I am of three minds

There is the part of me who believes in my dream.

And the part of me who is afraid it is impossible.

And the part of me who judges me for not already having it.

And it was feeling like these three are vying for control and the judging part was winning. Which sucked!

I drew this out a few times in a few different journals. I've just been sitting with it, not really trying to resolve it, just noticing and being with (which is a form of resolving!).

That part of me who judges me for not already having it... that's so cruel. It's a harsh inner critic who is not helpful in any way. She wants me to have it already because not having it feels, to her, like evidence that I don't deserve it and she can't tolerate the discomfort of that.

The part of me who believes in my dream is like... honey, you don't need to be all tangled up like that. Straighten yourself out. There is no part of me who is undeserving of this AND there is no reason to feel pressure to have it already.

The part of me who is afraid my dream is impossible is too scared to speak up. But is going underground to sabotage any progress because that's less painful than giving it my all, and then failing.

I need to keep the part of me who believes in my dreams FIRMLY in the leadership role. This vying for control thing is brutal.

What helps with that? DREAM WORK.

Specifically (for Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members):

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I am of three minds


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