on the calls.?

And to answer the question: I don’t know if I am doing this again.

If you’re interested in participating, join now.

If you have any other questions about it, feel free to leave a comment below or email me using the contact form on this page.

Swear-y Rant About Money Read More »

Have you spent enough time worrying about money?

This is what Angel wrote to me after the first Creative With Money Playdate I did:

"HOLY MOLY, woman!

This program *so* full of brilliant I?m still seeing stars and glitter, hours later!

I signed up for because I have had this *thing* with money for as long as I can remember and frankly I'm over it and ready to work with it!

I did get what I wanted from the program.

I had some really spectacular experiences with the work itself and also with the rest of the group. There is definitely magicks within the right group atmosphere.

My relationship with money has begun to evolve, on a really deep level (which is the only way there can be any lasting change), and has led me to being able to actually have a relationship with money rather than just constant fear around anything money related.

That fear and tension is not a fun way to live, especially as it relates to something that has such an impact on life as we're currently living it!

Well I started to say that my favorite part was working through the workbooks on my own time and in my own way? - but then I realized that actually my really favorite part was the group interaction. It's been insanely helpful to me to hear others sharing their experiences, stories, shifts, etc. (but the workbooks are a close second for sure! ;-))

Thank you for all of this!!"

Angel Sullivan, and also

She is so right! Life, the way we're living it now, includes USING MONEY EVERY DAY.

You work for and with money all the time.

PLAYING for and with money changes everything.

  • It loosens up those rigid patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck when it comes to money.

Result: You get un-stuck!

  • It opens up new possibilities like tiny doorways that lead to magical new worlds.

Result: You have new ideas and opportunities for how to get what you want!? All of a sudden it is much easier than you thought, to have exactly what you want.

  • It gives you a framework for developing your relationship with money beyond counting pennies and hoping for the best.

Result: You have a way to manage and work with money that is positive, creative and constructive.

  • It allows your intuition and your genius to play a role in how you do money.


You know that the definition of insanity is to keep doing what you've always done, while expecting a different result.

You've spent enough time worrying about money to know that it doesn't work.

There is another way: Playing. Being Creative. It's where your magic is.

I teach this in the Creative With Money class - which you get, with ALL of my other programs when you join Dream Book.

Have you spent enough time worrying about money? Read More »


I’m starting a new thing: regular book giveaways! Yayyyyyyyyy!

I’m just not sure yet how regular regular will be, maybe every couple of months?? We’ll see.

I do know that I loved the $100 Startup giveaway I did a few months ago, and I’ve got a new one today:

Tapping into Ultimate Success by Jack Canfield and Pamela Bruner

(I did receive this book for free from Hay House)

I picked this book because I was doing EFT in an acupuncture circle and I loved it and wanted to explore more.

I am more than a little embarrassed about the fact that it’s written by the Chicken Soup For The Soul guy.? But, I gave it a chance and I am super glad I did!

Because even though the Chicken Soup For The Soul empire is kind of cheesy and embarrassing, I can’t argue with the fact that it is MEGA-SUCCESSFUL.

And do you know what MEGA-SUCCESSFUL people do?

They don’t let their stuff (inner critics, fears, doubts, etc) get in their way.

EFT is a way to stop your stuff from getting in your way.

I was SUPER IMPRESSED with how the book dealt with emotional stuff.? Typically this is what happens:

Here you are, in your “comfort zone” which is filled with things that are comfortable and things that are not comfortable.? (It’s really more of a “familiar zone” than a “comfort zone”.)

There is your dream, outside of your familiar zone.

There is this uncomfortable emotional stuff, between you and your dream.

And your fear of dealing with that keeps you in the familiar zone.

Even though, generally, that uncomfortable emotional stuff between you and your dream is no more uncomfortable than the uncomfortable emotional stuff you face all the time – it’s just not familiar.


This book shows you, step by step in crystal clear detail, how to tap your way to where you want to be.

It makes the trek through the unknown uncomfortable stuff easier – so that you can get to your dream (aka your PURPOSE or MISSION).

It’s very simple – you tap on energy meridians with your fingers while working through your emotional stuff in an effective, simple and systematic way.

So, I loved the book and how it presents how to work through your emotional stuff in an effective, simple and systematic way – there is not enough of this in the world!

It makes it so much easier to work through that gunk and get to the part where you believe in yourself, you believe in your dream and you’re ready to make it happen.

Do you want it?



Using a random number generator to choose the winner, the winner is Laurie who said, if there were no obstacles in her way “I would be a full time creative artist, shiatsu and reiki master, happily married, and independently wealthy and sublimely healthy..”


And this week’s Creative Dream TV is all obstacles and how dealing with them can actually help you make your dream real.

PS: The Creative With Money Online Playdate is happening SUPER SOON!

Past participants have called this ?A smashing success?, ?Life-changing? and ?So full of magic I?m still seeing stars and glitter!?

We’re playdating on OCTOBER 26. That’s next Friday.


GIVEAWAY! EFT Book + DVD Read More »

Love and Money Revolution

On top of my file cabinet in my office at Creative Magic Headquarters.

This week, instead of a new episode of Creative Dream TV, I am sharing this:

I did an hour-long interview with the Love and Money Revolution for their Holistic Business Radio.

Love! And Money!

I had so much fun doing this interview.

We talked about how we can use creativity to make things work magically better in our lives. We also talk about how to transform our (often sticky and hard) relationships with money into something that is way better.

It’s a great show!

>>> Click here to listen now.

(And use those facebook and twitter share buttons at the bottom of the interview! Share the magic!)

PS: The Creative With Money Online Playdate is happening SUPER SOON!

Past participants have called this ?A smashing success?, ?Life-changing? and ?So full of magic I?m still seeing stars and glitter!?

We’re playdating on OCTOBER 26. That’s next Friday.


Love and Money Revolution Read More »

Everything is about to change

I’m in the process of change, big change, in my life and business – I’ve been in this process for a while.

For months I’ve been spending more of my time facing new fears + doubts + gremlins + inner critics. Lately it’s been lots of visits with this new friend called Ms. WORRYWART.? Not fun.

But, with each part I work through new space opens up. And I’m coming to the part where it’s less being in the internal process of change and more making sparkly new things real, out in the world.


So at this point, I’m spending less time with the gremlins and more time with CLARITY, FREEDOM, POSSIBILITY and BEING TRUE TO MYSELF AND MY MISSION, which is all-around awesome.

And so: everything is about to change at the Creative Magic Academy.

Everything is going to change to better support my mission of overflowing this whole world with sparkly wishes (fulfilled!) and dreams (come true!).

But first: I’m doing the Creative With Money Online Playdate!? It’s amazing and it’s happening SOON – Oct 26 (next Friday!).

And then: everything will change in November.

Until then: all kits are unavailable, except the Creative Dream Incubator.

If there is a kit you reeeally need like right now, use the contact form on this page to email me.

And coaching remains unavailable.

What is coming next is AMAZING. AMAZING!

Hello! Sparkly wishes (fulfilled!) and dreams (come true!).

You’re going to love it.

PS: The Creative With Money Online Playdate is happening SUPER SOON!

Past participants have called this ?A smashing success?, ?Life-changing? and ?So full of magic I?m still seeing stars and glitter!?

We’re playdating on OCTOBER 26. That’s next Friday.


Everything is about to change Read More »

Creative Dreams + Money. It’s a problem, right?


I mean, dreams don't pay the bills, right?

Well, actually, that's wrong.

Creative Dreams can and do pay the bills.

The problem is that CreativeSpiritual people shut off their genius when it comes to money.

Admit it, you do this.

So, before your creative dreams can pay the bills, you have to re-route a path in your brain - from your genius, to your money.

I promise: This is not anywhere near as complicated or weird as it sounds.

In this episode of Creative Dream TV I talk about a whole bunch of questions I got from Creative Dream TV fans, about creative dreams and money.

And I and share a crazy-magic transformational tool that helps no matter what your specific struggle with money looks like - a tool that helps you to start to re-route a path in your brain - from your genius, to your money.

Watch it now:

So let's get your creative genius flowing when it comes to money.

Your dream wants to pay your bills!

My Creative With Money class is now available for free when you join Dream Book.

Creative Dreams + Money. It’s a problem, right? Read More »

Creative Dream TV: Guilt over asking for money for your creative gifts

Most creative people have a hard time asking for what their work is worth.

This week's Creative Dream TV question:

"I'm a freelance editor who often works directly with writers. My?clientele?(writers) are notoriously poor! I feel the service I provide is valuable, but I feel guilty charging what I think I should be earning because I know that so many of my clients will struggle to find the money. What should I do? Should I try to find a different clientele??

How can I find the balance between what my clients can pay and what I need to earn?"

In this situation, we have a creative person working with creative people so it's compounded.? But what's happening beneath the surface is what's happening with a lot of creative people:? getting all twisted up when it comes to asking for money for our work - enough money so we can live comfortably.

Watch the episode now:

(Yes, I am wearing my new sovereignty crown!)

Creative WITH Money!

Creative people struggle with money so much because we don't use our creative gifts and strengths when we deal with money.

Admit it - you shut off your brilliant creative genius when it comes to money.

It's time to stop doing that.


(Creative with Money, along with allllll of my other courses, is only available inside the Creative Dream Circle.)

Creative Dream TV: Guilt over asking for money for your creative gifts Read More »

How to be BADASS

As I shared last week, for the past year I’ve been running a group called Advanced Creative Badassery.? About how if you want to break out of your own patterns and limitations and create your dreams in your world – you’ve got to be kind of basass.

Then my friends Jenn and Amanda sent me a badass email about this new thing they are doing:

Positive Panties. Curing the crabbies one sweet ass at a time.

When they asked me to join the party, how could I say no?

I made a video for their “How To Tap Into Your Badassery” e-Book.

And, since badassery is important to me, I wantd to share it with you too.? This is how I tap into my badassery:

The Badassery e-Book is free.? Download it here.

Also: Positive Panties needs your help! Click here to read more.

PS: The Creative With Money Online Playdate is happening at the end of the month!

Past participants have called this ?A smashing success?, ?Life-changing? and ?So full of magic I?m still seeing stars and glitter!?

How to be BADASS Read More »


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