Believing in yourself + trusting yourself IS THE WHOLE THING

THIS is the answer to everything.

And even though you DO believe in yourself, more than you ever have even… but there is always more.

Believing in yourself is a spectrum that never ends.

Trusting yourself is a spectrum that never ends.

And sometimes self doubt gets in the way of that and we have to keep PRACTICING to come back to self belief.

As long as you keep showing up and practicing, breakthroughs are GUARANTEED.


(Note from my Dream Book)

Your Self Doubt Is Not Yours You Deserve To Believe In Yourself

I've been talking about this for a while on our Zooms, and today I set it up - this call is happening on Sept 17 and it will come with a guided journal 🙂

For Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members: the call details are here.

For everyone else - I do want to make this call available on it's own outside the membership, I should have registration open next week.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

Believing in yourself + trusting yourself IS THE WHOLE THING


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
