Update 37: Everything is Good

This week I have very little to report.? After seven months of taking a million small steps and transforming fear and dealing with inner ciritcs and making steady progress – everything feels good.

Most of my energy went into preparing for and then recovering from The Magic Journal tele-class on Tuesday. There were some big big energy shifts happening in that class, and it takes a lot of energy to create that kind of experience for people, so it really does take me all week to do a 90 minute class and it really is worth it!

I don’t think people talk enough about that, about the kind of energy it takes to put a truly transformational event together and how much space you need afterwards, as the facilitator, for both recovery and integration.

When I first started doing this kind of work I didn’t realise how much recovery and integration time I needed after.? These days I’m happy that I schedule it in.

I’m exploring ideas for what I want to do next with the Circle. Now that we are nearing 200 members it feels like we’ve got a more solid platform, and that somehow there is more we can do now.

All of the new classes that I added this year (Three Creative Journal Classes: Love Your Life, The Magic Journal and The Superhero Journal, the Mandala Class, the Inspiration Cards Class and the Peaceful Happy Holiday Season Class) were things I really wanted to Circle to have as it grew.

Once I’m finished adding these things, it feels like a whole new world of possibilities opens up for what to do next.

So, right now I’m very excited about that.

Update 37: Everything is Good Read More »

Why I’m Raising The Price Of My Classes

Why I?m Raising The Price Of My Classes

Late 2013 I got the inspiration to offer my classes differently, to drop the price dramatically of my Creative Dream Circle and to offer all members ALL of my classes for one low price.? (Before that, my Creative Dream Incubator e-course alone cost $147)

This included a fair amount of unknowns.

I had a plan to add new classes regularly for all of 2014 but… a plan is not a promise. People were joining and were going to get “everything I made for the rest of the year” without being 100% sure what that would be.

But here we are, looking towards the end of 2014. I’ve spent this year adding new classes, guided journals and resources to the Creative Dream Circle, making it worth more every month.

So, with all the new classes in there, at this point the $100/year price FEELS wrong.

Doing things that feel wrong is NOT how dreams are born.

Your feelings always know the right way to go. Your discomfort is your intuition speaking to you and if you listen you’ll discover the next step towards your dream.

So I am listening to my feelings and raising the price.

At $147 for a whole year of magic, overflowing with courses and resources, the Creative Dream Circle is still the most generous offering I’ve seen out there.

I imagine, as I keep adding cool new stuff, the price will start to feel off again and I’ll adjust it again. Nothing else in the world stays the same, why should my prices?

But the biggest reason is this: this means the world to me.

I believe in the power of YOUR dreams to change the world.

I believe in the power the Circle to empower you to bring those dreams to life – with less second-guessing yourself and not knowing what to DO and getting stuck and taking detours and procrastination and self-sabotage.? The Circle works.

This is so important to me, to provide a space where people can ACCELERATE the path to creating a life that feels true to them, that inspires them and makes them happy every day.

There’s nothing else out there that works so deeply to bring your creative self, your spiritual self and your emotional self together, which makes it so much easier for your physical self to walk that path.

So I need to make sure I can take care of this space.?

As the cost of everything goes up over time, I need to make sure the Creative Dream Circle is bringing in enough money so it can have what it needs – the behind the scenes tools and supports that keep everything running smoothly.

The $100/year subscription does need to increase so that I can keep taking care of the Circle well into the future so that the Circle can keep taking care of the members well into the future.

Imagine what would change if you felt wildly empowered and perfectly supported in bringing your biggest dreams to life.

It doesn’t just mean you have your dream, it means you feel confident and empowered and inspired and WILDLY CREATIVELY ALIVE.

I want to live in a world that is full of people who are WILDLY CREATIVELY ALIVE.? Who are pursuing interesting things and making a difference in the world.

I believe that this is how we CHANGE the world – one inspired, awake being at a time.

I believe that this is what I’m here to do, and I’m committed to doing my best job.? This includes doing what I need to do to take care of the business end of things which includes this price increase.

The price is going up on August 9, that’s this Saturday.

So Friday, TOMORROW, is the last day to sign up at the $100/year price.

You’ll get everything that’s already in the Circle, plus the classes I’m adding this fall and winter (The Mandala Class, The Superhero Journal Creative Journal Class and The Peaceful Happy Holiday Season) … plus whatever I add next year.

When you join at the $100/year rate – you KEEP that $100/year rate for as long as you choose to remain a member.

Want to join? Click here for the details.

Why I’m Raising The Price Of My Classes Read More »

Making Space For Things To Change.

I spent yesterday morning cleaning the Dream Loft and re-arranging – moving furniture, organising drawers, experimenting with how I want things to be.

Making Space For Things To Change

Really, I was making space for a new me who was ready to emerge.

A me who is more connected to her inner magic and more willing to use it and live it and be it.

Because yesterday afternoon we had the live tele-class part of The Magic Journal Creative Journal Class, which is really an energy healing with journals and glitter pens.

We pinpointed the energy patterns that would need to be transformed to make space for us to align more fully with our inner magic, and then we started the process of transforming those energy patterns.? Then that deep internal alignment just kind of falls into place.

After our call I was so glad I had re-arranged things and made my space feel so different because I felt so different on the inside.

The part of me who is always connected to her DEEP magic was bigger.? The part of me who is unsure was smaller.? It’s a little disorienting.

Inner work is so invisible.? And energy patterns are easy to shift in the moment, but it’s trickier to hold a new way of being over time.

I like to re-arrange my space, especially getting rid of old stuff and being really thoughtful about what new stuff my new self will need, to help hold and solidify new ways of being.

To remind me that things have changed and to help me get grounded in the new.

My new, super-ultra-connected-to-her-inner-magic-self needs:

  • better storage and more organisation for sewing because she is sewing a TON of adorable dresses
  • for the miracle pod to take up more space and have more cushions because she is going to spend more time there
  • more small drawers for storing art supplies so it’s easier to make art every day without the creative mess starting to take over
  • a big open space for that giant paper mache project
  • clear space between desk and bookshelf because that feels open and expansive
  • stone lanterns upstairs by the huge window because they feel magical
  • a new morning meditation ritual that helps me feel more sparkly inside and out

My heart feels like it’s smiling, settling into this new space.

Things change when YOU change.

If you have a dream that is not your reality – you want things to change.? You can’t make things change by trying to force them to be different.? You can create space for things to change by creating change within yourself.

You can grow into the you-who-lives-your-dream.? You can learn so much about how this version of you is different from the you you are today, and how to move towards more of what you want.? You can heal the parts of you who are afraid, unsure or believing false stories about what is possible for you.

This way you grow gracefully into your dream, instead of striving and sacrificing and working your ass off.

This is exactly what all of my classes help you do – in different ways, because inner transformation is a big job so it’s good to have a lot of tools!

Making Space For Things To Change. Read More »

Tap Into Your Magic (cliff notes version)

Last week I did a free creative journal class about tapping into your inner magic and I’ve been getting requests to re-share the inspiring + helpful flashcards I made for the class, which illustrate the secret to finding the magic, so here they are.

As one participant said: “This was an awesome class.
I learned so much about what makes me trip and what makes me fly.

When you REALLY understand what makes you trip and what makes you fly – it becomes a lot easier to trip less, fly higher, and get to where you want to be.? The flashcards show the basics of how this works:

Being in your magic = showing up as your ACTUAL SELF.

You are infinitely creative, gifted + capable of creating anything you want to create in your life.? ?Remembering that this is your ACTUAL self is deeply liberating.

When you align with false stories about yourself and the world, untrue ideas about what is possible for you, limiting beliefs, fears + doubts – you disconnect from your power to act and create what you want in your world.

(hint: ANY story, thought or idea that says you can’t have what you REALLY want is not true)

When you align with your inner magic (aka inner self or inner truth) you have immense power to create in your world.

But you can’t do the work of aligning with your inner magic if you’re not sure what your inner magic is. So that was step 1 which I covered in last week’s class (you can watch the whole thing for free, right here), getting to know more about your unique flavour of magic and what it needs.

Step 2 is wayyyy more fun, it’s about ALIGNING with your inner magic.

That alignment is what we’ll be creating The Magic Journal Creative Journal Class, which starts TODAY.

The Magic Journal Creative Journal Class is a rich and transformative tele-class (basically a group healing, with glitter pens) plus you get a 37 page Guided Journal and Colouring Book with insightful prompts, powerful energy alchemy processes and healing mandalas for you to activate (ie: colour!).

It’s all specially designed to help you use your creativity to align with and activate your inner magic to move into a space where ANYTHING is possible.

You’re going to LOVE it!

The Magic Journal Creative Journal Class is happening inside the Creative Dream Circle:

Click here to read more and join us today.

PS:? The cost of the Creative Dream Circle is going up this weekend.? Click here to read more.

Tap Into Your Magic (cliff notes version) Read More »

Update 36: Making Space For Amazing New Things To Come In


This week was amazing.

I started (last Friday afternoon) with a epic 35 km (22 mile) bike ride along the river, then through a park, a forest, a meadow and a marsh.? I even saw a herd of bison.

Back when I decided to sell my car and not get a new one because it didn’t feel right, I didn’t know what I would do come summer.? I looked forward to walking instead of driving in fall and winter and spring, but the thought of walking for several hours a day in the summer heat did NOT sound fun.

Getting this bike didn’t just solve the problem of how to get around enjoyably in the summer, it opened up a whole new world for me.? Which is what ALL creative dreams do.

So, the epic bike ride set the stage for an amazing week, which included hosting a free creative journal class: Get Your [creative] MAGIC On.

And lots of tiny creative adventures.


Over the past week I have done a lot of things that needed doing, that I had been procrastinating for a long time, mostly because they were annoying and I didn’t want to do them.

Having a whole bunch of annoying tasks piled up and waiting for you doesn’t feel very good.

And while doing annoying things is annoying, there is also a tinge of feeling really good about finally doing the thing and then the amazing feeling of having the annoying thing DONE and behind you.

In fact, I’ve only got one more such task (renewing my passport, which becomes more important by the day as I do want to get away this winter) and then I will have NO annoying tasks waiting for me.

So that feels really, really good.

One of the annoying tasks was selling my old stuff.? My old iPhone and MacBook had been sitting un-used for a long time.? A few months back I started by clearing all of my stuff off of both and restoring them to their factory settings.? But I kept delaying putting them up for sale.? I finally did that this week.

Now that they’re sold I’m noticing how much more SPACE there is.? I mean a laptop and a phone don’t take up a lot of room but each time I saw them a part of me remembered that I was procrastinating on selling them which was starting to take up more and more emotional space.

(Just like now, every time I remember that I can’t just pick up and leave the country because my passport is expired – it creates an energetic stuck.)

It’s nice to have a small wad of cash sitting in the Dream Loft, instead of that laptop and phone.? (My sister and I have a Sister Shopping Day planned for today, so I’m taking my wad of cash to IKEA and the fabric store)

That feels like where I’m at with this dream, too -? a lot of the tasks are done and behind me.

Building a business is a big job!? I’ve been at this, in one way or another, for 18 years.

Of course, that includes a lot of years of being a starving artist and experimenting with different ways of how to make a living as a creative person.? While I don’t believe there is an easy way, I also don’t believe you have to take 18 years.? My path had a lot of detours and curlyques.

I’m at a point now where the pieces are in place and my business works – it feels stable and steady.

