When is it time to give up?

This question came up on our November new moon intention-setting and coaching call. (If you haven't watch it, get the replay here)

On one hand, this is a really BIG question. 

But on the other hands there is actually a really simple answer:

Don’t ever give up while you’re feeling defeated (or scared, frustrated, in a state of panic, etc).

The whole point of Creative Dreaming is to act from your inner truth. Your intuition, creativity, your true self, your connection to spirit. To not be reacting to the world or following the path the world tells you to follow, to act from a deeper place within yourself.

So you know it’s time to give up, or make a big change, if that’s what feels right inside you. It may feel sad, but it feels right.

And sometimes “giving up” doesn’t end up being about actually giving up the dream forever. 

It ends up being more about taking a break or giving up the way you were pursuing something and finding a way that works better for you.

There can (and probably will!) be times when you are doing you best but things just don’t work out. The obstacles start to pile up and it gets really, really scary.

There can be times when the things we need are always just out of reach.

We’re all going to feel defeated sometimes. We’re all going to panic about how slowly things are coming together. 

There are big, uncomfortable feelings involved with creative dreaming. 

And most of the work of creative dreaming is processing those feelings, alchemising them into fuel for for the path.

But what if that work just feels like too much?

If giving up feels like a relief, give up. 

Give up on that particular approach to that particular dream. 

Give yourself some space to rest and replenish and process your feelings and I believe your dream will come back to you when the time is right.

Sometimes giving up on a dream makes space for a new version of that dream to find you. Sometimes that new version is BETTER than the original dream.

This is all growth work.

Growth means change.

Our dreams shouldn’t stay static.

And there isn’t a way to do any of this wrong.

Just keep showing up. It's really about showing up FOR YOURSELF, not for any particular outcome.

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Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.


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