Dream Flowers
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Today I am meeting my dream
It's such a weird day. That big storm that was all over North America landed here last night and dumped a ton of snow. Today there is supposed to be more snow and so much wind we won't have any visibility by this afternoon. So Joseph is working from home.
I'm meeting my dream and there is a field of snow, of course, lol. But when my dream shows up, it shows up as flowers peeking out of the snow. Flowers calling in the spring.
I get this sense of trust. It's growing and blooming.
I lay back in the snow, comfortable and happy. Thinking of how great it feels to TRUST my dream and enjoying the feeling...
And then I know what I need to do next. GET VERY CLEAR about the next steps, which are incredibly vague right now. I'm going to journal about:
- what I want to do
- all the ideas I have for how I can do it
- which idea feels best? --- make a plan from that one
If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....
Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you
Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.
Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.
It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!
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