I’m enjoying my work, I feel fulfilled and inspired and happy and I have space to do the non-work things I want to do and I’m happy with my income.?? I also want to recognize that this is huge and amazing and I am very grateful to be here.

I also want to be looking at what’s next.

And, if you’ve been reading my updates you know, I’m kind of done with looking at hitting a specific number of members in the Circle being my what’s next.? I’m not feeling inspired by that.? And I love the way the Circle is growing and it doesn’t feel like that needs so much attention.

So, when it comes to my business and my dreams: what does need my attention?? Or what wants my attention?? Or what do I want to be giving my attention to?

What’s what I’m exploring now.

Which is funny that I mentioned my expired passport in the first part of writing this because one of the things I want to explore is how to travel more as a self-employed person.? I’ve been able to go away once a year so far, which I think is awesome, and I’d like to increase that.? I’ve also shyed away from even thinking about longer trips because of how I am impacted by jet-lag.

I’m remembering that it took me 2 weeks to feel human again after coming back from Istanbul.? I remember that every time I think of going back (which is something I really want to do, I love Turkey) and I just don’t know how that is going to work with being a self-employed person.

When I had a job it was ok to be a bit of a zombie once in a while, but I need to be 100% on for my coaching sessions.? But what do I do about income if I take a whole month off from coaching?? That’s the kind of stuff to be sorted out, I know there’s a way I just don’t know what it is.

“I just don’t know how that’s going to work” can hold up a dream forever, if you let it.

It’s always kind of amazing when I have a client come to me with that exact issue, and if I help them hold a light to the situation (and gently keep the light there even when their inner critics are screaming at them to turn it off) that we can start to find all sorts of ways that it can work.

There are always ways, but you have to stay present with the questions long enough to get at the answers.

So that’s what I am going to do next.? Shine that light and keep it shining and take a look at how I want my life to change as my business continues to grow.

I’ve also been shifting how I do my work and how my business functions behind the scenes, to increase capacity in all areas. Kind of the digital equivalent to selling old things that were collecting dust in the Dream Loft and making space for new better-suited-to-me-now things.

This is going astonishingly well!? I spent a lot of time earlier this year feeling stressed out about capacity and resistant to stretching it, because it felt like stretching ME.? But, I am finding the opposite is true.? With the right tools, capacity can grow without me being or feeling stretched.

In fact, I actually feel more spaciousness and more cared-for-ness.

How amazing is that?? That is a pattern that has been slowing me down for many years.? It feels like that’s a big part of why growing the Creative Dream Circle doesn’t feel like a big huge deal anymore – the systems are in place and all I have to do it let it keep growing.

So this is opening up new worlds of possibility which I want to explore next, things like writing a novel and learning about how I can support art therapy initiatives in war zones.

I’m feeling super creatively engaged with my life and excited about what comes next.


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Free Journaling Class Today: Get Your [creative] MAGIC On

We are stronger together.

This is the first thing that came to me as I was planning today’s free creative journaling class in my creative journal.

Gathering in this way creates a CIRCLE of ENHANCED POSSIBILITY.

We create space together that enables each of us to dig deeper within ourselves for our answers, our power and our magic.


The class is happening live right here.? Yes, there will be a replay available at that same place right after we’re done.

Looking forward to making magic with you,

Free Journaling Class Today: Get Your [creative] MAGIC On Read More »

People Are Going To Think This Sucks

People Are Going To Think This Sucks

Let’s call him PAGTTTS.

He’s sitting across the table from me, in his fancy expansive suit and crisp white papers, which he is tapping on the table, to get the stack perfectly stacked.

I think you’ll be interested in what these here papers have to say.

I kind of doubt that.

You can’t ignore what people think.? This is important.

The stack of papers is growing as you’re speaking.? Don’t you think they’ll keep growing as I am reading them? How could I ever keep up?

Keeping up isn’t the point.? Being informed is the point.? You always have to be as informed as you possibly can be and you’re not getting any closer just sitting there ignoring the growing stack.

No, being informed can’t be the point.? WHY do you want me to be informed?

What are you, a moron?? I want you to be informed so that you know what people want, so that you do what they want, so that they are happy with everything you do.

*cue Mission Impossible theme.

You see that that’s not possible, right?

PAGTTTS puts the stack down and puts both hands down onto the table and leans forward in a menacing way.? He means it to be menacing but that stack of papers is growing so fast I can’t even see him.

Look, can’t you see that you’re drowning in other people’s opinions and that the problem is only getting worse?

The problem is only getting worse because you are ignoring the papers.

OK, Stop.

I get up and take the stack of papers and put them into their own special house, which can grow along with the stack if need be.

PAGTTTS shrinks.? I bring him a booster seat.

Look, I want us to work this out.? But I can’t talk to you through the stack of paper.

It’s not just a stack of paper, it’s other people’s opinions and they matter.

The stack is out of control.? Look at the house I put it in just a few seconds ago.? It’s 57 stories tall already.? You can put on all the power suits in the world you’re still not going to be powerful enough to handle the stack.? It’s not handle-able.

That’s my job.? Don’t tell me not to do my job.

Your job is to make sure I know what everyone else wants, always, so I can do what everyone else wants, always, so everyone else is happy with me and my work, always.? Is that right?

Don’t you see how much easier your life would be if you were working with me on this?? Everyone would be happy with you, always!

Everyone, except me.

What?? PAGTTTS had started getting bigger but now he shrunk right back down to toddler size.

If I’m just doing what other people want me to be doing then I might as well be a robot.?? That is a BETRAYAL of my creativity and my purpose.? When I make “making other people happy” more important than “doing what is true for me” I don’t do what is true for me and dilute my power and my purpose.

I’m holding up 2 computer chips: one is Making Other People Happy and the other is Doing What Is True For Me.? Only one can fit in the computer.

Other people’s opinions are other people’s business – not mine.? They get between me and my creativity and purpose and make progress impossible.

There is silence for a few minutes.

Listen mister I don’t want to offend you but I can not and will not waste my precious life keeping tabs on what everyone else wants me to do.? I’m putting my foot down.

And just like that, PAGTTTS transforms into Glinda the Good Witch.

That’s a pretty costume, but I think you’re just trying to fool me into doing what you want by making me think you’re on my side.

I am on your side!? But PAGTTTS is having a hard time keeping his costume on and now Glinda is wearing a power suit and looking very uncomfortable.

Don’t you see what happens when I try to make everyone happy?? It’s crazy-making.

Also, have you not heard of sovereignty?

Oh! Of course, that’s it.? Approval-seeking keeps everyone out of their thrones.

I place a crown on PAGTTTS’s head.

PAGTTTS is now a very happy baby, in a purple velvet throne wearing a ridiculously jeweled crown.

I turn around and look into the mirror behind me.? Sure enough, my crown is intact.? And I’m ready to get back to work, creating work that some people will surely misunderstood and others will surely dislike but it’s not my job to pay attention to any of that.

I look at what I’ve done so far on my project and decide to shelve the whole thing and start over.? Turn out PAGTTTS was whispering in my ear and throwing me off track the whole time.? I’m ready now, to do this my way.

My tiny fairy tales are my notes from visiting the Un-Sticking Station inside the Creative Dream Circle which un-sticks stucks like: procrastination, perfectionism, fear, lack of clarity, not knowing what to do and not believing in yourself enough to make your dream real. I created the Un-Sticking Station because I get stuck every day and no not want to STAY stuck, ever.

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Update 35: Smooth Sailing


This update series started because I had a big goal for what I wanted to do with my business in 2014, so I made a decision to write an update every Friday for all of 2014 to share all of the ups and downs of the process of bringing a big dream to life.

As I shared last week, I want to change how I do these updates.? I’m at that phase of having this vague sense of wanting to do these differently, but not seeing how, exactly, I want to do them.? I thought I knew, but now I’m not sure.

When I’m struggling with something, or actively working on building something then of course I end up with more stories to share.? I’m not feeling like I have a lot of stuff to work through right now, I’m mostly enjoying in the magic of being where I am (which is pretty freaking cool).

The Creative Dream Circle is growing steadily.? I’ve got new clients coming in steadily.? This week I really hit that balance of getting great work done and playing with new art projects and sewing and enjoying nature and taking good care of myself.

When we set out to reach a big dream, we always have fears (that we’re not good enough, that we’ll fail, that we’ll succeed then everything will change, that people will discover we’re a fraud, etc) and limiting beliefs about ourselves and about life that make the dream feel impossible.

As we clear up that inner stuff, our outer perspective changes.? Most dreams change dramatically during this process.

Right now, when I connect with the heart and soul of my dream I am met with fireworks in my heart that explode this amazing feeling throughout my body.? This is a big shift and a big deal!

It’s happening INSIDE me, there isn’t this big unknowable chasm between me and it.? There isn’t even any space.? We’re together.

So now I’m at a stage where I’ve cleared a lot of fear and doubt.? Everything feels open and what I want is flowing to me at the exact right pace.

Not to say I won’t come across more layers of stuff to clear, but right now I can’t say how much I love being where I am.? Besides the occasional and totally natural fear, this week has been pure delight.

(And I am even in LOVE with sharing the stories of transforming fear into amazingly helpful things, like I did yesterday, which makes me actually happy when the fear pops up)


I hope you’ll join me next week for the LIVE FREE class on Tapping Into Your Magic.? You. Me. A worldwide community of dreamers. Journals. Creativity. Magic.? The ultimate recipe for a good time.

Update 35: Smooth Sailing Read More »

Oh, hello procrastination.

I'm procrastinating because I'm scared

I just spent most of this afternoon thinking it was kinda weird that I was not doing the thing I wanted to do this afternoon.?? But whenever I sat down to do it, I would feel kind of, I don’t know – fuzzy or something.? And then I would end up doing something else.

I even took a really glorious nap.? (My bedroom loft has a floor to ceiling, wall to wall south window.? It’s ridiculously sunny which makes naps feel glorious to me.)

And I just made myself an iced coffee thinking… well maybe I’m just tired, maybe I’ve been cycling more than usual.? Maybe an iced coffee is all I need.

Then I did some art journaling.

And, like it does, my journal brought me right smack into the truth.

I’m not tired or fuzzy or anything else.? I’m procrastinating because I’m scared.

And I’ve been dancing around this fear because, well, I shouldn’t have it.? It’s not logical so I should be able to just ignore it, right?

Deep breath.? One Million Reminders that all feelings are valid and important.

OK then fear, pull up a chair, let’s talk.

Oh, wait, you’re not fear – who are you?

As if you didn’t know.? I’m your embarrassment.? You’re embarrassed about what you’re afraid of.

Embarrassment is wearing suspenders and a bow tie and he keeps popping in and out of invisibility, like it can tell I don’t want it to be here even though it dressed up for me.? Embarrassment tries so hard, it’s hard not to love him.? I give him a hug and he disappears.

OK, fear, it’s just you and me now.? Can we do this?

I don’t want you to make me do the thing like it’s no big deal. It IS a big deal.

You’re right.

Just because you’ve done it a million times before does NOT mean it’s not scary!

You’re right.

I need to go slower.? And be more deliberate.? And let this take up more space.? You want me to just *pouf* do it like it’s no big thing and it IS, IT IS A BIG THING.

Fear is a talking balloon head who gets bigger the more upset he is.? He’s taking up the whole dream loft right now (and I do have 20′ ceilings).

Yes, this is HUGE, I hear you.? I’m sorry, I didn’t want it to be big because, well, it would be easier if it was small.

That’s stupid.? You can’t just pretend it’s something it’s not.? It’s a BIG AND SCARY THING you are doing.? It’s not small, easy or fast.? Not physically or emotionally or in any allys.

I like what you said about letting this take up more space and going slower and more deliberately.? What if, every day between now and then, I spend lots of time just being with the thing?? I can write about it or work on it or journal about it or take a bike ride with it.


Fear, you are very wise.? I’m sorry I didn’t listen sooner.? Let’s go make a list in my art journal of all the reasons why this thing is HELLA SCARY.

Fear deflates down to the size of my hand, and his face is mostly a big smile now.

Hey, all I needed was for you to recognize the big scariness of this and to treat it accordingly.? You were treating it too lightly.? As long as you take it more seriously – you’ve got this.? It’s a big scary thing but you are a giant creative genius and you HAVE done this a million times before and you WILL do amazing at it.

Suddenly I notice that we are inside this cast iron fence which goes in a tiny circle around me, with the thing-I-am-afraid/embarrassed-to-be-afraid-of outside of the fence.? The fence is this really fantastical thing with pointy pointy tops and iron swirls between the posts and there is no way anything can get through it.

Then the fence disappears.

That was your procrastination.? So weird you couldn’t see it for what it was, until it was gone.

I notice fear isn’t really fear anymore, and he’s wearing a tiny badge on his tiny balloon body.? I lean in closer to see what it says….

Creative Guide & Fabulousness Mentor

Fear /CGFM is grinning from … well he doesn’t have ears but his whole balloon body is one giant grin.? He likes his new job.

My procrastination is gone.? My embarrassment is gone.? My fear is gone.? I’ve got a totally new approach for doing the thing.? I’m grinning from ear to ear.

Oh, hello procrastination. Read More »

The Well. Or how fairy tales help me get my work done.

Scene: a girl and an ancient stone well, in a clearing, in a forest.

The Well. Or how fairy tales help me get my work done.

She went to the well looking for an answer. She only meant to dip the little bucket in and pull up what she needed, but the well quickly pulled her right in, all the way down to the bottom. Which, she was surprised to learn, wasn?t wet.

At the bottom of the well, sitting on soft, dry land, it was almost like the light was sparkling, but she thought it was just her eyes, adjusting to the low light.

Sure enough though, the bottom of the well seemed to be home to a sprinkle of fireflies.

Illumination. Magic. Isn?t this what you came here for?

Well, yes, I wanted just a scoop though.

Just a scoop? There is no scoop. You?re in the well or you?re outside of the well.

She noticed that she actually felt different, now that she was inside the well and wondered if the voice, which she assumed was the voice of the fireflies, was maybe right.

What you wanted was a scoop of magic which you could bring back to your people. And then, presumably, each one would scoop out a thimbleful of magic for themselves. What good is that?

Well when you say it that way it sounds ridiculous. I wanted to show them the scoop of magic so they could learn more about it and how to create more – how to create their own magic.

You don?t create magic. You are magic. Come on, you know this.

Well, yes – that?s what I wanted them to discover in this process. That the magic is inside of them. That the tiny thimbleful that I could give them is pathetic, compared to the magnitude of magic they contain within them. I wanted them to have that visceral experience of absolute knowing that – that the magic within outshines anything anyone else can give you.

And does being here in the well of your own inner magic make you think of a better way to do this?


And isn?t that what you were really looking for?

Yes. Sharing a tiny scoop of my magic doesn?t help them with their magic at all. I mean, what if they start to mistake MY magic as THE magic? I am NOT going to be that teacher.

The girl sits in silence.

After a few minutes, the fireflies come in closer and start to multiply, filling the energy around her with sparkles.

Illumination. Magic. That?s what you came here for.

The girl?s heart lights up like a giant firefly, and each beat of her heart sent sparkles circulating through her body.

And she knew exactly how to proceed with her class.

EPILOGUE: Forty minutes after writing this fairy tale, the girl completed the content for The Magic Journal Class. Fairy tales are potent magic.

PS: To celebrate the new Magic Journal Class I’m hosting a FREE live streaming video class where I’ll share new ways to tap into your inner magic.? Join us right here.

The Well. Or how fairy tales help me get my work done. Read More »

Update 34: The Magic of Jealousy

jealousyLast week’s Treasure Mapping class has left it’s mark on me.

The way I teach dreaming, every move you make with your dream is an act of healing.? Working with your dream brings you deeper into who you really are.

False identities and limiting beliefs dissolve as you allow more of who you really are to shine through.? This is the path to the dream – becoming the you who lives the dream, from the inside out.

I’m in the middle of a big step with that, and a lot of things are changing for me.? Writing these weekly updates is one of the things that’s changing.

As you start to grow into the you who lives your dream, your perspective on things changes – these updates were grounding and helpful for me before and now they feel superfluous.

Thing 1: this doesn’t feel like “the BIG dream” anymore because I see it in reach.? Regardless of how long it takes to get there, I feel like I’m in the boat and the current is bringing me in.? And I can paddle, or turn on the motor, or just go with the flow – whatever I want.? Right now I’m lying in the boat, staring up at the clouds because I love clouds.

I’m enjoying the journey and excited about the destination.

Thing 2: in the last six months I’ve grown a lot.? I’ve done a lot of work to shift my perspective around growing my business, I’ve explored all sorts of new things.? I’ve met new fears and tangoed with old ones.? I’m not the same person who made the decision to start writing these updates.

Thing 3: a new dream is emerging which is all about how I’m relating to my dreams right now.

So I want to share in a different way.

At first, I was writing these updates to help me sort out my steps, and to share the process publicly because I think too few people do that – share the honest actual story as it’s happening.? When you look back and share – that changes the story.

Now it’s become less of a broadcast (me telling my story) and more of a circle (using my updates to open up the weekly sharing circle inside the Creative Dream Circle) and the big magic comes from everyone sharing their stories together.

And next I want the way that I’m approaching the updates to change.? But my idea of how I want to do this differently is so new I’m not ready to share it.

The magic of JEALOUSY

Instead, I’ll share that I have been incredibly jealous of someone lately.

Also inspired by them and happy for them but also very much jealous.? And I forgot that jealousy is an important tool in your creative dreamer toolkit.

(If jealousy is something you struggle with click that link!)

When I finally listened to my jealousy of course it was saying – hey dude, why don’t YOU do the thing that you are jealous that they are going to do?

When I talked to the friend I was jealous of, it turns out that he wasn’t sure he wanted to do the thing anyway.? It was me, wanting him to do the thing.? And he thought it was an ok idea but he was inspired by other things.

It was mine all along.

(Original stained glass art mosaic by my mom – one of many in her garden)

This makes me happy, and also afraid, because the thing I want to do is new, and would stretch me in new ways, and that’s always scary (at least in the beginning).

I spent the day at the beach by myself yesterday.

That is my favourite place to work on acclimating to my dream.? I went there because I felt like I had a lot of acclimating to do, and then it turned out that I didn’t.

I just needed to recognize how much I’ve grown into this dream already.? And notice how I ready I am to keep going.? And how capable I am of figuring out ways to do this that nurture and support both me and my dreams.

This feels really good.

Update 34: The Magic of Jealousy Read More »

Resistance, a fairy tale.


Prologue. This morning in my journal:

There is this thing I want to start doing.

And when I think about doing it I get all excited and then I remember that I have wanted to start doing this before.? Many times.? And then I feel frustrated because I was in this place before, so many times, of wanting to start doing it and yet here I am again – not doing it.

Clearly I want to do it because it keeps coming back.

Clearly I don’t want to do it because I keep not doing it.

So let’s explore.

I want to do it: feels like alignment and a bright light and all these pieces magically coming together to create something new and amazing.

I don’t want to do it: feels like fog and falling asleep and pushing away the things I am responsible for and pretending that I am less than I am.

But knowing this is not enough to make me leap into action.? Because the part of me that wants to pretend that I am less than I am is… a part of me.

Bulldozing through it and forcing myself to do the thing: feels violent, like it’s going to uproot so many beautiful things that are growing in my inner world.

And yet…

Going on not doing the thing: feels like heavy thick disappointment oozing all over everything in my life.? It is not contained to this one thing, I am letting myself down and that makes everything stink.

Ha! I have been noticing this stink coming off of other people lately (energetically speaking) and it’s been irritating me.? Hello, mirror.

And so we begin…

Hello, resistance, we need to talk.

Resistance is a kokeshi doll who is sleeping on the beach, using the ocean as her blanket.? She smiles, rolls over, and goes back to sleep and then says (maybe telepathically because she is sleeping now) “I am happy here”.

Oh that’s good, I want you to be happy.? But, um, I also want me to be happy.

Kokeshi doll wakes up, whips her head around and raises one eyebrow.

Yeah, I guess I’m saying you’re being a bit selfish.? But I don’t want to argue with that.? I want both of us to get what we need, I want both of us to be happy.

Kokeshi doll sits up, cross-legged, with her elbows resting on her knees (suddenly she has knees and elbows!) and her chin resting on her hands, and looks at me intently.

So you’re willing to work with me, that’s good.? I have this crazy idea that if both of us are happy then each of us would be even happier then we are then only one of us is happy.

Kokeshi doll thinks this is obvious.? She’s been smelling the stink, sometimes it wakes her up at night and she does not want to be woken up at night.

OK, so I’m not sure what to do.

Kokeshi doll points to a structure over at the edge of the beach.? Looking at it makes her sad.

My heart drops.? The structure is the most amazing inspiration station.? It’s positively beaming with delight.? It’s the perfect space for me to do the thing, and the roof… the roof is a hammock.

Kokeshi doll is supposed to sleep in the hammock, so she can vibe out on the inspiration station which gives her the sweetest dreams.? Kokeshi doll knows that those dreams fuel me.

Kokeshi doll is sad because I have been trying to make her “get to work” with me when that was never her job.? That’s why she ran away to the ocean’s edge.? She sleeps and sleeps in the wettest place she could find but the dreams have all dried up.

I pick her up and carry her over to the inspiration station and place her in the hammock.? A huge smile spreads over her face, her rainbow blanket appears and she snuggles into it hard, ready to dream sweeter than she has ever dreamed.? She’s got a lot of time to make up for.

I sit down at the inspiration station and notice things are kind of dusty and out of place.

Everything I need is here, that’s for sure.? But the dust of neglect needs to be cleared away.? A peacock feather duster turns towards me and smiles.? Let’s get to work.

Resistance, a fairy tale. Read More »

Update 33: Evidence that my BIG FEARS about this were wrong.

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.(you can read my original post about this here)

At this point though, I’m not interested in the numbers.? What I am excited about is having that feeling of DOING MY BEST, to grow my capacity serve dreamers in bringing their dreams to life inside the Circle, to DO MY BEST to work on the places where I hide and hold back, to DO MY BEST so share my gifts. And I want to explore more about how I want this all to work for me, and how I want to feel inside it.

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.



Part 1, same as last week.? I do want to change this but I’m not quite sure how I want to change it right now:

My dream is:? To do my best.? To know and feel deep down in my bones that I am doing my best in creating the Circle and holding the Circle and growing the Circle.? To do my best to work on the places where I hold back and hide and play small – not to hit a certain number, but so that I can do my best to share my gifts.? And to keep growing what “my best” is.? With this as my focus for the rest of the year, I can see it opening up new possibilities for other projects for next year.

I want it because: This feels like how I grow into more of who I am.? It lights me up.

When I have it I will feel: At peace, connected, aligned, deeply joyful, in the flow.? Free-er.


What happened in the last week?

Something really big changed for me this week and I’m still processing what it means.

I did this.

For anyone who has ever tried to write a practical description of their magical work you know how hard it is to explain clearly, not just what you do but the philosophy behind and it and how it works.

I’ve developed a totally unique way of transforming fears, doubts and obstacles AND activate your superpowers and it’s been challenging, to say the least, to explain.? That’s why I created my free introductory class, so I don’t have to explain, people can just experience a bit of it instead.

Having this page be such so clear, and having it explain how my work is different from anyone else’s, totally transforms how I feel about my self and my work.? So yes I need more time to process this.

In one of my recent updates I wrote about how a lack of clarity creates spaces that we can hide in.? Making such a radical move towards clarity has left me with fewer spaces to hide in, and with less desire to hide in the first place.? So I’m kind of standing in the light, blinking.

This is a theme that comes up repeatedly in my classes and in client sessions – dreaming is terrifying.? Change is terrifying.? Not changing is terrifying.? We all have parts of us that just want to hide.? Helping them feel safe enough to come out of hiding is the real work of bringing a dream to life.? I feel like I am deeply deeply engaged in that work right now.

Also – the Treasure-Mapping class happened and it was deeply, deeply healing experience for me.? I always set these classes up to be healing for the participants and then am surprised when I get a healing as well.

My inner perfectionist showed up loud and proud and I feel like she got a really big dose of love which calmed her down and now there is more space for me to be me.? That is a pretty amazing way to feel.

Also: Evidence that my Big Fears about this were wrong.

At first, I was SURE that if I wanted to grow the Circle BIG, I would dilute it’s magic.? So for a long time the Circle was hidden and I only invited people who were already working with me.

In hindsight, that was such a ridiculous thing to believe.? But it was a HUGE worry and all feelings are valid and I needed a lot of time and space to work through that one.

And that’s why I’ve had this feeling of having one foot on the gas, one foot on the brakes, for a long time, in terms of growing the Circle.? The past few months I’ve been easing off the brakes and feeling more sure about the gas and this is a really beautiful feeling.? Not because faster = better but because being less conflicted about wanting what I want feels amazing.

After our call yesterday, when “new people” and “old people” alike shared their stories on our call it was clear how everyone is amazing and the Circle really does a beautiful job of drawing like-minded people to it and the more members it has the more magic there is.? Of course it can’t be diluted!

What else happened this week, Instagram style:


How do I feel about this?

I feel like I am exactly where I want to be. Deeply grateful for everything I have created in my life and inspired to keep going.

What do I need now?

I wanted to add something at the end of that last sentence, but it fits better right here: I am inspired to keep going, but slowly.? I want to stop feeling like I should be there already.? Especially when here (where I am now) is so awesome!

What does my dream need now?

When I do the little exercise from my Give Your Dream Wings class my dream shows up as fog.? This voice says “Dude your dream needs more structure before it can come to life”.

Fair enough, having that deep down feeling like I am doing my best felt like an important thing I wanted last week, this week I feel like Iam doing my best and geeez what more do you want from me? (Oh, makes sense why my inner perfectionist has been so active now…)

My dream needs me to hang out with it and bring it out of the fog by giving it more structure.

It’s cool that I don’t want 800 members in the Circle to be my big goal for the year right now, but I did make a commitment to stretch my business-wings this year and I really do want to honour that commitment that I made to myself.

At this point, 800 feels a bit like “Oh I’m not sure how this will work, though I am sure I could figure it out” while 500 feels awesome.

Normally you do need to stretch into a big dream, which is what big dreams are all about.? And before you start stretching it’s hard to know how much you can/want to stretch.? So once you start working on one thing it may lead you to discover that a different thing is what you REALLY want.? So maybe I really want to cap this group at 500 members, I am really not sure.

Right now, we’re at 150 members.? I LOVE the gentle speed at which it’s growing and how it just more and more wonderful to have new people to play with.? At this pace we’d be around 300 by the end of the year which feels DELICIOUS.

This cranky, sarcastic voice wants to interject to point out how 300 members may feel delicious but it’s not enough to get me the income I want.? This part of me believes that it’s really important that ALL of my income come from the Circle, even though the reality is that lots of it comes from coaching.

This is a theme I’ve noticed with my clients lately too, this voice that says “YOU NEED TO HAVE/DO/BE _____.” when their inner wisdom says it’s not true.? And the more you just go with your inner wisdom the louder the voice gets, so you have to actually work with the voice and heal it before you can move forward.

I’m writing this on Thursday after the Treasure Mapping class and I’m too tired to work with this voice right now, but I will make it a part of my mission for next week.

Taking all of this into account, my next mission is:

Clarity.? I’m making a face while I type this because I think this is ALWAYS my mission.? We just spent so much time talking about this during the Treasure-Making class, how clarity is scary, how turning on a light means being able to SEE all that stuff you need to clean up and how fun that isn’t.? And how worth it it is, to get the cleaning done.

And talk with this voice that is so adamant that all of my income should come from the Circle and find out more about what it needs.

And spend some time with Me Who Lives The Dream (for Circle members – this is in Module 6 of the Creative Dream Incubator) to find out what she can tell me about what’s next.

And I want to write out the descriptions for the 2 classes I’m working on right now: The MAGIC Journal and the MANDALA Journal.? Kind of in love with both of these.

Update 33: Evidence that my BIG FEARS about this were wrong. Read More »

How To Teach Life-Changing Classes

how to teach life-changing classes

Tomorrow I’m teaching a TREASURE MAPPING class inside the Creative Dream Circle, which is one of my favourite things to do.

Treasure Mapping is like vision boards – on steroids. ?Instead of just visualizing the vision, you map out the path that leads to it from a place of deep connection to your inner wisdom and superpowers.

I started teaching this process in my in-person workshops about six years ago.? Then I turned it into a digital kit in 2010, and in 2013 it evolved into a live-on-the-phone class.

After all these years of doing this you might think I don’t have to do much to prep for the class, but that’s not true.

The thing that always blows people away about my classes is how they access new parts of themselves in the class.? Like they FEEL more powerful or more intuitive or more creative or more sure of themselves.

And they always want to know how I do it.? The process of how to teach life-changing classes is maybe different from what you think.? This is how I do it:


Bandwidth is a real thing.

I have a limited bandwidth so when I’m getting ready to teach I have to be extra-aware of what I’ve got going on.? I don’t want to get to class day and have my bandwidth be all used up with other stuff.

Everything I’m thinking about is taking up energetic bandwidth.? AND everything I’m thinking about impacts the quality of energy I’ve got.

If I’m stressed and frazzled then that’s what I’m bringing to my students when class starts.? That energy creates a barrier to them being able to receive what it is I want to share with them.

All this to say: I’m spending the day PLAYING.

Today I’m in deep self-care mode, so that I can bring great energy to the class so that I can be super present with the people who show up to play with me.? (And the people who listen to the recording afterwards can also feel that energy)

Since people are joining the Creative Dream Circle today in order to be a part of tomorrow’s class, I am checking my email every few hours to help them get settled into the Circle.? But other than that: PLAY.

Filling the well all the way up so that I can give from a place of fullness and abundance.

Cycling to the park. Drawing mandalas. Bubble bath. Pouring all the good vibes into tomorrow’s class.

When you’re teaching anything transformative, you’re teaching more from who you are than from what you know.? So it’s important to show up as your best self.

Of course – shit happens.? You’re not going to be able to be 100% “on” 100% of the time when you’re teaching.

I take two approaches to do my best to be as on as I can be: daily practice and the pre-class top-ups.? Having two approaches gives me a sturdier foundation, so if either one slips for some reason, I’ve got back-up.

So I’m doing my daily practice every day – creative journaling, meditation, mandalas, drawing maps, etc.? Then I schedule “extreme self-care” time before classes as the top-up.

Of course, when I’m teaching something new there are more elements to add to the process.? I’m not just creating the material, I spend a lot of time attuning to it – journaling and meditation and marinating in whatever it is I want to share, trying to connect with it as deeply as I possibly can so that I can share from a place of depth (students really can FEEL that in the class).

That’s why, as I shared in my video last week, I have been playing with the Treasure-Mapping process lately.

No matter what you teach, your students will feel the quality of the presence you bring to the class.

Your love for what you’re doing.? The time and energy and attention you paid to setting up the class.? The many years you spent mastering your gifts.? How passionate you are about sharing your gifts.

This creates an energy-atmosphere that allows them to really receive the benefits of what you offer.

How To Teach Life-Changing Classes Read More »

Use Creativity & Imagination to Supercharge your INTUITION and map out a plan that gets you what you want.

Treasure Mapping is a creative way to play your way into clarity about what to do next with your dream, without waiting for the answer to somehow magically come to you.? You?ll learn how to access deep and true intuitive wisdom right when you need it.

I use this process all the freaking time.? It?s what helped me build my creative business and quit my day job, buy my dream loft, travel around the world and live a happy and fulfilling life.

It?s simple. It?s fun. And it works.

When you tap into your genius and sketch out a visual MAP to bring your dreams to life ? miracles happen.? Everything becomes clearer. Support shows up. You begin taking confident steps into your dreams. You can SEE them, on paper ? taking shape, before your eyes.

The 2014 Treasure-Mapping Class is happening on July 10 at 1pm (Central, North America).

Here?s what you get in the Treasure Mapping class:

  • 90 minutes of live on-the-phone focused Creative Treasure-Mapping: creative play, alchemy, magic-making and miracle-summoning.? You can attend live or use the recordings. Either way, it will be awesome.
  • Playbooks to support your Treasure-Mapping Process. There are no ?Three Easy Steps To Making The Magic Happen? that I can give you, but I can offer a ton of support for cultivating the conditions that let the magic IN. There are processes that are helpful. There are gentle tools for dismantling resistance. And all of this can be done in a spirit of delight, play and wild creative abandon. This is what the playbooks will cover.
  • Treasure-Mapping classroom inside the Creative Dream Circle website.? A place to share your stories and insights, get answers to your questions and be inspired by what everyone else is doing with this amazing process.

All you need is:?

  • Journal plus whatever art supplies you want to play with (all you really need is a pen, but if you want to get more creative you can ? whatever floats your boat!).
  • Computer or smart phone with internet access to download materials.
  • Phone with a long distance plan (you?ll be calling a US number), or you can play with the recordings afterwards.
  • 90 minutes for your crazy-magic treasure-mapping adventure.
  • Optional: more creative playtime afterwards for exploring and expanding your map

Link arms with your Dream, and map out your own path.

Everyone’s map turns out differently.? Here is what some past participants have done with this process:

Harriet's Treasure Map and the Magical Monkey who is helping her find her treasure.

Sylvie's first map:


Sylvie's second map: leading to a surprising discovery about what her dreams really need right now.

Cora's gorgeous treasure map, showing how it all leads to her dream.


Though some people wanted me to mention that their maps don?t turn out pretty like this? they want you to know that messy, even ugly mapping are magical too!!


?the most valuable thing you said as leader/facilitator/guide on this journey, was that there was no way possible of doing it wrong. this was incredibly freeing.

it didn?t have to be pretty. it didn?t even have to make any sense. the magic would show up because it was wanted. and it did show up!!! these concepts helped me trust the magic. and myself.?? Antonia


This class is happening in the Creative Dream Circle – click here to read more & join today.

Use Creativity & Imagination to Supercharge your INTUITION and map out a plan that gets you what you want. Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: