Being my most wildly joyfully engaged self [Weekly Dream Status Report]

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

On Fridays I do my Dream Status Report which is a series of prompts I use every week to help me have more clarity, momentum and groundedness on my path.

Now I do my reports on the printable journaling sheet (this is accessible to everyone who reads the blog, not just for membership people) instead of on the computer, which I did for YEARS. I LOVE THIS. It just feels different on paper.

Last week I was SO crabby and lost.

I went to a coffee shop to do my journaling and didn't even have the prompts printed out and that felt like a real metaphor for how I was feeling about everything.

This week is so different! I printed out five new copies of the sheets and marvelled at the magic of printing from my phone while still in bed, and then picking up the sheet at my printer downstairs when I was ready to leave.

I really enjoyed this, I even filmed myself filling in the sheet and I'll share it, sped up, as a reel on Instagram today. I am having so much fun with that.

The focus I came to at the end of the sheet is: being my most wildly joyfully engaged self.

I'm still in that tango with resistance. But I have new information about that!!

I saw my doctor about hormone replacement last week, and she was asking about my symptoms and... she told me low motivation is a perimenopause symptom AND it's especially common with the other symptoms that I have.

And I think some of my resistance IS a lack of motivation and if the hormones could help that.... whoa.

So, yes, I am on hormones now! (no advice or feedback about the medical stuff! My doctor really understands this! I do want to share more about this too though - not the hormones themselves, but the process of GETTING HELP when you've been feeling like shit for a long time)

Time will tell if the hormones do help... but regardless I have a new dream work practicing of choosing to hold the intention that the hormones ARE helping and I AM becoming more motivated every day.

I had not ever, in all of my (many!!!) explorations of resistance, noticed that I do have less motivation than I used to have. It's like I've just been blaming myself for being foggy and tired and not wanting to do anything.

I'm excited about where these explorations will go. I'm starting with "I am more motivated every day" and using the meditation for the weekly mantras for exploring my reactions. Maybe get a list going about WHAT motivates me? How I WANT to be motivated?


🦄⚡️Creative Dream Incubator Weekly Coaching Call is today!!

Hope to see you there - or catch the replay over the weekend! Call details + replays are here. And after the call I'll start a thread in the forum to share your plans for the week and as a space for accountability and support.

If you can't be there live but have a question or there's something you are struggling with, send me an email this morning and I'll discuss it on the call and offer you some suggestions for things to do.


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your Dream Status Report or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
