The Creative Dream HOLYday: a Virtual Playdate + Creative Dream Retreat

Creative. Soulful. Nourishing.? The ultimate way to start a new year.


All the fun and play of a Creative Playdate blended with all the magic and healing of a Spiritual HOLYday.

Meditation, journaling and creative play.? You’ll get time in the Circle (on the phone or in the forum) and time on your own to explore:

  • What’s going on with your dream (like, really going on with it – we’re talking deep down SOUL CONNECTION with your dream).
  • What your dream wants you to know (dreams are WISE and know how to grow themselves!).
  • What’s the #1 obstacle facing you and your dreams (sometimes we think it’s one thing, but really it’s something else.? Being clear on this is vital) and what’s the best way around/through/over/under it.

You’ll leave with:

  • Unexpected discoveries – the kinds of thing you discover when you tap into new levels of intuition + connection to spirit.
  • Healing, transformation and miracles
  • A new understanding of what to do next to bring your dream to life
  • Creative Dream Mojo: fuel for walking your Creative Dream Path in 2014

How it works:

  • We meet (on the phone, or on Skype, or you can work with the recordings later on) on January 3 at 11am (Central, NA) to create the Circle, open up that deep down soul connection to your dream and build the magic together.
  • You go play on your own (you do get playbooks for this part, or you can create your own retreat activities).
  • We meet again (on the phone, or on Skype, or you can work with the recordings later on) on January 3 at 2pm (Central, NA) for coaching, transformationing and closing the Circle.

Your dream is calling to you back to yourself.

It’s asking you to wake up.? To brighten up.? And lighten up.? And create a DREAMTASTIC life that is worthy of you.

Your dream is calling you into your creativity, your heart, your spirit, your purpose and your power.

Are you going to answer the call?

I have led 14 Virtual Creative Dream HOLYdays so far.

Every time, there have been miracles, magic and transformations, rooted in delight and joy and the magic of creativity.

Every time, people’s dreams show up and show them the most amazing things.

They are the most beautiful thing ever.? I can’t wait for the January Creative Dream HOLYday.

If you join the Creative Dream Circle by Jan 2, you get to come to the Creative Dream HOLYday on January 3!

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How To Blend Lots Of Dreams Together

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals? post.? Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing… click here to start playing!

Today’s question:

How do I or can I narrow my focus? ?How can I blend all my dreams and ideas together in order to create the reality I desire?

This comes up time and time with my students and clients!? We are BURSTING with dreams and want to give them allll love and attention and nurturing to bring them to life.

And nobody ever likes to hear this, but the truth is you’ve got to narrow in.? You’ve got to pick ONE to focus on.? For now.

There is really only one Creative Dream: to live a life that feels true to who you really are.

All of your dreams are ideas live underneath the umbrella of that dream.

Every time you bring a dream to life, it nourishes the umbrella dream. So bringing one to life does nourish all the others because they’re all connected.

Meanwhile – staying locked in a holding pattern and NOT choosing one dream to focus on nourishes nothing except your excuses.

So, you blend a lot of dreams together as real things in your real life, by bringing them to life, one at a time.

You can pick the one that inspires you the most.

You can pick the one you want the most.

You can pick the one you think is the most achievable.

It does not matter how you pick, it only matters that you pick.? Creative Dream Incubation requires your commitment.

The good news about this is that once you’ve made that first dream real, it gets easier to make the next one real – and so on, and so on, and so on.

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100 Reasons Why You Can Do This

Today?s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals? post.? Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing.

As a part of my new quest to make a big dream real, I started a list in my journal of 100 reasons why I can’t fail.

These lists are magic and you don’t even have to get to 100 reasons before it starts to work.

Listing out all the reasons why YOU CAN DO THIS bolsters your confidence and helps your fears feel safer – ideally, safe enough to just take a nap and leave you alone.

It shifts your energy.? It builds expectancy.? It creates a solid foundation from which to bring your dream to life.

You probably can’t come up with 100 reasons all in one sitting.

That’s part of the point.

When you do this in your journal, write the title: “100 Reasons Why I Can Do This”? and list whatever you can think of.? It’s ok if you can only come up with a few reasons.

hint: one reason why you can’t fail is that you’ve got a LOT of support available to you since you read this blog!? And you can always join the Creative Dream Circle.

You will go on to journal other things in your journal before you finish your list.? Leave PLENTY of space for your 100 reasons.

And your brain will keep working on this, even when you’re not journaling. This keeps your brain focused on possibility.

Remind yourself in the mornings that you are still working on this list.? Whenever an idea comes to mind, add it.? And have a weekly date to sit down with this and think about it some more.

When you have the mindset that “I CAN DO THIS” you start to see things differently, you don’t let fear or old programming get in your way and even “impossible dreams” become real.

Here’s my list, so far:

  1. Love! The Circle was built with love and built to love dreamers and their dreams. And love is powerful and can draw to it more to love.
  2. Dreams are Important. Purpose, Spirit and Heart. Needed. What the world needs is more dreams made real.
  3. I am a Creative Genius. I have created everything I have ever set my mind on creating, no reason to think that may stop! (Though, of course, I don’t control the timing)
  4. I have the Creative Dream Incubator!
  5. I have been taking business classes for the last 4 years! I know how to do this.
  6. There are people who will help me spread the word.
  7. I am so ready! I have done all of the foundation building, this dream has sturdy ground to grow on.
  8. My intuition says so.
  9. My heart is happy about this, I’m not feeling a lot of resistance.
  10. I am determined.
  11. Small steps, every day.
  12. People LOVE the Circle!
  13. 800 is a ridiculously teeny percentage of people on this planet
  14. 800 is even a small percentage of the number of people who read my blog
  15. I can advertise.
  16. I can be crazy creative about how I promote this.
  17. The only reason is hasn’t grown yet is that I have been holding it back because in the old format, I wanted it to be small.
  18. The new format needs it to be bigger.
  19. I have so many tools I can use!
  20. ENTHUSIASM! It’s a superpower and a magnet. I am enthusiastic about my work, that draws people in.
  21. Intention is powerful.
  22. My intention is crystal clear.
  23. Commitment is powerful.
  24. My commitment is solid.
  25. Purpose is supported by spirit.
  26. People can FEEL integrity, even through the interwebs.
  27. By walking my talk and consistently practicing what I teach I create a safe atmosphere for people to come in and do the work with me.
  28. I have something unique + amazing to offer.
  29. I am willing to work for this.
  30. I am willing to play with this.
  31. I am willing to explore new territory.
  32. My intuition never steers me wrong.
  33. Creativity is contagious!
  34. When you combine creativity with clear intention and purpose and spirit and heart and a genuine willingness to do both the inner and outer work: you can’t fail.
  35. When people start working with this material… They LIGHT UP.
  36. Those lights can help guide new people into the Circle.
  37. I’m not trying to sell to 800 people, I am finding 800 people who who are ready to make their dreams real and want me to help them. I know they’re out there.
  38. 800 feels right because they are out there.
  39. In the grand scheme of what I have already created, this is small.
  40. Everything in the universe supports me.
  41. This will get easier and easier, as it creates it’s own momentum

Even if you just grow your list at 1 idea per week you’re still doing yourself a HUGE favour by playing with this.

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Looking Back Through Your Journal

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals? post.? Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing.


Today’s question:

Should I look back to identify patterns in my journaling?

If this feels helpful to you, then by all means yes!

If it doesn’t feel helpful, then don’t do it!

Whether you are looking back through your journals or not – you are likely to become more aware of your patterns through your journaling practice.

I spent years complaining in my journals before actually doing something about changing the things I was complaining about.

And even though I was looking back and re-reading things all the time – that wasn’t enough to actually get me to CHANGE the pattern.

Because awareness is only the first step.

Now, though I rarely look back through old journals, I’m much faster at spotting and changing patterns (thanks to the magic of Creative Soul Alchemy).

Creative Journal

So you absolutely have permission to save and read your old journals or burn them (I’ve done both).

Whatever feels right for you is the right thing for you to do.

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Watch Me Make A New (BIG!) Dream Real

I am nervous about posting this.? But I promised myself I would do this. So… deep breath….

Ever since I left university (15 years ago!) I have wanted to be an artist.? To follow my creative flow wherever it leads and have that financially sustain me.

When I first set out to do this, this was hard.? Very hard.

But in the last five years or so, things have really changed for us sensitive creative types – the way the internet has evolved has changed everything.

Three years ago I left my part-time day-job to be a full time Creative Dream Incubator and the past few years of my life have been amazing.

I always tell my students that you don’t just make a dream real and then you’re done. Creative Dreaming is a way of life.? As we evolve our purpose evolves, our creativity evolves, our desires evolve.? Our dreams evolve.? It’s a fact of life when you live in a universe of infinite possibility, as we do.

So now I’m reminding myself about this.? It’s time to dream bigger.

Though I want to include a GIANT CAVEAT about what I mean by bigger.? We live in a society that tells us that bigger is always better, unless you’re talking about your body in which case smaller is always better – these rules are childish, stupid and unhealthy.? That’s not the bigger I am talking about.

The universe is alive.? You are alive.? Life is alive.? Your dream is alive.? Living things grow.

My dreams are ready to grow.

My Creative Dream Incubator is ready to grow.? My Creative Dream Circle is ready to grow.

But they have always been ready.? They are sturdy containers for growth, transformation and magic and they work just as well with a million students as they do with one.

I, however, do not do as well with a million students as with one.

And I needed time to feel ready for this.

It takes a lot of preparation to teach transformation.? After 13 years of studying and exploring, I started an intensive 3 year program to become a teacher.? Then I did a 1 year internship and taught TONS of in-person classes… all this before I did a single online course.

Then, in the last 3 years of teaching online full time, my work has evolved.? A lot.

I’m really excited and inspired by what I’m doing.? It’s unique and heartwarming and imaginative and fun… and EFFECTIVE.? I’ve also become more grounded as a teacher and ready to hold a space for more dreamers and more dreams.

As I shared last week, I re-structured my offerings to make space for MORE dreamers and more dreams in 2014.? (From now on, you can participate in ALL of my e-courses and tele-classes AND be a member in my Creative Dream Circle for only $100/year.)

