I’m stuck again

I actually just had a few days of feeling really good and sure. I’ve got this head cold so I am not moving as fast as I’d like to, but I didn’t feel stuck…

Until today, when I have time and space to take these next steps with the creative work and my mind just goes blank.

It’s a familiar blank. Like a haze that sets in when it’s time to be brave and sure of myself.

Bringing the haze into the Un-Sticking Station.

Hi haze.

Haze is a summer day, hot and muggy and let’s just lay around and read novels.

Yeah I am totally down to lay around and read novels! That’s awesome. AND this project is awesome too. It’s not actually muggy in here, it’s air conditioned and comfortable and I really could get to work for a bit…. what do you think?

Haze doesn’t want to think.

OK, I respect that. Can you tell me why you’re here?

It’s summer.

Yeah, but why are you in my head, right here right now when I want to get to work?

Oh! To stop you.

I see that. Why do you want to stop me?

I have something better for you.

Is it rest?



How can you and I work together on this thing? Like, I am open to this not looking or feeling like work… I notice that I’ve been doing A LOT of creative work in that journal and you aren’t wanting to stop me from that.

No, that’s awesome! I love that project.

OK, so how do we make this project just as fun?

Well for starters, you are trying to TYPE this project, and that project is painting and drawing.

But that’s not even true, a huge part of this project is drawing - just on the tablet, not in a journal.

No, you’re PLANNING OUT the drawing by TYPING on the keyboard. It’s all too… uck. Plan. Type. Boring.

So if I draw and paint the exact same thing in my journal, then it would be ok with you?

That, and - make a cup of iced tea. And sit at the art table to do this.

OK. Iced tea. Art Table. Drawing/painting these ideas into a journal instead of typing them on a laptop. And that would make this project work for you? No haze then?

And put your headphones on with meditation music.

OK let’s go try this…



(Yes, it worked)

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I\'m stuck again


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