Believing in myself…

Believing in myself…

as in believing that I can be the version of myself who can do the thing I want to do next…


Sometimes - YES! I feel it.

Right now it’s just yikes.

And this is the practice.

To keep bringing myself back to the place of believing in it because if I don’t fully believe it, that makes it much harder for me to make it happen.

You act different when you believe in yourself fully. And those are the actions that get you there. 

It’s not necessarily that you take huge risks because you believe they’ll pan out. You can act more confidently AND take little steps AND mitigate risk along the way. Often, when you really believe in yourself it doesn’t feel so risky anyway because you trust the little steps.

But, here I am today, not really feeling it.

I’m also not feeling LACK of believing in myself, or whatever the opposite of believing in myself is. I just feel tired and kind of foggy.

So I ask: does my tired and foggy self know how to do this? Like, can I be tired and foggy AND making little bits of progress every day?

What comes to mind is embroidery. That first winter when I decided to try embroidering things into my clothes. It took a while to get into it! But as I started taking steps, as in: firming up the pattern, drawing it out to figure out exactly how I wanted to do it, getting embroidery thread in all the colours, gathering needles and scissors with the thread.... eventually momentum took over.

The act of DOING helped energize me.

I wasn't energized FIRST, and then the doing happened.

This is so connected to the explorations around motivation I am doing in my Dream Book right now.

I mean - it's easier to believe in myself in this way when I see myself taking consistent steps.

It's all a loop.

I'm so excited to explore this in

Your Self Doubt Is Not Yours You Deserve To Believe In Yourself

✨healing circle for releasing self doubt

✨community spell for all of us to believe in ourselves, deeply and fully

✨guided journal for integrating the healing + magic.


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Believing in myself...


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