Update 32: The Reality Of Bringing A Big Dream To Life

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.(you can read my original post about this here)

At this point though, I’m not interested in the numbers.What I am excited about is having that feeling of DOING MY BEST, to grow my capacity serve dreamers in bringing their dreams to life inside the Circle, to DO MY BEST to work on the places where I hide and hold back, to DO MY BEST so share my gifts. ? And I want to explore more about how I want this all to work for me, and how I want to feel inside it.

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.


Last week’s update was uncomfortable for me to share (later that day I added another post about how being in the process of change is hard) ?Last week I wasn’t sure what my dream was anymore, which, as a professional dreamer, is embarrassing to admit.? But it is a part of the process.

A faraway dream is pristine.? It’s perfect and beautiful and you just know that once you get it your whole life will change and you will be deliciously happy every day always for the end of time.

Dreams you’re working on are messy.? It’s like that dreamboat you see from across a crowded room looks much better in that moment than they do when they’re leaving their dirty socks on the floor as though the clothes hamper isn’t right there.

That pristine dream is a fantasy.? To bring that dream from fantasy into reality you have to… bring it into reality, which is messy and awkward and hard sometimes and doesn’t look like how you thought it would but OMG it feels amazing it have it for real.

Messy, awkward and hard are just a part of the process and do NOT mean there is anything wrong.? That’s why I make sure to share the awkward hard parts, without them you don’t get to the dream come TRUE.

Giving up just because it’s hard is lame.? And holding onto that fantasy instead of having the reality is lame.

So, last week was hard.? I was doing a lot of work shifting my perceptions and moving my comfort zones around, which is really, really awkward to do.? (For Creative Dream Circle members, Module 4 of the Creative Dream Incubator helps with this)

Working through all of that hard made this week FUCKING AMAZING.? I got more clarity on what I really really want and feel more sure about myself, which is what happens when you work through the hard parts.

Creative Dream Update Questions Part 1:

(I don’t do Part 1 every week, but since things are shifting so much now I am re-doing this part)

My dream is:? To do my best.? To know and feel deep down in my bones that I am doing my best in creating the Circle and holding the Circle and growing the Circle.? To do my best to work on the places where I hold back and hide and play small – not to hit a certain number, but so that I can do my best to share my gifts.? And to keep growing what “my best” is.? With this as my focus for the rest of the year, I can see it opening up new possibilities for other projects for next year.

I want it because: This feels like how I grow into more of who I am.? It lights me up.

When I have it I will feel: At peace, connected, aligned, deeply joyful, in the flow.? Free-er.

Then my regular Creative Dream Update Questions:

What happened in the last week?

Last weekend I had the big breakthrough, which looked like this:

That’s where, after feeling so fuzzy and unclear – everything about my dream became clear.? That’s where I re-wrote what my dream is.

And I kept playing in my mandala journal to get more insights.

(I am doing a Mandala Journal class this fall in the Creative Dream Circle.? This week I posted about it in the Circle to get people’s thoughts, questions and ideas for what they want me to cover in this class.)

I started a whole new Treasure-Mapping Journal.

And I did make a video about it where I talk more about how I went from fog to clear skies.

I did a lot of coaching this week, including a day-long in-person coaching session, which is my first time doing that and it totally rocked.? Here I am getting ready to go that morning:

I had such a great time with that I would like to explore if I want to offer day-long virtual coaching retreats.? Kind of blows me away to think of what we can accomplish in just one (super-focused, super-magic) day.

I’m also in love with my small group coaching for world-changing coaches/healers/teachers and am thinking about doing more of that kind of work.? The small group is MAGIC.

How do I feel about this?

I feel so, so so so good.? I love my new direction/clarity.

When I set my dream of welcoming 800 people into the Creative Dream Circle this year, I didn’t pick that number out of a hat.? I was using all the things I teach, to? listen to my intuition and to my dream itself about what my next steps are.

I know that reaching towards 800 is what is helping me get clear on what I really want.? It was an important part of the process.

Last week I went on hiatus from making videos for the rest of the summer. Last week I needed to feel the feeling of having the whole rest of the summer off from doing videos.? I needed that space.

That feeling mattered, the actual break may not matter at all.

Then this week I did a new video.? This week I felt differently and really wanted to share this story in a video.? All we can ever know for sure is what we need right now.? I feel happy and free about giving myself the space to sort out what I need and how I want to keep moving forward.

I’m also feeling really super grateful about where I am right now.? To be able to pay for my happy life without needing a job and while doing the things that light me up is really special.? While life is always evolving and I am always evolving and there are always more adventures to go on and more ways to grow, even if I stayed right here for the rest of my life that would be pretty awesome.

What do I need now?

Lots of Treasure-Mapping!? I love how that process shifted how I was feeling and I want to dive deeper into it before teaching it next week. (Click here for Treasure-Mapping class details)

What does my dream need now?

My dream is so happy that I’m feeling the love and am deeply and happily committed to it.? What it needs is for me to be more deliberately connected to it in the moment, to remember that it’s already here as I keep stepping into it.

Taking all of this into account, my next mission is:

DO MY BEST for next week’s Treasure-Mapping class.

Keep making my own maps and drawing mandalas and having lots of good quality quiet creative time.

Update 32: The Reality Of Bringing A Big Dream To Life Read More »

A peek inside my process: How I discovered clarity, power + joy in the middle of confusion + self-doubt.

Being engaged in a daily creative/spiritual practice always brings me back to my magic and helps me to receive whatever it is I need in the moment. This is why I teach so many different creative/spiritual processes, so that I always have something I can reach for that is engaging and fun enough that I’ll do it even when I’m SUPERcraky.

Treasure Mapping is one of those processes.? When I was feeling so confused and unsure last week, I knew that Treasure Mapping could help, and the thought of spending the next few weeks making maps every day made me so happy, I ran out and got myself a new journal to FILL with maps, and decorated it:

treasure map art journal


What happened when I started Treasure Mapping was so magical, I HAD TO make a video to share it, even though last week I went on a summer-long hiatus from making videos.

Having lunch while treasure-mapping.

July 10 (next week!) I?m teaching a live-on-the-phone treasure-mapping class.

(It will be recorded and you absolutely won’t miss out on anything if you can’t be there live – you’ll still get to share your questions and stories and photos in our private forum)

You’ll learn a fun and creative way to GET the clarity you?ve always wanted about what to do next with your dream, without waiting for the answer to somehow magically come to you.? You?ll learn how to access deep and true intuitive wisdom right when you need it.

The cost of the Circle is going up to $147 this summer.? I’m still working out the details to share more specifically when the price increase will come into play, but this will be the last class you can join in for the $100/year rate.



A peek inside my process: How I discovered clarity, power + joy in the middle of confusion + self-doubt. Read More »

Being in the process of change is hard.


It’s vulnerable and messy and raw and uncomfortable.? It’s good to try to remember that underneath that, it’s also really beautiful, as more space is opening up for your truth and light to shine bright.

This is how you grow into more of who you really are, which is awesome.? But while you’re in it, it’s hard because you’re seeing everything differently and things that felt right now feel wrong and it’s all topsy turvy and there is something inherently frustrating about not knowing what you want.

After posting my update this morning I’ve been feeling more and more uncomfortable.? Like I’m in a cloud of fogginess and uncertainty and it’s embarrassing to share, even though I know that it’s my job to share the actual process.? Even though I know I’ll come through this brighter than before, and grateful for having learned whatever it is I’m learning.

Anyway, just wanted to put that out there.

If you’re finding it hard and messy and raw please don’t give up.

Here’s what I’m doing to make it easier:

  • Taking extra-good care of myself (picked up organic veggies on the way home for a big salad, drinking lots of water, taking it easy, going for a bike ride)
  • Finding ways to make it easier to stay with my feelings (drawing mandalas, art journaling, using the Un-Sticking Station in the Creative Dream Circle, sitting in the park, bubble bath)
  • Reminding myself that this is just a part of it.
  • Welcoming in the gifts of the change.

See you on the other side,

Being in the process of change is hard. Read More »

Update 31: Searching For Clarity

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.(you can read my original post about this here)

At this point though, I’m not interested in the numbers. I’ve been more interested in exploring how to grow my capacity serve dreamers in bringing their dreams to life. And now I want to explore more about how I want this all to work for me, and how I want to feel inside it.

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.

Creative Dream Update Questions Part 1:
My dream is:
I want it because:
When I have it I will feel:

Part 2 is 4 questions to ask yourself every week, plus a mission statement?
What happened in the last week?
How do I feel about this?
What do I need now?
What does my dream need now? Taking all of this into account, my next mission is:


When I started this year- long update series, I wanted to share the real, ongoing story of holding a big dream steadily over time.

Part of that real ongoing story includes the parts where I don’t want to hold the big dream anymore, I want to pick up something smaller.? I also wanted to share the truth of how some days I’m not sure what I want.

Inner critics are always trying to erode our dreams, so there’s that. But there’s also the fact that the more you work with a dream, the more it changes. The better you get to know it the more you learn about what you really want.

All this to share the truth that if you feel lost with your dreams: that’s ok.? Doesn’t mean you won’t get there.? The only way you can fail is if you give up.

My dream is: right now what I really want in relation to this dream is to feel better about how I’m putting this out there, to put it out there clearly and in a ridiculously inspiring way.

I want it because: my current lack of clarity is a TANGLE and tangles are uncomfortable. Untangling tangles makes more space inside for joy and creativity and delight.

When I have it I will feel: more aligned with my inner truth, more powerful in my life, more clear about my mission.

What happened in the last week?

A lot!? A lot is changing right now.

I did decide to increase the price of the Creative Dream Circle, though I am still working out the details of when and by how much.? I wrote recently about how honesty and integrity need to be the foundation of your work and it no longer feels in integrity to offer such a low price for so many classes.

It was a GREAT idea to do this earlier this year, to create an opportunity for people to join at a lower cost, but that this is not the right way to move forward with this.? And I can’t be doing things that feel wrong and expect that to lead me to things that feel good!

And it stopped feeling right to do the weekly free videos – though these were never a part of the Creative Dream Circle they were a part of my work schedule.

Right now I’m giving lots and lots of space in my schedule for integrating new ideas of how I want to present my work.

Marketing is how you shine your light and your message out into the world.? While I’ve gotten a million times better with this than I used to be, I still have a long way to go.? I know I don’t define clearly enough how I can help.

And this means people who like my work and have the exact problems that I can help them with are only getting tiny snippets of help from my freebies instead of joining the Circle and getting deep-down full-on transformation of their problem.

I’ve struggled with this mainly because I help people do things that they think are impossible.? So when I say I can help you ___ and you don’t believe that’s possible so you don’t really hear me.? And I get frustrated and don’t know what to do to communicate more clearly.? It’s like I’m holding up a ball of magic and offering it, and explaining what it’s like on the side that is facing me.? But over on your side, the ball of magic it looks entirely different, so there’s this disconnect.

That struggle is changing like all struggles do when you approach them with presence, love and creativity.

And right now I’m giving most of my time to exploring and integration new ways of presenting my work and my ideas.? Ways that make it clearer so that the people who are looking for help can find it more easily.? In other words, I’m clarifying my marketing message.

Anywhere where things are not crystal clear is a place that you can hide in.

Being in the murky parts and cleaning them up is deeply uncomfortable.? But it also fuels your soul in this really delicious way because the truth is you don’t need places to hide, it’s safe to be seen and shine bright.

(That is one of the theme that came up in this week’s Group Coaching Call For Healers/Teachers/Coaches/Helper-People.? How we all seem to be terrified of visibility and yet there is no evidence that it’s going to harm us.)

Another thing I’m noticing this week is about my private coaching.? As I created the Circle I started to see new possibilities for my business, to shift out of one-on-one work and shift into creating this community and offering deeply transformative classes and freeing up my schedule by not working with so many people one-on-one.

It’s true that I really really love having time freedom and not having a whole bunch of things scheduled.

But in noticing how much I value time freedom I kind of forgot how much I value doing this deeper work with people individually.? This week I’m noticing how happy I am when a new client signs up for a session, or when an old one comes back.? I’m noticing how I feel light and inspired and happy when I hang up the phone from a session.? I’m really happy to be doing this work with people.

How do I feel about this? I feel like I am definitely on the right track and I like how quickly I’m moving forward.

What do I need now? As always, self-care and daily creative-spiritual practice for time to explore and integrate how these shifts in perspective impact my inner and outer worlds.? The path to your dream us inside of you much more than it’s outside of you.? I’m learning a lot about marketing right now but if I don’t take time to really integrate and implement (in my own unique way, which can only happen after integration) what I’m learning it’s not going to help me with my dream.? So it means taking lots and lots and lots of time to think about this stuff.

What does my dream need now? I get this image that my dream is at a dance. It’s having a great time dancing and it understands that right now I need to be curled up on the floor with my journals.? This speaks to how my dream can grow larger than me. How I really can stay home, curled up with my journals, while the Circle holds space for transformation and magic for the members.

Taking all of this into account, my next mission is to: keep doing exactly what I’ve been doing. I am getting some really great help with my marketing, I’m making great progress on clarifying my story and my message and will be making my way through re-writing most of my website.

This also means is lots of bike rides and journaling as I give myself space to settle into new ways of seeing things.

I don’t know where to put this part, so I am putting it here:

I wrote this update, and then was kind of cranky about it.? I was going to get it ready to put in the Creative Dream Circle and didn’t do it because I felt cranky, so instead I made some art.

And then it dawned on me: this isn’t my “big dream” anymore.

It’s something I want, it feels like a business goal that I will meet – maybe not this year but as long as I keep working/playing at it I’ll get there.? It feels like I have all the pieces now.

I feel happy about this, it just doesn’t feel like a dream (a dream being something that I desire desire desire and feel all lit up about and how when I have it I’ll be more ME).? Mostly – I’m not super excited to keep talking about it.

I LOVE AND ADORE everything that happens INSIDE the Circle.? That is an absolute dream come true and I feel so grateful for it and so happy to do the work of supporting it.? I guess I’m feeling like I don’t want to be focused on growing the numbers.

The dream shifting and now that I’ve added this to the update, I don’t feel cranky about it anymore.? I am interested to find out where this goes next.

Update 31: Searching For Clarity Read More »

Creative Dream TV is on hiatus.

I did post this in last week’s update post, but I thought I’d say it again for the people who just pop in on Tuesday for new videos: the Creative Dream TV videos are on hiatus for a little while.

In the meantime, I’ve got LOADS of inspiring things for you in the archives. There’s even this whole series I did where I answered every single question I got about how to make your dream real. Plus you can check out all of my free stuff here (there are super-helpful free classes in there – a treasure trove of magic).

I’m on hiatus from the videos because something is shifting in me, and in how I want to bring my work to the world, and I need more quiet, creative time for myself as I sort out my next steps. (You can kind of tell my the way my Instagram feed has been full of photos from bike rides and journaling picnics)

This is precisely what I wish for you as well: the freedom to create your world in a way that feels true for you and to do what you need to do, to make that happen, even when that means taking the time to figure out what that even means.

I’ve also got a couple of coaching spots open for the summer, and I’d love to work with YOU! I’ve helped my clients to:

  • write and publish novels
  • move to the other side of the world
  • start and grow creative businesses
  • develop a daily art-making practice
  • stop procrastinating
  • find their dream
  • be happier and more creative WITHOUT quitting their day job

If you want to feel braver, freer, and more creative in your life I can definitely help. You can read about my coaching sessions here.

I started teaching in-person creativity workshops, spirituality classes and healing circles, as well as doing spiritual counselling, seven years ago. Three and a half years ago I transitioned to teaching online and coaching on the phone.

Each time I shift how I do this work I bring myself into deeper alignment with my inner truth – which is the most gloriously delicious feeling ever and I really want to help more people feel that more often in their lives.

I know I’ll be back with new stuff soon 🙂

PS: The registration fee for the Creative Dream Circle is going to increase this summer. I am still working out the details of how much and when, I just wanted to give you extra notice as I know lots of you have been considering joining and I want to give you a chance to do that now, before the price goes up.

Creative Dream TV is on hiatus. Read More »

Update 30: Halfway up the mountain

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.(you can read my original post about this here)

At this point though, I’m not interested in the numbers. I’ve been more interested in exploring how to grow my capacity serve dreamers in bringing their dreams to life. And now I want to explore more about how I want this all to work for me, and how I want to feel inside it.

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.



Last week I just did a quick update because so much was happening.? The more you’ve got going on the more important it becomes to take time to reflect on what’s going on.? Otherwise you end up moving in the direction that outside forces want to lead you in, and not in the direction of your choosing.

These weekly updates are grounding and orienting me on/in the path as I continue to move towards this dream.

What has really changed for me recently is my perspective.?? And it’s changed somewhere deep down inside and it hasn’t quite bubbled up to the surface yet as a clear understanding of what it is, exactly, that has changed.? All I know is that I see everything differently now.? And I like it.

It’s the end of June.? I’m six months into working on this dream, holding it with deep commitment and steady progress. I just wanted to point that out because sometimes I hear people try something once and nothing happens so they give up.? The only way to win is to stay in the game.? And if your dream doesn’t matter enough for you to stay in the game then you’re working on the wrong dream.? When your dream leads you into deeper alignment with your own heart and soul there is never a reason to give up on it.

I am so in love with my dream, with the Creative Dream Circle, and with how it’s changing lives.

Sometimes people join and they’re unsure…

  • they don’t quite believe in themselves
  • there’s this thing that has been stuck and they haven’t known how to un-stick it
  • they’re not sure they know what their dream is
  • they want their dream so bad but they think it could be impossible

And they start using the Circle and everything starts to brighten up.

Or else they join and they’re all lit up and inspired and ready to work on that HUGE and so amazing they can hardly speak its name dream and the Circle works its magic and, miracle of miracles, they get what they wanted.? They get what they really, really wanted!? Do you know how rare that is in our world?

Healing. Transformation. Miracles. I don’t use any of those words lightly.? And I see them happen all the time.? What I have to offer here is really amazing, it’s not like anything else out there and it’s making the world a better place.? I feel protective and nurture-y about the Circle.

I’m feeling more clear about doing what I need to do to take care of this: stronger and clearer boundaries all around. So a few things are going to change.

One thing is that the cost of the Circle is going to increase.

I’m still working out the details of when and how much but this is happening.? When you sign up at the current $100 price, you can stay in the Circle for $100/year for as long as you choose to remain a member.? Even when the price increases your price will stay the same until you cancel your subscription.

The other thing is that my free weekly videos are on hiatus for now.?

There are just other things that need my attention right now.? One thought I have is that those videos may come back in the Circle only.? All I know for sure is that I need permission (from myself!) to not do these right now.

The big change is on the inside.

Over the last few weeks, the experience of connecting with the heart and soul of my dream has totally changed.? Now it shows up as a wheel inside me.? It’s like the dream and I have merged and I am more quickly growing into the me-who-can-hold-this-in-her-energy-field.? This is the best feeling ever.

And onto the Creative Dream Update questions:

What happened in the last week?

The qualities that were helping me on my journey this week were: courage, movement and expansion:

The pic from my Creative Genius Planning Session on Monday, which I wrote about here.? I love my Creative Genius Planning Sessions Kit because it helps me consistently move forward in ways that are healing and nurturing for ALL parts of me (no bulldozing or forcing myself to do shit I don’t want to do) even when I feel doubtful and afraid and can’t see my next steps.

So I’m not just making external progress, I’m growing into who I want to be on the inside (while also making external progress towards creating the life I want to be living).

And I’m still doing tons of mandala drawing:

And I am just really happy: still soaking up the afterglow of the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class (people keep emailing me to ask if they can still get this class if they join the Circle now – the answer is YES. And also – do it!? Loving your life is the BEST) and doing lots of things I love: drawing, journaling, bike rides, park visits, getting lots of sleep and reiki, etc, etc, etc.

The small coaching group for healers/teachers/coaches started and I am 100% in LOVE with everyone in the group.? So amazing gather a group of creative world-changers together and I love how inspiring our first call was.? Plus – the group sold out with hardly any promoting, I am really happy about that.

As a student, I started a new class on marketing, and finished the business class I had been in for the last 3 months.? I am almost always taking a class – I love working with lots of different teachers and mentors.? Feeling inspired and supported.

And I gave the Give Your Dream Wings e-course (my free introductory course) a makeover.? As I was doing that I was re-listening to the videos and holy crap that’s an amazing class.? Simple and effective.? Thinking I may want to do a bit more to promote it.

How do I feel about this?

I’m excited about some new shifts I see happening in my business.? I’m noticing places where I used to hold back, and am not willing to keep holding back.? I’m also seeing places where I’m not doing things as efficiently as I could and feel inspired to CHANGE those things.? Progress!

I’m also feeling this really deep down happiness mixed with trust and light.? It’s like I’ve climbed halfway up the mountain.? I’m feeling amazing from the exercise and fresh air, and already the view is fucking amazing and has transformed my perspective on everything.? And there’s still more mountain to climb so who even knows how much better this is going to get!

What do I need now?

To look at some shifts in my work schedule.? I want more time dedicated to this new class I’m taking – to be implementing everything immediately into my business.? Plus some new ideas are coming to me for things to do inside the Circle, I want some time to explore them.

And I think I need MORE journaling time.

What does my dream need now?

This week my dream is a wheel and it needs me to turn with it.

I think I understand what this means, and that making these shifts in my work schedule are how I start to turn with it.? It’s also a mindset shift though, so my dream needs for me to have more quiet time to myself to be with that and let it sink in.

Taking all this into account, my next mission is:

More journaling. Schedule shifts. Making space for new ways of doing this, letting go of old ways.

Update 30: Halfway up the mountain Read More »

Ahoy Matey!

TREASURE MAPPING (!) is one of my most popular classes and we’re doing it again live-on-the-phone, on July 10.

If you sometimes struggle with knowing what to do next, to make your dream real – you will FALL IN LOVE with this process.

I use it all the freaking time.? It?s what helped me build my creative business and quit my day job, buy my dream loft, travel around the world and live a happy and fulfilling life.

It?s simple. It works.? And it?s fun.

Read all about it here:


treasure map

Ahoy Matey! Read More »

If you’re not ready to walk your talk then you’re not ready to be a helper-person.

Today the Small Coaching Group For People Who Want To Help People is starting.? (This group is sold out, but stay tuned I think I will do this again)

This is something I am passionate about – healers, coaches, teachers and mentors can make such an incredible difference in the world.? I was completely, painfully stuck with my dreams for so many years before I started getting effective help.

EFFECTIVE help.? Not all classes/coaching programs/healing programs are effective.

It’s true that what works for one person may not work for another and there are no magic pills.? But it’s also true that there are things that we, as helper-people, can do to be better at helping.? I mean this in the sense of helping our people more effectively and helping ourselves by being nourished by the way we do our work.

Tuesdays I usually post a new video on my blog.

I noticed that this week a part of me was kind of pushing me to make a video even though I didn’t really have the time or energy to do it.? We started the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class on Thursday, and the Small Coaching Group today.? I’ve got a lot going on.

(The Love Your Life Creative Journal Class is totally amazing btw – if you’re looking for insights, miracles and delight you want to join us today!)

Pushing myself to make a video anyway, even though I don’t actually have the time/energy/inspiration erodes my effectiveness as a teacher.? If I’m not taking good care of myself and living happily and gorgeously with my dreams then how can I show you how to?

Do as I say not as I do is a sad excuse for teaching.

People can feel that lack of integrity (even when they don’t see what’s happening behind the scenes, and have no way of knowing that you’re not walking your talk) and it diminishes your message.

In my classes I am quick to encourage people to take their time with everything (we have a rule about how you are never behind, you are always exactly where you need to be) and not pressure themselves in any way.

But when you make that move from student to teacher, from being coached to being the coach, when you step into your role as healer – you’ve got to step up.

If you’re not ready to step up and walk your talk then you’re not ready to be a helper-person.

Your integrity and honesty will build the foundation for your practice.

I remember talking to a client once who was a life coach, struggling to get clients.? I asked her a question about walking her talk and her answer was “Well, you know – I mean following your own advice is the hardest thing, you know?”

I let her know that following your own advice should be the easiest thing.? That if you are not your most successful client (at using what you teach) then you’ve got a serious problem.

And you can’t expect other people to trust your advice if you’re not willing to follow it yourself.

Your integrity creates the container within which the teaching/healing/transformation can happen.? It’s how your people know that they are safe with you.? That you are there in the trenches with them.

This particular client of mine was not happy with my advice.? But a few weeks later she emailed to let me know that, though it took some time, the truth in my words did sink in.? And it changed everything.? She was suddenly set free and everything was working so much better for her now.

Integrity is magic.

It aligns you with your inner truth, your inner magic, your inner sparkle and your inner superpowers.

And the thing is – it’s not about holding yourself to impossible standards.? It’s about being honest about where you’re at.

That business coach who can’t pay her own rent but her website promises that she can help you build a big successful business?? You can feel a weird energy from it, which is why you didn’t hire her.? Or if you did hire her, it didn’t go well and you wish you hadn’t and you are certainly not recommending her to your friends.

Now, if she would be more honest about where she’s at she could clean up that energy.? She could say “I can help you set up your business online, with a website, newsletter and social media accounts.” or whatever it is that she is good at.? Just leave out the parts about helping you make shit tons of money because if she hasn’t figured that out for herself she cannot help you do it.

And then, of course, since she’s sharing something that she’s good at and passionate about and being in integrity about what she can offer you – then she’ll start being able to pay her bills more easily, and as she starts to make more money then she can add that to her services.

There is always someone that you can help – someone who wants to be where you are.

Then, as you remain deeply committed to doing your own work the things you can help people do grow.? Because YOU are growing.

The trick is to be in integrity, to be working on your own stuff so you can meet your clients from a place of fullness and depth and solidity.? (Too many people leap into wanting to help others in order to feel better about themselves or fix their lives.? That is a recipe for disaster.)

Have sessions with yourself every day or every week as appropriate.

Be committed to using yourself and your life as a demonstration of the amazing stuff your work can do.

Stretch yourself to find out how much magic you can make happen in your life – THEN you can use that to help your clients create magic in their lives.

If you’re not ready to walk your talk then you’re not ready to be a helper-person. Read More »

Creative Planning AKA Why I LOVE Monday Mornings.

creative planning

creative planningcreative planning

creative planningcreative planning

This particular Monday morning I woke up with a sense of trepidation.

I have a lot of questions without answers and tangles to smooth.? More unknowns than knows tends to make me anxious.? Even though dreaming, my chosen profession, is all about bravely facing the unknown instead of staying stuck in the known (aka status quo).

This is why I invented Creative Genius Planning Sessions: less for creative planning, more for magic, miracles & healing.

Creativity.? Play. Heart. Truth. Deep Intuitive Connection.? In volumes high enough to propel you onto the path that leads to where you really want to be.

I took my trepidation, my worry about too many things to do and my fear that I can’t pull this off and I sat down with my Creative Genius Planning Sessions Kit

The beauty of having this all ready for you as a kit is that you do NOT have to ALREADY feel smart/together/awake/confident/creative in order START.

Hint: waiting until you feel ready is FORFEITING ON YOUR DREAMS.

Having creative planning kits like this makes it easier to start before you feel ready.

I know some days I DO feel ready and some days I DON’T.? I also know that my dreams need me to show up EVERY day.

So I actually created the Creative Genius Planning Sessions Kit for me, because I need it.?

Because I know my dreams can’t afford for me to get a slow start on the day because I’m feeling anxious about something.? My dreams can’t afford for me to not believe in myself enough to take the risk that needs to be taken.? My dreams can’t afford for me to not stay in the game.

So, this morning I took my trepidation and slowly growing anxiety and I got out my Creative Genius Planning Session Kit.? And it took me a little longer than usual to get through it, but that’s ok.

Creativity.? Play. Heart. Truth. Deep Intuitive Connection.? In volumes high enough to propel you onto the path that leads to where you really want to be.

Creative Planning doesn’t just help you get your shit together.

It’s not about making to-do lists and then forcing yourself to do the work.? Or figuring out the right steps that guarantee success.

It’s about staying in the flow.? Remembering your power.? Accessing your genius.

This morning my trepidation and anxiety melted by the time I finished the Creative Genius Planning Sessions Kit.? Now I feel sure and excited and inspired about what I want to create in my world this week.

Plus I have a clear plan that makes my heart dance around a little in my chest.

THIS is the fuel that brings dreams to life.
creative planning

Want to play?

You get my Creative Genius Planning Sessions kit inside the Creative Dream Circle – along with TONS of other kits, courses and resources for finding the magic even on the days when you’re NOT feeling it.

Creative Planning AKA Why I LOVE Monday Mornings. Read More »

Update 29: Manure Makes The Flowers Grow (and dreams too!)

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.(you can read my original post about this here)

At this point though, I’m not interested in the numbers. I’ve been more interested in exploring how to grow my capacity serve dreamers in bringing their dreams to life from a place of delight and gratitude and plenty.

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.


This week started HARD, capital H, capital A, capital R, capital D. HARD.

I did have to laugh at myself a bit – I know that doing a class specifically on happiness has a tendency to bring the things that block happiness to light.

The story was always there, rooted in fear and shame and lack.? But it was all tightly rolled up, like a stone.? A stone that was blocking possibility, but it had been there so long I didn’t notice it anymore.

Unraveling the story in preparation for Love Your Life, of course, makes it impossible to not notice.? It’s like the rock exploded and instead of keeping this story so neatly contained it was now… well it was everywhere.? Impossible to avoid.

The teacher and healer in me knows that this is good.

This is how those stories get broken down back to their essence and healed and transformed.

This is how the fear and shame and lack get released.? This is how new stories get written.

But every other part of me was not so welcoming of the situation.?

It’s painful and scary and hard.? I felt particularly freaked out to be getting ready to teach this class where we’d be working with joy, delight and love when I was feeling so much the opposite.? And I blogged about that earlier this week.

But I have the tools to work through it effectively and quickly.

And on the other side of that, things look really different.

I am more connected to the WHY of why I do this work and why I am moving towards this particular dream of growing the Circle.

I am more in love with my work, my life and my self than ever.

There is more room inside of me for trust and courage.? I feel indescribably amazing.

This kind of energy healing really is the best drug ever.

That’s why the Creative Dream Circle includes the Un-Sticking Station which is ALWAYS there to lead you through that process.? Because the shitty parts are a part of the journey.? And when you’re in the shitty parts it’s hard to remember how to get out of them.

But when you bring creativity and love and wisdom and power to how you handle the shitty parts – you grow your superpowers and make more space inside of you for more of whatever you want: abundance, joy, calm, delight, creativity, etc, etc, etc.

So as I write this on Thursday morning I am still in the afterglow of deep healing, and in the pre-glow-magic of the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class – we’re doing our live playdate this afternoon.

There is more that I would like to share, about shifting perspectives, but need to save my energy for our class today.? (I usually write these on Thursday afternoons, and this week that time is devoted to the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class.)

So I’m not going to answer the Creative Dream Update Questions (posting them here for Circle members so you can use them in our weekly update circle: What happened in the last week? How do I feel about this? What do I need now? What does my dream need now? Taking all of this into account, my next mission is:)

I am so in love with all of this, and so grateful for all the amazing beings I get to share this work with, inside the Creative Dream Circle.? If you’ve been on the fence about joining, I’ve got to say: DO IT.? If you like my work enough to be reading these update posts, you’ll totally love what I have to offer inside the Circle.

Update 29: Manure Makes The Flowers Grow (and dreams too!) Read More »

TODAY: Love Your Life Creative Journal Class

If you can’t join us for the live part today that is 100% OK, you won’t miss anything. Today’s video class will be recorded and ALL of the magic of it will be available to you inside our Circle.

love your life creative journal class


Investing your time and money in something that helps you feel happier is 100% MAGIC.



The Love Your Life Creative Journal Class is specially designed to help you PLAY your way to a happier life.

If you?re new to journaling, this will help you find the MAGIC in it.

If you?re already journaling, this will help you deepen your practice and find MORE magic.

It?s got 2 parts:

  1. 90 minute video class (play along live or use the recording later)
  2. playbook of deeply insightful journaling prompts, unique simple and effective energy healing processes and hand-drawn, heart-felt mandalas

Our goal: Happiness! Joy! Waking up in the morning being enthusiastic about starting a new day!

We?ll get there by: Gently shifting things around in your inner world, dissolving the obstacles to joy and building new places where delight can hang out in your world.

Things we will NOT be doing: telling yourself to turn that frown upside down, being all Pollyanna about it or forcing yourself to make a bunch of life changes that you don?t really feel like making.

Love Your Life is NOT about working your ass off to make your life into something it’s not so you can love it.? Or about trying to force yourself to be grateful for what you?ve got.

It?s about healing, transformation and possibility, approached with creativity, imagination and play (and glitter pens).

My students report that doing this kind of work helps them feel more whole.

Because it brings you into deeper alignment with your inner wholeness which is the ultimate source of joy.

I can’t wait to share this with you!

If you ARE planning to attend live, you do need to sign up by noon (Central Standard North America time) so you can get your account set up? in the Creative Dream Circle so you can attend.

If you are NOT planning to attend live, sign up any time today!? I promise you get ALL of the magic of it – this class is deeply healing if you are there live or not.

CLICK HERE to read more about the class.

This class happens inside the Creative Dream Circle.? Click here to join.

If you have questions about it, contact me here.

TODAY: Love Your Life Creative Journal Class Read More »

Happiness is scary sometimes.

Feeling Cranky About Wanting To Feel Happy.? That is the title of a post I wrote yesterday in the Creative Dream Circle.

The past month I have been ridiculously happy.? Doing the energy work of preparing for our? Love Your Life Creative Journal Class was amazing and I can’t wait to share this beautiful experience with everyone tomorrow.

But yesterday, with the class just 2 days away, I started to get crankier.? Then I started worrying because it felt so out of integrity to be promoting the Love your Life class when I’m feeling all cranky.

So I took cranky with a layer of worry into the Un-Sticking Station in the Creative Dream Circle – which soothes, heals and transforms fear, worry and doubt.

In the Un-Sticking Station I discovered that my cranky self was worried that there wouldn’t be room for her anymore.? That she could no longer exist, if I want to teach a class about delight and joy.

She thought I wanted to sweep her under the rug.? Which is not true.

What she needs, to be happy, is permission to be cranky.? Not that that means she’ll actually BE cranky but she needs to know that there is space for her to feel what she feels.? She needed cranky to have a space in the Circle, to be a part of the class.? To be recognized out loud.

So, I wrote the Being Cranky About Wanting To Feel Happy post and made space for cranky (and afraid and annoyed and everyone else) to join us in the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class and something started to shift.

True happiness is not for the faint of heart.

In order to move towards more joy, happiness and delight you have to deal with what blocks happiness.

Fears that you are not good enough, that you don’t deserve it, that it’s impossible.? Worry about what could happen if you become so happy that you stop caring about problems and you life falls apart.

Or what if you do become truly happy and then you lose it… wouldn’t it hurt too much to know how good it could be, and then to not be able to get back there?

Yeah,? happiness is terrifying.

But this is what it’s all about.? Setting an intention to move towards something.? Then clearing out the obstacles that are in the way.

What I love most about the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class is how we’re clearing the obstacles out of the way in the funnest ways possible: colouring and creative journaling and imaginative playful energy work.

Making it fun makes it engaging.

The more engaging it is, the longer you stay in the process.

The longer you stay in the process, the more stuff you clear.

The more stuff you clear, the easier it is to step forward.

Miracles happen when you stay in the process.

I hope you’re going to join us.

If you?re new to journaling, this will help you find the MAGIC in it.

If you?re already journaling, this will help you deepen your practice and find MORE magic.

We?ll get there by: Gently shifting things around in your inner world, dissolving the obstacles to joy and building new places where delight can hang out in your world.

Things we will NOT be doing: telling yourself to turn that frown upside down, being all Pollyanna about it or forcing yourself to make a bunch of life changes that you don?t really feel like making.

Love Your Life is NOT about working your ass off to make your life into something it’s not so you can love it.? Or about trying to force yourself to be grateful for what you?ve got.

It?s about healing, transformation and possibility, approached with creativity, imagination and play (and glitter pens).

My students report that doing this kind of work helps them feel more whole.

Because it brings you into deeper alignment with your inner wholeness which is the ultimate source of joy.

Class starts tomorrow.? Read all about it here.

Happiness is scary sometimes. Read More »

It takes a lot of courage to love your life.


People are going to tell you that you can’t.

And your inner critics will agree.

You don’t have time.? That there are so many *more important* things that you should be doing.

And you can’t afford it anyway, I mean money is for important things, not for something so frivolous as trying to figure out how to LOVE your LIFE.

PLUS if you somehow magically found the time and money – it wouldn’t work anyway.? Seriously, who actually LOVES their life?? I mean, this is the real world not some fairy tale.? Grow up already.

The status quo is the status quo for a reason.


Well, as you may have guessed, I do love my life.?

And when I think of the status quo frankly I think of people who work in offices who have to go out for drinks after work to try to numb the pain of living in the status quo.

The idea that you can’t create a life you can LOVE is not crazy.? The status quo is crazy.

Here’s the secret: Loving your life doesn’t take what you think it will take.

For so many years, I thought things needed to change before I could love my life (and love mySELF – you don’t actually love one without the other).

  1. I thought I had to make enough money as a creative, to not be a starving artist and not be working at some day job.? I wasn’t sure which one stiffed my creativity more: being broke or having to spend my time at a job that didn’t light me up.? All I knew was I was not happy either way.
  2. I thought I had to be different somehow.? Smarter and more together, prettier, healthier, in better shape, more generous, more successful.?
  3. I definitely thought the people around me had to change.? That they would have to believe in me 100% and support me in my dreams and be nicer and do more of what I wanted them to do and less of what they were doing.

And then, once I had those things, I would most definitely love my life.

BUT these things were all impossible.? So there I was: stuck.

It turns out, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Though I did sort out #1 on my list, it did NOT happen the way I thought it would.

I spent a lot of time making art and waiting for success to come to me. I assumed that success would just naturally come if I deserved it and that surely I deserved it, so I just kept making art instead of learning how to effectively create a successful creative career.

Once I shifted my approach, it wasn’t long before I had what I wanted.

But I didn’t figure out how to shift my approach until AFTER I gathered up the courage to love my life.

As for #2 and #3 – well they still haven’t changed!

When I think back to the me who needed other people to stop being assholes before she could be happy – well, I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry about that.

When I think back to the me who never felt good enough I definitely do want to cry.

That’s why I do the work I do now.

After learning how to shift out of that I knew I had to share the magic.

In the Love Your Life Creative Journal class I combine effective energy healing with fun, insightful creative journaling prompts plus transformational mandalas for you to colour and adore as you move through the process of falling in love with your life.

You’ll be surprised to discover how many things there are to be delighted about in your life RIGHT NOW!

Class starts this Thursday, June 12.

It’s a heart-first creative healing process about how to love your life from the INSIDE out.

I can show you how to navigate the process.

I can make it fun and creative and magical.

But it’s up to YOU to gather up the courage to begin.? To stop listening to the nay-sayers and the inner (and outer!) critics and make the commitment to your own happiness, joy and well-being.

Are you in?

You can read all about the Love Your Life Creative Journal class right here.

This class, along with all of my other classes, happens inside the Creative Dream Circle.? Read more about the Circle right here.

If you have questions, you can email me right here.

It takes a lot of courage to love your life. Read More »

Update 28: Healing the Inner Critic

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling ? but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.(you can read my original post about this here)

At this point though, I?m not interested in the numbers. I?ve been more interested in exploring how to grow my capacity to serve more creatives in bringing their dreams to life. And I want to explore more about how I want this all to work for me, and how I want to feel inside it.

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I?ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.


healing the inner critic

Update TWENTY EIGHT.? I’ve been writing an update every week for twenty-eight weeks.? That’s kind of amazing.

This week I am struck by what is happening inside the Creative Dream Circle.? Huge shifts, deep healing, new openings: the kind of stuff that is really hard to talk about.? But I am so happy to have created this space where this stuff can happen.

Almost everyone has an idea in mind of what it would mean, to be fully engaged with their dream.? And it almost never turns out the way they thought it would.

Instead, they find something softer, richer, more beautiful.

I love that I have created this space for these miracles to happen.? And I love how CONSISTENTLY the miracles happen, as long as people show up for them.

I really believe in what I’m doing and I’m really appreciating how good it feels to have that congruence between my soul, my purpose and my work.

Onto the creative dream update questions:

What happened in the last week?

I’ve been writing a LOT.? I’ve been working on the Love your Life Creative Journal Class. Here I am working on the colouring book/guided journal part, in a cafe on across the street from my favourite park.

PLUS! I made a video for the Love your Life Creative Journal Class. which I am totally in love with, but how can you not be in love with something that is all about loving your wonderful life?

I’ve been drawing a LOT. (Note purple-stained thumb, you’ll see why in the next photo) I started a new journal of mandalas and am filling it up like crazy.

I dyed my hair purple.

(This is me against a purple pillow which matches my hair perfectly)

I’m still growing out my grey, but got tired of the faded-brown-dyed hair, which is just going to keep fading since I’m not colouring it anymore.? So I am having some fun with it while it grows out.? I didn’t colour my roots at all.? Brown/grey roots with purple hair is kind of cool!

This is from am older page in my journal that I flipped through and landed on this week.? Remembering how I felt then, and how I feel now was such a relief.? The work I’ve been doing for the Love your Life Creative Journal Class is really exactly what I need right now.

How do I feel about this?

I’m super happy, but something feels a little off.? Like I wish there was more to report in my update.

Sitting with that, I get: I want to be more structured.? Like I probably don’t need to be doing anything differently from how I’m doing it, but I’d like to be approaching my work in a more structured way.

Looking back to my Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Session for this week, I see I had FREEDOM, EXPRESSION and DELIGHT working on my team.

creative planning

I definitely had that.? And now when I look back on my week, a tiny inner critic is agitated about not working enough and not being organised enough and blah blah blah.

So, I take the little guy into the Un-Sticking Station and unravel everything until I get to the truth.

Healing the Inner Critic:

EVERY inner critic or fear or doubt holds a part of your truth, so if you just ignore it or fight with it you never get access to that piece of your soul.

That’s why I’m always using the Un-Sticking Station in the Creative Dream Circle.? It dissolves the parts that are not true and heals the wound so you can access the truth.? It’s all about healing the inner critic, fears and doubts that we all have so that we are more free to do what we want to do (this things are holding you back more than you think).

In this case, putting my inner critic into the Un-Sticking Stationg transformed it into a kitten who likes to nap in the sun.

The kitten needs to be cared for.? It does need structure and routine.? Not in a harsh “you have to do this exactly like THIS or else you fail” way, but in a supportive “let me take the best possible care of you because you are the sweetest thing ever and I loooooooooove you” way.

OK, I see what this needs.? A structure adjustment!

What do I need now?

To keep working with healing the inner critic.? And a structure adjustment!? But before I explore this more I want to find out what my dream needs…

What does my dream need now?

When I checked in with it, my dream reminded me that it needed to bounce and zoom this week.? Purple hair! Lots of bike rides! Drawing mandalas! Colouring! BRING IT!

It seems that my tiny inner critic is not that happy BUT my dream got what it needed.

My dream says that bouncing and zooming broke some STUFF loose.

My dream is sorry, but yes I have to deal with that STUFF – noticing old stories and ways of being that need to be healed and transformed.

Taking all this into account, my next mission is:

Deal with the STUFF that got knocked loose.? Work with these old stories and create some new ones.? Healing the inner critic.

Plus a structure adjustment.

OK, kind of in love with how this is working.

I actually AM working within a structure I just kind of forgot!? I made a schedule of classes for 2014.? These classes are what I wanted to bring to the Circle in 2014.

These specific classes hold the qualities of what I need on the path with this dream.? So I can trust this schedule as my structure.? Now, suddenly, all the playing and zooming and bouncing actually does fit in with the structure.? This is how I am working with the energies of the Love your Life Creative Journal Class? and how I’m getting set for the next classes I am creating, the SUPERHERO class and the MANDALA class and the MAGIC JOURNAL class.

This is how I am doing the ongoing work of healing the inner critic and the fear and the doubt that keep me from my dreams.? This is how I’m activating my superpowers and growing the Circle.

It’s all coming together so perfectly and sometimes I forget to trust that.

Writing this update felt like a huge healing.

PS: There is still ONE spot left in my small group coaching for teachers/healers/coaches/helper-people who want to help more people. Is it yours?? Get it here.

Update 28: Healing the Inner Critic Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: