The 2014 Course Calendar. It’s a bright & happy smorgasbord of inspiration, magic & transformation.

Ohmigosh.? So much magic in store this year!

I can’t wait to share it all with you.


Since I’m offering all of this for one low price when you join the Creative Dream Circle, you can take small bites from here or there, focusing only on the parts that inspire you right now.? Or you can totally pig out on creative awesomeness – your choice.

Creative Dream Incubator, Creative With Money and Treasure-Mapping all have links to their description pages because these are all classes I have run before.? The other classes listed here are brand sparklin’ new, with longer descriptions to come…

January 28 – March 11: Creative Dream Incubator

My master-class in the art of bringing ANY dream to life – with creativity, sparkle and joy.? (This is almost over, but you’ll still get all the course material whenever you join, so you can grow your dreams at your own pace.)

April 3: Creative With Money

Harness the superpowers of your creativity, imagination and sense of PLAY to help you bring more ease, flow and freedom into your relationship with money.

This class has been called “*so* full of brilliant I?m still seeing stars and glitter, hours later!

Bringing your creative magic into how you do money changes EVERYTHING.? You’re going to love how this class opens up new possibilities – right before your eyes.

May 13: Make Your Own Creative Genius Inspiration Cards

Inspiration cards are the bomb but your very own unique-and-just-for-you inspiration cards? Pure genius.? I made this short video about this for the Creative Dream Circle:

In this class I’ll lead you through the whole process of creating gorgeous inspiring cards, including how to find the Exact Perfect Thing for your cards to say by exploring the essential qualities of Living An Inspired Life.?

You’ll create a deck of deeply inspiration cards that speaks the language of your soul.

June 5: Love Your Life Creative Journal Course

A Book Of Inspiration, made just for you.

In this class you’ll call in and activate Inspiration, Joy, Enthusiasm and Delight.? I thought about calling this one Creative Journal Your Way To Happiness or Creative JOYnaling.

July 15: Treasure-Mapping.?

A treasure-map is like a vision board on 100% organic super good for you steroids.? We map out how to get from where you are to where you want to be – using meditation, intuition and creative magic.

August 5: The Magic Journal Creative Journal Course

A Book of Magic, made just for you.

In this class you’ll be diving deeper into unique and powerful journaling processes for healing and transformation.

September 15: The Mandala Journal

My How To Draw Mandalas blog post is one of the most popular and well-loved things I’ve ever written.? In this class we’ll dive deeper into the magic, joy & healing potential of playing with mandalas.

You’ll get 30 unique & insightful prompts for working with Mandalas in your journal.

October 23: The Superhero Journal Creative Journal Course

In this class you’ll be exploring your own Superhero nature AKA your Creative Genius.

You’re not going to learn to leap buildings in a single bound or grow strange new body parts or anything.? You will learn about courage, transcending fear, kicking obstacles to the curb and getting yourself un-stuck faster than a speeding bullet.

November 26: Peaceful Happy Holiday Season

Every day, for 30 days, you’ll get a 10 minute meditation. Easy-peasy, creative and fun meditations that help bring more authentic peace and joy into your holiday season.

You’ll get 30 10-minute guided meditation audios – 1 per day for 30 days.

It’s a total feast.

Of course, you’ll also get: The Creative Business Incubator, The Un-Sticking Station, the Creative Genius Mojo-Dojo, The Advanced Creative Badassery Resource Library and everything else included in the Creative Dream Circle.

Looking forward to playing with YOU.

The 2014 Course Calendar. It’s a bright & happy smorgasbord of inspiration, magic & transformation. Read More »

Update #14: I’m Still Kinda Worried About This

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

At this point though, it?s less about the numbers and more about growing my capacity to serve dreamers everywhere in bringing their dreams to life.

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.

Last week I talked about how I am re-building my marketing plan.? As I’ve been exploring the world of my business I’ve been creating this wall of business planning stuff…

Being able to see it all in front of me helps me be clear about what I want to do next.

Last week I shared that I unlocked a whole new level of believing in myself, which was awesome.

This week started a little rocky, I needed extra space & gentleness to get comfortable in this new space.? This is normal any time you shift or heal anything inside of you – you need time to adjust to living as this new version of you.? Sometimes the adjustment is hard because you’re letting go of old ways of being.

Even if your old ways of being were not really serving you, they were familiar.? And humans sure like the familiar!

So letting them go is more complicated than just brushing them off – it takes some work to fully adjust.

So I’ve been adjusting.

Which, this week at least, has meant spending a lot of time becoming irritated with myself!

Like – new me, me who believes in herself more than ever, has these new ways of being that are important to her that I don’t actually know about yet.? I just find out when she gets irritated that I am not doing them.

If this sounds hard to understand – imagine how hard it is so BE in it!

Like, she really doesn’t want to relax in the evening by watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and eating popcorn.? So when I kept doing that she would freak out but I didn’t know what was happening, I was just feeling really annoyed with myself and wishing I was doing something else but not knowing what that something else is.

