My Dream Status Report for this week:
My dream is: I want to get an RV or camper van and travel… WITH MY CAT BEAR!!!! Create a comfy cozy home on wheels, and write + make art on the road while we have adventures. AND... there is a sense of stability I had when I was married that I don't feel now which I want to create for myself, in a new way - still lots to explore with that one. AND I want to do lino block prints! First on fabrics to make my own clothes and then... I want to see where this goes. I've been gathering ideas and supplies and getting ready to start and feeling SO excited about it.
I want it because: It feels so sweet and makes me happy. And the block print dream feels like it will expand and energize my whole life. I feel like I am growing SO MUCH right now and my life needs to grow to reflect that.
When I have it I will feel: I think I will feel so happy, free and thrilled with my life. And also more stable and grounded.
Invite the soul of your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.
As I breath in creativity, light and knowing...I see myself in my condo. (I am doing this with noise canceling headphones in a coffee shop) This feels so GOOD.
My dream shows up as a tiny unicorn in my hands. It's alive, not a toy, lol. It seems like it's beaming with happiness.
It feels like - yeah it's really small, but it's here! It's alive! and it BEAMS with happiness. This is magic.
Last week’s focus was: Trusting myself, trusting my dream.
What happened in the last week?
Yeah, I have been on a big journey with trust.
I've felt a lot of panic and anxiety these last months. And I have been practicing TRUST. And this last week that trust really deepened, like it feels SOLID. I trust my dream and I trust myself to show up, and keep showing up, and taking the next steps.
This comes up so much on our calls, how much our culture makes it hard to be true to ourselves. It feels like I've been working on deepening my trust in the bigger picture, that life itself supports me in being who I am. I don't think it's as magical as I did 20 years ago, that the law of attraction is the only force acting in the universe. Our culture is full of systems that we, humans, have built and are acting on us in every moment. Individuality is one of the values of dominant culture, and I think taking the individualist approach to manifesting our dreams is off. I don't just want to free MYSELF to live my dreams, I want to impact the culture to change. This is actually a much deeper trust I think... to see the ways dominant culture impacts us, to name them and shine a light on them so that we have a chance of changing them.
This is what artists do, we influence and create culture.
Anyway, this may not make a lot of sense but I am feeling the magic of deepening my trust.
What am I learning/How do I feel about this?
I still feel like I am in a HUGE learning curve in terms of the inner work I need right now, the way my divorce has thrown things at me that I know are mine to deal with but it's just SO MUCH all at once. So... I feel everything, lol. I am learning SO MUCH.
What do I need now?
I've done so much to build/re-build systems/routines in my life and in my work. ALL the self care. ALL the creative space. I feel it all coming together, like THINGS FEEL MORE STABLE than they have since the start of the pandemic. I'm really proud of all of the steps (and even the mis-steps!) I have taken to give myself the foundation I need.
Right now, I just want to enjoy this. I have consistency and momentum in parts of my work, creative and personal life that I haven't had in a REALLY long time.
What does my dream need now?
The little unicorn in my hand is happy to speak:
I'm here! I'm alive! I'm small, take care of me so I can grow.
It also feels like - assume it's growing, another form of trust. Like if I had a kitten or a baby I would take care of them KNOWING they were growing. Not wondering if it would happen, lol.
Can I take care of my dream in that way? WHOA that feels like a good thing to explore.
Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is:
Can I take care of my dream as though it's a kitten or a baby and it's growth is inevitable?
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