You won’t find this kind of high quality dream-growing support for anywhere near this price, anywhere.

I am doing my part to make it as easy and simple as possible for all dreamers to get the support they need to make those dreams REAL.

Because I am on a mission.

creative journal

I am going to grow the Creative Dream Circle exponentially in 2014.

My goal: 800 dreamers.

That number makes my stomach jump a bit.? While I have had over 100 members in the Circle so far, I haven’t had over 100 at once.? And now I want to have 800 members in the circle, all at once, by the end of 2014.? It’s a stretch.

Under that stomach jump I feel a quiet sparkling.? I feel how amazing it will be for so many more dreams to be born.

And then… well I have layers of resistance and excitement and joy and fear.? All the usual stuff involved in taking on a new dream.

For the last few weeks I’ve been sitting with this decision.? Acclimating to it.? Writing about it, exploring my feelings about it.? It took some time to actually settle on the number 800 but now that I have it feels exciting and right and it scares me in all the right ways.

I’ve also been figuring out how to do it.

As I was planning away the other day a new idea dawned: to share this process, as I work through it.? I thought about how helpful this would be for people who are interested in how to make big dreams real… and about how it would help me solidify my commitment to myself, to commit to sharing it with others, too.

Sharing the process shines a light.? Fear and resistance can’t hide in that kind of light.

So, I’m doing this! I’m going to share the entire process over the next year, right here on my blog.

Every stumble and mis-step and success and joy along the way.? I’m going to write a weekly post (on Fridays) talking about where I’m at, what I’m doing (both internal and external stuff) and share lists of what I want to do next and keep myself accountable.

I’m excited.

What I’ve done so far:

Not a lot of tangible things!? As I said, I had to be with this decision for a long time before I could settle into it. I’ve been journaling and meditating and arting.? Connecting with the essence of the Circle, and the essence of my business and the Patron Saints of Creative Dreamers to make sure everything is aligned and ready to go.

I’ve been getting to know My Dream Self, the me-who-lives-this-dream and can give me the best advice about how to get there and what it really means to be there.

I gave my website a makeover (if you have my blog posts sent to you by email, do click here to visit the site and see!) to put my amazing new offer right at the top.

I wrote this blog post and made my commitment to this public (gulp!).

And I am asking you, right now, to think about joining the Circle in 2014.?

Imagine what would happen if you had a whole year of Creative Dream Support… e-courses, tele-courses, group coaching calls plus an entire library of resources and obstacle-banishing dream-growing tools and space to bring your dream from inception all the way to fruition.? The act of making that kind of commitment to yourself is MAGIC.

Creative Dream Circle members are using the Circle to work on things like:

  • starting/growing creative businesses
  • finding their creative dreams
  • healing their hearts and finding new loves
  • taking their art more seriously
  • making more money
  • learning how to make TIME for themselves
  • developing a deep sense of believing in themselves, and their dreams
  • being more productive
  • being less productive, and having more fun
  • practicing extreme self-care

…all sorts of delicious life-enhancing things!

What would you create with a whole year of creative dream support?? (click here to check it out)

My plans for next week:

Well, I haven’t actually thought about this!? I knew I needed to start this post series NOW even though I am not entirely ready.

I’m still swirling in all of the ideas for all of the ways I can make this happen.? I’ve got 4 journals and a giant roll of paper out, sitting beside me.? So I am going to keep doing that, exploring my options for the outer work.

And come up with some daily practices for the inner work.

By next Friday’s post I’d like to have a more detailed plan of what I’m going to DO with this for the next few months.

When you join the Circle, you also get FREE access to ALL of the e-courses and tele-classes I do? all year long. ? It?s going to be a CRAZY AMAZING year.

Click here to join today.

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[FREE Tele-Class] How To STAY In The Magic


How to STAY in the MAGIC is a free tele-class for Creative Dreamers who are ready for the Creative Dream Path to be significantly easier, sparklier and more FUN.

It’s about connecting really firmly with the magic within, connecting with it so firmly that you STAY connected.

It’s about committing to remembering that you are a Creative Genius and that everything is possible for you. Always.

It’s spiritual growth work play designed specially for people who are imaginative, playful and creative.

When I say magic, I don’t mean magic as in spells and wands (unless you’re into that, of course).

I’m talking about what happens when you’re IN THE FLOW.? You know what I mean… During meditation.? Making art.? Making love.? During yoga.? That breakthrough moment after years of therapy.? We all have times when we break through the fog and connect with the magic within.

Most people on this planet are not being who they actually are.

They’re playing roles, doing what they’ve been told to do.

Your dreams call you home, back to yourself and the magic within.

So the act of making your dreams real is the act of bringing your life into alignment with who you really are. ?This is a deeply spiritual process.

Grab your journal and your phone and get ready to explore a whole new approach to making magic.

This live tele-class is completely free for everyone who is signed up for my email list.

It will be juicy, inspiring and mega-helpful. It WILL be recorded, but the recording will only be available to my Creative Dream Circle members. (The Circle is amazing, you can join it right here)


[FREE Tele-Class] How To STAY In The Magic
Tuesday, December 10, 1PM, Central (North American Time)


If you’re not already on my email list, sign up here (you’ll also gt my free Creative Dream Starter Kit):

At the end of the call, you will have a deeper understanding of how to get into and STAY in the MAGIC.