This is the process of growing into your Dream Self – the You Who Lives Your Dream.

(We learn all about how to do this with grace & ease in Module 6 of the Creative Dream Incubator e-course)

Once I understood what was happening it was so much easier to deal with.? I really like living as the me who believes in herself more.? I like that she would rather sew adorable clothes than watch Buffy.? And it’s really fun to learn more about who and how she wants to be in the world.

A dream come true (on the outside) happens after a million tiny changes (on the inside).

I’m struggling with putting my 2014 class calendar together.

I know what I want to do, it’s just when I try to nail down the dates I get all procrastination-y and weird about it.

So I took my journal out for a latte.? (That’s what I do when I am resisting something.? If I stay home it’s too easy to jump up and do something else.? If I go to a coffee shop with a specific intention, 9 times out of 10 I actually do the thing.)

I started writing about what I wanted to do, listing the classes, then listing the months of the year and it seemed fairly simple to just match them all up…

Except it wasn’t simple, at all.

I had all these inner critics and fears pop up about choosing the wrong classes.

So, using the Un-Sticking Station inside the Creative Dream Circle, I met with EVERY inner critic and fear I had about this.? And I brought in healing for EVERY inner critic and fear I had about this.

When you HEAL an inner critic or fear there is a huge gift.? The essence of these parts of you are powerful and helpful – they’re just all tangled up in some bullshit story.? When you un-tangle the story and heal the pain around it – you can access the essence.

This time in healing my inner critics and fears I was able to access the essences of Steadiness and Presence.

The inner critics and fears that are the most vocal always hold the qualities that you need most.

Steadiness and Presence feel like the most amazing Superpowers that ever superpowered.

And now I trust myself to create the schedule now, I’m not all tangly and frustrated about it.

I’m also looking at how bringing more stability and presence into my daily routines, weekly schedule and business plans can help.

See, I’ve still got fears about growing the Circle.

I worry it will get too big too fast and I won’t know how to handle it.

I worry I’ll get overwhelmed.

But then – I look at what happens in the Circle.


?I?ve actually accomplished more and received more clarity in the 4 weeks I?ve been in the Creative Dream Circle than I have in the past 4 years going it alone.?

Carrie Anspach,

Melody Flurry“I?m one of those people who used to think that I didn?t have enough time or money to participate in the Creative Dream Circle.

I realize now that thinking I didn?t have enough time or money was just an excuse. It was kind of tied into not believing in my own self worth, like I shouldn?t spend the money or take time away from my kids to do this because it was silly and it wasn?t going to cause a change in my life so what?s the point.

That was just my inner critic talking, I realize now, and boy was my inner critic wrong!

These resources and the daily practice of connecting with my creativity has changed my life! It has impacted my relationships and my outlook?in such a positive profound way in such a short period of time that there is no way I would ever stop playing in the Creative Dream Circle.”

Melody Flurry

LIVES ARE CHANGING, powered by creativity and spirit and joy and play.

When I remember that, when I look at how AMAZING all the members are, how supportive and kind and creative and smart they are – well why wouldn’t I want MORE of them to play with?

Every morning I wake up and find tiny miracles happening in the Circle.

I love what we are doing there.

Update #14: I’m Still Kinda Worried About This Read More »

I Want To Do Creative Journaling But I Don’t Want To Have To Get a Whole Bunch Of Materials!

This post is a part of the Dreamtastic Creative Journals ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing. The courses is full of videos, stories, photos, prompts and creative journaling processes that will help you discover the magic within.? Click here to check out what’s happened in the course so far.

Today’s question:

What keeps me from art journaling is my notion that it requires me to carry around huge amounts of materials, or to do wild shit while at home and I really don’t have the time energy and money for that. So if you could?address that, I’d love it.


Good news!? You absolutely don’t have to get any materials you don’t want and you DEFINITELY do not have to do any wild shit.

Creative Dream Journaling is NOT Art Journaling.

Art Journaling is not wrong or anything, it’s just not what I teach.

This is about spending QUALITY time with yourself (like, actually being present with what’s going on inside of you) and with your dream.

That’s it.

It doesn’t matter what it looks like.

It only matters what it FEELS like.

How do YOU want your creative journal practice to feel?

For me, it’s important that it be: expansive, supportive, nurturing, inspiring, playful and transformative.? You get to pick how your practice will be for you.

Some of us looooove having a whole ton of art supplies to play with. Some of us prefer to keep things simple.

At home, I like to play with paints and tons of different art supplies.? But I also like to journal on the go, with just a few markers.?? Neither is better, they’re just different.

The only rule is: don’t do anything you don’t want to do!

Part of what you’re doing with this work is meeting and transforming those inner voices that say you have to do things “the right way”.

Another part of what you’re doing is learning more about YOUR way.? This is how you activate your inner superpowers.

So – get ONLY the art supplies you actually want to play with.? And do ONLY the things you actually want to do.

I Want To Do Creative Journaling But I Don’t Want To Have To Get a Whole Bunch Of Materials! Read More »

Creative Dream TV: How To STOP Spinning Your Wheels

How to stop spinning your wheels

Spinning your wheels is so frustrating!? You’re working so hard but getting nowhere.

When you’re in it, it seems so complicated, but really it’s quite simple: you need traction.

In the video I said I would link to some resources for helping with this.

I’ve got this free class where you can learn more about this “inner approach” I talked about. ?And you can check out this video about How to handle limiting beliefs, fears, doubts & shame.

And, of course, the tools inside the Creative Dream Circle will get your wheels un-spun in no time.

Creative Dream TV: How To STOP Spinning Your Wheels Read More »

Update #13. Unlocking a new level of Believing in Myself

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

At this point – 13 weeks in – the goal is less about the numbers and more about stretching my capacity to serve dreamers everywhere in bringing their dreams to LIFE.

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.


This is a BIG week for me.

I feel like I’ve hit a whole new level of creative spiritual entrepreneurship and I am VERY happy to be here.

Inside the Creative Dream Circle, we’re working on module 4 of the Creative Dream Incubator which is all about transforming fear, turning inner critics into allies and shifting comfort zones to include less of what you don’t want and more of what you do want.

I’ve gone through this process many times, and each time there are new gifts in it for me.

And each time it gets a little easier to face my fears.

But this week it’s RIDICULOUSLY easy.

My fears are showing up TINY and with a sense of great spaciousness around them.

This has a such a radical impact on how I feel!

Which is giving me a clearer perspective, which is helping me see the things I wasn’t seeing before.

It’s not just that I have the courage to look at the things I didn’t want to look at before, it’s that I can look at them and see through the problem right to the solution.

I feel like I unlocked a new level of believing in myself.


Of course, I’ve been working on my new Guided Journal & Colouring Book: You Got This. Dissolving Doubt & Bolstering Your Potential to Believe in Yourself and the book is working its magic on me, for sure.

(That book will be available on TUESDAY!)

And, this is update THIRTEEN – that’s thirteen weeks of focused attention to what I want to create.? Momentum builds over time.

Plus, I got some help from my friends this week.

I’ve got Hiro Boga‘s words ringing in my ears, something she said to me when I asked her a question that I am still working out the answer to.? I had a tea date with Jamie Ridler and as we chatted about what we’re doing in our businesses I got a HUGE piece of clarity.? Then I asked Kate James a question about marketing and her response brought me to exactly where I need to be.

Even though I work alone, I have such a rich network of creative support.? Feeling super grateful for this.

When I started this series, I shared the things I was going to do each week, including making time to revisit some of the better business courses I have taken over the years, like Unveiling the Heart of your Business (highly highly recommended if you are just starting out in business) and Become Your Own Business Adviser (much more expensive but highly recommended if you are a little further along) and the book The Creative Entrepreneur.

I’ve been doing that, a bit.?? But I was kind of just flitting around, reading things here and there, and not being clear on where to focus.

This week I saw where I need to focus: marketing.

To take apart my entire marketing strategy and re-build it.

It’s like I am looking at everything with much clearer eyes right now and seeing new possibilities, so I want to re-build.

What I’ve been doing has worked, so it hadn’t really occurred to me to take it apart and re-build it.

I was operating on the assumption that if you can get 10 people you can get 100, and it you can get 100 you can get 800 – it just takes more time.? And the most important part is to stretch your internal capacity, so that’s where I focused.

Well now that I have been stretching my internal capacity for 13 weeks I see things differently.

Also, if you’ve been following these updates you know I’ve been doing a lot of journaling and exploring what “working” means and what I want it to mean in my business, and how I want my business to feel for me and what kind of impact I want it to have.

It’s all coming to a head now.? I can see how and where things aren’t working – according to my NEW definition.? I can see how to take apart the parts that are not working.? I can see what I want to build.

I’ve spent two years building the insides of the Creative Dream Circle as my full-time job.? Now it’s time to build an outside that is worthy of the inside.

People join the Circle are are surprised by how much is there, by how powerful and transformational it is.

It’s a happy surprise, but still – I don’t want them to be surprised!? I want to be describing it better and I feel really clear right now on how to do that.

I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me, and I am super excited about diving into it.

PS: Remember if you join the Circle NOW – you get to come to next week’s Creative Journal Playdate!

Update #13. Unlocking a new level of Believing in Myself Read More »

Make Your Own Creative Genius Inspiration Cards


Inspiration cards are the bomb but your very own unique-and-just-for-you inspiration cards? Pure genius.

This is a video I made for the Creative Dream Circle.

Today I thought I’d share it out here so you can play too!

I’ll be leading a whole class on Inspiration Cards, starting May 8 called Let’s Make Inspiration Cards together.? This is a highly unique and a highly creative class.? You’ll make Inspiration Cards to fill your whole world with magic & inspiration. Each card is a tiny propeller – propelling you towards your dreams.

Make Your Own Creative Genius Inspiration Cards Read More »

Feeling overwhelmed and awkward about some parts of this…

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.

I do want to keep posting updates every week, even when I don’t have any real news – mostly to show how small steps add up to miracles over time.

It can’t always be exciting.

It’s really about sticking with it day after day.? Sitting down to do the work, day after day.? Doing what you need to do to stay inspired, day after day.

Other people will be inspired and interested when something exciting is happening.

You need to stay inspired and interested even when nothing is happening.

This week I did lots of really great journaling.? Lots of exploring how I want everything in my work life to be.


My focus has been a lot less about how to get to 800 members and more about how can I best use my gifts in service to dreamers.

The answer to that question has always been shifting as I am always growing.

I know the Circle is key because dreams need on-going support, that’s why I want to focus on the Circle instead of focusing on private sessions or e-courses.

I went back to offering private sessions recently because it’s something I LOVE to do and I was inspired to do so, but only on a limited basis – I don’t want that to take up the bulk of my time or energy.

I know DREAMERS are who I am here to serve because I am so passionate in my belief that our dreams come true will save the world.

I am feeling very connected to my passion and purpose and so focusing on business goals doesn’t feel like a huge priority right now.

Not that I am letting this goal go (I’m not!), this is just how I’m feeling about it right now.

I am focused on creating special new treats for Circle members.

There are two ways to grow a business: outward or inward.

Outward as in reaching out and growing your audience.

Inward as in reaching in and serving your people more fully.

You can do both or one or the other.

For a long while my focus was inward as I was building the Circle.? Once the Circle was ready for more members, I thought my focus should shift to outward.

Now I’m thinking no.

I do my best stuff when I’m inward focused.? I feel overwhelmed and awkward about the outward stuff.


Feeling overwhelmed and awkward can be signs of being out of your comfort zone which is part of what you have to do in the process of change.

Feeling overwhelmed and awkward can be signs that what you’re doing just isn’t right for you.

You have to dig deeper into your feelings to know: is what you’re doing aligned with your truth and it’s just awkward to stretch into the next level, or is what you’re doing not quite aligned with your truth?

That’s where I’m at.

I think being outward focused is #2 for me right now – not quite aligned with my truth.? But I could just be trying to bullshit myself because I don’t like being uncomfortable.

As I shared last week, it was liberating to see that being outwards focused for January didn’t result in more sales for January (over last January).? But does that mean being outward focused doesn’t work for me or does that mean I need to give it more time?

These are the kinds of circular thought processes that are a part of building your own path, instead of following someone else’s.

This week I gave away my first guided journal and mandala colouring book: You Are Loved.

This book is a mini version of a series of books I wanted to create.? I put this out there as a test to see if I really do like making these and if anyone is going to care about them.

Delightfully, I LOVED making it and yes people do like it.

So I am working on the first full-sized version which I will be releasing next week.? Ideally, I’d like to make one every month.? They’d be free for Creative Dream Circle members and available for sale on my website.

Plus I just scheduled a streaming video journal party (for Circle members only) to celebrate the first one.? This next book will be out next week and the streaming video playdate will be the following week.

I have a LOT of inspiration and joy and energy for this.

This is being very inward focused which is in my comfort zone.

I’ll keep exploring whether or not this is the right path for me, or if I am just trying to avoid the discomfort of stretching into something new.? My hunch is that I do need to be doing BOTH.

Feeling overwhelmed and awkward about some parts of this… Read More »

It’s official: The Dream Loft Is MINE. [epic photo post]

This is a 2.5 year long story.

Two and a half years ago, I got this intuitive hit to take a different route home from the park one day. I drove past a construction site and my inner Creative Dream Fairy went NUTS. Google it! Call them! You need to find out more about what they are building here! This is for YOU!

I was in my first year of being 100% self-employed. I kind of had my hands full without the thought of MOVING. But I goggled it.

Whoa.? They were building two and three storey townhouse loft condos, built in small buildings forming a rectangle around a park.? No two suites the same floorplan, but all had huge, HUGE windows, cool (cool looking but the floors are actually heated) polished concrete floors, bright open spaces.? Laundry in the bathroom in up in the loft.? Paths meandering through the park, with small wooden bridges that lead to each person’s door.

It looked pretty great!

My intuition was very clear: I would be able to do my best work in this kind of space. It would help me grow into who I need to be to do what I want to do.

Still, there was a gap between me-from-before-the-dream-loft and me-who-lives-in-the-dream-loft.

This gap was much larger than I thought when I started.

I set out on what I thought would be a fairly simple journey.

I followed my intuition which said: sell the house as quickly as you can, go stay with your parents for a month.? Set up your tent in their super cool back yard – it will be awesome!

And it was awesome.

It was also a really good teaching opportunity.? When you do things that go “against the grain” people react in strange ways.

People, like grown-ups who I thought had some level of maturity, actually made fun of me.? Like there is something wrong with wanting to live how you want to live.

This tent was all full of down pillows and quilts and journals and art supplies.? It was heaven.

But just because I was doing things differently – I was teased.

This grew my motivation to be a beacon for dreamers and create safe spaces for them to do what their hearts are calling them to do, rather than follow societal norms like a robot.

Construction on the loft was delayed, the weather turned cold, and I moved into my parent’s basement.

This condo development is super unique and in some ways it made sense that there would be delays.? However, the developer handled everything very poorly, which made everything harder. (Plus if it made sense that there would be delays shouldn’t that have been factored into the possession date? But I digress.)

This whole time though, I knew I was not really caught up in a new construction nightmare, I was in the inner process of growing into me-who-lives-in-the-loft.

Not that this was easy.? Growing into a new way of being is not easy – this is why most people don’t even attempt to go after their dreams.

If I had just packed up my things and moved into the loft there wouldn’t have been a transformation.

But that was only stage one of my transformation.? I have been living in the Dream Loft for a long time but signing the papers kept being delayed.

I had no papers or anything saying that I had any right to live here.? I haven’t known if one day I would just suddenly have to leave.? Or if I would buy the condo but the rest of the development wouldn’t be finished and I would have a really hard time selling it later.

In a lot of ways, this looks like the absolute worst financial decision I’ve ever made.

But I have to trust internal over external.

I have to trust my inner knowing about what is best for me.? All the magic is in TRUSTING the process, NO magic is in JUDGING the process.

At the end of January, 26 months after the original possession date, I took official and legal possession of the Dream Loft.

I just took a quick flip through my instagram to share a few pics:

The Dream Loft changes all the time.

It’s about 1,000 square feet, with the main floor being larger than the second floor, and space on the main floor that is two storeys tall.? The second floor loft looks out over onto the main floor.? I got an extra-tiny kitchen so I’d have more open space (I don’t like cooking anyway).

I got rid of over HALF OF MY THINGS to move in here.

Not because it’s super small, but because I wanted it to feel open and spacious.? And I wanted my life to be SIMPLE.? It’s amazing how having a lot of things makes things less simple… I do think I want to write a whole blog post about this.

The things I have now are only the most useful and happy-making things.? And this makes it easy to move things around every time I am inspired to, which I love doing.? So I am always re-arranging.

I’ve got lots of soft nooks to curl up in for journaling.? Huge tables for art-making and sewing.? Comfy couch and chairs which is where I do most of my laptopping.

In hindsight, everything was perfect.

Everything played out how it needed to play out to support me in growing into who I wanted to be next.

And here I am.

After this 2.5 year journey, I now trust myself to take care of myself in ways that I couldn’t have even known about when this all started.

And I live in my Dream Loft, and living and working here makes me feel like I can do anything.? That is worth every second of the journey it took to get here.

No matter what kinds of delays you may be facing on route to your dream: stick with it.

It’s official: The Dream Loft Is MINE. [epic photo post] Read More »

When Inner Critics Attack

when inner critics attack

Yesterday I shared my Valentine’s gift with the world: the You Are Loved guided journal & mandala colouring book.? Happily, this has gone over so well, my web server has crashed repeatedly.

I know I create and share (and sell!) things all the time.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy for me.

It’s actually NOT easy for me to put my stuff (and myself!) out there.? For me to do this work for a living requires daily discipline for meeting with and transforming my inner critics.

My inner critics had a FIELD DAY with the self-love journal/colouring book project.

They hated almost everything about it and they were ridiculously mean in their reasons why this was a stupid thing for me to do.

It took A LOT of work for me to calm down.

I sent them love.? I listened to their complaints.? I negotiated.? I got all tense and afraid.? I did energy work and journaling.? I used the Un-Sticking Station in the Creative Dream Circle to transform them into helpful allies.

I spent a lot of time and energy giving them the time and attention and love they needed, so they could feel safe enough to settle down.

This work is a regular part of what I do when I launch new creative projects out into the world.

I wanted to make sure to share this part of the story because too often we focus on the shiny happy endings and dreams come true.? You may see that I put a lot of stuff out into the world and assume that this is all shiny happy fun for me.

This leaves you with this sense that “things just work” for other people and that if your dream doesn’t just magically come true on its own – that means you can’t have your dream.

This is EXACTLY what your inner critic wants you to think.? This kind of thinking stops dreams in their tracks.

Also – part of what makes inner critics so powerful is that we do tend to keep them hidden. They shrink in the light.

So I like to keep mine well-lit by sharing the truth about them.

Your inner critics freaking out is not a sign to stop.

Inner critics freak out.? That’s their job.? Your job is to go after your dreams anyway.

I know it’s hard.

And if you’re dealing with this I am sending you so much love…

But I’m also sending a firm reminder that you can’t STOP just because your inner critics freak out.

You have to take charge.? Do not wait for your inner critics to magically change on their own.

Unless, of course, you WANT to be miserable.

Your inner critics are scared wounded inner children who need love and healing.? They’ll freak out at the most awkward times.

They still deserve love because they are a part of you.

It’s like your dreams – all the things you want to do doing, the way you want to be living, the you you really want to be – live in the most amazing castle ever.

The inner critics are the sharks that live in the moat around the castle.? Their whole mission is to keep you from entering the castle.

Their mission is not fueled by anger or malice or anything – they’re just afraid of the changes that will happen once you enter the castle.? They simply don’t understand that you have the courage, integrity and wisdom to handle the changes.

So what are you going to do?

There are only two choices:

  1. Run away and live forever in the Land Where No Dreams Come True
  2. Figure out how to put the drawbridge down

Some people like to pretend that there is another choice, that you can somehow wait them out, and maybe tomorrow the inner critics will quiet down so they can have their creative play time.

These people are just in denial about living in the Land Where No Dreams Come True.

Yes, finding that drawbridge and putting it down really is hard work and it’s scary and doing it over and over again is a total pain in the ass.

But letting those sharks win is just stupid.? Your dreams are too important.

And the treasures that live in the castle are a gazillion times better than you think they are.

Sometimes my inner critics just freak out because they’re freaking out.

Sometimes they freak out because I am onto something that could change everything.

That was what was happening on Monday.

Now that I have made one small guided journal/colouring book, and now that I see that people really love it, I see this whole new path opening up:

BIG, DEEP, CRAZY MAGIC guided journals and colouring books.? A HUGE LIBRARY FULL OF THEM.

Once I get into the swing of creating these, I believe I can be doing one every month.? They’ll be available for sale on my website – and free for my darling Creative Dream Circle members.

Plus we’ll do live streaming video playdates to journal with them together!

The thought of this makes me want to dance and spray glitter all over everything.

Riding out the Inner Critic Freak-out on Monday, and taking the time to use the tools that work to transform the inner critics, means I get to this place: having a new idea, being inspired and excited and seeing that the path is clear ahead of me.

It means I can dive in to a new dream.? Totally worth doing the work of dealing with the inner critics!

If you’re a Creative Dream Circle member – you can use the tools in the Un-Sticking Station to deal with ANY inner critic attack.? It will lead you through the whole process of transforming your inner critic lovingly and effectively.

When Inner Critics Attack Read More »

FREE Guided Journal + Mandala Coloring Book for Self-Love.

What it is: 15 pages of journal prompts and hand-drawn mandala coloring pages to explore and colour.

Mandala Coloring Pages + Guided Journal for Self Love


It’s a beam of creativity & love, from my heart to yours.

This book is designed for people who want to lead creatively abundant lives ? and do ?impossible? things, with ease & joy, every day.

Filled with journaling prompts, unique energy alchemy processes and hand-drawn healing mandala coloring pages, this book will lead you through the process of learning more about your (amazing!) self.


There is magic in this book.

You activate that magic by playing with it.

Play in whatever way you want to play. Use whatever art supplies are fun for you: glitter pens, crayons, collage, etc.? There are no rules here.

The journaling prompts are tiny little diving boards, for you to dive off of into your own adventure – go off on tangents and explore whatever thoughts come up in the process.? They will lead you to amazing places.

The healing power of the mandala coloring pages is activated when you colour them in, lighting them up with your unique creative expression and ideas.? (If you want to explore mandalas further and draw your own, I?ve got an easy-peasy anyone-can-do-it How to Draw Mandalas Tutorial right here.)

My hope is that this book helps you to fall more deeply in love with your amazing self.

mandala coloring pagesmandala coloring pagesmandala coloring pages


If you like this book, I would sure appreciate it if you would SHARE this Guided Journal with Mandala Coloring Pages.

Use the Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/email buttons above to post this on your networks or share with your friends.

If you REALLY like it, check out my full-length guided journals and journaling classes available inside the Creative Dream Circle.

FREE Guided Journal + Mandala Coloring Book for Self-Love. Read More »

Procrastination and finding the easy way to do something hard


I put off these two things for months:

  1. Making my private sessions public (I had been doing private sessions all along, but had stopped offering it as a thing on my website a year and a half ago, so I was only working with people who had already been working with me before I took it off my website)
  2. Making guided journals and colouring books.

At first, I had all sorts of reasons why I couldn’t do either of these things right now.

Reasonable reasons.? Excuses love to dress up as reasonable reasons!

And then I noticed that these reasonable reasons were actually keeping me from doing what I want to do.

And that putting these things off didn’t actually feel good.

So I decided to do them.

I tried to take control of the situation.? I made time in my schedule to work on these things.? I moved them up the priority list.

And suddenly everything else in the whole world was so much more important than doing these things!

I was a procrastinating manic.

Everything about working on these things felt HARD.?

It felt scary and like I didn’t know how to do it and like everything is hopeless anyway so why bother?

Oh my.? No wonder I had been avoiding this for so long!

When I just can’t seem to do something the way I’m trying to do it, instead of giving up I set my sights on finding the easiest possible way in.?

Instead of going full speed ahead, what if I just stick my teeny tiny baby toe in the door towards doing this?

Ahhh.? Relief. And room to breathe.

  1. Instead of diving head first into offering private sessions – I am offering a limited number of private sessions on my website.? This feels good.? A solid step, not an overwhelming leap.
  2. Instead of diving into creating and selling my guided journals and colouring books, I am making a mini version and giving it away – my Valentine’s gift to you.

For the private sessions, I spent a lot of time exploring how to offer this in a way that feels good and nurturing and inspiring and sustainable for me.

This is also why I added custom art to these sessions (during the session I’ll make you a treasure map that outlines your transformational process and next steps).? That is an idea I have been playing with for years and I’m really happy to be taking this step with it.

It seems important to add that it doesn’t matter why I felt overwhelmed at the thought of putting these sessions out there on a permanent basis.

I love doing this work and I don’t know why taking this particular step freaked out my inner critics.? It’s more important to focus on am I sure I want to do this? and how can I do this in a way that feels good?

I’m highly sensitive and highly introverted and kind of weird and I get overwhelmed sometimes. It just happens.? Over the years I have found that it makes more sense to figure out a way to NOT feel overwhelmed, than it does to explore the overwhelm and try to figure out WHY it’s there (which opens up a Pandora’s Box of stuckness).

(If you’re a Creative Dream Circle member you can use the Un-Sticking Station to do this – un-sticking the stuck helps you find the way through)

For the journals, it’s kind of like I was DROWNING in ideas about what I can do with them.

I am imagining this being a huge series of books (they’ll be available for sale on my website, and Creative Dream Circle members will get them free).

With this many ideas, it’s really hard to know where it start.

But I kept sitting quietly with the essence of what I want to create, and one day it just dawned on me that Valentine’s Day is coming up and I could make the first one?a “mini” version about self-love and give it away as Valentine’s gifts instead of selling it.

This idea came with a GIGANTIC wave of relief.? Giving things away is a lot easier than selling them and it’s an ideal way to bring a new creative project to life.

(Your free Valentine’s guided journal and colouring book will be out later in the week.)

Once I got started making the freebie journal and colouring book, I got clearer on what I want to do next with the journals, and even have the first full journal underway – it’s called YOU GOT THIS, a journal about transforming doubt.

affirmation inspiration card

I love how taking that teeny tiny step gets you into movement and creative flow.

And now I am DOING these two things that I had been just DREAMING about for so long.

Think of the thing(s) you’d love to do that you are putting off.? Are there any teeny tiny super easy baby steps you can take today?

Procrastination and finding the easy way to do something hard Read More »

I want to be MIRACULOUSLY productive.

I want to be dazed and confused over how much I get done every day while still totally having fun and staying all zen and calm.

But I am not uber productive.

I’m not even always having fun or staying zen.

And it’s making me very cranky!?

Yesterday I posted a photo of taking a nap… I took that nap in the hopes that it would cure the cranky, which it did NOT.


In the Creative Dream Incubator e-course this week we’re exploring the essence of our dreams.

Getting all sorts of sweet delicious clarity about the essence of my dream (which is the heart and soul of the dream – a living energy being who can help you make your dream real) is just making me hyper aware of the gap between where I am and where I want to be.

As long as you are growing as a person you’re going to come across that gap.

Being aware of it is a good thing, it helps you bridge it.

But being aware of it is also a sucky crankifying thing because dude – I want to be there but I am here.

I’m also noticing, when I get out of that “I AM CRANKY, THIS ISN’T FAIR, DAMNIT!” energy pattern, that all of the things I am wishing for are ways of being.

I want to FEEEEEL blissfully productive.? Which I can do, if I work on my inner relationship with productivity and untangle whatever is tangled there.

I want to FEEEEEEL happy and zen about being productive.? Which I can do, if I work on my inner relationships with the inner critics and fears that are keeping me from feeling that way.

I’m super cranky about this when I am in that space of wanting things to change on the OUTSIDE.

The crankiness melts when I remember that it’s all about what is happening on the INSIDE.

I love how each time I do the Creative Dream Incubator course it brings me new gifts and helps me move into a deeper connection with my inner truth.

The path is not easy, but the gifts are worth it.

We have one rule in this session of the Incubator – You’re Not Behind, Ever.? We’re committed to honouring our unique process and doing this together, but working at our own pace.? This means it’s not too late for YOU to join us 😉

I want to be MIRACULOUSLY productive. Read More »

How disappointment is LIBERATING

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.


When you have a dream, you almost always have things you know you could do about it, that you are not doing. Like – I want to write a book but I am not sitting down to write.

The things you know to do are not necessarily the things that are going to get you what you want. But doing them gets you moving.

When you stay in your stories of what you think it will be like, instead of diving into the process, you create an energy of resistance around you.

I had an energy of resistance around me about doing everything I could to promote my courses.? So last month I decided to do ALL THE THINGS I knew to do, to promote it.

Exhausting, yes. But it created movement and detangled the resistance energy around me. Totally worth it.

I discovered that doing ALL THE THINGS didn’t actually work!


While I was happy with the number of people who signed up for the Creative Dream Incubator last month, it was only a small increase over how many people signed up last January. And given that I dropped the price this year, it meant I didn’t make more money this January than I did last January.

That was disappointing. I still made more money than I need, doing the things I love most, so it’s not a total bust or anything.

And just a little time journaling about it showed that it was, in fact, liberating.

What if WORKING MY ASS OFF had doubled my income?

Wouldn’t I then be tempted to keep WORKING MY ASS OFF as my permanent plan, instead of temporary measures to get myself out of resistance and into movement?

Even though I was journaling in a coffee shop, I actually laughed out loud about this. Of course I didn’t want it to work!

But now I see all these new possibilities for how this can work, now that I am MOVING with this.

It’s like that process of doing everything I thought I “should” be doing was little a clarifying fire. It burned off all this bullshit and has left me so much more connected to my truth. The inner critic who says “You have to follow the rules” is probably not totally gone, but got a LOT smaller this week.

Such a beautiful thing and totally worth the discomfort of staying out of my comfort zone last month.

The most amazing thing this week is that there are miracles happening EVERYWHERE in the Circle.

People are opening up to their dreams and miracles are happening. I never get tired of seeing this happen.

The energy of the Circle is amazing and it is drawing new people in.

I’m also hearing a recurring theme from new members, that they have wanted to join for a long time, but they were scared because they knew that joining would mean dropping all of their excuses for why they can’t have what they want. And dropping your excuses is terrifying!

(Well, actually, I think getting to the end of your life and looking back to see you followed other people’s rules and didn’t get any of YOUR dreams is much more terrifying)

The Circle is a SAFE space for doing this work and for facing the hard stuff in the lightest possible way.? People are so relieved to find there is so much love and support for doing this work with LIGHTNESS.

Now I’m wondering – how do I create more of that safety out here? A public blog is not a clear, solid container like a private program is. But there have to be ways to invite more of those qualities in, there has to be a way to create a safer path.

This weekend I’ll be journaling about that, and exploring some exciting ideas that are springing up in the places where the “you have to follow the rules” inner critic used to hang out.

How disappointment is LIBERATING Read More »


ZING: Intuitive Spiritual Healing + Energy Work/Play + Creative Transformation + Custom-made HEARTfelt Art.? All together!


What do you wish to transform?

  • Is it a Bossy-Pants Inner Critic?
  • A limiting belief that you know is not true but you just can’t shake it?
  • A sad story that you’re ready to leave in the past?
  • A fear that has held you back for too long?
  • This obstacle that you can’t quite seem to get around?
  • Or is it something invisible… you know something is stopping you from moving forward but you don’t know what?

Imagine it… transformed, with love and spirit and the magic of creativity.

Imagine moving deeper into your inner truth. Aligning with the power of wholeness that lives within you.

Healing. Joy. Liberation. This is the magic of Zing!


You get:

  • One delight-filled phone session with me, (we’ll meet on a conference line with a US number) roughly 45 minutes long – depending on where our adventure takes us.
  • Recording of our session.

PLUS: Custom-made-just-for-you ART!

While we’re talking I will be drawing out a map of your transformation process.

Your very own treasure map! This will include my notes from our call, drawings of energy patterns, new qualities coming in, etc, etc, the kinds of messy heartfelt artwork you see in my journals – only it will be all about YOU.


Creative Intuitive Healing Work is powerful stuff.

?Dear Andrea,

Thank you for being so very present, open and agenda-less in our session. And so supportive!

It wasn?t just technique (I?m maybe too good at picking up technique when it?s not connected to heart) ? you have great techniques/skills, but it?s so obvious that they?re organically grown (from the heart out), not pasted on (tools with no soul for the work).

I felt seen and heard (as did all my inner voices ? ohmyword, I?m still grinning about how you suggested drawing them too) which is the biggest of the big.

Yeah, that might not be the clearest phrase – but that feeling of being seen and heard and accepted, having a space held ? it?s so huge I can?t find a way to write about it!

With much love and appreciation –

Karen Caterson,Writer & Creator of Square-Peg {Life}Support Guides

Tery?Between my personal and business life, I had a lot on my plate. I was truly stuck with Time Management Skills.? My thought process at the time was to have a perfect schedule/itinerary. You helped me to realize that Time Management is more of being *effective* with your work within that time frame.

I was very overwhelmed and frustrated.? All the time I did have, I would just sit there in total frustration due to perfectionism.

After our session, I had to ponder. I had to reflect. Take it all in ? then I got it!

Now I am getting everything done!? If I only work for One hour ? that time is highly effective. I have jumped full throttle into my creativity.

Now, nothing stands in my way.?

Teresa Brouwer, Willow Creek Studio,


?Andrea has helped me to rethink my relationship with money and planting seeds for my businesses.
What I love most about her work is her wonderful guidance and making creative pursuits less intimidating.?


Helene Kwong, Renaissance Woman,


You can read more of what people have to say about working with me here.


Cost: $175, including delivery of your artwork.

If you have a question, email me using the contact form on this page.


There are currently no sessions available.

If you’d like to work with me – join the Circle!

Zing! Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: