
ZING: Intuitive Spiritual Healing + Energy Work/Play + Creative Transformation + Custom-made HEARTfelt Art.? All together!


What do you wish to transform?

  • Is it a Bossy-Pants Inner Critic?
  • A limiting belief that you know is not true but you just can’t shake it?
  • A sad story that you’re ready to leave in the past?
  • A fear that has held you back for too long?
  • This obstacle that you can’t quite seem to get around?
  • Or is it something invisible… you know something is stopping you from moving forward but you don’t know what?

Imagine it… transformed, with love and spirit and the magic of creativity.

Imagine moving deeper into your inner truth. Aligning with the power of wholeness that lives within you.

Healing. Joy. Liberation. This is the magic of Zing!


You get:

  • One delight-filled phone session with me, (we’ll meet on a conference line with a US number) roughly 45 minutes long – depending on where our adventure takes us.
  • Recording of our session.

PLUS: Custom-made-just-for-you ART!

While we’re talking I will be drawing out a map of your transformation process.

Your very own treasure map! This will include my notes from our call, drawings of energy patterns, new qualities coming in, etc, etc, the kinds of messy heartfelt artwork you see in my journals – only it will be all about YOU.


Creative Intuitive Healing Work is powerful stuff.

?Dear Andrea,

Thank you for being so very present, open and agenda-less in our session. And so supportive!

It wasn?t just technique (I?m maybe too good at picking up technique when it?s not connected to heart) ? you have great techniques/skills, but it?s so obvious that they?re organically grown (from the heart out), not pasted on (tools with no soul for the work).

I felt seen and heard (as did all my inner voices ? ohmyword, I?m still grinning about how you suggested drawing them too) which is the biggest of the big.

Yeah, that might not be the clearest phrase – but that feeling of being seen and heard and accepted, having a space held ? it?s so huge I can?t find a way to write about it!

With much love and appreciation –

Karen Caterson,Writer & Creator of Square-Peg {Life}Support Guides www.squarepegpeople.typepad.com

Tery?Between my personal and business life, I had a lot on my plate. I was truly stuck with Time Management Skills.? My thought process at the time was to have a perfect schedule/itinerary. You helped me to realize that Time Management is more of being *effective* with your work within that time frame.

I was very overwhelmed and frustrated.? All the time I did have, I would just sit there in total frustration due to perfectionism.

After our session, I had to ponder. I had to reflect. Take it all in ? then I got it!

Now I am getting everything done!? If I only work for One hour ? that time is highly effective. I have jumped full throttle into my creativity.

Now, nothing stands in my way.?

Teresa Brouwer, Willow Creek Studio, www.teresabrouwer.com


?Andrea has helped me to rethink my relationship with money and planting seeds for my businesses.
What I love most about her work is her wonderful guidance and making creative pursuits less intimidating.?


Helene Kwong, Renaissance Woman, www.helenekwong.com


You can read more of what people have to say about working with me here.


Cost: $175, including delivery of your artwork.

If you have a question, email me using the contact form on this page.


There are currently no sessions available.

If you’d like to work with me – join the Circle!


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
