Journaling: changing paths, resistance, structure
My plan this week was to draw my dream meetings every day. This is a practice I really want to get into. It feels soothing and restorative to do but also expansive and growth-inducing, as I continue to do it over time. I do go in and out of doing this as a regular practice…
After feeling so much enthusiasm for getting into this ALL WEEK this week, here I am on Wednesday not feeling it.
One thing about a creative dream practice that makes it so difficult to navigate, is that we do need to listen to our inner nudges.
I mean - is this resistance? Do I need to just follow through and do the thing and I will I be glad if I do that? Or is this information, telling me that there is somewhere else to focus, something else that I need?
With time, we get better at knowing the difference between resistance and an intuitive-guided change of direction. For me it’s how it FEELS in my body.
And this feels right.
Like this is a day for writing, for processing. This is what I need right now. The dream meeting drawing practice moves me into a different space.
Things are changing so fast. It feels like it anyway, after moving at a glacial speed for so long.
I am picking up the pieces of all the things that fell apart in the pandemic - specifically as they relate to my routines, habits and systems around my work life.
I am shifting from “I am just doing the best I can do keep going while the ground beneath me feels unstable” to “Oh wow there is so much magic and medicine in this unstable place what if I explore this?” to “OK this is who and how I want to be now, moving forward”.
I am gathering up the gifts and learnings and I know what I want to do with them and I even feel like I know how I want to do this.
This week we are exploring structure, habits + routines in Dream Book and I am LOVING IT.
I am seeing the places where I always approached this as a tool for productivity and, underneath that, fuelled by a desire to prove worthiness.
I am delighting in how those places don’t fit anymore.
As much as I am SO HAPPY on the days when I get more pages done for the guided journal I am hand writing/drawing… I love watching this project come to life but it’s not the productivity that matters to me now. I am not looking for the way to do this as fast as possible.
I am not doing all the creative self care practices in order to wring out every bit of creativity and productivity from myself.
I want structure to help me feel how I want to feel. Free. Expansive. Delighted.
I want structure as in SUPPORT. Ways that make it easier to be nourished - physically, emotionally, mentally, creatively, spiritually.
I want structure that makes it easier. Like the example I always use for containers and Dream Book… if you have a ton of sugar, flour, etc. just loose in your kitchen that’s just a mess, you can’t do anything with it. But if you have them in containers you can use them to make a fantastic treat.
And I am finding my way into these structures and routines! I am noticing what I need and finding ways to incorporate those things.
I am giving myself space for this to take the time it takes.
But/and/also it’s like each little new thing I find adds SO MUCH. They don’t add up, there is multiplication of magic happening with each new element being added.
Dream Book members:
Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with. Or go to the Structure Habits Routines class.
Get your next Dream Book lesson.
Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab which is what I am using for my dream meeting drawings.
Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.
Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.
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