Are you stuck or are you circling it and does it matter?
Two new things for August:
💸 How To Make More Money Without Destroying Your Soul
Two sessions on Zoom: August 7 + 21 (with replays!) and a printable guided journal.
THE FIRST SESSION IS FREE FOR EVERYONE! (Not a promo or anything, this is the actual first session in this program) Full program (both zoom with the guided journal) is $33 USD - or free for Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members.
Details + registration. | Membership members get everything here.
If you want something to change and don't know how to go about getting that change - this one is for you.
Three alchemy sessions on Zoom WITH NO RECORDING. The group will be small enough for everyone to get attention. We’re being present, going deep and GETTING our breakthroughs.
Three sessions: August 12, 19 + 26 at 1:00 pm Central Daylight -5 GMT
The cost is $233 USD
The whole thing about showing up for your dream as a PRACTICE as that the practice itself becomes a container that holds your PROCESS of becoming the version of you who can do the thing.
This doesn’t mean it feels like magic every time.
It’s boring or hard just as often as it’s healing and magically creative.
In yesterday's post I mentioned that tension or twistiness of being in that space where you can't just step into your dream.
Sometimes, like has been happening for me for a while - you are circling something. And you need that time to circle!
You need that process of circling to work through things you don’t even know you are working through.
And it’s really hard to keep showing up in those times. Because it doesn't feel like you are circling, you just feel STUCK.
I’ve been feeling like I know I’m resisting something but I can’t quite see my resistance. There’s just this vague sense of avoiding something and feeling stuck.
So, I kept showing up. Practicing. Noticing what’s happening. Being with these feelings of sensing out resistance beneath the surface but not being able to get at it or even understand what I am resisting.
And then that all blew up.
I was having a high anxiety day that turned into a panic attack. I was crying and trying to soothe myself when suddenly my whole perspective changed.
It’s like the intense feelings created a disturbance in me that loosened what was stuck. That’s how it felt.
And looking back I can see how long I’ve been circling this and I am embarrassed about that BUT ALSO we have to circle for as long as we have to circle.
Circling is actually PRODUCTIVE.
The only thing that is ever not productive is to stop showing up at all.
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Are you stuck or are you circling it and does it matter? Read More »