The Art of Finding Clarity

As I shared last week, I’ve been feeling like my dreams had been hiding in a fog and that makes me sad.

But then Sunday morning I woke up early with perfect clarity.? Now that I know what I want and have an idea of what to do next, it’s so much easier for me to fine flow.? I’m happier and lighter about everything, clarity makes me ridiculously happy.

What I said last week about how your dream is a lighthouse is feeling more and more true for me.

Knowing what your dream is is about knowing who you are.? It’s about trusting your heart.? And bringing your whole life into alignment with it.

Our dreams really do call us towards our highest self.? I am so in love with how, now that I see my new creative dreams more clearly I feel more relaxed about everything.

It really does feel like I was navigating without a lighthouse for a little while, which I suspect is also an important part of the journey.

So today I’m really appreciating the lightness and ease that comes with knowing that I’m on the right path and being able to see my next steps clearly.

And I’m so excited to share the magic of this with you on Friday’s Dream Finder Coaching Circle.


This is exactly perfect for you if:

  • You have no clue what your dream is.
  • You’ve hit a major roadblock on the path to your dream (major roadblocks can be a sign that the dream has changed and you need to change to keep up).
  • Or you’ve GOT your dream and don’t know what’s next.

Working from the assumption that your dream is your soul calling your into alignment with yourself, we’ll dig in and discover what is calling YOU.

These coaching circles are magic because we are clearer and brighter and braver and stronger together.? By exploring this together we can help light the path for each other.

I’ve seen this happen time and time again – each of us brings a unique piece of the puzzle and when we put them together we find our answers.

During the call I’ll do one-on-one Dream-Finding Coaching with as many participants as possible where I will help you find your dream.? You’ll also get ridiculously inspired by listening in on the process of other people finding their dreams.

You’re going to love it.

This call is, of course, free for my Creative Dream Circle members.? But if you’re not a member you can still join!? The cost to register is $22.? You’ll get access to the live call plus the recording will be sent to you after.

It’s happening Friday, November 21, from 1-2 pm (Central, Standard time – click here to see this in your time zone)

The call will happen on my conference line, which is a US number – the number will be emailed to you after you sign up.

Let’s do this!

If you’re a?Creative Dream Circle member you are already registered and call details will be emailed to you.

If you’re not a member, click here to register for this call.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
