You know you're ready to DO this thing. So why are you not getting started?
This part, where the rubber meets the road, is just ridiculously awkward.
I mean - how could it not be?
How are you supposed to know HOW to do the thing you've never done? You can't.
You have SO MUCH inspiration and enthusiasm and you freaking LOVE this project - but all of those good things can't tell you HOW to do do it.
You can start taking steps, or just wait around for the path to magically appear.
This is what Build The Path By Walking means. That you recognize that this path isn't going to build itself, that there isn't a way to already know how to do a thing, before doing the thing.
So you dive in. You start trying thing, making mistakes and before you know it - you are learning as you go.
Easier said that done, right? That's why I made this guided journal.
Here's how it works:
This journal will offer encouragement to be awkward and make mistakes and not know... while also holding space for you to figure it all out.
This journal won't show you HOW to do your project because those answers are in YOU - it will guide you through the process of creating your own way.
I'll show you how to use the Build The Path By Walking method to NOT get tripped up by mistakes and fumbles along the way.
This can't be said enough: making mistakes and mis-steps and having it all fall apart is a TOTALLY NORMAL part of the process.
There simply isn't another way to do a thing you've never done before - other than to copy someone else's path, which is always a recipe for disaster.
Because YOUR project needs you to do it YOUR way.
So I PROMISE you that by trying the things you feel inspired to try, by respecting your ideas enough to test them, and by following your own creativity and inspiration, you WILL create your path.
These worksheets are the thing that turns "trying things, making mistakes and having no clue what to do next" into "learning and GROWING with each step".
You get detailed explanations on how to use each part and you'll see this shift is easier than you think.
Each time you finish 6 steps, you get a prompt for reflecting on your progress.
This is the second layer of "learning and growing as you go". These prompts have you looking at your process in different ways, to help you see different things in it.
All of this prompts are meant to spark new insights to help you with your next steps.
So, as you keep taking steps and reflecting along the way - each new step you take GETS EASIER.
This journal will coach you through the process of taking 54 steps with your "Impossible Project".
👉🏻 Once you've done that, you'll have both MOMENTUM and DIRECTION with your project.
You will have built part of the path and you'll know what to do next!
By using the Build The Path By Walking method to take each of these 54 steps, you'll learn an incredible amount about what your project needs, and what you need, to be able to complete it.
Build The Path By Walking Guided Journal for your Impossible Projects
This is a guided journal for taking steps, figuring it out as you go, and making remarkable progress on your project.
It comes as a full colour printed journal from Amazon, or a black & white PDF file you can print yourself.