I started my new Dream Book

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I’ve got my brand new metallic gold Leuchtterm 1917 brand “master slim” journal.

(One of our members emailed me that this one was on sale on the Canadian site, in the metallic colours and I LOVE a gold journal! and I didn’t think I needed a new one but it turns out I did, lol)

I am starting a brand new Dream Book.

Yes, I’ve been starting and re-starting Dream Book since fall. Between the sudden separation/divorce and my step-son being in a life-threatening situation, it’s been hard to hold onto my dreams.

And my dreams changed… over fall and winter I was dreaming of “a healing liminal space” and then when spring arrived I felt a little lost… ready to not be so much IN the healing but also… where am I now? What do I want?

Starting and re-starting Dream Book IS GOOD. It’s like this churning process for working through things.

This is not a race! It’s an entirely non-linear process.

Though I have parts of me who are like “Jesus Andrea, you are the teacher! Get it together! You should be able to move through the program!” and I laugh and say “Clearly I am the teacher and not YOU because if you understood Dream Book at all you would know I am doing it perfectly”

I am in the process, no matter what it looks like. (So are you!)

Though, parts of me DO feel satisfied to see I am making some kind of measurable progress with this new journal starting to look like “a Dream Book”.

BUT, filling in the first page, the Dream Page, I had this wave of… Do I deserve this?

And I could explain all the reasons why YES WE ALL DESERVE IT and I thought about making a page with all of those reasons but instead I did this:

I made a page just for writing: I deserve to believe in my dreams. I deserve to believe in myself. I am writing it over and over, in bubble letters, which take me some time to write.

So it’s this very slow, meditative thing and I love it. Writing something over and over is a great way to process. You can shift your beliefs this way - just make sure to BE WITH the thoughts and feeling that come up, don’t just try to force yourself to “be positive”.

Come dream with us


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I started my new Dream Book


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
