A conversation with VISIBILITY

In honour of the Solstice, and how creative dreams = shining your light into the world, we’re doing a Visibility Teleclass on Friday, Dec 21 in the Creative Dream Circle.

Visibility terrifies me.? I’m also convinced it’s the only way for me to reach my goals.

This conflict has held me back and continues to hold me back and I’m sick of it.

So I’m holding a tele-circle about it.

Not to say “Hey I’m the expert, let me explain this to you” but to say “this is something we all need to explore and work on (me maybe more than the other Circle members) so let’s draw on the magic + possibility of our circle, invite Visibility to play with us, and see where it goes”.

In preparation for that, I invited Visibility into my day today, and with it has come an inner critic who wants it to be known that I have no time for this.? We’re in a disaster situation and I have important work to do and holy crap this is stupid.

And visibility is here, kind of like a ball of sunshine Smiling and Loving and not being even the slightest bit upset about the chilly reception she’s getting from my inner critic.

Visibility wants to pick me up and hug me and when she does, I turn into a very cuddly smiley face.? And she holds me up in the sky, like the sun.? And I get to shine my gifts for whoever wants to see them and it’s pretty amazing.

And then a bit of terror starts to burst through my little smiley face body… and it feels so big but actually it’s smaller than her smile.

Visibility whispers to me that the things I am afraid of actually have nothing to do with visibility.? The things I’m afraid of are just the things I’m afraid of.? I’ll be afraid of them with or without her.

That’s pretty mindblowing, in that well of course it’s true kind of way.

Visibility opens her hand to show me the story of what happens in my world when I let her in.? There’s success and ease and light and ohmygosh such gigantic smiles.? Who knew about the smiles?

Hmmm.? So visibility is not just a necessary evil like I thought it was, it’s a smile and a gift and a hug and I’m starting to want some.

The gifts of visibility.

I never even think about them. I’m always seeing the pain in the ass of visibility.

Which I am now seeing, is the pain in the ass of my own stuff, not the pain in the ass of visibility.? And that actually I can put that down now, if I want.? It’s time, it’s safe to do this, I’m ready to do this.

In fact, the “disasters” happening in my life right now are merely invitations to put this stuff down.

And again with the that’s so true it’s blowing my mind.

Want to play along?

You can invite any quality you like into your day just by pretending it’s there. Let it hang out with you, get creative with it and see what kinds of mindblowing true things it will tell you.

Or you can join the Creative Dream Circle and come to the Visibility Tele-Class which, now that I understand how to make friends with visibility, is going to be quite the party.


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