You are worthy of your BIGGEST dreams


We all have a ceiling on what we think is actually possible for us, and that ceiling isn't about reality it's about our own self concept, which is completely malleable.

Though I don't believe we should be constantly pushing on that ceiling in the name of "dreaming bigger".

It's that we have a mental concept of "right size" "too small" and "too big" and sometimes our dreams push up against that, and so we try to shrink our dreams into what feels do-able.

But your dream is your soul speaking to you.

So, instead of trying to shove it into a smaller container that fits with your current sense of what is possible for you, how about you listen to what it's actually saying?

You are worthy of your BIGGEST dreams.

I'm not saying "get out there and work your ass off and make it happen" I am saying: how about giving yourself permission to want what you want? To give yourself space to consider... what do you REALLY want?

Yes, you live in a world that is hostile to dreams. Yes, compromises may need to be made. Yes, the world will judge and belittle your dreams and ask you who are you to think you can do this?

Your dream is your soul calling you towards your true self. There is magic and power in this.

And there is a big difference between going after your dream and landing on a compromise, and making compromises about what you will ever allow yourself to dream about.

Your dream is here to heal and grow you. But it can only work it's magic if you accept it.

FEELING WORTHY of your dreams Zoom class and healing circle is happening March 30 at 1:00 pm Central (North America). Replay provided (I am doing this one mostly for the replay - to have this healing circle available to all members right in those moments when you feel not good enough)

This call is open to all members of Dream Book.

Join us here.

You are worthy of your BIGGEST dreams Read More »

Impatience doesn’t help dreams! (Weekly Dream Status Report)

Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

What are you up to today? Let us know in the comments!

Tell us what you're working on, struggling with, ask questions, share your goals, etc, in these daily posts. This is a great way to put stuff "out there" where only people who "get it" are going to see it.

On Fridays I post my Dream Status Report which is a series of prompts I use every week to help me have more clarity, momentum and groundedness on my path. The prompts are here. You can do them with me, or do your own thing.


I just realized that last week, I did DO a new dream status report, but then somehow the old one is the one that got posted, so I shared the same one here two weeks in a row. (I do remember doing something wrong, ending up with 2 posts, and I must have deleted the wrong one).

In a week when I have been feeling disoriented, I feel very disoriented now! But I am going to assume this is happening in my favour, that not reviewing last week's stuff while writing this week's report is helpful.

My Dream Status Report:

PART ONE: (sometimes these can stay the same for months at time, sometimes they change often)

My dream is: BEING the artist + writer I want to be. This is the "big picture" dream - this includes lots of different inner + outer things, which I am working on clarifying in my Dream Book.

I want it because: This is what feels most enticing and interesting to me. I'm also noticing how BEING who I feel I AM is important for my mental health.

When I have it I will feel: Just a little more ME, more energized. Excited about the new work I am doing.

My new moon intention: Being an inner match to my dream. I LOVED that new moon call, in the meditation I felt so magical and dreamy, this sense of wanting to stay in that space of deep dream work.

PART TWO: Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.

I've tried this three times, and nothing is happening. Going to move on.


Last week’s focus was: I don't remember.

What happened in the last week? I was REALLY off. Disoriented. Distracted. Tired. I mean there were plenty of good moments, and I made really good progress on my project, but overall I was just feeling a little off this week.

What am I learning/How do I feel about this? I feel frustrated. Looking back, I think there is more I could have done to have a better week. Maybe I was in resistance and was letting it take over?

Though this feeling of being disappointed with my week is valid, but honestly I probably DID do my best with it and sometimes things just don't flow the way you want them to.

What do I need now? Drawing a blank here. I mean I wish I had a less sensitive nervous system that didn't take 5 days to adjust to the time change...

OH shit! What I NEED is to be patient with myself and my process.

Wow suddenly I see how impatient I am, both with myself and the weather. Usually I am on my bike by now and we still have too much snow. I feel "done" with the long walks and want to go back to cycling for exercise.

I need to be patient. With myself and my dreams and nature and everything.

What does my dream need now? It feels like my dream wants to offer me support.

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is: Be more patient with myself and ENJOY THE PROCESS.

My Dream Status Report:

PART ONE: (sometimes these can stay the same for months at time, sometimes they change often)

My dream is: BEING the artist + writer I want to be. This is the "big picture" dream - this includes lots of different inner + outer things, which I am working on clarifying in my Dream Book. Also I just want to be happy!! And this feels like an ongoing project, in this world.

I want it because: This is what feels most enticing and interesting to me. I'm also noticing how BEING who I feel I AM is important for my mental health.

When I have it I will feel: Just a little more ME, more energized. Excited about the new work I am doing. (Before I had written that I would feel proud of my work, now it's more like I want to feel EXCITED about it)

My new moon intention: Being an inner match to my dream. I LOVED that new moon call, in the meditation I felt so magical and dreamy, this sense of wanting to stay in that space of deep dream work.

PART TWO: Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.

My dream shows up as a sense of joy all around me. Everything feels lighter.


Last week’s focus was: Go into the dream work of my projects.

What happened in the last week? I was kind of doing my focus, and kind of forgot about it. I mean, I forgot how important it is. When I re-read last week’s update I remembered. But I was realizing this week how important it is, how grounded I DON’T feel when it’s not my foundation.

I am distracted. There’s been a lot going on in my city and I feel scared, sad and angry. I had made some decisions about what I want to DO to contribute to creating the world I want to live in, and I haven’t been doing those things. Now it feels like time. My Member of Parliament is working on a campaign to create a Universal Basic Income and I have done some volunteer work for it, but I want to be more committed to that. I do believe poverty is at the root of most of our problems, and that it would be an easy thing to solve, since we spend more money policing poverty and hospitalizing people, than it would cost to end it. I know that doing something to help would help me feel better there. I will contact them today.

But in general, I feel like I am moving things forward only nothing is going as fast as I want it to. And yes I want to stay “slowed the fuck down” but I also want to see creative progress because that’s so satisfying.

Ummmm ok actually doing that meditation every day would be a good place to start! BEING as creative, powerful and magnetic as I AM would help me make the progress I want to see, and maybe (!!!???) make peace with the pace that works for me?

What am I learning/How do I feel about this? Last week I wrote about how I feel good about where I am, but I also don’t feel grounded in it. Maybe this week I was going into the grounding process? Maybe it just doesn’t look like I thought it would?

Because I do feel new clarity coming in about what I want my spring to look like in terms of my routines and the work I want to do and how I want to feel and be. Which suggests I AM getting grounded in BEING the artist and writer I want to be. I mean, for the last few years I’ve been reaching towards being the artist + writer I want to be, and I feel like I’ve had it for a while, but it’s a process to really HAVE IT.

WOW this feels like a spacy update, lol! But it feels good.

What do I need now? Be more consistent about Dream Book, keep working through the checklist and making more pages. Everything I do in there helps me understand my process better!

What does my dream need now? This “sense of joy all around me” just sparkles a little. It does feel like it’s fine, it’s here, it’s real - it’s me who needs to work on being open and receptive and patient and consistent.

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is: Dream Book time BEFORE other things every morning. Let it be the fuel.

If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Impatience doesn’t help dreams! (Weekly Dream Status Report) Read More »


Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

I feel like a broken record, but today sucks too.

I really tried! After a few months of the sunrise slowly getting earlier, shifting from being on my walk while the sun rises to waking up with more and more light... to be plunged back into the darkness just sucks.

But this morning I was determined. I got up in the dark. I got ready to go and went for my walk to the coffee shop... but it is SO slippery out there and every step I took ,my whole body said NO I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS. I stopped, tried talking to myself "Hey, don't you think we'll feel amazing once we get there? Can we think about how great we feel after walking there and back?"

But, no. I was not feeling it. After 5 blocks I turned around and walked home.

But being back home I was still crabby and everything is going wrong.

So for my practice I did: Slow the fuck down! BE as powerful, creative + magnetic as you are.

Ahhhh! Being in that bubble of light in the beginning felt like everything. My light was yellow today and I want to keep this with me all day. Being in my own space, having the light holding space for me.

And the message I got: BEING as powerful creative and magnetic as I AM does mean accepting that there are bad days. It means accepting reality and working WITH it.

I also started to feel REALLY RELLY GOOD about the "creative dreaming is a practice" book/workbook I am creating.

I just put some "invigorating" essential oils in my diffuser.

I can support myself in feeling good AND accept that I'm not feeling 100% today.

If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Restoration Read More »

Trying to BE as creative, powerful and magnetic as I AM

Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

Another rough morning.

This time change feels really brutal. Plus spring allergies seem to be starting - even while we're still buried in snow? And life just seems to have a lot of details that need handling that I don't want to handle.

I woke up feeling so fuzzy and tired, I went back to bed. I laid there and did the Slow the fuck down! BE as creative, powerful and magnetic as you ARE meditation. I didn't want to get up to get my phone to listen to it, so I just imagined it as best I could.

That helped, but I am still here in that "I DO NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING" mood so I am going to meet this part of me in the Un-Sticking Station.

Hey there, I see you are crabby today and don't know what to do with yourself?

I know what to do with myself! I want to eat ice cream and watch movies!

Oh. I see. What do you think about getting this work done now, and then we can do that later?


Yeah, I thought so. So can you tell me more about why you want to eat ice cream and watch movies? What's going on with you?

I just feel so annoyed by everything. I want to turn off the world. I want that joy of creamy ice cream on my tongue and the escape of a good movie.

Oh. Yeah I can see that. Can I tell you what I want?

Yeah ok.

I want the joy of feeling "on track" with my plans. And that feeling of freedom and happiness I feel when I am drawing on my iPad, working on that project. The thrill of satisfaction of seeing progress. Feeling ALIVE!

Yeah, I get that. I like those feelings too. But today I'm not feeling it.

I see that. I worry that if we go into "ice cream and movie mode" so early in the day, the day is going to start to drag. I'll feel low energy all day. If I do some work, maybe get some exercise, eat the salad and chilli in the fridge, I'll feel more energized and happy.

Hmmmm. That part of me is just fading away.

I can't connect with it. And I don't feel it pulling at me.

It feels like it recognizes the truth that doing the things that make me feel ALIVE and energized and happy really will make me feel better and it wants to feel better.

So now?

Now my dream shows up as a peacock.

It's like... strutting around. Enjoying itself. Enjoying life. Shaking.


A bunch of things happened this morning that were bringing me down. My dream is saying: I can shake them off and enjoy my day.


IT's 11:15 am. I DID do that one task that felt impossible: sending out a marketing email...

BUT THEN I also wrote up FOUR MORE!!!! They are formatted and saved as blogs, emails and Instagram posts so I can send them out twice a week for the rest of the month.

OK, I do feel alive and awake. Even that part of me that just wanted to eat ice cream and watch movies is happy about this forward movement.

If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Trying to BE as creative, powerful and magnetic as I AM Read More »

Getting out of the fog

Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

Nothing is working today.

I am sooo tired, I did not sleep well, I am disoriented from the time change, we had a sudden snow storm on the weekend and now, after it starting to feel like spring we've been plunged back into winter. My back is sore from shovelling at my parents' house, I am distracted and foggy.

For my practice I started my weekly planning page in my planner - looking over what I didn't finish last week and what my logical next steps are. And I am meeting my dream:

My dream shows up as myself, wearing a dress I am currently dreaming of making, sitting outside in the park on a beautiful spring day.

I say: Hey listen, I feel so sleepy and stuck today. Everything is foggy and I wish it wasn't and I don't know what to do. What advice do you have for me?

She gives me a big hug. It feels like a big of an energy transfer, though not enough to make me feel the way I want to feel.

"Every day isn't a dream. Take care of yourself. Watch a movie, and work on the drawings for the Creative Dreaming is a Practice book. You don't have to have a clear head to do that part. Do the meal prep you didn't finish on the weekend, because not having nourishing food ready to go is a part of the problem right now. Tidy up a bit because that will make you feel better. Today can be a "prep day" for feeling more clear, inspired and happy tomorrow."

That feels good.


If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Getting out of the fog Read More »

I believe in the magic of turning your creative dreams into a daily practice

I started my business doing coaching and workshops, but I quickly learned that what I really wanted to do was start an ongoing membership group to support people in the ongoing work of bringing their creative dreams into their daily routines.

These little daily steps are so small they seem insignificant and like why even bother? but then it suddenly hits you all the ways they are adding up and becoming something much greater.

I think turning your creative dreams into a daily practice is the most magical, healing and expansive thing anyone could ever do and I am currently working on a new workbook all about it.

I'm hand drawing the whole thing, so it's a very slow process, but I am thinking about sharing the pages on social media as I go.

I believe in the magic of turning your creative dreams into a daily practice Read More »

Distracted and spacing out but showing up (Weekly Dream Status Report)

Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

What are you up to today? Let us know in the comments!

Tell us what you're working on, struggling with, ask questions, share your goals, etc, in these daily posts. This is a great way to put stuff "out there" where only people who "get it" are going to see it.

On Fridays I post my Dream Status Report which is a series of prompts I use every week to help me have more clarity, momentum and groundedness on my path. The prompts are here. You can do them with me, or do your own thing.

My Dream Status Report:

PART ONE: (sometimes these can stay the same for months at time, sometimes they change often)

My dream is: BEING the artist + writer I want to be. This is the "big picture" dream - this includes lots of different inner + outer things, which I am working on clarifying in my Dream Book.

I want it because: This is what feels most enticing and interesting to me. I'm also noticing how BEING who I feel I AM is important for my mental health.

When I have it I will feel: Just a little more ME, more energized. Excited about the new work I am doing. (Before I had written that I would feel proud of my work, now it's more like I want to feel EXCITED about it)

My new moon intention: Being an inner match to my dream. I LOVED that new moon call, in the meditation I felt so magical and dreamy, this sense of wanting to stay in that space of deep dream work.

PART TWO: Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.

My dream shows up as a symbol made of energy, like not really visible but I know it's there, it's eight triangles, arranged in a circle, each pointing out. It's EXPANSION and it starts in my chest. It feels loving, inviting, confident and playful.

It feels like the energy from Slow the fuck down! BE as powerful, creative + magnetic as you are.


Last week’s focus was:Go deeper into my own joy.

What happened in the last week? There has been so much JOY FOCUS for the last while! It really feels like I've had three years of winter, and now it's almost spring.

Last night we had a condo board meeting and it was such a relief. We all said we feel frustrated about our email communication not going well, and it was good to get on the same page again. I felt so annoyed for feeling frustrated by that, like I know we all want the condo to run smoothly but it can feel like we're fighting each other sometimes and I don't like that that becomes an "energy suck".

I had a dream this week that stayed with me. We were at my friend's farm with the boys, my step-daughter was not with us. The farm is right on the southern edge of Lake Winnipeg, a great lake. The sky was bright orange and I saw dozens of tornados coming off the lake towards us. The entire farm was decimated but we were all ok, I just remember "waking up" in the rubble, and checking on everyone. Then I called my step-daughter who was in the city and she was ok but she said the whole city was destroyed. Then the phone lines went dead, I couldn't contact my sister or parents.

It stayed with me, but not in a terrifying way. It just felt meaningful. Then Joseph told me (he's been learning more about Indigenous dream interpretation) dreaming of tornadoes means the thunder birds are with you and destruction is change - he said that kind of massive destruction means profound change is coming.

What am I learning/How do I feel about this? I'm just still really thrilled and happy to feel like I HAVE IT. I AM HERE. I am BEING the artist and writer I want to be.

I don't feel grounded/integrated about it but I do feel like I have it. And I am so excited about what I can DO with this. The projects I want to work on this year feel SO EXCITING... and also... I am not rushing into productivity mode. I am giving everything, including myself, SPACE. This feels amazing.

What do I need now? Nothing is coming to me, keep doing what I am doing.

What does my dream need now? The circle of triangles stretches out. It needs space to expand. It feels like - quiet time for me, journaling, embroidering, meditating, taking good care of myself physically, mentally and emotionally.

And also - I am trying to find the right words here - it's not "start working" on my next projects, more like "create containers for them". Meet with the soul of the project and get a feel for it. Make space for them in my Dream Book. Make time to brainstorm about them IN A PRESSURE-FREE WAY (it feels important to not leap into "productivity mode" but to stay in a deeper relationship with these things I want to bring to life).

OH!!! It feels like the balance between Dream Work and Outer Work is shifting for me. Like Dream Work needs more space, and Outer Work will need less space.

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is: Get into the Dream Work of my new projects. Make space for them. (Projects Page, making Alchemy Wheels for each one, doing the Dream Lab to connect with the soul of the project (substitute "dream" for "project", Project Planning prompts) (there is also The Impossible Project Journals - which is not included in Dream Book, which guide you through the entire process of doing something that feels REALLY BIG but I don't feel that's quite where I am with this yet)

My Dream Status Report:

PART ONE: (sometimes these can stay the same for months at time, sometimes they change often)

My dream is: BEING the artist + writer I want to be. This is the "big picture" dream - this includes lots of different inner + outer things, which I am working on clarifying in my Dream Book. Also I just want to be happy!! And this feels like an ongoing project, in this world.

I want it because: This is what feels most enticing and interesting to me. I'm also noticing how BEING who I feel I AM is important for my mental health.

When I have it I will feel: Just a little more ME, more energized. Excited about the new work I am doing. (Before I had written that I would feel proud of my work, now it's more like I want to feel EXCITED about it)

My new moon intention: Being an inner match to my dream. I LOVED that new moon call, in the meditation I felt so magical and dreamy, this sense of wanting to stay in that space of deep dream work.

PART TWO: Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.

My dream shows up as a sense of joy all around me. Everything feels lighter.


Last week’s focus was: Go into the dream work of my projects.

What happened in the last week? I was kind of doing my focus, and kind of forgot about it. I mean, I forgot how important it is. When I re-read last week’s update I remembered. But I was realizing this week how important it is, how grounded I DON’T feel when it’s not my foundation.

I am distracted. There’s been a lot going on in my city and I feel scared, sad and angry. I had made some decisions about what I want to DO to contribute to creating the world I want to live in, and I haven’t been doing those things. Now it feels like time. My Member of Parliament is working on a campaign to create a Universal Basic Income and I have done some volunteer work for it, but I want to be more committed to that. I do believe poverty is at the root of most of our problems, and that it would be an easy thing to solve, since we spend more money policing poverty and hospitalizing people, than it would cost to end it. I know that doing something to help would help me feel better there. I will contact them today.

But in general, I feel like I am moving things forward only nothing is going as fast as I want it to. And yes I want to stay “slowed the fuck down” but I also want to see creative progress because that’s so satisfying.

Ummmm ok actually doing that meditation every day would be a good place to start! BEING as creative, powerful and magnetic as I AM would help me make the progress I want to see, and maybe (!!!???) make peace with the pace that works for me?

What am I learning/How do I feel about this? Last week I wrote about how I feel good about where I am, but I also don’t feel grounded in it. Maybe this week I was going into the grounding process? Maybe it just doesn’t look like I thought it would?

Because I do feel new clarity coming in about what I want my spring to look like in terms of my routines and the work I want to do and how I want to feel and be. Which suggests I AM getting grounded in BEING the artist and writer I want to be. I mean, for the last few years I’ve been reaching towards being the artist + writer I want to be, and I feel like I’ve had it for a while, but it’s a process to really HAVE IT.

WOW this feels like a spacy update, lol! But it feels good.

What do I need now? Be more consistent about Dream Book, keep working through the checklist and making more pages. Everything I do in there helps me understand my process better!

What does my dream need now? This “sense of joy all around me” just sparkles a little. It does feel like it’s fine, it’s here, it’s real - it’s me who needs to work on being open and receptive and patient and consistent.

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is: Dream Book time BEFORE other things every morning. Let it be the fuel.

If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Distracted and spacing out but showing up (Weekly Dream Status Report) Read More »

Finally getting to the updated project page!

Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

I noticed something this morning: I feel lost every time I put the Outer Work ahead of Dream Work. But I still do focus on Outer Work first.

Like, I sit at my desk and I want to know what I am going to DO and ACCOMPLISH. And this is a valid feeling!

And I do have a list of things I wanted to do this week...

But STARTING THERE isn't good for me. But, even knowing that, I WANT TO start there. I crave this simple, linear path that I know just does not exist.

I looked through my Dream book, realized I still really need to do an updated Project Page. So I started there.

Once I wrote out my current + future project ideas, I started making pages for my current projects and just journaling about them. How do I feel about them, what do I want for them.

This felt very clarifying.


If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Finally getting to the updated project page! Read More »

Deciding that this day is ✨magic✨

Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

I just DECIDED that today is magic.

And I am treating it like it is.

I decided to take the bus this morning to a place that's a bit too far to walk. I missed the bus - I could have run for it, but the sidewalks were pure ice and I didn't want to risk it and I decided right there that standing and waiting for 10 minutes would be magical.

And it kind of was. A chance to take a breath. Think about my day. Think about what I want. And even thought it's very cold, appreciate the spring sunshine.

But, now that I am here, with coffee and my tablet and ready to do what I wanted to do... I am feeling unsure.

So I am doing the Creative Dream Alchemy Process For Bolstering Your Sense of Courage as my practice today.

Starting the meditation: I feel so frustrated! I set out to make this day MAGIC and now, not even an hour later, I'm annoyed and feeling stuck. I want to set intentions and have them WORK, damnit!

The Field of Creative Dream Alchemy is kind of a beach, different layers or depths of energy, different colours, it's all very soothing. I sit down and relax into it.

My inner courage is sleeping.

I shine the light on it and she wakes up and stretches.

I think about how I want to be courageous in a whole different way than I ever have. I mean - isn't this ALWAYS true? As we grow, courage means different things.

Right now, it's GROUNDED and STABLE. I think back to when I started my business and I was reaching for something, creating something. Now I have something I've already built and I can stand proudly on it.

The light keeps shining. It turns pink.

My courageous self is awake and sitting on the bed. "Oh nice, I am so well rested and ready to do stuff now"

The light keeps shining on her and she's just feeling ready to stand in her truth.

It feels like she's been sleeping for a while to acclimate to all of the changes over the last many years.

She seems so grounded and calm. I notice how in the past sometimes my courage is very ENERGETIC like I need to put a lot of energy behind it to stay in it. And now it feels calm. I love this.

Then we get to the part where the light changes and we are ENERGIZING and ACTIVATING courage.

I am in a coffee shop so I am not doing the part at the end where I step into my courage, but I am sitting tall and visualizing it. It feels expansive AND grounding.

OK that was good!

I feel ready to take my next steps today. I've created a bunch of marketing content for the next few weeks, but I need to make decisions about how to put things out there, and when to do what, and having my inner courage with me feels so helpful for this part.

If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Deciding that this day is ✨magic✨ Read More »

I believe in a better future for everyone.

When I finished university with a degree in fashion design and started my career as a textile artist, what I really wanted to do was make things that made people believe in themselves, and their dreams.

Partially because I was desperate to believe in myself and my dreams.

Partially because there were times when I DID believe in myself and my dreams and when I had this feeling, it was everything, and I wanted to share it.

I had a lot of passion and desire as well as creative skills and talent.

I did not have ANY sense of how to make my dreams work in a practical, financial way. Nor did I have any support, mentors or role models for that.

But I didn't give up. I followed my dreams on a weird and winding road (which includes becoming an accredited spiritual teacher and having my clients refer to me as their "life coach" and not knowing what that meant) until I was 36, which is when I quit my last job (in 2010/2011) and made the Creative Dream Incubator my full time job and dream come true.

Even through a worldwide pandemic, inflation and late-stage capitalism, my business has been stable. I'm so happy that these days my dreams DO work in a very practical and financial way.

And I do want this for everyone.

I spent the first 10 years of my career with the Creative Dream Incubator working very closely with people and developing as many programs as I could. Then I took everything I learned about WHAT ACTUALLY WORKS and put it into one thing: Dream Book.

Dream Book is a sturdy container for growing your dreams. It offers support and guidance while holding your own intuition in the driver's seat. Because all of your answers are in YOU, but most of us do need support and space-holding to FIND those answers - and then to summon the courage to act on that inner knowing.

Dream Book is what I needed 26 years ago as a starving artist. And it's what I still need, and use, every day as I continue to explore, heal, grow and create.

Join me here.

I believe in a better future for everyone. Read More »

Success is inevitable

Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

What changes when you go into the thing already feeling successful about it?

I have been reflecting on our Marketing as a Creative + Spiritual Practice call where I was talking about choosing beliefs that would help you with your goals, and still feeling the magic from the Slow the fuck down! BE as powerful, creative + magnetic as you ARE call...

BEING as powerful, creative and magnetic as I AM - I can't help but feel successful about things I haven't even started yet.

That's what's on my mind as I get this new week started. I decided to not go out for coffee, I wanted to stay in and get organized. (And take a walk later today to get embroidery thread - I am working on one project and planning the next one)

Recognizing that WE CAN'T always feel this way of course, but also recognizing that processing the feelings that do come up around "my success is inevitable" is work that supports our dreams.

Doing the Dream Lab as my practice for today, my dream shows up as a rainbow in the sky, but not "rainbow-shaped" it's like a ball of rainbow.

It's a powerful energy force.

I feel it in my heart, and it expands to create an energy field around me, holding me in it's energy, protecting/insulating me from everything outside of this.

I do have a list of things I want to do this week. I feel ready to go do it now.

If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Success is inevitable Read More »

Shifting the balance of Dream Work and Outer Work (Weekly Dream Status Report)

Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

What are you up to today? Let us know in the comments!

Tell us what you're working on, struggling with, ask questions, share your goals, etc, in these daily posts. This is a great way to put stuff "out there" where only people who "get it" are going to see it.

On Fridays I post my Dream Status Report which is a series of prompts I use every week to help me have more clarity, momentum and groundedness on my path. The prompts are here. You can do them with me, or do your own thing.

My Dream Status Report:

PART ONE: (sometimes these can stay the same for months at time, sometimes they change often)

My dream is: BEING the artist + writer I want to be. This is the "big picture" dream - this includes lots of different inner + outer things, which I am working on clarifying in my Dream Book.

I want it because: This is what feels most enticing and interesting to me. I'm also noticing how BEING who I feel I AM is important for my mental health.

When I have it I will feel: Just a little more ME, more energized. Excited about the new work I am doing. (Before I had written that I would feel proud of my work, now it's more like I want to feel EXCITED about it)

My new moon intention: Being an inner match to my dream. I LOVED that new moon call, in the meditation I felt so magical and dreamy, this sense of wanting to stay in that space of deep dream work.

PART TWO: Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.

My dream shows up as a symbol made of energy, like not really visible but I know it's there, it's eight triangles, arranged in a circle, each pointing out. It's EXPANSION and it starts in my chest. It feels loving, inviting, confident and playful.

It feels like the energy from Slow the fuck down! BE as powerful, creative + magnetic as you are.


Last week’s focus was:Go deeper into my own joy.

What happened in the last week? There has been so much JOY FOCUS for the last while! It really feels like I've had three years of winter, and now it's almost spring.

Last night we had a condo board meeting and it was such a relief. We all said we feel frustrated about our email communication not going well, and it was good to get on the same page again. I felt so annoyed for feeling frustrated by that, like I know we all want the condo to run smoothly but it can feel like we're fighting each other sometimes and I don't like that that becomes an "energy suck".

I had a dream this week that stayed with me. We were at my friend's farm with the boys, my step-daughter was not with us. The farm is right on the southern edge of Lake Winnipeg, a great lake. The sky was bright orange and I saw dozens of tornados coming off the lake towards us. The entire farm was decimated but we were all ok, I just remember "waking up" in the rubble, and checking on everyone. Then I called my step-daughter who was in the city and she was ok but she said the whole city was destroyed. Then the phone lines went dead, I couldn't contact my sister or parents.

It stayed with me, but not in a terrifying way. It just felt meaningful. Then Joseph told me (he's been learning more about Indigenous dream interpretation) dreaming of tornadoes means the thunder birds are with you and destruction is change - he said that kind of massive destruction means profound change is coming.

What am I learning/How do I feel about this? I'm just still really thrilled and happy to feel like I HAVE IT. I AM HERE. I am BEING the artist and writer I want to be.

I don't feel grounded/integrated about it but I do feel like I have it. And I am so excited about what I can DO with this. The projects I want to work on this year feel SO EXCITING... and also... I am not rushing into productivity mode. I am giving everything, including myself, SPACE. This feels amazing.

What do I need now? Nothing is coming to me, keep doing what I am doing.

What does my dream need now? The circle of triangles stretches out. It needs space to expand. It feels like - quiet time for me, journaling, embroidering, meditating, taking good care of myself physically, mentally and emotionally.

And also - I am trying to find the right words here - it's not "start working" on my next projects, more like "create containers for them". Meet with the soul of the project and get a feel for it. Make space for them in my Dream Book. Make time to brainstorm about them IN A PRESSURE-FREE WAY (it feels important to not leap into "productivity mode" but to stay in a deeper relationship with these things I want to bring to life).

OH!!! It feels like the balance between Dream Work and Outer Work is shifting for me. Like Dream Work needs more space, and Outer Work will need less space.

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is: Get into the Dream Work of my new projects. Make space for them. (Projects Page, making Alchemy Wheels for each one, doing the Dream Lab to connect with the soul of the project (substitute "dream" for "project", Project Planning prompts) (there is also The Impossible Project Journals - which is not included in Dream Book, which guide you through the entire process of doing something that feels REALLY BIG but I don't feel that's quite where I am with this yet)

If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Shifting the balance of Dream Work and Outer Work (Weekly Dream Status Report) Read More »

Dancing with my dream, joy is the fuel

Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

I am feeling SO GOOD since the Slow the fuck down! BE as powerful, creative + magnetic as you ARE call.

I went for a blood draw this morning to test my cholesterol and even being in the blood lab didn't spoil my mood. (And I am feeling confident that now that I have dropped the "new pandemic habits" that had raised my cholesterol, these test results will be good or at least show progress)

Now I am in a Starbucks in the mall, not something I would normally choose but the mall isn't open yet so it's not as busy, and it's between the blood lab and home and I wanted to get coffee and breakfast and put on noise canceling headphones and WRITE.

I finished that first month of my new way of doing marketing. I feel SO GOOD about it. It's absolutely NOT how I want to keep doing things, but following my inspiration and doing something different was exactly what I needed. It helped shift my relationship with marketing and I feel so excited now to keep talking about my work.

Today my work is really outer work oriented: I want to make a list of my ideas for what's next: plan some new calls, there are a few new meditations I want to add to our library, etc.

Before I dive into that, I want to meet with my dream.

My dream shows up as a dancing person. There is glitter around them. So much joy.

"Hey girl!" they say "We get to dance and BE IN JOY"

I don't think I shared this here yet, I had a big realization last week.

When I started my business in 2010, or even starting around 2008 when I was taking this work more seriously while not thinking I would ever leave my office job, I was deeply committed to figuring out how to best support my creative genius.

What are the things that help me be as creative as possible and do my best work? What helps create a productive day vs an unproductive day?

Looking back I see I was leaning into some toxic productivity values.

During the pandemic I lost so many of those routines and since then I have been figuring out how I want to be now.

Here's the big realization: all the things I found over the years that help me do my best work ACTUALLY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WORK OR PRODUCTIVITY.


My joy is the thing that brings out my best work. The work part happens naturally when I am happy. The work part is a slog when I am depressed and it's stressful when I'm anxious.

Like walking/biking to a coffee shop and drinking coffee and journaling. This isn't a productivity hack it just makes me happy. And when I am happy my creativity flows.

I knew being happy was a part of it, but I see now that that's ALL of it.

If I can give myself permission to do MORE and MORE things that make me happy, the work will take care of itself. There are so many things I feel inspired to create, and when I am filled up and happy this feels fun and pressure-free. When I am NOT filled up, I feel overwhelmed by my own projects.

In some way I feel like I always knew this and in some way it feels brand new.

And my dream is reminding me: JOY. DANCE WITH IT.

So I will bring that attitude into my list-making and getting organized today.

If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Dancing with my dream, joy is the fuel Read More »

Giving it all some space

Get the calendar of upcoming calls here. | Get your next Dream Book lesson here.

Yesterday I did not do a thing I had on my list to do.

It was to write up a "final reminder" email/post about the Slow the fuck down call.

If you remember, I was feeling so good about how I marketed this differently, based on how I was feeling in January and wanting more structure and a less "chaotic all over the place" kind of feeling about how I put myself out there. So I wrote and made art and cut that up into a whole bunch of posts, spread them out over the month, and felt really good about how it all went.... but I never did that last "reminder" post/email.

Yesterday I DID NOT WANT TO.

I had a conversation between the part of me who didn't want to and the part of me who did want to, and the part who DID want to changed her mind super fast and came up with reasons not to do it, lol.

Then I tried to bring in the part of me who is concerned that I am sabotaging my efforts, but even she was like "it doesn't make sense to force yourself to do this if you're not feeling it"

I definitely don't want to push myself to promote my work. It feels gross, and I think people can feel that gross feeling in the post.

I did want to send a wholehearted reminder/invitation, but I wasn't feeling it, so I didn't do it. BUT THIS WAS REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE. I do like to follow through on my tasks.

Then, this morning I woke up SO EXCITED about our call and SO HAPPY about the day. I walked to the coffee shop and wrote this post (and sent it as an email) feeling so happy to invite people to join us.

I am SO GLAD I didn't make myself write something yesterday. Writing this this morning just felt so right. THIS is what I want from my marketing efforts, to feel THIS happy and excited about what I am putting out there.

(Also, I realized it's been 6 months since I started taking some herbal supplements for peri-menopause and while they were definitely helpful right away, I think I'm starting to see some long-term impacts kick in. I just feel better all around so this will impact everything.)

(Also also, I don't think I can discount the impact of how happy I feel about my embroidery project. Having a CREATIVE PASSION PROJECT and how that kind of lights up everything else.)

If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....

Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you

Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.

Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.

Community guidelines

It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!

If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.

Giving it all some space Read More »

I feel so optimistic about the future.

I just walked 30 minutes to one of my favourite coffee shops.

It's a bakery with a wood fired oven, so it's toasty warm in here all winter, and smells amazing. Off to the side is a little coffee shop with windows along both walls letting in so much sun, and the whole place is full of plants.

Between the heat and the sunshine and the plants it really is an epic place for journaling on winter mornings. (When the weather is nicer I prefer outdoor spots)

I'm sitting at a bar along the window, with a fresh quiche tart (red pepper and feta) and a really good cup of coffee.

Today's the day, Slow the f*ck down! BE as powerful, creative and magnetic as you ARE is happening this afternoon.

I have an almost-daily meeting with the soul of my dreams. Last summer it sent a really clear message one day: Slow the fuck down!!!!!!

I was like "Wow I don't think you have ever sworn at me before"

And my dream was like "This is the perfect language to convey the intensity with which I want you to slow down."

And I was like "OK, I guess" but I didn't really get it.

Then the next day the message was "BE as powerful, creative, and magnetic as you ARE" and over the next week or so it became clear that these two messages worked together.

Here's the thing: I was already moving slower than I was comfortable with. I was moving slower than I wanted to. I was moving slower than I see everyone around me moving.

So I didn't see how this message applied to me.

But the soul of my dreams is this energy force that includes my own soul purpose and potential, everything my heart desires, and all the ways I need to heal and grow to be able to move towards any of this. It has never steered me wrong.

So last August, I created the "slow the fuck down! BE as powerful, creative and magnetic as you ARE" journaling + meditation invitation. I journaled and mediated on this them every day for 30 days and shared this on my blog, and invited everyone to do it with me.

This theme still pops up inside Dream Book.

I've been surprised by how many members are finding their dreams also telling them to slow the fuck down.

Since then, I have continued to work with these messages when they come up. Some of the things I've learned:

1. This thing where I like to go for a walk or bike ride FIRST THING in the morning and then do some coffee + journaling - it's vital for my wellbeing. The voice that says "Maybe skip all that today, you have a lot of work to do" is always wrong.

2. Just because I was moving way slower than the people around me, and waaaaayyyyy slower than I was raised to move, still doesn't mean I am moving slow enough!

3. I carry a lot of generational trauma around working hard. It's very heavy in my body.

4. Me, moving slow, enjoying my life, pursuing whatever the fuck I feel inspired to pursue - this is my ancestor's wildest dreams for me. At one point I got in touch with one particular ancestor, I don't know who they were, but I could feel all the joy they felt about my life and were cheering me on to be even happier.

5. I started working on a passion project: embroidering my own clothes. I have been making my own clothes for a long time, which brings me a lot of joy, but embroidering my own clothes is next-level. I did not anticipate the joy and healing I would receive from this.

6. I wore one of my embroidered dresses to therapy and showed my therapist and she said "Wow! I have so many questions!" and we ended up having a really deep and intense therapy session around embroidery and how I am re-claiming my creative spirit and some of my original creative dreams as a young person fresh out of university.

I feel so optimistic about the world right now.

As the systems we have lived inside collapse, something so much better is ready to be birthed.

Slowing down is a form of dis-connecting from the culture we live in, so we can re-consider our values and needs, and create whole new ways of being.

I am so thrilled to be doing this work.

I hope you'll join me today for Slow the Fuck Down! Be as Powerful, Creative and Magnetic as you ARE.

It's happening at 1:00 Central (North America).

But the replay will be amazing too. On our last live call we had a conversation about this - some people had been re-listening to old calls and realizing that there is a potent magic found in the replays that is not on the live calls. Just like there is a different kind of magic on the lives.

Join us here.

I feel so optimistic about the future. Read More »


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