The 2014 Course Calendar. It’s a bright & happy smorgasbord of inspiration, magic & transformation.
Ohmigosh.? So much magic in store this year!
I can’t wait to share it all with you.
Since I’m offering all of this for one low price when you join the Creative Dream Circle, you can take small bites from here or there, focusing only on the parts that inspire you right now.? Or you can totally pig out on creative awesomeness – your choice.
Creative Dream Incubator, Creative With Money and Treasure-Mapping all have links to their description pages because these are all classes I have run before.? The other classes listed here are brand sparklin’ new, with longer descriptions to come…
January 28 – March 11: Creative Dream Incubator
My master-class in the art of bringing ANY dream to life – with creativity, sparkle and joy.? (This is almost over, but you’ll still get all the course material whenever you join, so you can grow your dreams at your own pace.)
April 3: Creative With Money
Harness the superpowers of your creativity, imagination and sense of PLAY to help you bring more ease, flow and freedom into your relationship with money.
This class has been called “*so* full of brilliant I?m still seeing stars and glitter, hours later!”
Bringing your creative magic into how you do money changes EVERYTHING.? You’re going to love how this class opens up new possibilities – right before your eyes.
May 13: Make Your Own Creative Genius Inspiration Cards
Inspiration cards are the bomb but your very own unique-and-just-for-you inspiration cards? Pure genius.? I made this short video about this for the Creative Dream Circle:
In this class I’ll lead you through the whole process of creating gorgeous inspiring cards, including how to find the Exact Perfect Thing for your cards to say by exploring the essential qualities of Living An Inspired Life.?
You’ll create a deck of deeply inspiration cards that speaks the language of your soul.
June 5: Love Your Life Creative Journal Course
A Book Of Inspiration, made just for you.
In this class you’ll call in and activate Inspiration, Joy, Enthusiasm and Delight.? I thought about calling this one Creative Journal Your Way To Happiness or Creative JOYnaling.
July 15: Treasure-Mapping.?
A treasure-map is like a vision board on 100% organic super good for you steroids.? We map out how to get from where you are to where you want to be – using meditation, intuition and creative magic.
August 5: The Magic Journal Creative Journal Course
A Book of Magic, made just for you.
In this class you’ll be diving deeper into unique and powerful journaling processes for healing and transformation.
September 15: The Mandala Journal
My How To Draw Mandalas blog post is one of the most popular and well-loved things I’ve ever written.? In this class we’ll dive deeper into the magic, joy & healing potential of playing with mandalas.
You’ll get 30 unique & insightful prompts for working with Mandalas in your journal.
October 23: The Superhero Journal Creative Journal Course
In this class you’ll be exploring your own Superhero nature AKA your Creative Genius.
You’re not going to learn to leap buildings in a single bound or grow strange new body parts or anything.? You will learn about courage, transcending fear, kicking obstacles to the curb and getting yourself un-stuck faster than a speeding bullet.
November 26: Peaceful Happy Holiday Season
Every day, for 30 days, you’ll get a 10 minute meditation. Easy-peasy, creative and fun meditations that help bring more authentic peace and joy into your holiday season.
You’ll get 30 10-minute guided meditation audios – 1 per day for 30 days.
It’s a total feast.
Of course, you’ll also get: The Creative Business Incubator, The Un-Sticking Station, the Creative Genius Mojo-Dojo, The Advanced Creative Badassery Resource Library and everything else included in the Creative Dream Circle.
Looking forward to playing with YOU.