(Bear and I can't even tell you how happy we are with the new Creative Dream Headquarters. We are still in the process of re-imagining the whole Dream Loft, but we do have this section done, our new Creative Play Space and we are soooo ready for a winter of staying in, drinking tea, and making art.)
It's true. There is still time for all of your dreams for 2022 to come true.
The Creative Dream Incubator sent me this message - I woke up with it Thursday morning.
It's true not just for me, but for you, too.
The Creative Dream Incubator also sent me instructions for the: Yes There Is Still Time For All Of Your Dreams For 2022 To Come True Alchemy Circle, which will happen on Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 1:00 pm (Central, NA) - but it will be recorded.
This is a burst of possibility.
And also a healing circle.
A new perspective.
And a shift in your INNER relationship with your dream, which will change EVERYTHING.
I do hope you will join me for that, but even if you don't, this message is for you.
Your dreams are ready and waiting to land.
This is NOT the time to give up.