This summer I made a commitment to myself to draw every day.? (If you want to join me, I set up a Rainbow~licious Creative Healing Circle where you can play along for the summer)
I am so glad I am doing this!? Just doodling, not thinking or writing (much – sometimes a few words come to me at the end that want to be on the page) or planning.
Just being with myself in my creative flow.? This morning I’m listening to Steven Halpurn while I doodle – bliss.
This is opening up such a beautiful sense of spaciousness in my world.
Here’s this morning’s doodle:
Not planning means sometimes they come out pretty strange, like this one:
But those are kind of the best ones – this image came to me in a meditation a few days later and its meaning was clear then… lots of stuff is being worked out in doodletime.