Do the work [Weekly Dream Status Report]
Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.
On Fridays I do my Dream Status Report which is a series of prompts I use every week to help me have more clarity, momentum and groundedness on my path. You can do them with me (Dream Book members: come post yours in the forum!)!
My Dream Status Report for this week:
My dream is: I want to get an RV or camper van and travel… WITH MY CAT BEAR!!!! Create a comfy cozy home on wheels, and write + make art on the road while we have adventures.
I want it because: It feels so sweet and makes me happy.
When I have it I will feel: I think I will feel so happy, free and thrilled with my life.
Invite the soul of your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.
My dream shows up as a tree on a warm day. The leaves are sparkling where the sun hits.
Last week’s focus was: Give myself space to feel and process and heal and trust in the magic of my dreams and the beauty of my future.
What happened in the last week?
This was another rough week on the divorce front. And a lot of resistance about that. My new life is taking shape in front of me, I am happy and excited about this so I'd like to not have any thoughts or feelings about the divorce, lol.
But, again, I remind myself - I want to BE WITH all parts of me, all the thoughts and feelings, give them space to process and release and be able to move into my future not holding onto anything from this, except the growth and learning.
I remembered how my husband and I knew our relationship was sacred, and talked about the ways it was healing us. I want to believe in this - how if the marriage was sacred then the divorce must be too. That changes my whole experience of this time - it's like a vortex of healing and transformation. When I can hold onto that perspective, everything shifts. So I want to keep learning how to hold onto it WITHOUT denying or pushing away my actual feelings in the moment. It's this constant tightrope walk.
I'm working on a new free class - it's a creative dream challenge. I feel SO excited about it as a way of introducing people to my work and I LOVE that feeling of LOVING the ways my ideas are coming together.
I am co-working with a new friend who is a huge inspiration to me. I joined a craftivism group and am meeting them this weekend. The days are getting so much longer and our winter was frighteningly short and warm (the river I usually skate on barely froze over - the slate paths were only open for a few days this year!!!) and it feels like spring now.
What am I learning/How do I feel about this?
I have been giving myself SO MUCH MORE SPACE to process and feel and think and this has been so good. I am filling journal pages and just, not learning anything really but appreciating the magic of feeling more connected to all parts of me.
What do I need now?
As I sit with this question I just feel so grateful that I have been so good at figuring out what I need, and giving it to myself.
What does my dream need now?
I check in with the tree. It needs water, and a little fertilizer. It's already got plenty of sunshine.
This feels like it's asking me to "do the work". Like - the tree can't water itself. I get it.
Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is:
Do the work. And do all the things that help me be able to do the work.
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Do the work [Weekly Dream Status Report] Read More »