Showing up for my dreams (Weekly Dream Status Report)
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Tell us what you're working on, struggling with, ask questions, share your goals, etc, in these daily posts. This is a great way to put stuff "out there" where only people who "get it" are going to see it.
On Fridays I post my Dream Status Report which is a series of prompts I use every week to help me have more clarity, momentum and groundedness on my path. The prompts are here. You can do them with me, or do your own thing.
My Dream Status Report:
PART ONE: (sometimes these can stay the same for months at time, sometimes they change often)
My dream is: BEING the artist + writer I want to be. This is the "big picture" dream - this includes lots of different inner + outer things.
I want it because: This is what feels most enticing and interesting to me. I'm also noticing how BEING who I feel I AM is important for my mental health.
When I have it I will feel: Just a little more ME, more energized. More stable/sturdy. Excited about the new work I am doing.
My new moon intention: Focus on the book project - all the practices and routines that support my mental health which supports my creative process.
PART TWO: Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.
It takes a long time for my dream to appear! Then I realize - I am looking around me, and it's like RIGHT around me. Touching my skin and radiating out a few inches, this sparking energy, a knowing that I am being guided and also I am guiding myself and I got this.
Last week’s focus was:What kind of STRUCTURE will help me do the things I want to be doing?
What happened in the last week? I don't think I have ever had such a perfect question guiding my week. This was exactly what I needed. I am sorting out my workflow, routines, structure and from that... I FEEL MORE PRESENT! This is such a gift. I feel more present with myself, the Creative Dream Incubator, and my dreams.
On my birthday a few weeks ago, I wrote a social media/blog post where I proclaimed: I don't think of myself as a business owner or creative entrepreneur anymore. I think of myself as an artist, writer and mentor.
This changes how I plan my days and routines and set/go after goals.
In these last few weeks I am figured out what, exactly, I meant by that, LOL! I mean I knew it felt true I just wasn't sure what the details would look like. And I did get a little lost figuring it out, of course I did, but now I feel like I am on solid ground again.
I LOVE the Creative Dream Incubator. I care about it's mission. I feel honoured to take care of it. I'm sure I'll have my days again, but it's not feeling like "trying to run a business while the economy collapses and world burns" right now. It feels like I am being present with myself, my needs, my dreams, my gifts and how I want to show up in the world.
What am I learning/How do I feel about this? I FEEL THRILLED.
What do I need now? WRITING THINGS DOWN feels so important. I hadn't been using my planner for a few weeks, and now I am using it again, to write out how I want to feel and what feels important and I keep checking in with it, as a way of helping me stay present with myself and the things I want to do. Also: more journaling!
What does my dream need now? My dream is clapping! It's so happy I figured out this stuff about structure. It needs me to get into a groove with it.
Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is: I'm having a hard time putting this into worlds, something like: Show up for myself and my dreams in the way that feels right.
If you're looking for something to DO today in your own Creative Dream Alchemy Practice, I suggest....
Do the Meeting My Dream practice from the Dream Lab and see what that sparks for you
Want to try something different? Pop into the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find something helpful for where you're at today.
Or click here to get a journal prompt to get you started.
It can be so vulnerable to talk about our dreams!
If it helps, remember that you can let us know EXACTLY what kind of feedback you want. Just put a little note at the bottom of your post to say: What kinds of feedback I am looking for on this post: Then let us know if you would like encouragement, or to hear stories of what we're doing with our dreams, or whatever you'd like. You can also say what kinds of feedback you are NOT in the mood for, or if you don't want ANY feedback.
Showing up for my dreams (Weekly Dream Status Report) Read More »