Like, consciously choosing to be in the magic, instead of waiting for it to just somehow (magically?!) happen to you.

[FREE Tele-Class] How To STAY In The Magic Read More »

Theft. Breach of Trust. Recovering from Mistakes.

This is not about stealing ideas, when you copy from others, or when others accuse you of copying them (I did talk about that here).

I wrote this about a situation I am in where I did business with someone, then they took my share of the profits and keep refusing to give them to me.? But really, it’s about any kind of breach of trust.? And it’s about making mistakes and recovering with grace and integrity.

creative journaling
From a page in my journal, kind of reflects how I’m feeling about this.

When something like this happens, it’s tempting to throw all the blame in their direction, but you’ve got to take a look at how YOU got there!

Why did you trust and un-trustworthy person?? What made you say yes to the deal?? Was your intuition trying to push you away from it?

Think back to how you made the decision.? What process did you use to decide?? Have you used this decision-making style in the past and does it normally work for you?? Or is there is a flaw in how you’re making decisions?

Exploring and owning your part in it will help you avoid a situation like this in the future.

It could be that you ignored your intuition because you thought you’d get ______ (easy money, amazing exposure, a huge opportunity, love + acceptance from people you respect, etc).

It could be that your intuition led you right into this because there is something important for you here.

Those are two VERY different scenarios.? And even though the results look the same on the surface, they’re not.

In scenario 1: this is a lesson.? The sooner and better you learn it the sooner you won’t have to keep taking this test.

In scenario 2: this is a gift.? Even if you have to look really hard to find it.

You’ve got to own your part in it, but that does NOT mean that you don’t place the blame where blame is due.

Anyone who steals is a thief.? If someone breaks a promise to you, that is NOT your fault.? That part is not your part to own.

A lot of spiritual people want to focus on forgiveness and karma and not, like, take action.? This is usually done under the guise of being a spiritually evolved person, but it’s really more about being afraid to stand up for yourself and own your power.

I’ve just been sitting with it.? Exploring and owning my part.? I’ve been talking with one other person that I know is in the same boat.? We’re both talking about how we feel as well as exploring practical options for how we want to handle it.

I’ve actually been hoping that, if given some time, this person would give me the money.

Because taking action is uncomfortable.

So I didn’t take action.? I decided to be patient.? I wanted to trust her.

What did I get for my patience?

I still don’t have my money.

But I do have a firmer commitment to myself, to be more careful about who I do business with, and to take action sooner should I find myself in this kind of situation again.

I wrote that part last week and decided not to post it.

It didn’t feel done.? And today I can see why.

What I really want to write about is making mistakes and recovering from them with grace and integrity.

Because that’s the part that is really bothering me about this situation – how she’s handling it and what the long-term impact of this is going to be for her.

Everybody makes mistakes.? Often making a mistake is the only way to learn!? The path of Creative Dreaming is FULL of mistakes, because you’re creating your own path… you can’t create a totally-new totally-unique path already knowing how to do it.? You have to try things to find out how they work.

The only way to not make mistakes is to not do anything that hasn’t been done before.? And Creative Dreamers are too creative for that!

Making a mistake is NOT a problem.

What IS a problem is when you don’t FACE your mistake.? You try to bury it.

You tell yourself (and those you hurt in making the mistake) stories about you as the victim, about how there is nothing you can do.

In time you might even start to believe these bullshit stories.

But a part of you always knows that they’re not true.? You’re not a victim, you’re a creative genius.

There is always a way for you to transform any situation.? But the way to do that is never by avoiding the discomfort of facing up to your actions.

See, I see what is happening for this person who keeps refusing to give me my money.? She’s going deep into denial about her ability to make more money and just pay me (and the others she owes).? She’s sabotaging her own business.? Worst of all, she’s concerned about her mental health.

She’s got layers of guilt and shame and hurt about this in her energy body.? She’s pretending like they’re not there.? She’s not taking responsibility and cleaning up the situation, which means those layers of ick stay with her.

Of course she’s going to be depressed.

Guilt and shame are toxic.

And that is why it’s important to clean up your messes.

As a Creative Dreamer, you CANNOT go on to create your dreams in your world until you clean up those energies.

Admit, at least to yourself, what you actually did.?

Let go of the victim story, let go of the excuses.? Admit what you did without going into those stories.? Own your decision.? It was the best decision you knew to make in the moment.

Be willing to own the consequences.

Don’t try to put them off on other people, that doesn’t even actually work.? In the case of this person who took money from me (and others), to carry on not paying us back through the holiday season is soooo NOT cool.? Borrow money even if you have to use credit cards, have a drastic crazy sale if you have your own business, take on odd jobs, work 18 hours/day – do what you need to do, even if you think you can’t.? This is the consequence of your action.? Own it.

Because then everything lightens up!

Guilt and shame will not stick around after you’ve let go of your stories, owned your decision and cleaned up your mess.

Now you can find the lessons and gifts in the situation.

Now you’re free to go on to create something new.

The longer you go on insisting that you can’t do anything about this or re-telling your victim story about how you had no choice, the longer you stay in that icky energy, cut off from your own creative genius.

You’re better than that.


Theft. Breach of Trust. Recovering from Mistakes. Read More »

If it feels wrong, don’t do it.

When something just feels wrong, that is your intuition speaking to you, letting you know that something is off.

The more you ignore that inner wisdom and just bulldoze through, the easier it gets to just keep on bulldozing…. which creates a gigantic mess in your inner world, and makes it harder for yout o re-connect with your inner wisdom.

Bulldozing is not a tool for successful creative dreaming.

But bulldozing is basically what built our world. There’s a lot of it out there and it can be hard to not fall into that pattern.

I planned tomorrow’s Calm For The Holidays Creative Playdate months ago. It’s one of those times when what I need and want I want to offer are one and the same, and I was really looking forward to it.

But as the date approached, something started to feel off. It was subtle at first, and then I became more and more uncomfortable every time I tried to work on it.

A few weeks ago I started to think about cancelling it, because it felt so wrong. But canceling it felt even more wrong!

I did a lot of journaling and a lot of sitting with my feelings and just waiting.

Sometimes I can’t prep for an event like this until the day before because the energy is shifting so much. As soon as people sign up for a transformative event, transformation starts. So sometimes I wait until the last minute so that I am working with the energy that will show up at the event.

But that’s not what was happening this time. Something was really off.

So, instead of prepping for the class, I did even more journaling, even more sitting with my feelings, even more waiting.

And the answer came.

I wrote last week about a huge shift I am making in my work.

As soon as I shifted things around, the Calm For The Holidays Creative Playdate changed.

The feeling of something being off was gone. I happily prepped for the calls and created the playbook and once again I am soooooo looking forward to this.


Calm is a doorway that leads you to whatever you need right now.
Calm is powerful.
Calm is magic.

Doing what you need to do to get into a state of calm, instead of bulldozing through your to-do list, always brings you somewhere amazing,

I am so happy I worked through the tangled parts to get to this place.? Now the Calm For The Holidays Creative Playdate is going to be amazing.? (It’s tomorrow! Come play with us!)

I wanted to share that story as a little reminder of the importance of listening to your feelings.

Don’t be so hell-bent on Making Things Happen that you stop listening to your inner guidance.

Even when it seems like your inner guidance is trying to direct you away from something you really want, listen to it and explore it. Often it’s just showing you a shortcut or an easier path.


If it feels wrong, don’t do it. Read More »

Calm Friday

Instead of being cranky about how Black Friday seems to be invading Canada this year and that it’s really hard to stay away from the nuttiness, I am writing this list of reasons why I am head over heels in love with winter:

  • The way the snow fall kind of insulates noise and everything feels softer.
  • The way the snow sparkles in the sunshine.? Glitter everywhere!
  • The moodiness of the winter clouds.? The soft grey sky.
  • The tree branches coated in frost.
  • The way the low low sun hits the crystals up in the loft windows and sends rainbows shooting everywhere.
  • The early early sunset, and the lighting of candles.
  • Knitting fluffy snuggly cardigans.
  • The permission to just stay in, because hey, it’s cold and dark out there.
  • Lattes, tea, hot chocolate with Irish Cream.

Winter is the season of quiet and sparkle.? My two favourite things.

And it feels like the beauty and magic of winter get hijacked by our completely insane holiday traditions.

Sometimes this makes me mad, sometimes it makes me sad.

This year I’d like it to inspire me to be more solidly committed to staying in alignment with my inner (quiet!) sparkle.

Because no matter how frantic everything gets out there, you still get to choose calm.

This is what we’ll be doing on Dec 3 at the CALM for the Holidays Creative Playdate.? (And thanks to my new plan, this is playdate now FREE for all Creative Dream Circle members)

We’ll also be exploring how calm is actually a superpower.

And how ending the year with a month of calm creates fertile ground for a dream-filled 2014.

Calm is magic.

And I am wishing you the calmest of Black Fridays.

Calm for the Holidays Creative Playdate


The Calm For The Holidays Creative Playdate is a transformative experience for people who are ready to NOT get caught up in the craziness of the holiday season.

It?s about connecting, deeply, to peace, calm and your amazing inner sparkle.

>>> Click here to read all about it.


Calm Friday Read More »

I (kind of) messed up.

Or, I feel like I messed up.? Even though really I didn’t.

When I started my Creative Dream Circle, I wanted to explore ways to work with dreamers on an ongoing basis (because dreams need ongoing support!) – outside of my classes and in a much-less-expensive way than coaching.

So I invited people who had been taking classes with me to join this secret private group, and started exploring how we could make this work.

The Creative Dream Circle was around for a long time before I ever mentioned it on this blog.

Over the past few years, it has evolved a changed A LOT as I have learned more about what does and does not work.

As I said, what I have wanted to do is offer dreamers rich, on-going support in growing their dreams, for way less money than ongoing coaching.?? And I figured out how many people I needed in the group to make it viable for the amount of work I put into it…

But what I did not include in that calculation was my internal overwhelm-o-meter.

That meter is what has kept the group small, even as I have wanted to grow it.

I have been doing so much energy work with this dream of mine and there has always been part of it that felt tangly… I knew I was doing something to hold this back.

No matter how tangled a dream is, consistent inner work will get the tangles smoothed out and then the dream will grow.? I know this is always true.? So I kept working at it.

And now I see it.? And while I would not change a single thing of what has happened over the last few years (and it has definitely served me ever bit as it has served the group members) I can’t keep doing it this way.

During our monthly (and often twice monthly) calls, I had a promise to make sure no one ever left a call with questions, I would stay on the phone as long as need be.? I love my dreamers, I love talking with them and it was time well spent.

But energetically, this promise meant I was holding space for each member.? Which is a beautiful thing that I loved doing. But my capacity for doing that is quite small.

And that is why the group needed to stay small.? So that I wouldn’t be in a state of overwhelm holding space for everyone.

And truth be told keeping the group small has served also my HSP-ness and introversion and my somewhat neurotic relationship with visibility.

I set things up so that I needed more people in the group than I was able to have.

I messed up.? Sort of.? I see it more as “this is the path I took to get to where I want to be” because as long as you’re doing your best to listen to your own heart – you can’t really make a mistake when it comes to creative dreaming.

You can’t know things before you try/do/experience them!? So I tried.? And I learned.? And now I’m adjusting.

Also: it feels to me like the way I grew this group was the exact perfect way to grow this group. This path has given me time and space to get grounded in my role, to feel sturdy and capable of steering the ship.

But now the group is ready to go from delicate seedling to sturdy tree.

I am happy!

As I make this change, I feel deeply connected to Trust, Generosity and Whole-Heartedness.

So I am re-structuring to make space for MORE dreamers, and MORE dreams come true.

This is where it gets a little convoluted.

I started working on this change a few months ago.

I shifted the pricing structure from monthly to annual, and made the Circle MUCH less expensive.

At the same time, I separated the monthly tele-events from the Circle, and instead offered Circle members 50% discounts on tele-events.

And now I’m seeing how I had it part right, part not-right.? Because to offer these monthly events, and promote each one, and the admin work of creating each one as a separate thing…. the energy doesn’t feel right.? I actualy feels downright WRONG to keep doing this (my stomach tightens up, my shoulders get tense – my body and intuition are screaming at me to stop), which is why I’m not going to keep doing this.

I’m going to go back to offering the events for FREE to Circle members.? At the new, way-low price.

As the group grows, I can’t promise to answer very single question on every single call.? I can promise that the calls will continue to be amazing and fun and they’ll help you get in touch with your dreams and figure out how to bring them to life.

This promise feels so much more energetically balanced.? I can hold this promise as the group grows.

I hold + support the group, instead of each individual member in it.

And I’m creating new coaching and intuitive healing programs for 2014, so when people want more individual support, they can get it there.

It feels like simplicity and spaciousness and ease.

I love it.? More dreamers + more dreams come true in the Circle.? More vibrancy, energy and movement.

Ever since I made this decision, I have felt light and happy – so happy my heart has been kind of sparkling.? A sign of making the right choice.

And I wish I had figured this out a few months ago when I made the first change, so I could have made one big change all at once.

But when it comes to creative dreaming, with each step you take you gain new perspective + understanding which lets you take the next step.? This is at once the most inspiring + the most frustrating part for me.?

It’s just not always possible to do this with neat, logical straight-line paths, the path curves and swirls all over the place.

So now when you join the Circle: you’re going to get EVERYTHING.

ALL the tele-playdates and treasure-mapping parties and group coaching calls.

ALL of my e-courses (yes, including the Creative Dream Incubator itself which we’re going to do together early in the New Year plus Creative With Money which we’ll do later in 2013).

ALL of it.? For just $100/year.

I hope you’ll come play with me, we’re going to have the best time EVER in the Creative Dream Circle in 2014.

PS: While the change itself is in effect now (if you join the Circle you’ll get all the extra stuff I’m adding) my website still has everything set up in the old way. I’ll be changing this over the next few days.? It feels like the whole internet slows down for American Thanksgiving, so this is a good time for me to work on this.

I (kind of) messed up. Read More »

I did it :)

I wrote earlier this week about feeling stuck with wanting to sell handmade original art cards.? I was stuck with making the cards.? I was stuck figuring out a plan for selling the cards.

I was tangled up just thinking about it.

And now… tada!

inspiration cards

New cards! Looking for new homes!

I LOVE living with these reminders of what’s true and beautiful and important and I hope you will too.

inspiration cards inspiration cards

inspiration cards?inspiration cards

You can get them on Etsy 🙂

I did it :) Read More »

Art Journal With Me Live (via Streaming Video)

I’m a part of 21 Secrets LIVE in 2014 – 21 weeks of weekly art journal parties – streamed live!

How amazing will this be?! Get the details right here.

And we’re kicking it off with a holiday painting party – today!

We’ll be painting LIVE in our art journals, chatting up a winter storm, and giving away loads of free prizes!
Date: Monday, December 16
Time: 12pm PST / 3pm EST
Where: ?Spreecast

Hope to see you there!

Art Journal With Me Live (via Streaming Video) Read More »

You’re Invited: CALM For The Holidays Creative Playdate

Calm for the Holidays Creative Playdate

The Calm For The Holidays Creative Playdate is a transformative experience for people who are ready to NOT get caught up in the craziness of the holiday season.

It’s about connecting, deeply, to peace, calm and your amazing inner sparkle.

And it’s about subverting expectations, transforming experiences and creating the holiday season to be what YOU want it to be: joyful, playful and deeply nourishing.

It’s designed for people who want to stay connected to their deep inner calm in the midst of holiday chaos like crazy-long line-ups at the grocery store, unrealistic expectations and the general crazy-making that has become the holiday season.

If you are DONE with the craziness and ready to play: this is for YOU.

You’ll create a totally unique custom-made-just-for-YOU plan for staying out of the holiday chaos.

The Creative Playdate with Calm happens on Dec 3.

We’ll start at 11am (Central, North America), with a tele-circle, then you’ll have time on your own for your playdate (guided by inspiring playbooks, and still held in the magic from our call), then we’ll meet again on the phone at 2pm for more tele-circle magics.

Or you can play on your own later on with the recordings.? Either way, you’ll emerge from the playdate more connected to your amazing inner sparkle.


Get ready to stay out of the crazy, all month long…

Calm for the Holidays Creative Playdate is free for all members of the Creative Dream Circle.


You’re Invited: CALM For The Holidays Creative Playdate Read More »

Being All Tangled Up About Selling My Art

During our last Treasure-Mapping Adventure my intuition and my dreams gave me some clear information and guidance about what to do next.? They asked me to MAKE MORE ART and I agreed that this is a good idea!

My plan was to include an inspiring image of an inspiration card every week in my weekly email, (I already do that part) and to offer these cards for sale, individually or in groups (that’s the new part).

But I keep putting off actually doing this.

As you know, inner critics are VERY good at coming up with bullshit excuses that sound like reasonable reasons.

I have a lot of reasonable reasons why I just don’t have the time or energy to do this right now.

But when I remembered how I FELT when my intuition said to make this art (like my heart had tiny sparkling wings and was flying around, fueled by glee) I was sad because I realised that I had obviously fallen victim to believing bullshit excuses and putting my dream aside.

And I remembered that this happens every time I want to start doing something new, and that the fastest way to move through it is to turn around and face the uncomfortable feelings.

So I journaled about it:


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[from my journal]

What is up? I know I want to do this.

Is that true?

I do want it, my heart wants it, my creativity wants it, my soul wants it (it is smiling about it).

Who doesn’t want it?

Perfectionist and scared little girl who doesn’t want to get hurt or be made fun of, which hurts.

She is sure this would be opening myself up to ridicule. How dare I call this “art”? It’s stupid and a 5 year old could make it. It’s an embarrassment to my education. It really does make me look ridiculous, to take my silly stuff as serious art that I can sell. It’s like letting everyone know that I have no taste or maturity or understanding of what art really is.

I think I’m better than the quality of the art I’m making right now. I want it to be better. Better, how? Better as in? more elegant, cleaner. Less play, more technical execution.

I have technical skills that I am not using!? But the thought of doing that makes my creativity shrivel up, and now it’s no fun to even think about it so I certainly don’t want to DO it.

I like making art to make art, to play, to express myself. Yes, but I want the self I express to be “better”.? More polished.

Even though the lack of polish is an important part of what I want to say with my art – that you don’t have to do anything to be “good enough” that you’ve already earned that just by being here.? I want to encourage more true heart-felt expression and less polishing, unless polishing makes your heart happy, then it’s fantastic and perfect.

People respond to the art I make for myself.? They respond to the energy and inspiration behind it, and the spirit of it – it has nothing to do with technical execution.

What would it take for me to be comfortable with this?? And not tighten up about it, just enjoy making art and put it out there?

I could remember that I’m not forcing anyone to buy it.? That there’s nothing wrong with making the offer.

I could remember that I feel so tangled up because I am being vulnerable – I am sharing my creative expression and creative spirit. It’s ok to feel vulnerable about that.

I could let it be tangly.

Could I?? I think the problem is that because of the tangles I tense up so the art doesn’t work the same, it’s not a true creative soulful expression, it’s distorted by lack of believing in myself.

Yes, that doesn’t work. But if I can accept that vulnerability is scary, can I do this anyway?

NO it’s tangled. I can’t think my way out of the tangle. I can talk to the tangle.

OK, hello tangle.

(nothing happens)

No, this isn’t going to work on its own. I am going to bring the tangle into the Field of Creative Soul Alchemy that we work with in the Creative Dream Circle.

OK, that’s better. The tangle is relaxing in the field. Now it’s sitting on a chaise lounge, reclined and happy. The tangle likes it in the field of Creative Soul Alchemy. That is kind of interesting, since the field is something I CREATED and the tangle is about appreciating my creations.

I do like my/your creations. I want to like them more. I want to feel supported in sharing them with the world. There is no support!

What kind of support?

I like this chaise lounge. I especially like that it is lounge-y. I like lounge-y support. Relaxed. Casual.

