Your dream is how your soul calls you towards your true self.
Your dream is not meant to be this static thing that never changes.
The last few months, my dream changed dramatically. I was dreaming of winter-as-healing-retreat. Taking fall and winter to really BE WITH my feelings, process everything, focus on self care.
The situation with my step-son has gotten much better. It was terrifying for so long, and the situation is still not good, but there is steady improvement. Instead of waiting for him to be stable enough for one procedure, they are doing the procedure in very small amounts, a few times a week, and this is going really well. He should be home sometime in November, to recover for a few months, and back into the hospital next year for another procedure. Nothing is certain but it seems like the worse is behind him.
Not feeling terrified about what is happening to him is a huge relief for me.
I’ve also had a few months to really grieve the loss of my marriage in a big way and process my feelings and I am feeling so much more grounded now. Joseph came over for lunch this weekend and it was nice to spend time together as friends and talk about what we want that to look like in the future.
So, I am no longer dreaming of winter-as-healing-retreat.
I mean - YES to healing practices and self care and hibernating. And I am so excited about the creative projects I want to work on this winter.
But also, all the things in my Dream Book from before all of this are feeling more important.
So this morning I did the Dream Lab and invited all of it in and you know what showed up… me, where I was. Lying on my Day Bed in my studio with my cat on me.
Feeling connected and magical. Powerful.
And my dream said: you’re doing great! Keep focusing on untangling all the threads.
(My to do list feels like a tangle of threads right now, but not SUPER tangled, like if I just keep doing one tiny thing at a time it will start to feel manageable again)
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Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.