You want me to support you in relaxing?

Well, yes.

Well, yes, of course that makes sense. Being tense got you tangly.

Tangly isn’t all bad! That’s a part of the problem – you’re upset that I’m tangled instead of letting me be tangled.

(Tangle stretches out her arms behind her head and snuggles down deeper into the chaise)

OK, you are pretty adorable. If I am ok with letting the tangle be tangled, then what do I do?

Make. Art. Anyway.

Make. Art. Anyway.

Get into the joy of it, remember how you feel once you’re REALLY into it. Art your way into that place instead of waiting to be there when you start!

MAKE BAD ART. Find your trust that you’ll come up with something, don’t try to make it be something from the start. You’re controlling the edges and shape of it too much, and not giving it enough room to breathe. Just hold the intention of creating something to share, don’t try to control it so much!

Well, but I am pretty sure I can sell cards. I don’t know if I can sell other things, so why make other things, if I am specifically making things for other people, doesn’t it make sense to make what I know they want?

Just because you don’t know what you can sell, does not mean you should be limited to what you do know you can sell, do you hear for completely ridiculous that sentence is?

You know you can’t limit yourself only to what you already know, that’s insanity and small thinking.. that is dream killing!

I know you don’t want to do that.

No, you’re right. I want to experiment and try things and in the process learn things.

It’s your approach that needs to loosen up.

(As the tangle says this, she stretches and untangles, then curls back up in the tangle and I see that it’s not knotted as tightly as I thought)

Your job is to pay attention to how you’re feeling, and stay connected.


So that was yesterday. Today I decided to share my journaling, so I’m typing it into my wordpress box.

I’ve got an inner critic screaming that this is ridiculously personal and I should not be sharing it here.

I know that I have clients who struggle with this very thing.? And if I can’t model how I work through this stuff, I can’t be effective as a mentor.

If I only show the shiny side of being on the other side of processing all of this and feeling comfortable and HAPPY about selling my art (and I know I will be there soon), well that actually hinders more than it helps others.

And if I only show my struggles after I’m successfully through them, all I’m demonstrating is a lack of faith in my own process.

I know I’ll get through this.? I’ve done it hundreds of time already.? I’ll do it hundreds of times more.

I’m reminding that voice that I know that so deeply that I can share the messiness while I’m in it.

I really wanted to end this post with an image of the art that I made and now have ready to sell.

The truth is, writing this out and getting it ready for public sharing may be the biggest step I can take with this today (I’m writing this on Sunday morning, and planning to post it on my blog Monday morning).

I’m curled up on my yellow couch, looking over at my art table which is an absolute explosion of colour and pattern and gorgeous creative chaos.

I understand where I’ve been going off the rails with what I’ve been creating.? I have my mission, to pay attention to how I’m feeling, and stay connected.

So, instead, I’ll share a photo of my creative chaos.

Creative Journaling

And a promise to write an update to this as I work through it.

Being All Tangled Up About Selling My Art Read More »

How Do I Start Each Creative Journaling Session?

Creative Journaling Course

Dreamtastic Creative Journals is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing.

If you?re playing along in your journal, share your photos and/or blog posts on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using the #creativedreamincubator hash tag so we can easily find YOU!


How do you start the creative dream journaling? By meditation, by having a theme in your head?. How do you connect to your inner self?

I have been doing your Rainbow~licious Creative Healing Circle (still am) and there the guided meditation (by you) is the start. But I feel that to bring my dreams to live something more is needed. Maybe more practice…


Well, yes, the answer is in the question: practice.

As you explore and develop your own unique creative journal practice you’ll find what works for you.

You can watch the 30 Days of Creative Journals series to see how I approach this from day-to-day.?? I don’t have a specific starting process, it totally depends on where I’m at and what I need in the moment.

It’s less about finding a starting technique that works and more about developing a relationship with your practice.

This way, your journal can meet you where you are and help you get to where you want to be.

Some ideas for ways to start:

  • You can ask yourself: What do I need? as you get started and let the answer direct your explorations.
  • You can make a list of Things That Look Like Fun To You from my 30 Days of Creative Journals series? and try them out, one by one.
  • You can write about your day, complain about your boss, describe your dream in all it’s technicolor glory or write love letters to all the things you want to invite into your life.

Experiment and play.? The more time you spend journaling, the more you’ll learn about what does and does not work for you.

The way I approach my journals is so different today than it was just a year ago, it’s changing all the time.

And, sometimes education is needed.

Bringing your dream to life is usually a bigger job than anyone can do on their own.? I’ve worked with TONS of teachers and mentors in the process of bringing my dreams to life.

There is something extra-magical about working with a transformational program.? Programs create a container for the magic to happen in, they lead you through the process so you can play and explore with confidence knowing that you are headed towards where you want to be.

creative journaling
This is an example of a Treasure Map I made in my journal that I made during one of my Virtual Playdate events, where I lead the group through a transformative journaling processes over the phone.

A good teacher will introduce you to whole new worlds of possibility and show you how to create Creative Dream Momentum.

But it’s your commitment to your own personal practice that determines how much you and your dreams are going to thrive.

How Do I Start Each Creative Journaling Session? Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: